2 research outputs found

    Kajian Stilistika Novel Assalamualaikum Beijing Karya Asma Nadia Dan Relevansinya Sebagai Materi Ajar Bahasa Indonesia Di Kelas XII SMA

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    : The aims of this research are to describe the characteristic diction, sentence style, discourse style, figurative language, imagery of Assalamualaikum Beijing by Asma Nadia, and the relevance of the results of studies as Bahasa Indonesia teaching material in the 12th grade of the Senior High School. This study is a qualitative descriptive with content analysis method. The results showed that Assalamualaikum Beijing dominated by loan word, hyperbole, personification, and visual imagery. The style of discourse consists of code mixing and code switching that involved Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Arabic is used by Asma Nadia to impress the communicative effect among the characters dialogue so that the story in the novel looks more natural and alive. The Assalamualaikum Beijing by Asma Nadia generally can be used as teaching material in Bahasa Indonesia subject in the 12th grade of senior high school, but the teachers have to consider about the students background and by guidance of the teacher to avoid misinterpretation of the story content


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    Abstract: The aims of this research are to describe the characteristic diction, sentence style, discourse style, figurative language, imagery  of Assalamualaikum Beijing by Asma Nadia, and the relevance of the results of studies as Bahasa Indonesia teaching material in the 12th grade of the Senior High School. This study is a qualitative descriptive with content analysis method. The results showed that Assalamualaikum Beijing dominated by loan word, hyperbole, personification, and visual imagery. The style of discourse consists of code mixing and code switching that involved Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Arabic is used by Asma Nadia to impress the communicative effect among the characters dialogue so that the story in the novel looks more natural and alive. The Assalamualaikum Beijing by Asma Nadia generally can be used as teaching material in Bahasa Indonesia subject in the 12th grade of senior high school, but the teachers have to consider about the students background and by guidance of the teacher to avoid misinterpretation of the story content. Keywords: novel, stylistic, figurative language Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik diksi, gaya kalimat, gaya wacana, bahasa figuratif, citraan dalam novel Assalamualaikum Beijing karya Asma Nadia, dan relevansi hasil kajian stilistika pada novel Assalamualaikum Beijing karya Asma Nadia sebagai materi ajar Bahasa Indonesia di kelas XII SMA. Penelitian ini berbentuk deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa novel Assalamualaikum Beijing karya Asma Nadia didominasi oleh kata asing, gaya kalimat hiperbola, majas personifikasi, dan citraan penglihatan. Gaya wacana berupa campur kode dan alih kode yang melibatkan bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, dan bahasa Arab dimanfaatkan Asma Nadia untuk menimbulkan kesan komunikatif pada dialog antartokoh sehingga cerita dalam novel terlihat lebih natural dan hidup. Novel Assalamualaikum Beijing ini secara umum dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran novel di kelas dengan mempertimbangakn latar belakang peserta didik dan dengan bimbingan dari guru untuk menghindari salah tafsir kandungan dalam cerita tersebut. Kata kunci: novel, stilistika, gaya bahas