6,078 research outputs found

    Addressing Long-Term Unemployment After The Great Recession: The Crucial Role Of Workforce Training

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    [Excerpt] With almost five unemployed workers for every job opening, the economy is not yet creating enough jobs to make a significant reduction in unemployment. Yet employers report that they are having difficulty finding skilled workers for key positions, despite the high ratio of unemployed workers to job openings. Helping workers build new skills and search more effectively for positions that are a good match for their skillset can help to address the mismatch. But to address the high rate of long-term unemployment, this report finds that policymakers will need to simultaneously spur job creation while also investing in education and training programs that can prepare workers for new employment opportunities

    The Model Coinage and Minting Act

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    An Act to revise, modernize, and codify the statutes relating to coinage and the Bureau of the Min

    Joint Resolution, American Indian Religious Freedom

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    Public Law 95-341, passed by the 95th Congress, establishing a policy of protection and preservation for traditional American Indian religious practices. This law was referenced by Cherokee groups attempting to prevent the completion of the Tellico Project

    An Act Making Appropriations for the Current and Contingent Expenses of the Indian Department and for Fulfilling Treaty Stipulations with Various Indian Tribes for the Fiscal Year Ending June Thirteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Two, and for Other Purposes.

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    This United States (US) public law, noted as “Chap. 832” dated March 3, 1901, details the appropriations that will be made to various tribes for the fiscal year ending June 1902. This funding breakdown includes payments made to the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara tribes residing at the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota. Appropriations in this law are noted as supporting treaty stipulations, schools, and a variety of miscellaneous expenses including construction, provisions, and the management of small pox.https://commons.und.edu/indigenous-gov-docs/1090/thumbnail.jp

    Bridge Across Penobscot River Between Bangor and Brewer, Maine: 1912

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    Report No. 947 by the 62nd Congress, 2nd Session, of the United States Senate, and Report No. 1046 by the 62nd Congress, 2nd Session, of the United States House of Representatives from July 1912 discussing the need for construction by the federal government of a bridge over the Penobscot River between Bangor and Brewer.https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/books_pubs/1221/thumbnail.jp

    Ordinance of the Northwest Territory (1787)

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    An Act to Establish for the Placement of Indian Children in Foster or Adoptive Homes to Prevent the Breakup of Indian Families, and for Other Purposes

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    This United States (US) public law, also known as the Indian Child Welfare Act (IWCA) passed on November 8, 1978, addressed the high rate of removal of Indigenous children from their homes. The law established federal standards for removal and placement of children, imposing guidelines that aim to keep Indigenous children connected to their tribe and to their culture.https://commons.und.edu/indigenous-gov-docs/1163/thumbnail.jp

    Compensation to Fort Berthold Indians, North Dakota, for Lands Taken in Connection with the Garrison Dam Project

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    This report, dated October 19 1949, also known as United States (US) House of Representatives Report 1458, was submitted by the Committee of Conference to accompany US House of Representatives Joint Resolution 33, and details the recommendations Committee of Conference members have agreed to make to their respective Houses of the US Congress regarding their disagreeing votes on the US Senate\u27s amendments to Joint Resolution 33.https://commons.und.edu/indigenous-gov-docs/1036/thumbnail.jp

    Teague-Cranston Act of 1972

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    United States Public Law 92-541, commonly known as the Teague-Cranston Act, called for the creation of five new medical schools in five states to meet the needs of medically under served areas of the country. The act, as passed, required that the new schools be located in proximity to, and operated in conjunction with, Veterans\u27 Administration medical facilities. This worked in ETSU\u27s favor as the university is located adjacent to the Mountain Home VA Hospital. Signed into law by President Richard Nixon, this would eventually lead to the establishment of the Quillen College of Medicine

    An Act for the Relief of the Indians of the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota

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    This act, approved June 28, 1946, also known as United States (US) Public Law 79-467, authorized the appropriation of $400,000, in full and final settlement of all claims and demands of the Indians of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota . . . which claims are based upon stipulations of an unratified treaty dated July 27, 1866 . . . to be . . .deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Indians of the Fort Berthold Reservation and shall draw interest in accordance with existing laws. . .https://commons.und.edu/indigenous-gov-docs/1115/thumbnail.jp