34 research outputs found

    Laccases Involved in 1,8-Dihydroxynaphthalene Melanin Biosynthesis in Aspergillus fumigatus Are Regulated by Developmental Factors and Copper Homeostasis

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    Aspergillus fumigatus produces heavily melanized infectious conidia. The conidial melanin is associated with fungal virulence and resistance to various environmental stresses. This 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN) melanin is synthesized by enzymes encoded in a gene cluster in A. fumigatus, including two laccases, Abr1 and Abr2. Although this gene cluster is not conserved in all aspergilli, laccases are critical for melanization in all species examined. Here we show that the expression of A. fumigatus laccases Abr1/2 is upregulated upon hyphal competency and drastically increased during conidiation. The Abr1 protein is localized at the surface of stalks and conidiophores, but not in young hyphae, consistent with the gene expression pattern and its predicted role. The induction of Abr1/2 upon hyphal competency is controlled by BrlA, the master regulator of conidiophore development, and is responsive to the copper level in the medium. We identified a developmentally regulated putative copper transporter, CtpA, and found that CtpA is critical for conidial melanization under copper-limiting conditions. Accordingly, disruption of CtpA enhanced the induction of abr1 and abr2, a response similar to that induced by copper starvation. Furthermore, nonpigmented ctpAΔ conidia elicited much stronger immune responses from the infected invertebrate host Galleria mellonella than the pigmented ctpAΔ or wild-type conidia. Such enhancement in eliciting Galleria immune responses was independent of the ctpAΔ conidial viability, as previously observed for the DHN melanin mutants. Taken together, our findings indicate that both copper homeostasis and developmental regulators control melanin biosynthesis, which affects conidial surface properties that shape the interaction between this pathogen and its host

    Interactions between Melanin Enzymes and Their Atypical Recruitment to the Secretory Pathway by Palmitoylation

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    Melanins are biopolymers that confer coloration and protection to the host organism against biotic or abiotic insults. The level of protection offered by melanin depends on its biosynthesis and its subcellular localization. Previously, we discovered that Aspergillus fumigatus compartmentalizes melanization in endosomes by recruiting all melanin enzymes to the secretory pathway. Surprisingly, although two laccases involved in the late steps of melanization are conventional secretory proteins, the four enzymes involved in the early steps of melanization lack a signal peptide or a transmembrane domain and are thus considered “atypical” secretory proteins. In this work, we found interactions among melanin enzymes and all melanin enzymes formed protein complexes. Surprisingly, the formation of protein complexes by melanin enzymes was not critical for their trafficking to the endosomal system. By palmitoylation profiling and biochemical analyses, we discovered that all four early melanin enzymes were strongly palmitoylated during conidiation. However, only the polyketide synthase (PKS) Alb1 was strongly palmitoylated during both vegetative hyphal growth and conidiation when constitutively expressed alone. This posttranslational lipid modification correlates the endosomal localization of all early melanin enzymes. Intriguingly, bioinformatic analyses predict that palmitoylation is a common mechanism for potential membrane association of polyketide synthases (PKSs) and nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) in A. fumigatus. Our findings indicate that protein-protein interactions facilitate melanization by metabolic channeling, while posttranslational lipid modifications help recruit the atypical enzymes to the secretory pathway, which is critical for compartmentalization of secondary metabolism

    A Family of Secretory Proteins Is Associated with Different Morphotypes in Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Cryptococcus neoformans, an opportunistic human fungal pathogen, can undergo a yeast-to-hypha transition in response to environmental cues. This morphological transition is associated with changes in the expression of cell surface proteins. The Cryptococcus cell surface and secreted protein Cfl1 was the first identified adhesin in the Basidiomycota. Cfl1 has been shown to regulate morphology, biofilm formation, and intercellular communication. Four additional homologs of CFL1 are harbored by the Cryptococcus genome: DHA1, DHA2, CPL1, and CFL105. The common features of this gene family are the conserved C-terminal SIGC domain and the presence of an N-terminal signal peptide. We found that all these Cfl1 homolog proteins are indeed secreted extracellularly. Interestingly, some of these secretory proteins display cell type-specific expression patterns: Cfl1 is hypha specific, Dha2 is yeast specific, and Dha1 (delayed hypersensitivity antigen 1) is expressed in all cell types but is particularly enriched at basidia. Interestingly, Dha1 is induced by copper limitation and suppressed by excessive copper in the medium. This study further attests to the physiological heterogeneity of the Cryptococcus mating colony, which is composed of cells with heterogeneous morphotypes. The differential expression of these secretory proteins contributes to heterogeneity, which is beneficial for the fungus to adapt to changing environments. IMPORTANCE Heterogeneity in physiology and morphology is an important bet-hedging strategy for nonmobile microbes such as fungi to adapt to unpredictable environmental changes. Cryptococcus neoformans, a ubiquitous basidiomycetous fungus, is known to switch from the yeast form to the hypha form during sexual development. However, in a mating colony, only a subset of yeast cells switch to hyphae, and only a fraction of the hyphal subpopulation will develop into fruiting bodies, where meiosis and sporulation occur. Here, we investigated a basidiomycete-specific secretory protein family. We found that some of these proteins are cell type specific, thus contributing to the heterogeneity of a mating colony. Our study also demonstrates the importance of examining the protein expression pattern at the individual-cell level in addition to population gene expression profiling for the investigation of a heterogeneous community

    Congenic Strains of the Filamentous Form of Cryptococcus neoformans for Studies of Fungal Morphogenesis and Virulence

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is an unconventional dimorphic fungus that can grow either as a yeast or in a filamentous form. To facilitate investigation of genetic factors important for its morphogenesis and pathogenicity, congenic a and α strains for a filamentous form were constructed. XL280 (α) was selected as the background strain because of its robust ability to undergo the morphological transition from yeast to the filamentous form. The MATa allele from a sequenced strain JEC20 was introgressed into the XL280 background to generate the congenic a and α pair strains. The resulting congenic strains were then used to test the impact of mating type on virulence. In both the inhalation and the intravenous infection models of murine cryptococcosis, the congenic a and α strains displayed comparable levels of high virulence. The a-α coinfections displayed equivalent virulence to the individual a or α infections in both animal models. Further analyses of the mating type distribution in a-α coinfected mice suggested no influence of a-α interactions on cryptococcal neurotropism, irrespective of the route of inoculation. Furthermore, deletion or overexpression of a known transcription factor, Znf2, in XL280 abolished or enhanced filamentation and biofilm formation, consistent with its established role. Overexpression of Znf2 in XL280 led to attenuation of virulence and a reduced abundance in the brain but not in other organs, suggesting that Znf2 might interfere with cryptococcal neurotropism upon extrapulmonary dissemination. In summary, the congenic strains provide a new resource for the exploration of the relationship in Cryptococcus between cellular morphology and pathogenesis

    Hmga2 deficiency is associated with allometric growth retardation, infertility, and behavioral abnormalities in mice

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    The high mobility group AT-hook 2 (HMGA2) protein works as an architectural regulator by binding AT-rich DNA sequences to induce conformational changes affecting transcription. Genomic deletions disrupting HMGA2 coding sequences and flanking noncoding sequences cause dwarfism in mice and rabbits. Here, CRISPR/Cas9 was used in mice to generate an Hmga2 null allele that specifically disrupts only the coding sequence. The loss of one or both alleles of Hmga2 resulted in reduced body size of 20% and 60%, respectively, compared to wild-type littermates as well as an allometric reduction in skull length in Hmga2(-/-) mice. Both male and female Hmga2(-/-) mice are infertile, whereas Hmga2(+/-) mice are fertile. Examination of reproductive tissues of Hmga2(-/-) males revealed a significantly reduced size of testis, epididymis, and seminal vesicle compared to controls, and 70% of knock-out males showed externalized penis, but no cryptorchidism was observed. Sperm analyses revealed severe oligospermia in mutant males and slightly decreased sperm viability, increased DNA damage but normal sperm chromatin compaction. Testis histology surprisingly revealed a normal seminiferous epithelium, despite the significant reduction in testis size. In addition, Hmga2(-/-) mice showed a significantly reduced exploratory behavior. In summary, the phenotypic effects in mouse using targeted mutagenesis confirmed that Hmga2 is affecting prenatal and postnatal growth regulation, male reproductive tissue development, and presents the first indication that Hmga2 function is required for normal mouse behavior. No specific effect, despite an allometric reduction, on craniofacial development was noted in contrast to previous reports of an altered craniofacial development in mice and rabbits carrying deletions of both coding and noncoding sequences at the 5 ' part of Hmga2

    Health Benefits of Coffee Consumption for Cancer and Other Diseases and Mechanisms of Action

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    Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide, and epidemiology studies associate higher coffee consumption with decreased rates of mortality and decreased rates of neurological and metabolic diseases, including Parkinson’s disease and type 2 diabetes. In addition, there is also evidence that higher coffee consumption is associated with lower rates of colon and rectal cancer, as well as breast, endometrial, and other cancers, although for some of these cancers, the results are conflicting. These studies reflect the chemopreventive effects of coffee; there is also evidence that coffee consumption may be therapeutic for some forms of breast and colon cancer, and this needs to be further investigated. The mechanisms associated with the chemopreventive or chemotherapeutic effects of over 1000 individual compounds in roasted coffee are complex and may vary with different diseases. Some of these mechanisms may be related to nuclear factor erythroid 2 (Nrf2)-regulated pathways that target oxidative stress or pathways that induce reactive oxygen species to kill diseased cells (primarily therapeutic). There is evidence for the involvement of receptors which include the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and orphan nuclear receptor 4A1 (NR4A1), as well as contributions from epigenetic pathways and the gut microbiome. Further elucidation of the mechanisms will facilitate the potential future clinical applications of coffee extracts for treating cancer and other inflammatory diseases

    Health Benefits of Coffee Consumption for Cancer and Other Diseases and Mechanisms of Action

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    Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide, and epidemiology studies associate higher coffee consumption with decreased rates of mortality and decreased rates of neurological and metabolic diseases, including Parkinson’s disease and type 2 diabetes. In addition, there is also evidence that higher coffee consumption is associated with lower rates of colon and rectal cancer, as well as breast, endometrial, and other cancers, although for some of these cancers, the results are conflicting. These studies reflect the chemopreventive effects of coffee; there is also evidence that coffee consumption may be therapeutic for some forms of breast and colon cancer, and this needs to be further investigated. The mechanisms associated with the chemopreventive or chemotherapeutic effects of over 1000 individual compounds in roasted coffee are complex and may vary with different diseases. Some of these mechanisms may be related to nuclear factor erythroid 2 (Nrf2)-regulated pathways that target oxidative stress or pathways that induce reactive oxygen species to kill diseased cells (primarily therapeutic). There is evidence for the involvement of receptors which include the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and orphan nuclear receptor 4A1 (NR4A1), as well as contributions from epigenetic pathways and the gut microbiome. Further elucidation of the mechanisms will facilitate the potential future clinical applications of coffee extracts for treating cancer and other inflammatory diseases

    Subcellular Compartmentalization and Trafficking of the Biosynthetic Machinery for Fungal Melanin

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    Protection by melanin depends on its subcellular location. Although most filamentous fungi synthesize melanin via a polyketide synthase pathway, where and how melanin biosynthesis occurs and how it is deposited as extracellular granules remain elusive. Using a forward genetic screen in the pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus, we find that mutations in an endosomal sorting nexin abolish melanin cell-wall deposition. We find that all enzymes involved in the early steps of melanin biosynthesis are recruited to endosomes through a non-conventional secretory pathway. In contrast, late melanin enzymes accumulate in the cell wall. Such subcellular compartmentalization of the melanin biosynthetic machinery occurs in both A. fumigatus and A. nidulans. Thus, fungal melanin biosynthesis appears to be initiated in endosomes with exocytosis leading to melanin extracellular deposition, much like the synthesis and trafficking of mammalian melanin in endosomally derived melanosomes