46 research outputs found

    Ebbie: automated analysis and storage of small RNA cloning data using a dynamic web server

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    BACKGROUND: DNA sequencing is used ubiquitously: from deciphering genomes[1] to determining the primary sequence of small RNAs (smRNAs) [2-5]. The cloning of smRNAs is currently the most conventional method to determine the actual sequence of these important regulators of gene expression. Typical smRNA cloning projects involve the sequencing of hundreds to thousands of smRNA clones that are delimited at their 5' and 3' ends by fixed sequence regions. These primers result from the biochemical protocol used to isolate and convert the smRNA into clonable PCR products. Recently we completed a smRNA cloning project involving tobacco plants, where analysis was required for ~700 smRNA sequences[6]. Finding no easily accessible research tool to enter and analyze smRNA sequences we developed Ebbie to assist us with our study. RESULTS: Ebbie is a semi-automated smRNA cloning data processing algorithm, which initially searches for any substring within a DNA sequencing text file, which is flanked by two constant strings. The substring, also termed smRNA or insert, is stored in a MySQL and BlastN database. These inserts are then compared using BlastN to locally installed databases allowing the rapid comparison of the insert to both the growing smRNA database and to other static sequence databases. Our laboratory used Ebbie to analyze scores of DNA sequencing data originating from an smRNA cloning project[6]. Through its built-in instant analysis of all inserts using BlastN, we were able to quickly identify 33 groups of smRNAs from ~700 database entries. This clustering allowed the easy identification of novel and highly expressed clusters of smRNAs. Ebbie is available under GNU GPL and currently implemented on CONCLUSION: Ebbie was designed for medium sized smRNA cloning projects with about 1,000 database entries [6-8].Ebbie can be used for any type of sequence analysis where two constant primer regions flank a sequence of interest. The reliable storage of inserts, and their annotation in a MySQL database, BlastN[9] comparison of new inserts to dynamic and static databases make it a powerful new tool in any laboratory using DNA sequencing. Ebbie also prevents manual mistakes during the excision process and speeds up annotation and data-entry. Once the server is installed locally, its access can be restricted to protect sensitive new DNA sequencing data. Ebbie was primarily designed for smRNA cloning projects, but can be applied to a variety of RNA and DNA cloning projects[2,3,10,11]

    Ribonucleoprotein Purification and Characterization Using RNA Mango

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    The characterization of RNA–protein complexes (RNPs) is a difficult but increasingly important problem in modern biology. By combining the compact RNA Mango aptamer with a fluorogenic thiazole orange desthiobiotin (TO1-Dtb or TO3-Dtb) ligand, we have created an RNA tagging system that simplifies the purification and subsequent characterization of endogenous RNPs. Mango-tagged RNP complexes can be immobilized on a streptavidin solid support and recovered in their native state by the addition of free biotin. Furthermore, Mango-based RNP purification can be adapted to different scales of RNP isolation ranging from pull-down assays to the isolation of large amounts of biochemically defined cellular RNPs. We have incorporated the Mango aptamer into the S. cerevisiae U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA), shown that the Mango-snRNA is functional in cells, and used the aptamer to pull down a U1 snRNA-associated protein. To demonstrate large-scale isolation of RNPs, we purified and characterized bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme (HE) in complex with a Mango-containing 6S RNA. We were able to use the combination of a red-shifted TO3-Dtb ligand and eGFP-tagged HE to follow the binding and release of the 6S RNA by two-color native gel analysis as well as by single-molecule fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy. Together these experiments demonstrate how the Mango aptamer in conjunction with simple derivatives of its flurophore ligands enables the purification and characterization of endogenous cellular RNPs in vitro

    Parton-Hadron Duality: Resonances and Higher Twists

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    We explore the physics of the parton-hadron duality in the nucleon structure functions appearing in lepton-nucleon scattering. We stress that the duality allows one to extract the higher-twist matrix elements from data in the resonance region, and learn about the properties of resonances if these matrix elements are known. As an example, we construct the moments of F2(x,Q2)F_2(x, Q^2) for the low and medium Q2Q^2 region, and from which we study the interplay between higher twists and the resonance contributions.Comment: 7 pages with 4 figures and 1 table, REVTeX, MIT-CTP-234

    smyRNA: A Novel Ab Initio ncRNA Gene Finder

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    Background: Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have important functional roles in the cell: for example, they regulate gene expression by means of establishing stable joint structures with target mRNAs via complementary sequence motifs. Sequence motifs are also important determinants of the structure of ncRNAs. Although ncRNAs are abundant, discovering novel ncRNAs on genome sequences has proven to be a hard task; in particular past attempts for ab initio ncRNA search mostly failed with the exception of tools that can identify micro RNAs. Methodology/Principal Findings: We present a very general ab initio ncRNA gene finder that exploits differential distributions of sequence motifs between ncRNAs and background genome sequences. Conclusions/Significance: Our method, once trained on a set of ncRNAs from a given species, can be applied to a genome sequences of other organisms to find not only ncRNAs homologous to those in the training set but also others that potentially belong to novel (and perhaps unknown) ncRNA families. Availability

    Genome-Wide Discovery of Somatic Regulatory Variants in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is an aggressive cancer originating from mature B-cells. Prognosis is strongly associated with molecular subgroup, although the driver mutations that distinguish the two main subgroups remain poorly defined. Through an integrative analysis of whole genomes, exomes, and transcriptomes, we have uncovered genes and non-coding loci that are commonly mutated in DLBCL. Our analysis has identified novel cis-regulatory sites, and implicates recurrent mutations in the 3′ UTR of NFKBIZ as a novel mechanism of oncogene deregulation and NF-κB pathway activation in the activated B-cell (ABC) subgroup. Small amplifications associated with over-expression of FCGR2B (the Fcγ receptor protein IIB), primarily in the germinal centre B-cell (GCB) subgroup, correlate with poor patient outcomes suggestive of a novel oncogene. These results expand the list of subgroup driver mutations that may facilitate implementation of improved diagnostic assays and could offer new avenues for the development of targeted therapeutics.&nbsp

    Multi-dimensional modeling and simulation of semiconductor nanophotonic devices

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    Self-consistent modeling and multi-dimensional simulation of semiconductor nanophotonic devices is an important tool in the development of future integrated light sources and quantum devices. Simulations can guide important technological decisions by revealing performance bottlenecks in new device concepts, contribute to their understanding and help to theoretically explore their optimization potential. The efficient implementation of multi-dimensional numerical simulations for computer-aided design tasks requires sophisticated numerical methods and modeling techniques. We review recent advances in device-scale modeling of quantum dot based single-photon sources and laser diodes by self-consistently coupling the optical Maxwell equations with semiclassical carrier transport models using semi-classical and fully quantum mechanical descriptions of the optically active region, respectively. For the simulation of realistic devices with complex, multi-dimensional geometries, we have developed a novel hp-adaptive finite element approach for the optical Maxwell equations, using mixed meshes adapted to the multi-scale properties of the photonic structures. For electrically driven devices, we introduced novel discretization and parameter-embedding techniques to solve the drift-diffusion system for strongly degenerate semiconductors at cryogenic temperature. Our methodical advances are demonstrated on various applications, including vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, grating couplers and single-photon sources

    Ribozyme motif structure mapped using random recombination and selection

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    Isolating the core functional elements of an RNA is normally performed during the characterization of a new RNA in order to simplify further biochemical analysis. The removal of extraneous sequence is challenging and can lead to biases that result from the incomplete sampling of deletion variants. An impartial solution to this problem is to construct a library containing a large number of deletion constructs and to select functional RNA isolates that are at least as efficient as their full-length progenitors. Here, we use nonhomologous recombination and selection to isolate the catalytic core of a pyrimidine nucleotide synthase ribozyme. A variable-length pool of ~10(8) recombinant molecules that included deletions, inversions, and translocations of a 271-nucleotide-long ribozyme isolate was constructed by digesting and randomly religating its DNA genome. In vitro selection for functional ribozymes was then performed in a size-dependent and a size-independent manner. The final pools had nearly equivalent catalytic rates even though their length distributions were completely different, indicating that a diverse range of deletion constructs were functionally active. Four short sequence islands, requiring as little as 81 nt of sequence, were found within all of the truncated ribozymes and could be folded into a secondary structure consisting of three helix–loops. Our findings suggest that nonhomologous recombination is a highly efficient way to isolate a ribozyme’s core motif and could prove to be a useful method for evolving new ribozyme functions from pre-existing sequences in a manner that may have played an important role early in evolution

    Purification of Histidine-Tagged T4 RNA Ligase from E. coli

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