7 research outputs found

    α-Connections and a Symmetric Cubic Form on a Riemannian Manifold

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    In this paper, we study the construction of α -conformally equivalent statistical manifolds for a given symmetric cubic form on a Riemannian manifold. In particular, we describe a method to obtain α -conformally equivalent connections from the relation between tensors and the symmetric cubic form

    Extended Divergence on a Foliation by Deformed Probability Simplexes

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    This study considers a new decomposition of an extended divergence on a foliation by deformed probability simplexes from the information geometry perspective. In particular, we treat the case where each deformed probability simplex corresponds to a set of q-escort distributions. For the foliation, different q-parameters and the corresponding α-parameters of dualistic structures are defined on each of the various leaves. We propose the divergence decomposition theorem that guides the proximity of q-escort distributions with different q-parameters and compare the new theorem to the previous theorem of the standard divergence on a Hessian manifold with a fixed α-parameter

    1-conformally flat statistical submanifolds

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    精神疾患患者の退院後の訪問看護の目的には,服薬の指導,日常生活の支援のほか,家族関係の調整などがある。今回われわれが取り扱った症例は,姉,妹ともに非定型精神病(オネイロフレニア)に罹患し,また父親も同じ非定型精神病の既往がある。さらに,父親,母親何れも性格的な偏りが強いため,常に家庭内緊張が強く,いわゆる高EEの家庭で,その結果姉,妹が交互に再発,再入院を繰り返している。しかし訪問看護を始めてから父親の娘たちに対する態度が変わり,家庭内緊張も少なくなり,心因により再発し易い非定型精神病患者に対して良い影響を与えることになった。The objectives of home-visit nursing for patients with psychoses after discharge from the hospital include guidance, administration of medicine, daily life support, instruction and counseling for family members, etc. Two of our patients were sisters suffering from atypical psychoses (oneirophrenia). Their father also had a history of atypical psychoses. Because their father and mother were both subject to sudden and severe mood changes resulting in an atmosphere of high tension within the family. It was what is called a \u27high EE\u27 (Expressed Emotion) home. As a result, the two sisters repeatedly suffered flare-ups of their symptoms and they were often alternately rehospitalized. However, since the commencement of home-visit nursing, the father\u27s attitude towards his daughters has changed markedly and the tension in the family has lessened, which has positively influenced the patients with atypical psychoses who previously suffered frequent psychological flare-ups