472 research outputs found

    Bayesian Estimation for Continuous-Time Sparse Stochastic Processes

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    We consider continuous-time sparse stochastic processes from which we have only a finite number of noisy/noiseless samples. Our goal is to estimate the noiseless samples (denoising) and the signal in-between (interpolation problem). By relying on tools from the theory of splines, we derive the joint a priori distribution of the samples and show how this probability density function can be factorized. The factorization enables us to tractably implement the maximum a posteriori and minimum mean-square error (MMSE) criteria as two statistical approaches for estimating the unknowns. We compare the derived statistical methods with well-known techniques for the recovery of sparse signals, such as the 1\ell_1 norm and Log (1\ell_1-0\ell_0 relaxation) regularization methods. The simulation results show that, under certain conditions, the performance of the regularization techniques can be very close to that of the MMSE estimator.Comment: To appear in IEEE TS

    Isotropic inverse-problem approach for two-dimensional phase unwrapping

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    In this paper, we propose a new technique for two-dimensional phase unwrapping. The unwrapped phase is found as the solution of an inverse problem that consists in the minimization of an energy functional. The latter includes a weighted data-fidelity term that favors sparsity in the error between the true and wrapped phase differences, as well as a regularizer based on higher-order total-variation. One desirable feature of our method is its rotation invariance, which allows it to unwrap a much larger class of images compared to the state of the art. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through several experiments on simulated and real data obtained through the tomographic phase microscope. The proposed method can enhance the applicability and outreach of techniques that rely on quantitative phase evaluation

    Structure tensor total variation

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics via the DOI in this record.We introduce a novel generic energy functional that we employ to solve inverse imaging problems within a variational framework. The proposed regularization family, termed as structure tensor total variation (STV), penalizes the eigenvalues of the structure tensor and is suitable for both grayscale and vector-valued images. It generalizes several existing variational penalties, including the total variation seminorm and vectorial extensions of it. Meanwhile, thanks to the structure tensor’s ability to capture first-order information around a local neighborhood, the STV functionals can provide more robust measures of image variation. Further, we prove that the STV regularizers are convex while they also satisfy several invariance properties w.r.t. image transformations. These properties qualify them as ideal candidates for imaging applications. In addition, for the discrete version of the STV functionals we derive an equivalent definition that is based on the patch-based Jacobian operator, a novel linear operator which extends the Jacobian matrix. This alternative definition allow us to derive a dual problem formulation. The duality of the problem paves the way for employing robust tools from convex optimization and enables us to design an efficient and parallelizable optimization algorithm. Finally, we present extensive experiments on various inverse imaging problems, where we compare our regularizers with other competing regularization approaches. Our results are shown to be systematically superior, both quantitatively and visually

    A Learning Approach to Optical Tomography

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    We describe a method for imaging 3D objects in a tomographic configuration implemented by training an artificial neural network to reproduce the complex amplitude of the experimentally measured scattered light. The network is designed such that the voxel values of the refractive index of the 3D object are the variables that are adapted during the training process. We demonstrate the method experimentally by forming images of the 3D refractive index distribution of cells

    A dynamical description of neutron star crusts

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    Neutron Stars are natural laboratories where fundamental properties of matter under extreme conditions can be explored. Modern nuclear physics input as well as many-body theories are valuable tools which may allow us to improve our understanding of the physics of those compact objects. In this work the occurrence of exotic structures in the outermost layers of neutron stars is investigated within the framework of a microscopic model. In this approach the nucleonic dynamics is described by a time-dependent mean field approach at around zero temperature. Starting from an initial crystalline lattice of nuclei at subnuclear densities the system evolves toward a manifold of self-organized structures with different shapes and similar energies. These structures are studied in terms of a phase diagram in density and the corresponding sensitivity to the isospin-dependent part of the equation of state and to the isotopic composition is investigated.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, conference NN201

    Matérn B-Splines and the Optimal Reconstruction of Signals

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    Starting from the power spectral density of Matérn stochastic processes, we introduce a new family of splines that is defined in terms of the whitening operator of such processes. We show that these Matérn splines admit a stable representation in a B-spline-like basis. We specify the Matérn B-splines (causal and symmetric) and identify their key properties; in particular, we prove that these generate a Riesz basis and that they can be written as a product of an exponential with a fractional polynomial B-spline. We also indicate how these new functions bridge the gap between the fractional polynomial splines and the cardinal exponential ones. We then show that these splines provide the optimal reconstruction space for the minimum mean-squared error estimation of Matérn signals from their noisy samples. We also propose a digital Wiener-filter-like algorithm for the efficient determination of the optimal B-spline coefficients

    An Optimized Spline-Based Registration of a 3D CT to a Set of C-Arm Images

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    We have developed an algorithm for the rigid-body registration of a CT volume to a set of C-arm images. The algorithm uses a gradient-based iterative minimization of a least-squares measure of dissimilarity between the C-arm images and projections of the CT volume. To compute projections, we use a novel method for fast integration of the volume along rays. To improve robustness and speed, we take advantage of a coarse-to-fine processing of the volume/image pyramids. To compute the projections of the volume, the gradient of the dissimilarity measure, and the multiresolution data pyramids, we use a continuous image/volume model based on cubic B-splines, which ensures a high interpolation accuracy and a gradient of the dissimilarity measure that is well defined everywhere. We show the performance of our algorithm on a human spine phantom, where the true alignment is determined using a set of fiducial markers

    Logarithmic transformation technique for exact signal recovery in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography

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    Approximate Message Passing with Consistent Parameter Estimation and Applications to Sparse Learning

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    We consider the estimation of an i.i.d. (possibly non-Gaussian) vector \xbf \in \R^n from measurements \ybf \in \R^m obtained by a general cascade model consisting of a known linear transform followed by a probabilistic componentwise (possibly nonlinear) measurement channel. A novel method, called adaptive generalized approximate message passing (Adaptive GAMP), that enables joint learning of the statistics of the prior and measurement channel along with estimation of the unknown vector \xbf is presented. The proposed algorithm is a generalization of a recently-developed EM-GAMP that uses expectation-maximization (EM) iterations where the posteriors in the E-steps are computed via approximate message passing. The methodology can be applied to a large class of learning problems including the learning of sparse priors in compressed sensing or identification of linear-nonlinear cascade models in dynamical systems and neural spiking processes. We prove that for large i.i.d. Gaussian transform matrices the asymptotic componentwise behavior of the adaptive GAMP algorithm is predicted by a simple set of scalar state evolution equations. In addition, we show that when a certain maximum-likelihood estimation can be performed in each step, the adaptive GAMP method can yield asymptotically consistent parameter estimates, which implies that the algorithm achieves a reconstruction quality equivalent to the oracle algorithm that knows the correct parameter values. Remarkably, this result applies to essentially arbitrary parametrizations of the unknown distributions, including ones that are nonlinear and non-Gaussian. The adaptive GAMP methodology thus provides a systematic, general and computationally efficient method applicable to a large range of complex linear-nonlinear models with provable guarantees.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure