28 research outputs found

    Search for new phenomena in events with one energetic jet and large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Esta tesis presenta los resultados de la búsqueda de nueva fisica en sucesos mono-jet en colisiones protón-protón recogidos por el experimento ATLAS en el LHC con una energía en el centro de masas de 7 TeV (en 2010 y 2011) y 8 TeV (en 2012). Los resultados han sido interpretados en el contexto de la producción de WIMPs (Weak Interactive Massive Particles), un modelo de grandes dimensiones espaciales adicionales (A01), y la producción de gravitinos ligeros en asociación con un squark o gluino en teorías Supersimétricas. Todos los datos a 7 TeV, y casi la mitad de los datos a 8 TeV han sido utilizados, y los resultados han dado lugar a dos artículos y dos notas públicas dentro de la colaboración ATLAS.This thesis presents results on the search for new phenomena in mono-jet events using proton-proton data collected by the ATLAS experiment at LHC collider with center-of-mass-energies of 7 TeV (in 2010 and 2011) and 8 TeV (in 2012). The results have been interpreted in the context of the production of Weak Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs), a model with Large Extra Dimensions (ADD), and the production of light gravitinos in association with a squark or a gluino in Supersymmetry. The full 7 TeV dataset and nearly half of 8 TeV one have been used, and the results led to two papers and two public notes within the ATLAS collaboration

    Higgs phenomenology and the hamiltonian truncation method

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    Aquesta tesi està basada en les publicacions fetes com a estudiant de doctorat a l'IFAE en els períodes 2012-2013 i 2015. Aquests estudis inclouen dos temes diferents, fenomenologia del Higgs al LHCk en el marc de models de Higgs Compost i Supersimetria, i la millora del Mètode de Truncació del Hamiltonià Renormalitzat (MTHR). La primera part de la tesis va ser motivada pel problema de la Naturalitat del Model Estàndard (SM), que es va fer manifest amb el descobriment l'any 2012 d'una partícula escalar amb una massa de 125 GeV i una senyal pels acoblaments compatible amb el Higgs del SM. L'objectiu d'aquests projectes era valorar l'impacte de la massa i senyal dels acoblaments mesurats en les dues extensions del SM més motivades per solventar el problema de la Naturalitat; aquests són models de Higgs Compost i models Supersimetrics. Aquesta part de la tesis està organitzada de la següent forma: En el Capítol 1 fem una breu introducció al Model Estàndard, les seves limitacions i motivem la necessitat d'anar a física més enllà del Model Estàndard (BSM). També incloem breus introduccions al trencament espontani de simetria (SSB) i al CCWZ, degut a la seva importància per entendre el SM i pel seu rol central en l'estudi de física més enllà del model estandard. En el Capítol 2 estudiem les implicacions del descobriment del Higgs per diversos models de Higgs compost. Això ho fem utilitzant les senyals dels acoblaments mesurades pels experiments just després del seu descobriment al 2012, que ens permeten reduir de forma significativa el espai de paràmetres d'aquests models. En el Capítol 3 ens centrem en l'estudi dels acoblaments del Higgs en models de Higgs compostos basats en el cose SO(5)/SO(4). En aquest apartat mostrem que els acoblaments del Higgs a gluons i fotons és poc sensible a resonàncies fermiòniques lleugeres si assumim que la simetria CP es conserva. També, trobem a primer ordre en els "mixings", l'acoblament del Higgs a tops i gluons, i veiem que quan els normalitzem al Model Estàndard són iguals. En el Capítol 4, estudiem la relació entre els acoblaments del Higgs i la seva massa en models Supersimetrics, i trobem que la massa del Higgs de 125 GeV i la senyal dels acoblaments mesurats poden ser competitius per excloure parts del espai de paràmetres del sector de Higgs. Nosaltres ens centrem en el MSSM amb stops pesats, i possibles extensions que disminueixen el "petit" problema de les jerarquies. La segona part d'aquesta tesi va ser motivada per dos papers que van fer Rychkov et al. on presenten un nou mètode prometedor per poder solucionar sistemes fortament acoblats. El mètode consisteix en millorar el ja conegut Mètode de Truncació Hamiltoniana que s'utilitza per resoldre numericament sistemes fortament acoblats. La millora ve de integrar analiticament els modes més energètics de la teoria, cosa que fa millorar de forma substancial el resultat numèric, i permet reduir la demanda computacional per poder resoldre el sistema. Aquesta feina la presentem en el Capítol 5, on millorem el mètode a partir de trobar les expressions generals que són necessàries per dur a terme el procediment d'integrar els modes més energètics; a la vegada també resolem algunes de les qüestions que s'havien plantejat en articles anteriors a la nostra feina.This thesis is based on the publications done as a PhD student at IFAE during the periods 2012-2013 and 2015. These include two separate topics, Higgs phenomenology at the LHC within the frameworks of Composite Higgs and Supersymmetry and the improvement of the Renormalized Hamiltonian Truncation Method (RHTM). The first part of this thesis was motivated by the Naturalness problem in the Standard Model (SM), which was triggered by the discovery in 2012 of a scalar particle with a mass of 125 GeV and signal strengths compatible with the SM Higgs. The aim of these projects was to asses the impact of the measured mass and signal strengths on two of the best motivated frameworks that tackle the Naturalness problem; Composite Higgs and Supersymmetric extensions of the SM. This part of the thesis is organised as follows. In Chapter 1 we give an overview to the SM its shortcomings and motivate the need to go beyond the Standard Model (BSM). Brief introductions to Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB) and the CCWZ are also included due to their importance in the understanding of the SM and their pivotal role in the study of BSM physics . In Chapter 2 we study the implications of the Higgs discovery for different Composite Higgs models. This is done by using the signal strengths given by the experiments right after the Higgs discovery in 2012, which allow to greatly constrain the parameter space of some of these models. Chapter 3 is focused on the study of the Higgs couplings in Composite Higgs models based on the SO(5)/SO(4) coset. We show that the Higgs couplings to gluons and photons are insensitive to light fermionic resonances assuming that they preserve CP. Also, we find that at leading order in the mixings, the Higgs couplings to tops and gluons, when normalized to the Standard Model (SM), are equal. In Chapter 4 we study the relation between the Higgs couplings and the Higgs mass in Supersymmetric models while finding that the measured 125 GeV Higgs and the signal strengths can be competitive with direct searches in excluding some parts of the parameter space in the Higgs sector. We focus on the MSSM with heavy stops, and possible extensions that alleviate the small hierarchy problem. The second part of this thesis was motivated by two papers by Rychkov et al. where they present a promising new method to solve strongly coupled systems. The method consist in improving the already known Hamiltonian Truncation Method used to numerically solve strongly coupled systems. The improvement comes from analytically integrating out the high energy modes which results in a considerable improvement to the numerical result, and allows to reduce computational power needed to solve any given system. Our work, presented in Ch. 5, improves the method by finding the general expressions needed in the procedure to integrating out the high energy modes, and solves some of the issues left open in their work

    Supersymmetry with custodial triplets

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    Gracias a resultados experimentales pero tambien a argumentos teoricos, sabemos que el Modelo Estandar de la fsica de partculas es solo una descripcion a bajas energas de una estructura mas fundamental. Supersimetra, una simetra del espacio-tiempo que relaciona bosones y fermiones, proporciona algunos de los candidatos para completar el Modelo Estandar mas favorecidos desde un punto de vista teorico. Sin embargo, la busqueda sin resultado de partculas supersimetricas pone a estos modelos bajo cierta tension, sobre todo porque muchas de las propiedades de supersimetr a en su aplicacion a la fsica de partculas estan directamente relacionadas con su presencia a escalas de energa del orden de las que estan siendo exploradas en LHC. Sin evidencias directas de supersimetra, ¿existe alguna medicion indirecta que los fsicos de partculas podran usar para estudiar estos modelos? La partcula de Higgs descubierta en 2012 en LHC no es solo la ultima pieza del Modelo Estandar, tambien es una nueva ventana que podra ser util en el estudio de fsica mas alla del Modelo Estandar. En la primera parte de esta tesis estudiamos las consecuencias del descubrimiento del boson de Higgs para versiones mnimas (construidas con el menor numero posible de elementos) de supersimetra. Encontramos que la masa del Higgs es mas pesada de lo que uno esperara en las extensiones supersimetricas del Modelo Estandar mas mnimas. Por lo tanto concluimos que puede que la busqueda de \minimalidad" a la hora de formular teoras mas alla del Modelo Estandar, no sea el camino mas adecuado en este caso. Por eso construimos una realizacion un poco mas "barroca" de supersimetra con la esperanza de que solucione el problema de la masa del Higgs, la teora se llama "Modelo de Tripletes con Simetra Custodial". Este modelo presenta un sector de Higgs extendido y usa simetras para resolver algunos de los problemas asociados a la introduccion de nuevos grados de libertad en el potencial escalar de una teora, al mismo tiempo, es capaz de proporcionar una masa para el Higgs en acuerdo con la medicion experimental. Dedicamos la segunda parte de la tesis al estudio pormenorizado del Modelo de Tripletes con Simetra Custodial, de donde derivamos resultados muy interesantes con aplicaciones tanto en fsica de partculas como en cosmologa.We know from experimental results but also from theoretical arguments that the very successful Standard Model of particle physics is just a low energy description of a more fundamental structure. Supersymmetry, a space-time symmetry that relates bosons and fermions, provides some of the most theoretically favored candidates to complete the Standard Model. However, null results in the searches for supersymmetric particles put these models under stress, specially since many of the nice properties of supersymmetry at the particle physics level are directly tied with its presence at the energy scales that are now being probed at the LHC. With no direct evidence for supersymmetry, is there an indirect measurement that particle physicists could use to test these models? In 2012 the Higgs particle was discovered at LHC. Its discovery gives closure to the Standard Model but also opens up a new window that could be useful in the study of physics beyond the Standard Model. In the first part of this thesis we study the consequences of the Higgs discovery for minimal versions of supersymmetry. We find that the measured mass of the Higgs particle is heavier than what is expected by the minimal realizations of a supersymmetric Standard Model. We thus consider that the search for minimality, i.e. building models with the least number of elements, in the formulation of beyond the Standard Model theories may not be such a good guiding principle in this case and construct a more baroque realization of supersymmetry, the Supersymmetric Custodial Triplet Model. This theory features an extended Higgs sector and uses symmetry as a tool to get rid of some of the problems associated with the introduction of new degrees of freedom to the scalar potential of a theory, at the same time, it is able to provide a Higgs that fits properly the experimental measurement of its mass. We devoted the second part of the thesis to an in depth study of the Supersymmetric Custodial Triplet Model, deriving very interesting results that can be useful both for particle physics, and cosmology

    A Novel depleted monolithic active pixel sensor for future high energy physics detectors

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    El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC) tiene previsto aumentar su luminosidad hasta siete veces su valor actual con el objetivo de ampliar su actual programa de física. Esta mejora se conoce con el nombre de High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) y está prevista para el año 2024-2026. El actual Inner Detector (ID) del detector de ALTAS será completamente reemplazado por uno nuevo para ajustarse a los rigurosos requisitos que impone el HL-LHC. Nuevos detectores de píxeles están siendo investigados para su utilización en todo el ID cuando el HL-LHC entre en operación. La utilización de sensores de píxeles tipo monolítico dentro del ID de ATLAS supondría una nueva era para los detectores de píxeles en física de altas energías debido a sus muchas ventajas con respecto a las tecnologías que se usan actualmente. Las principales ventajas son: mejor resolución espacial, menor densidad, mayor rendimiento, y menor coste. En este contexto, un nuevo tipo de sensor monolítico conocido como Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor on silicon-on-insulator ha sido investigado en esta tesis. El capítulo 1 describe el LHC, el experimento ATLAS, y las mejoras previstas para el HL-LHC. Este capítulo también describe los requerimientos y desafíos del futuro Inner Detector, al ser el subdetector más cercano al punto de interacción. El capítulo 2 describe la base de los detectores de partículas en física de altas energías. Este capítulo abarca la interacción de partículas con la materia, los conceptos básicos para la construcción de un detector de píxeles, y la resolución de momento transverso, vértice, y parámetro de impacto de un detector. El capítulo 3 describe los daños que la radiación produce en detectores de silicio, tanto en la electrónica como en el sensor, cuyo impacto es crucial en el rendimiento de los detectores especialmente para experimentos en el HL-LHC. El capítulo 4 revisa la evolución y tendencias en detectores de pixeles, abarcando desde los ya bien establecidos pixel híbridos, hasta los CMOS píxeles. La sección dedicada a los CMOS píxeles describe los diferentes tipos que se están considerando en ATLAS: High resistivity CMOS, high voltage CMOS, y monolíticos CMOS-on-SOI. Este ultimo compone el núcleo de estudio de esta tesis y es descrito en detalle. Los siguientes capítulos detallan el programa de caracterización y medidas realizado en el contexto de esta tesis. El capitulo 5 se centra en la caracterización del daño creado por la radiación en la electrónica hasta las dosis esperadas en el ID de ATLAS durante su operación en el HL-LHC. Las propiedades del detector, como son las corrientes de fuga, el cociente entre señal y ruido, la colección de carga y la profundidad de depleción, son descritas en el capitulo 6. El Capítulo 7 describe la caracterización de sensores monolíticos CMOS-on-SOI en un haz de piones, donde la colección de carga, el reparto de carga entre píxeles, la resolución espacial, y la eficiencia son discutidas. Este trabajo concluye con un resumen, con vistas al futuro de las tecnologías monolíticas CMOS-on-SOI en la física de altas energías.A major upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) called High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is scheduled for 2024-2026. This will lead to an increase of the luminosity by seven times the current value and to the extension of the currently ongoing physics programme. A completely new Inner Detector for the ATLAS experiment needs to be developed to withstand the extremely harsh environment at the HL-LHC. New pixel detector concepts are being investigated as a possible candidate to the inner and outer layers of the HL-LHC ATLAS Inner Detector. The use of monolithic pixel sensors in the ATLAS Inner Tracker would lead to a new era of pixel detectors as a consequence of its many advantages with respect to the current technologies. The achievement of smaller spatial resolution, lower density, bigger production yield and throughput, and smaller budget cost are the main arguments to pursue this technology. In this context, a novel Depleted Monolithic Pixel Active Detector built on a thick film Silicon-On-Insulator has been fully investigated in this thesis. Chapter 1 introduces LHC and the ATLAS experiment as well as their foreseen scenarios at the HL-LHC upgrade. This naturally motivates the stringent requirements and challenges of the closest sub-detector to the interaction point, the Inner Detector. Chapter 2 describes the basis of a tracking detector for high energy physics applications, detailing the interactions of particles with matter to the formation of a pixel detector from a semiconductor material. Then the momentum, vertex, and impact parameter resolution of a tracking detector are calculated leading to a set of requirements for the detector design. Chapter 3 describes the radiation damage in silicon detectors whose impact to the detector performance is crucial specially for HL-LHC experiments. The radiation damage in the electronics and in the silicon bulk is treated. Chapter 4 revises the current developments and trends on pixel detectors from the well established hybrid pixel technologies to the commercial CMOS pixels. The commercial CMOS pixels section describes the current technologies being considered at ATLAS: high resistivity, high voltage CMOS (currently built as hybrid and as monolithic), and monolithic CMOS-on-SOI. The latter one composes the core of study of this thesis and is described in great detail. The final chapters are dedicated to the description of the validation programme performed to the CMOS-on-SOI technology, together with characterization methods used, measurements performed, and results analysis description. Chapter 5 focuses on the measurements performed to characterize the radiation hardness of the technology against the ionizing radiation expected in the HL-LHC ATLAS detector. The crucial charge collection properties to fulfil the ATLAS detector requirements were measured and are described in Chapter 6. These measurements include leakage current, signal-to-noise ratio, collected charge, and depletion depth on unirradiated and irradiated samples. Additionally, different techniques as radioactive sources, pion beams, and laser beams were used in order to calculate the depletion depth. Chapter 7 describes the characterization of the monolithic CMOS-on-SOI in a pion beam test. The measured charge collection, charge sharing, spatial resolution, and tracking efficiency are discussed. Within the summary, an outlook towards the future of depleted monolithic active pixel sensors on silicon-on-insulator technology for high energy physics is presented

    Characterization and simulation of a CdTe detector for use in PET

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    The Voxel Imaging PET (VIP) Path nder project got the 4 year European Research Council FP7 grant in 2010 to prove the feasibility of using CdTe detectors in a novel conceptual design of PET scanner. The work presented in this thesis is a part of the VIP project and consists of, on the one hand, the characterization of a CdTe detector in terms of energy resolution and coincidence time resolution and, on the other hand, the simulation of the setup with the single detector in order to extend the results to the full PET scanner. An energy resolution of 0.98% at 511 keV with a bias voltage of 1000 V/mm has been measured at low temperature T=-8 ºC. The coincidence time distribution of two twin detectors has been found to be as low as 6 ns FWHM for events with energies above 500 keV under the same temperature and bias conditions. The measured energy and time resolution values are compatible with similar ndings available in the literature and prove the excellent potential of CdTe for PET applications. This results have been presented in form of a poster contribution at the IEEE NSS/MIC & RTSD 2011 conference in October 2011 in Valencia and at the iWoRID 2012 conference in July 2012 in Coimbra, Portugal. They have been also submitted for publication to "Journal of Instrumentation (JINST)" in September 2012