78 research outputs found


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    The paper aims to realize an analysis of the employment evolution in Romania and in all the European Union member states in the context of the economic crisis, with an emphasis on the employment on the auto industry, one of the most affected sectors by this crisis. In the same time, we will analyze the employment policies for soften the impact of the economic crisis on the labor market. We will also analyze the link between the employment rate, labor productivity per employee and the car production and export. The unprecedented crisis in global financial markets which gathered pace last year has led to the most severe recession since the Second World War, affecting the wider economy and increasingly impacting on labor markets in the EU. After many years of relatively high growth and job creation the global financial crisis and its repercussions on the real economy are hitting businesses, jobs and households. As unemployment continues to rise, the spotlight has fallen more and more on limiting the effect of the crisis on jobs and addressing the social impact. Acting in concert, the EU has already taken important steps to address the fallout from the crisis, having taken action to prevent a meltdown in the financial markets last autumn. In December it agreed to put in place a European Economic Recovery Plan to lessen the effects of the downturn and create the conditions for recovery. The top employment challenge for the EU must be to minimize job losses, prevent unemployment from becoming entrenched, favour transitions back into employment and boost job creation, and pave the way for economic renewal and for sustainable recovery and growth.labor market, employment, auto industry, economic crisis, employment policies

    Nanomedicine – regulatory aspects

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    Nanomedicine is a new revolutionary field that can bring benefits for diagnosis and treatment and contribute significantly to a better quality of life. Although the expected benefits of nanomedicine are huge, the potential risks on human health and environment are considerable as well. The increasing multi-functionality and complexity of coming nanomedical products require a very high safety, quality and effi cacy standards. So in case of nascent technologies, when the data are still emerging and scientifi c uncertainty prevails, risk governance should be in place. Despite the fact that nanomedicine is at a quite early stage of development, regulatory mechanisms should provide the corresponding quality, safety and efficacy of nanomedical products. The process of scientific knowledge should be sustained by developing guidelines and codes of conduct that provides a satisfactory level of safety mean to protect human health. The multidisciplinary approach can help the adopting of guidelines and regulations, intended to manage the risks and protect human health

    Clinical research of drugs: news and trends

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    Rezumat. Cercetarea clinică bazată pe dovezi pornește de la proiecte fundamentale, proiecte desfășurate pe animale de laborator, pentru a continua pe subiecți umani, mai întâi, ca regulă pe voluntari sănătoși, apoi pe cohorte de pacienți. Cele mai elocvente din punct de vedere al preciziei statistice sunt studiile clinice randomizate, evaluările sistemice și meta-analizele. Procesele clinice de investigare sunt preponderent de tip ciclic sau recurent. Astfel, este important să fie stabilit clar design-ul proiectului de studii clinice. În acest fel, se poate defini abordarea față de executarea proiectului: anumite acțiuni, responsabilități definite, ordinea stabilită de acțiuni, etape și repere. Această standardizare îmbunătățește managementul proiectelor de cercetare clinică.Abstract. Evidence-based clinical research starts from basic projects, carried out in laboratory animals, to continue in human subjects, first as a rule in healthy volunteers, then in cohorts of patients. The most eloquent in terms of statistical precision are randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Clinical investigation processes are mainly of cyclical or recurring type. Thus, it is essential to establish the design of the clinical trial design clearly. In this way, the approach to the execution of the project can be defined: specific actions, defined responsibilities, and the established order of steps, stages and milestones. This standardization improves the management of clinical research projects

    Derivaţi ligninici modificaţi prin reacţiile de hifroximetilare şi epoxidare

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    Lignin derivative (the commercial product -Protobind 2000) offered by the Granit Recherche Developement S.A. company, Lausanne-Schwitzerlandwas synthesized from annual plants. The present study’s aim was tomodify commercial lignins by the reaction of hydroxymethylation (produced in alkaline medium) and epoxydation (reaction with epichlorohydrin was performed in basic catalysis, aiming at increase the functionality) and to characterize the lignin derivatives chemical, spectral (1H NMR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG). Studies have revealed some functional changes related to the difference in reactivity and reaction conditions

    Synthèse de sources rayonnantes large bande, par la méthode TLM inverse

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    Cette thèse porte sur la synthèse des sources électromagnétiques (EM) rayonnantes, par la méthode TLM (Transmission Line Matrix) inverse. Les applications large-bande sont particulièrement visées. L'objectif est d'utiliser la théorie du retournement temporel des ondes EM, afin d'implémenter et développer une nouvelle méthode de synthèse des sources rayonnantes, à partir d'un diagramme de rayonnement connu. La retro-propagation des ondes est réalisée numériquement, par la méthode TLM inverse, en trois dimensions (3D), à nœuds symétriques condensés (SCN). L'algorithme proposé est utilisé pour retrouver des sources EM primaires, ponctuelles et réparties, émettant des signaux à large-bande [26GHz - 34GHz] et placées dans l'espace libre (sans pertes, homogène et non-dispersif). Les bases, le potentiel et les limites de cette approche inverse sont étudiés. Une étape supplémentaire est ajoutée afin d'améliorer la résolution spatiale de la reconstruction des sources ponctuelles et réparties. Une résolution inferieure à la demi-longueur d'onde de l'excitation est ainsi obtenue. La reconstruction des sources secondaires 1D et 2D, induites sur les surface métalliques des antennes est ensuite étudiée. Ces études ont abouti au développement d'un nouvel outil de simulation, basé sur une méthode hybride TLM-analytique. La synthèse des sources induites sur la surface d'une antenne-monopôle est ainsi réalisée, à partir du CL mesuré. L'orientation et la position des sources sont trouvées. Les avantages et les limitations de la technique sont enfin discutés.This thesis deals with wide-band electromagnetic (EM) source synthesis, by Reversed-TLM (Transmission Line Matrix) method. The work is particularly focused on wide-band applications. The main objective is to use the time reversal wave theory in order to develop a new simulation tool, which can synthesize an unknown source distribution from a far-field radiation pattern. Wave time-reversal is numerically simulated by 3D Reversed-TLM method, in based on symmetrical condensed nodes (SCN). Our method is first applied to lumped sources, transmitting wide band signals in the frequency range [26GHz - 34 GHz], placed in a lossless, homogeneous and non-dispersive 3D free-space. Source reconstruction results show that by using this method, the classical half-wavelength resolution limit is overcome. The synthesis of 1D and 2D secondary sources, induced on metallic antenna surfaces are also studied. These studies resulted in the development of a new simulation tool, based on a hybrid TLM-analytical method. Reversed - TLM method is then applied for synthesizing a monopole antenna from its measured far-field radiation pattern. Initial source orientation and localization are found. Advantages and limitations of this technique are discussed.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Personalized medicine – the imperative of the future medicine

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    Centrul Ştiinţific în Domeniul Medicamentului al USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The concept of personalized medicine refers to the use of methods of molecular analysis in order to improve the management of a patient (via the most appropriate treatment and with the possibility to predict the answer to this) or to improve its predisposition to a certain disease. Being a recent approach, personalized medicine must prove, with scientific arguments, that it serves the purpose of public health in general: prevention, life extension and health promotion. The whole society must be involved and the entire population should benefit from the results of this commitment. Conceptul de medicină personalizată se referă la utilizarea unor metode de analiză moleculară în scopul ameliorării managementului unui pacient (prin tratamentul cel mai adecvat şi cu posibilitatea predicţiei răspunsului la acesta) sau a ameliorării predispoziţiei acestuia la o anumită maladie. Fiind o abordare recentă, medicina personalizată trebuie să demonstreze, cu argumente ştiinţifice, că serveşte scopul sănătăţii publice, în general: prevenirea bolii, prelungirea vieţii şi promovarea sănătăţii. Întreaga societate trebuie implicată şi întreaga populaţie trebuie să beneficieze de rezultatele acestui angajament

    Clinical studies and monitoring aspects

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    Centrul Ştiinţific al Medicamentului, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Republica MoldovaRezumat. Studiul clinic reprezintă cercetarea experimentală asupra administrării produselor medicamentoase subiecților umani. Monitorizarea este procesul, în general recunoscut, ca fiind unul din principalele instrumente de prevenire şi investigare a încălcărilor drepturilor omului. Monitorizarea cuprinde un grup de sarcini critice care permit evaluarea progresului și calității unui studiu clinic și garantează siguranța subiectului. Monitorul (asistentul de cercetare clinică) este principala verigă de legătură între sponsor și investigator. Monitorizarea studiului clinic este un proces continuu efectuat înainte, în timpul și după cercetare.Abstract. Clinical study is the experimental research on the administration of medicinal products to human subjects. Monitoring is generally recognized as one of the main tools for preventing and investigating human rights violations. Monitoring includes a group of critical tasks that allow assessment of the progress and quality of a clinical trial and guarantee the subject’s safety. The Monitor (clinical research assistant) is the main link between sponsor and investigator. Clinical trial monitoring is a continuous process performed before, during and after research

    Variaţia coeficientului de adsorbţie a calciului ionic pe cationit cu grupări sulfonice

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    Determination of the adsorption coefficient is essential for all retention processes of ionic species on surfaces, to determine the process efficiency and influence of the various factors on the adsorption. Calcium ions are present in significant quantities in many natural waters, causing high values of hardness, implicitly restricting the possibilities of using these waters. Decreasing the content of ionic calcium from aqueous solutions can be done by retaining them on cation exchangers, soin the present paperwe chose a sulphonic resin -Dowex 50-to study the calcium adsorption from aqueous solutions of different concentrations. We determined both the values of the adsorption coefficient over time for each concentration in the dynamic process as well as the correlation between the amount of ion in the initial solution and that retained on the surface of the adsorbent, depending on the amount of resin used

    Analize gravitaţionale aplicate la lignina protobind 1000

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    Lignin derivative (the commercial product -Protobind 1000) offered by the Granit Recherche Developement S.A. company, Lausanne-Schwitzerlandwas synthesized from annual plants. The ligninstands out by a very large range of applications in extremely various domains: agriculture,the pulp and paper industry, constructions or metallurgy.The adsorption-desorption capacity, ion exchange capacity and its catalytic properties are just a few specific characteristics which are emphasizing the importance of harnessing the lignins. Using the gravitational sedimentation, it can be determined in a shorter period of time the particle dimensions comparing with the sieving method, which is a much more complex one

    Current aspects in the bioavailability of drugs

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    Centrul Știinţific al Medicamentului, IP USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Republica Moldova, Agenția Medicamentului și Dispozitivelor Medicale, Republica MoldovaRezumat. Biodisponibilitatea unui medicament este determinată în mare măsură de proprietățile formei de dozare, care depinde parțial de formularea și fabricarea acestuia. Diferențele privind biodisponibilitatea între formulările unui anumit medicament pot avea o semnificație clinică, prin urmare, a ști dacă formulările medicamentoase sunt echivalente este esențial. Echivalența terapeutică a diferitelor formulări ale aceluiași medicament, în prezent, poate fi stabilită numai prin testare la om.Abstract. Bioavailability of a drug is largely determined by the properties of the dosage form, which depend partly on its design and manufacture. The differences in bioavailability among formulations of a given drug can have clinical significance, thus, knowing whether drug formulations are equivalent is essential. Therapeutic equivalence of different formulations of the same drug can be established at present only by testing in man