2 research outputs found

    Monetary Policy and Polish Labour Market in the years 1999 - 2008

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    This article sets out to analyse how the monetary policy pursued by the National Bank of Poland (NBP) determined the labour market situation in the country in the decade 1999-2008. The article consists of introduction as well as five sections. Section one discusses NBP's strategy of monetary policy in the defined period against monetary strategies implemented in other countries. Section two uses the growth rates of money supply and of real GDP to verify whether the primary purpose of monetary policy, i.e. the inflationary target, was achieved. Section three generally characterises the country's labour market using the levels and dynamics of employment and of unemployment. Section four discusses major instruments of NBP's monetary policy, mainly analysing changes in the central bank's interest rates and their effect on the economic situation and on the labour market. The article concludes with a summation providing synthetic conclusions.Celem artyku艂u jest analiza wp艂ywu polityki monetarnej Narodowego Banku Polskiego (NBP) na sytuacj臋 na rynku pracy w Polsce w ci膮gu dekady obejmuj膮cej lata 1999-2008. Opracowanie sk艂ada si臋 z wprowadzenia oraz pi臋ciu cz臋艣ci. W pierwszej z nich om贸wiona zosta艂a strategia polityki monetarnej NBP w badanym okresie wraz z por贸wnaniem ze strategi膮 przyjmowan膮 w innych krajach. W cz臋艣ci drugiej sprawdzono, czy realizowany by艂 podstawowy cel polityki monetarnej, czyli cel inflacyjny, w kontek艣cie kszta艂towania si臋 st贸p wzrostu poda偶y pieni膮dza oraz realnego PKB. W punkcie kolejnym ukazana zosta艂a og贸lna charakterystyka rynku pracy na podstawie kszta艂towania si臋 poziomu i dynamiki zatrudnienia oraz bezrobocia. W cz臋艣ci czwartej om贸wiono podstawowe instrumenty polityki pieni臋偶nej NBP. Uwaga skoncentrowana zosta艂a g艂贸wnie na analizie zmian st贸p procentowych banku centralnego oraz ich wp艂ywu na sytuacj臋 gospodarcz膮 i rynek pracy. Ca艂o艣膰 zamkni臋ta zosta艂a podsumowaniem, w kt贸rym zawarto syntetyczne wnioski ko艅cowe

    EU cohesion policy as a requirement to voivodeship development pathways

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    Poland joined the European Union on 1 May 2004. By 2007, this had resulted in Poland being the greatest beneficiary of the European cohesion policy due to its low per capita GDP by purchasing power parity at the voivodeship level. The scale of European Structural and Investment Funds brought the possibility for a fundamental acceleration of socio-economic growth in Polish regions. The European Union gradually modified the directions of intervention under the framework of the European cohesion policy, initially orienting this activity principally towards cohesion, but from 2010 directing it mainly towards competitiveness. Of particular significance was the Europe 2020 strategy (2010). In Poland its arrangements were deferred until the signing of the Partnership Agreement for the period 2014-2020, which established extensive support for innovation, competitiveness and the R&D sector. In the final part of the paper, conclusions and recommendations for regional policy are elaborated