18 research outputs found

    Program Death Ligan-1 (PD-L1) Expression in Invasif Breast Carcinoma of No Special Type

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    Breast carcinoma is the most frequently cancer in women (24%) and the main cause of cancer death in women worldwide. Based on data from globocan 2018 shows the incidence of breast cancer is around 2.08 million (11.6%) which is the second rank of all cancers after lung cancer with a mortality rate of 626.6 thousand (6.6%). However, prognosis of the breast carcinoma is influenced by several factors, including tumor histology grade and Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs). PD-L1 expression has been investigated as a potential biomarker and immune checkpoint to assess the response of various types of cancer. This study aims to determine PD-L1 expression in Invasive Breast Carcinoma of No Special Type (IBC-NST) grades 1,2 and 3. This study used a sample of 80 cases of paraffin block for IBC-NST patients from 2017 to 2020. There were 17 samples (21.3%) with grade 1, 32 samples (40%) with grade 2, and 31 samples (38.8%) with grade 3. The number of samples with positive PD-L1 expression were 63 samples, and 17 samples of negative PDL-1 expression were obtained. In the PD-L1 negative group, from a total of 17 samples, 4 samples were grade 1, 10 samples were grade 2, and 3 samples were grade 3. In the PD-L1 positive group, from a total of 63 samples, 13 samples with grade 1, 22 with grade 2, and 28 samples with grade 3. Based on the Chi-square test, p value = 0.115 (p > 0.05). The proportion of PD-L1 expression was higher at higher grades. There was no significant difference in PD-L1 expression in IBC-NST grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3

    Clinical Characteristics for Predicting Recurrency in Giant Cell Tumor of Bone

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    Giant Cell Tumor of Bone is classified as benign tumor with unpredictable biological behaviour. Recurrency and metastasis of GCTB could be found in this benign tumor. Many studies reported risk factor for recurrency of GCTB. This study is aimed to determine clinical factors for predict the recurrency in the giant cell tumour of the bone (GCTB). We collected clinical data of GCTB, included age, gender, location of tumor, radiographic, histopathological examination, then we classified GCTB samples into 3 groups, primary, recurrent, and metastatic based on the clinical and histopathological examination. From 52 samples, there were 34 samples of primary GCTB, 7 samples of recurrent GCTB or 13,5%, and 11 samples of GCTB metastatic or 21,1% from all samples GCTB. The incidens of recurrency was higher when the tumor destructed the cortex (Campanacci Grade 3), the location was in manus, and the intervention was curretage. There was a statistical significant difference recurrency between tumor location in manus and other locations (p<0,05). Also, there was siginificant difference recurrency between wide excision and curretage (p<0,05). We concluded that the clinical characteristics that could be predictors for recurrency are tumor location and method of surgery

    Ekspresi Survivin Dan Potensinya Sebagai Biomarker Diagnostik Dan Prognostik Pada Neoplasma Tiroid

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    Keganasan tiroid merupakan keganasan  pada sistim endokrin tersering. Survivin merupakan anggota inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) berperan dalam tumorigenesis melalui beberapa mekanisme yaitu menghambat apoptosis, mendorong progresi siklus sel, angiogenesis, invasi dan metastasis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan ekspresi survivin pada tumor jinak dan ganas asal sel folikuler tiroid dan antara tumor ganas dengan derajat differensiasi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode cross-sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah blok parafin sediaan lesi jinak dan ganas asal sel folikel tiroid yang tersiman di Instalasi Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi RS.Universitas Hasanuddin dan Sentra Diagnostik Patologia Makassar (SDPM) dari Januari 2016 - Desember 2017. Jumlah sampel 92 kasus  terdiri dari  22 adenoma folikuler (AF) dan 70 karsinoma (21 karsinoma folikuler (KF), 37 karsinoma papiler (KP), 5 Karsinoma differensiasi buruk  (KDB) dan 7 karsinoma anaplastik (KA)). Pada slide dari blok parafin yang memenuhi kriteria dilakukan pulasan imunohistokimia dengan antibodi poliklonal survivin, wild type. Perbedaan ekspresi survivin pada masing-masing kelompok diagnosis dianalisis dengan SPSS 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna skor ekspresi survivin pada tumor jinak dengan ganas (p=0,000). Antara KP papiler dengan KDB buruk (p=0,021) dan KA (0,000) serta antara KF dengan KA (p=0,002), (p lebih kecil dari 0,05). Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa survivin berpotensi menjadi biomarker diagnostik antara AF dengan KF serta sebagai biomarker prognostik pada keganasan tiroi

    A Comparison of Endothelial Cell-Selective Adhesion Molecule and von Willebrand Factor Expression in Breast Cancer Growth and Metastasis

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    Background: Angiogenesis is the process of new blood vessels formation that contribute to tumor growth and metastasis. Endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule is one of the proteins that expresses in vascular endothelial cells. In vitro and animal studies have shown involvement of this protein in physiological and pathological angiogenesis. von Willebrand factor is a protein expressed by endothelial cells and megakaryocytes that has a role in blood clotting processes. In the current study, we investigate the expression of endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule and von Willebrand factor in carcinoma mammae specimens and explore their correlation with tumor growth and metastasis. Methods: We obtained 79 specimens from paraffin blocks of patients diagnosed with invasive breast carcinoma of no special type. The slides from these specimens were then stained with endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule, von Willebrand factor, and Ki-67 antibodies to assess vascular numbers and cell proliferation. Results: We found a total of 31 (39%) low vascularity and 48 (61%) high vascularity samples from endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule staining. There were 34 (43%) low vascularity and 45 (54%) high vascularity samples by von Willebrand factor staining. There was a significant correlation of blood vessel numbers in the endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule-stained samples with tumor volume, metastasis to lymph nodes, and proliferation cells. The von Willebrand factor-expressed samples only had a significant correlation of vascular number with tumor volume. Conclusion: Endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule and von Willebrand factor as the endothelial cell expressed proteins play a role in the angiogenesis process of breast cancer. However, endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule expression is more consistent than von Willebrand factor in predicting the presence or absence of metastatic breast cancer

    The Significance of Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) in Histopathological Grading of Invasive Breast Carcinomas

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    Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide with high incidence rate. Invasive breast carcinoma is the most common form of breast cancer. Prognosis and survival rate of the patient is related with histopathological grading of the invasive breast carcinoma. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) have been reported to be associated with patient clinical outcomes in a number of different malignant tumors. We studied the expression of TILs in invasive breast carcinoma using Hematoxylin Eosin (HE) staining. We studied the expression of are tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in paraffin block of tissue biopsy from breast tumor specimens. Immunohistochemistry was used to assess the expression of TILs in tumor breast tissue from 80 samples. Univariate and bivariate analyses assessed outcomes according to the expression of TILs in different histopathological grading. Of the 80 tumor specimens, 36 (45 %) of samples have high grade of TILs and 44 (55 %). On bivariate analysis, there were significant differences in the expression of TILs lymphocytes between well, moderately and poorly differentiated invasive breast carcinoma, respectively (p< 0.0001). As a conclusion; we found that the severity of invasive breast carcinoma differentiation is directly related to the degree of TILs expression


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    Kanker payudara adalah suatu penyakit yang multifaktorial hasil interaksi antara faktor genetik\ud dengan faktor l\ud ingkungan seperti hormonal, infeksi, bahan kimia dan radiasi.\ud Kanker payudara\ud hingga saat ini masih merupakan urutan teratas penyebab kanker pada wanita dengan angka\ud kematian yang masih tinggi di dunia. Namun, hingga saat ini penyebab pasti kanker payuda\ud ra\ud belum diketahui.\ud Berdasarkan studi epidemiologik dan penelitian klinis\ud -\ud laboratorium didapatkan\ud beberapa faktor resiko yang memegang peranan penting terjadinya kanker payudara pada wanita,\ud seperti usia mena\ud r\ud ke, usia menopause, hormon (endogen dan eksogen), riwayat keluarga\ud (genetik), paritas, laktasi, obesitas, aktivitas fisik, diet, alkohol, merokok, lingkungan, dan\ud riwayat biopsi atau pemeriksaan mamma lainnya. Pada penelitian ini, kami bermaksud\ud mengevalua\ud si dan membandingkan gambaran klinikopatologik dalam empat subtipe kanker\ud payudara berdasarkan hasil perwarnaan immunohistokimia dari ekspresi estrogen receptor (ER),\ud progesterone reseptor (PR) dan human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER\ud -\ud 2) yaitu\ud ER\ud /PR+, HER\ud -\ud 2+; ER/PR+,HER\ud -\ud 2\ud -\ud ; ER/PR\ud -\ud , HER\ud -\ud 2+ dan ER\ud -\ud /PR\ud -\ud , HER\ud -\ud 2\ud -\ud . Penelitian ini\ud merupakan studi retrospektif dari 89 sampel karsinoma mamma invasif. Gambaran klinis dan\ud patologis dari keempat subtipe ini akan dibandingkan. Berdasarkan ekspresi dari IHC,\ud di\ud dapatkan 10 (11.2%) sampel ER/PR+,HER2+; 35 (39.3%) sampel ER/PR+,HER2\ud -\ud ; 27(30.3%)\ud sampel ER/PR\ud -\ud ,HER2+; dan 17 (19.1%) sampel ER/PR\ud -\ud ,HER2\ud -\ud . Subyek pada subtipe ER/PR\ud -\ud ,HER2\ud -\ud lebih muda dibandingkan subtipe lainnya (p<0.001). Pada tumor subtipe dengan HER2+\ud ,\ud jumlah subyek dengan tumor differensiasi buruk lebih besar dibanding total jumlah subyek\ud tumor differensiasi baik dan sedang bila dibandingkan dengan subtipe lainnya (p<0.001). Tidak\ud terdapat perbedaan signifikant dalam status metastasis ke kelenjar limf\ud e pada keempat subtipe.\ud Dapat disimpulkan pada penelitian ini bahwa\ud karsinoma mamma subtipe luminal A memiliki\ud insidens yang lebih banyak dibandingkan subtipe karsinoma mamma lainnya. Juga terdapat\ud hubungan overekspresi HER\ud -\ud 2 dengan derajat differensiasi\ud yang buruk pada karsinoma mamma\ud namun tidak berhubungan dengan kemampuan metastasis sel tumor ke kelenjar limfe

    c-Met overexpression in breast cancer with positive axillary lymph node

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    Background: Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world and is the most epidemic cancer in women, with approximately 1.67 million cases. Metastasis of tumor cells to other organs is a major cause of the increasing trend of mortality in breast cancer. This study aims to analyze the expression of c-Met associated with metastasis to axillary lymph nodes in invasive breast cancer.Method: The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Anatomical Pathology of Hasanuddin University Hospital. Stratified sampling was performed from January 2014 - January 2019. Immunohistochemical staining technique was applied upon 66 collected samples, followed by evaluating the c-Met expression score in invasive breast cancer group with positive and negative lymph node status.Result: c-Met overexpression was found among the invasive breast cancer incidence with lymph node metastasis. Among 50 cases with c-Met overexpression (c-Met positive), 40 cases (80%) of invasive breast cancer with lymph node metastasis were identified, while 10 cases (20%) were found in invasive breast cancer without metastasis to lymph nodes. On 16 cases with negative c-Met, 3 cases (18.8%) were found in invasive breast cancer with lymph node metastasis, and 13 cases (81.3%) in invasive breast cancer without metastasis to the lymph nodes. The statistical test results indicated a significant correlation between c-Met expression scores and metastasis to axillary lymph nodes in invasive breast cancer (p <0.001).Conclusion: As one of biomarkers, c-Met overexpression plays a vital role in the treatment of patients with invasive breast cancer to predict patient outcomes and to determine modalities. It is possible to apply c-Met overexpression to investigate aggressiveness of metastatic tumor cells in the future

    Characteristics Based on Molecular Subtypes in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Cases

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    Diffuse B-cell origin large cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a type of non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphoma most commonly found in adults. Based on the gene or molecular expression profile, DLBCL can be divided into GCB (Germinal Center B-Cell-Like) and ABC / Non-GCB (Activated B-Cell-Like). However, identification of this grouping is still rarely done in Indonesia, especially Makassar City. This study aims to determine the characteristics of DLBCL cases based on molecular examination. This study used a sample of 44 cases of paraffin block for DLBCL patients from 2017 to 2019, then categorized using the Hans algorithm. Of the 44 cases, the number of GCB was 8 cases (18.2%) and ABC / Non-GCB 36 cases (81.8%). The incidence of female sex was slightly lower (47.7%) than in men (52.3%) with the most frequent location being nodal with 36 cases (81.8%) and extranodal as many as 8 cases (18.2%) . Meanwhile, age was found more frequently in patients with age &lt;60 years (32 cases, 72.7%) than those aged&gt; 60 years (12 cases, 27.3%) with a mean age of 52.57 years. The results showed that the ABC / Non-GCB type DLBCL was more common than the GCB type in patients in Makassar city

    The Relationship of CXC Chemokine Receptor 4 (CXCR4) Expression with Histopathological Grading of Invasive Breast Cancer

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    Introduction: The histological grade of the tumor influences the prognosis of breast cancer. In metastatic breast cancer, the stromal cells produce a chemokine (C-X-C motif chemokine 12/CXCL12) or the so-called stromal-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) as a chemoattractant, which binds to the chemokine receptor (C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4/CXCR4) which is expressed by breast cancer cells. This study aimed to determine the expression of CXCR4 in invasive breast cancer associated with histopathological grading of invasive breast cancer. Methods: This study is observational with a retrospective approach using a paraffin block archive sample diagnosed with Invasive Breast Cancer. Immunohistochemical staining using CXCR4 antibody and expression analysis was performed by light microscopy. The data were statistically analyzed by the Chi-Square test and presented in the table. The statistical test results were significant if the p-value was &lt;0.05. Results: Showed no significant relationship between CXCR4 expression and histopathological grading in invasive breast cancer with a p-value = 0.467. Conclusion: The data of this study showed that the expression of CXCR4 in Invasive Breast Cancer varied and did not support its role in determining histopathological grading