11 research outputs found
Reflections Magazine of the Faculty of Education. Volume 7 No. 8 June 1999
Reflexiones presenta en esta entrega artículos escritos por profesores y alumnos de los programas de posgrado y pregrado de nuestra Facultad, en los cuales se plasma el espíritu de una comunidad académica deseosa de contribuir al desarrollo de lo humano, utilizando como pretexto puntos de referencia de orden ético y lógico, en consonancia con los ideales que propone, para el hacerteórico y práctico, el Proyecto Educativo de nuestra Universidad. Además, através deestas líneas iniciales, el comité curricular de la Facultad desea informar a los lectores sobre el proceso de autoevalución y acreditación que estamos viviendo, e invitar a los profesores y alumnos, al personal administrativo y a los egresados de esa facultad y a la comunidad académica de la escuelanormal de Bucaramanga, a participar en el análisis y consecuente reestructuración de los programas que ofrecemos.Reflections presents in this installment articles written by professors and students of the postgraduate and undergraduate programs of our Faculty, in which the spirit of an academic community eager to contribute to the development of the human being is embodied, using reference points of order as a pretext. ethical and logical, in line with the ideals proposed, for the theoretical and practical, the Educational Project of our University. In addition, through these initial lines, the Faculty's curricular committee wishes to inform readers about the self-evaluation and accreditation process that we are undergoing, and invite teachers and students, administrative staff and graduates of that Faculty and the academic community of the normal school of Bucaramanga, to participate in the analysis and consequent restructuring of the programs we offer
Propagation of aggrading sediment fronts in a laboratory flume
Channel bed aggradation due to sediment overloading was studied experimentally. A series of aggradation tests, with uniform lightweight sediment, were performed to observe the hydro-morphologic response of a laboratory flume to bed-load sediment transport and nonequilibrium upstream sediment feeding. The hydro-dynamic and the sediment feeding rates were kept constant in time. The temporal evolution of the longitudinal profiles of the stream bed and of the water surface was measured by imaging methods. The experimental data were used to (i) provide a phenomenological description of the aggradation process, recognizing different morphologic features superimposed on one another and (ii) characterize the height and velocity of propagation of aggrading sediment fronts. The front heights increased with increasing sediment supply, while the front celerity decreased. The celerity values were compared to a few predictors available in the literature. The literature formulae return celerity values scattered over almost two orders of magnitude, and present conflicting trends (a predicted celerity may either increase or decrease for increasing sediment feeding rate), thus stimulating further research on the topic
Episodic versus thematic media framing of violence against social leaders and human rights defenders in Colombia
Social leaders and human rights defenders (SLHRD) in Colombia have been under increasing attack for defending the rights of communities affected by violence. From 2016 to 2022, over 600 SLHRD were assassinated, resulting in a serious violation of both individual and community human rights. The media's portrayal of these attacks can shape public perceptions and influence efforts towards peacebuilding and promoting human rights. This study examines the media's framing of violence against SLHRD in Colombia between 2016 and 2020, a period marked by an escalation of violence after the signing of the 2016 peace accord between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). We analysed 1506 textual publications from seven media outlets using a lexicometric approach and identified two frames of news articles: episodic and thematic. Our findings suggest that the episodic media framing may present a simplistic and non-political perspective of the issue, which can impede peacebuilding efforts, while the thematic frame can raise awareness of violence against SLHRD and promote human rights defence. Our study highlights the media's significant role in shaping public opinion on violence against SLHRD, offering practical implications for advocacy and activism. © 2024 The Authors. International Journal of Psychology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Union of Psychological Science
Can redistributive policies promote reconciliation beyond its scope? The impact of inequality reduction programs on peacebuilding in Colombia
Transitional justice jurisdictions aim to promote reconciliation. Although previous research focuses on truth commissions, the reconciliatory role of redistributive justice is less clear. This article investigated the association of conditional cash transfers and victims’ reparation with demand for redistribution, belief in forgiveness, support for the peace process and community participation in Colombia. We analysed three nationally representative samples of the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) surveys in 2011 (Study 1; n = 1503), 2016 (Study 2; n = 1563) and 2018 (Study 3; n = 1663). Consistently across studies, conditional cash transfers (and not victim reparation programs) predicted higher community participation, with little effect on other reconciliation indicators. Further, redistribution is indirectly associated with other reconciliation indicators through community participation, supporting the observation that transitional justice relates to reconciliation when it satisfies a need for agency and empowerment. We discuss how the null effects of the victim reparation program suggesting context-specific constraints. © 2024 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
El efecto (no)reconciliatorio de la reparación a las víctimas de violencia política: un estudio transversal en el contexto transicional colombiano
35 páginasAccording to the needs-based reconciliation model, transitional mechanisms can lead to reconciliation when they meet the victims’ need for agency/status. This study evaluated the reconciliatory impact of the transitional policy of reparations for victims of the armed conflict implemented in Colombia. A sample of 135 victims of political violence participated in a transversal study which evaluated the effect of the reparations on the reconciliation sentiment, using the scales of mere coexistence and rebuilding trust. Counter to the intention of the policy, the victims given reparations showed lower levels of reconciliation than those who had not received reparations, regardless of their exposure to violence, understanding of justice and social attitudes. The results suggest that the limitations in the process of implementing the reparations may be thwarting the victims’ need for agency/status and thus hindering the reconciliation process. © 2022 Fundacion Infancia y Aprendizaje
Conformation of a virtual community of learning, starting from a formation process for college professors
Este trabajo presenta un estudio de caso de tipo cualitativo, que pretendió conformar una comunidad virtual de aprendizaje (CVA) entre maestros universitarios de la Red
Universitaria José Celestino Mutis (Colombia), a partir de un proceso de formación en
modalidad virtual, en elaboración, diseño y desarrollo de cursos virtuales bajo el modelo
educativo desarrollado por la Red Universitaria Mutis.
En el proceso de formación participaron 126 docentes universitarios y 6 tutores, adscritos a
la Red Universitaria Mutis (RUM), en un periodo comprendido entre el 8 de septiembre del
2003 y el 31 de mayo del 2004.
El análisis de la información del estudio se presenta desde una perspectiva cuanticualitativa
en la que se evaluaron la calidad del curso prototipo y de los cursos diseñados
por los profesores. El componente cualitativo sirvió de base para el análisis de la
comunidad virtual de aprendizaje.
En este artículo se caracterizan las relaciones que se presentaron entre el proces o de
formación apoyado en nuevas tecnologías de docentes de las universidades que
conforman la Red Universitaria Mutis, en el tema de producción de contenidos para cursos
virtuales, y la conformación de una comunidad virtual de aprendizajeThis work is a qualitative type study case, that pretended to conform a virtual community of
learning (VCL) among college professors that belong to José Celestino Mutis University
Network (Colombia), from a process of virtual education related to the elaboration, design
and development of virtual courses under Mutis University Network (RUM) educational
model. One hundred and twenty six college professors and six tutors took part in the
formation process, between the 8th of September 2003 and the 31st of May, 2004. The information analysis appears from a cuanti-qualitative perspective. The study analyses
the quality of the course prototype and the courses designed by the professors. The
qualitative component served as a basis for the virtual community of learning analysis.
This article characterizes the relationships between the formation process supported by
new technologies in the universities that conform Mutis University Network, in relation to the
production of contents for virtual courses, and the conformation of a virtual community of
This work is a qualitative type study case, that pretended to conform a virtual community of learning (VCL) among college professors that belong to José Celestino Mutis University Network ( Colombia ), from a process of virtual education related to the elaboration, design and development of virtual courses under Mutis University Network (RUM) educational model. One hundred and twenty six college professors and six tutors took part in the formation process, between the 8th of September 2003 and the 31st of May, 2004 .
The information analysis appears from a cuanti-qualitative perspective. The study analyses the quality of the course prototype and the courses designed by the professors. The qualitative component served as a basis for the virtual community of learning analysis.
This article characterizes the relationships between the formation process supported by new technologies in the universities that conform Mutis University Network, in relation to the production of contents for virtual courses, and the conformation of a virtual community of learning.
This article is a report that a group of researchers, from six colleges belonging to the University Network Jose Celestino Mutis, carried out in 2004, with Colciencias financial support. The project is about the conformation of a virtual community of learning that started with a course on Elaboration, design and development of virtual contents, taken by 126 college professors that belonged to the institutions associated to the Network. This is a case study, whose analysis comes from a cuanti-qualitative perspective, sustained in the virtual educational model of the Mutis University Network. This study pretends to contribute to the debate that Colombian universities are carrying out because of the increasing possibilities that virtual education offers as an alternative for our professionals’ formation.Este trabajo presenta un estudio de caso de tipo cualitativo, que pretendió conformar una comunidad virtual de aprendizaje (cva) entre maestros universitarios de la Red Universitaria José Celestino Mutis (Colombia), a partir de un proceso de formación en modalidad virtual, en elaboración, diseño y desarrollo de cursos virtuales bajo el modelo educativo desarrollado por la Red Universitaria Mutis. En el proceso de formación participaron 126 docentes universitarios y 6 tutores, adscritos a la Red Universitaria Mutis (RUM), en un periodo comprendido entre el 8 de septiembre del 2003 y el 31 de mayo del 2004. El análisis de la información del estudio se presenta desde una perspectiva cuanti-cualitativa en la que se evaluaron la calidad del curso prototipo y de los cursos diseñados por los profesores. El componente cualitativo sirvió de base para el análisis de la comunidad virtual de aprendizaje. En este artículo se caracterizan las relaciones que se presentaron entre el proceso de formación apoyado en nuevas tecnologías de docentes de las universidades que conforman la Red Universitaria Mutis, en el tema de producción de contenidos para cursos virtuales, y la conformación de una comunidad virtual de aprendizaje
Development, implementation and evaluation of a multinational FLS mentorship programme in Latin America
Summary: realising the benefits of systematic secondary fracture prevention requires supporting local sites to get started and becoming effective. We here describe the development, implementation and impact of a regional fracture liaison service (FLS) mentorship programme in Latin America that led to 64 FLS getting started and coverage of 17,205 patients.Introduction: despite treatments and service models to deliver effective secondary fracture prevention, most patients are left untreated after a fragility fracture. To improve the capability to get FLS started and more effective, we describe the development, implementation and evaluation of an international programme to develop national communities of FLS mentors as part of the Capture the Fracture Partnership in Latin America.Methods: the IOF regional team and the University of Oxford developed the curriculum and associated resources for training mentors in setting up FLS, service improvement and mentorship. Mentors were selected during a preparatory meeting, trained using live online sessions followed by regular mentor-led post-training meetings. The programme was evaluated using a pre-training needs assessment and post-training evaluation based on Moore's outcomes.Results: the mentorship programme was initiated in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Argentina. The mentors were multidisciplinary, including orthopaedic surgery, rehabilitation, rheumatology, endocrinology, geriatrics, gynaecology and internal medicine. There was 100% participation in training sessions and reported satisfaction with the training. Since the initiation of the training programme, 22 FLS have been set up in Mexico, 30 in Brazil, 3 in Colombia and 9 in Argentina, in comparison with two in Chile and none in any other LATAM countries that were not involved in the mentorship programme. This equates to approximately 17,025 additional patients identified from 2019 to 2021 after initiation of mentorship. The mentors have engaged with 58 FLS for service development. Post-training activities include two published national best practice guidelines and other country-specific resources for FLS in the local language.Conclusion: despite the COVID pandemic, the mentorship pillar of the Capture the Fracture Partnership has developed a community of FLS mentors with measurable improvement in national FLS provision. The programme is a potentially scalable platform to develop communities of mentors in other countries.</p