710 research outputs found

    Off-critical Casimir effect in Ising slabs with antisymmetric boundary conditions in <i>d</i>=3

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    The universal scaling function W+−(y) of the Casimir force (y is a temperature-dependent variable) away from the critical point for thermodynamic systems in the Ising universality class confined between two parallel plates with antisymmetric boundary conditions [denoted (ab)=(+−)] has been analyzed using the extended de Gennes–Fisher local-functional method. Results on the universal function W+−(y) are presented in spatial dimension d=3 applying the extended sine parametric model for temperatures T>TR, where T>TR is the critical temperature of the roughening transition. The asymptotic behavior of W+−(y) for large values of the scaling variable y, y→±∞, is analyzed in general dimension d for T≫Tc, where Tc is the bulk critical temperature, and in d≥3 for T≪TR

    Flexible signalling strategies by victims mediate post-conflict interactions in bonobos

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    Compared to other animals, humans supposedly excel at voluntarily controlling and strategically displaying emotional signals. Yet, new data shows that nonhuman great apes' emotion expressions may also be subject to voluntary control. A key context to further explore this is during post-conflict (PC) periods, where signalling by distressed victims may influence bystander responses, including the offering of consolation. To address this, our study investigates the signalling behaviour of sanctuary-living bonobo victims following aggression and its relation to audience composition and PC interactions. Results show that the production of paedomorphic signals by victims (regardless of age) increased their chances of receiving consolation. In adults, the production of such signals additionally reduced the risk of renewed aggression from opponents. Signal production also increased with audience size, yet strategies differed by age: while immatures reduced signalling in proximity of close-social partners, adults did so especially after receiving consolation. These results suggest that bonobos can flexibly adjust their emotion signalling to influence the outcome of PC events, and that this tendency has a developmental trajectory. Overall, these findings highlight the potential role that flexible emotion communication played in the sociality of our last common ancestor with Pan

    Active optics challenges of a thirty-meter segmented mirror telescopy

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    Ground-based telescopes operate in a turbulent atmosphere that affects the optical path across the aperture by changing both the mirror positions (wind seeing) and the air refraction index in the light path (atmospheric seeing). In wide field observations, when adaptive optics is not feasible, active optics are the only means of minimizing the effects of wind buffeting. An integrated, dynamic model of wind buffeting, telescope structure, and optical performance was devleoped to investigate wind energy propagation into primary mirror modes and secondary mirror rigid body motion.Although the rsults showed that the current level of wind modeling was not appropriate to decisively settle the need for optical feedback loops in active optics, the simulations strongly indicated the capability of a limited bandwidth edge sensor loop to maintain the continuity of the primary mirror inside the preliminary error budget. It was also found that the largest contributor to the wind seeing is image jitter, i.e. OPD tip/tilt

    Anisotropic softening of magnetic excitations in lightly electron doped Sr2_2IrO4_4

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    The magnetic excitations in electron doped (Sr1−x_{1-x}Lax_x)2_2IrO4_4 with x=0.03x = 0.03 were measured using resonant inelastic X-ray scattering at the Ir L3L_3-edge. Although much broadened, well defined dispersive magnetic excitations were observed. Comparing with the magnetic dispersion from the parent compound, the evolution of the magnetic excitations upon doping is highly anisotropic. Along the anti-nodal direction, the dispersion is almost intact. On the other hand, the magnetic excitations along the nodal direction show significant softening. These results establish the presence of strong magnetic correlations in electron doped Sr1−x_{1-x}Lax_x)2_2IrO4_4 with close analogies to the hole doped cuprates, further motivating the search for high temperature superconductivity in this system

    Electrical conductance at initial stage in epitaxial growth of Pb on modified Si(111) surface

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    The electrical conductance and RHEED intensities as a function of the coverage have been measured during Pb depositions at 105 K on Si(111)-(6x6)Au with up to 4.2 ML of annealed Pb. The experiments show the strong influence of used substrates on the behavior of the conductance during the epitaxy of Pb atoms, especially for very initial stage of growth. Oscillations of the conductance during the layer-by-layer growth are correlated with RHEED intensity oscillations. The analysis of the conductance behavior is made according to the theory described by Trivedi and Aschcroft (Phys.Rev.B 38,12298 (1988)).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Surf. Sci. - accepte

    Active optics challenges of a thirty-meter segmented mirror telescopy

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    Ground-based telescopes operate in a turbulent atmosphere that affects the optical path across the aperture by changing both the mirror positions (wind seeing) and the air refraction index in the light path (atmospheric seeing). In wide field observations, when adaptive optics is not feasible, active optics are the only means of minimizing the effects of wind buffeting. An integrated, dynamic model of wind buffeting, telescope structure, and optical performance was devleoped to investigate wind energy propagation into primary mirror modes and secondary mirror rigid body motion.Although the rsults showed that the current level of wind modeling was not appropriate to decisively settle the need for optical feedback loops in active optics, the simulations strongly indicated the capability of a limited bandwidth edge sensor loop to maintain the continuity of the primary mirror inside the preliminary error budget. It was also found that the largest contributor to the wind seeing is image jitter, i.e. OPD tip/tilt
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