20 research outputs found


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    Floral size and shape measurements from Brassica rapa recombinant inbred lines (up to 6 replicates per line from the R500 x IMB211 RIL population) raised in AES fields at the University of Wyoming


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    Insect visitation in 20 experimental arrays each composed of three replicate plants of the Brassica rapa genotype R500. Within each block plants were randomly assigned to one of three treatments: control=not manipulated; duck fat=petals painted with duck fat, allowing UV patterns to be visible (i.e., internal control); sunscreen=sunscreen compounds disolved in duck fat and applied to petals, which experimentally alters UV patterned flowers to resemble dark UV-absorbing phentoypes found in Brassica rapa weedy populations. In each array insect visitation was recorded for a 30-minute interval between 1000-1200 MST


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    A QTL cartographer input file of floral size and shape traits estimated as genotypic BLUPs for recombinant inbred lines resulting from crosses between Brassica rapa genotypes, R500 and IMB211. The genetic linkage map consists of 1273 SNPs (naming scheme: chromosome_physical.location in B. rapa genome v1.1) across 10 chromosomes, which were identified from RNA-seq reads of expanding apical meristem tissue that was collected from RILs raised in the UW-AES agricultural fields during the summer of 2011. SNP markers were assigned to linkage groups (LG; R/QTL; Broman et al., 2003) based on recombination fractions (maximum rf= 0.32) and LOD scores (minimum LOD= 4.1). We used R/QTL to order markers within LGs, passing the resulting best-supported positions of markers to a ripple function to explore alternative arrangements in a 5-marker sliding window. The resulting linkage map of ten chromosomes has an average distance of 0.79 cM between adjacent markers


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    Concentrations of sinapoyl glucose and isorhamnetin in UV-absorbing or UV-reflecting petal blade regions from replicates of two Brassica rapa genotypes (R500 and IMB211) raised in the AES-fields at the University of Wyoming


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    Accession, site of origin, and UV pattern information on each Brassica rapa sample raised in the field (University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA) or sampled from herbarium sheets (Rocky Mountain Herbarium; University of Wyoming)