238 research outputs found

    Spectral dimensionality reduction for HMMs

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    Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) can be accurately approximated using co-occurrence frequencies of pairs and triples of observations by using a fast spectral method in contrast to the usual slow methods like EM or Gibbs sampling. We provide a new spectral method which significantly reduces the number of model parameters that need to be estimated, and generates a sample complexity that does not depend on the size of the observation vocabulary. We present an elementary proof giving bounds on the relative accuracy of probability estimates from our model. (Correlaries show our bounds can be weakened to provide either L1 bounds or KL bounds which provide easier direct comparisons to previous work.) Our theorem uses conditions that are checkable from the data, instead of putting conditions on the unobservable Markov transition matrix

    Structural Logistic Regression for Link Analysis

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    We present Structural Logistic Regression, an extension of logistic regression to modeling relational data. It is an integrated approach to building regression models from data stored in relational databases in which potential predictors, both boolean and real-valued, are generated by structured search in the space of queries to the database, and then tested with statistical information criteria for inclusion in a logistic regression. Using statistics and relational representation allows modeling in noisy domains with complex structure. Link prediction is a task of high interest with exactly such characteristics. Be it in the domain of scientific citations, social networks or hypertext, the underlying data are extremely noisy and the features useful for prediction are not readily available in a flat file format. We propose the application of Structural Logistic Regression to building link prediction models, and present experimental results for the task of predicting citations made in scientific literature using relational data taken from the CiteSeer search engine. This data includes the citation graph, authorship and publication venues of papers, as well as their word content
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