17 research outputs found

    Water Quality Management for Aquaculture at Lake Tutud, North Sulawesi

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    Southeast Minahasa Regency has potential natural resources, one of them related aquculture in Lake Tutud. Considering the conditions and opportunities for the development of aquaculture in Lake Tutud, improvement efforts and increase the potential for fish production needs to be done. Some of the factors that caused the current problems include declining water level of Lake Tutud drastically in recent years caused by the death of most of spring water coming into the lake causing sedimentation, high content of sulfur from the irrigation run off. All of these problems can be a barrier to tilapia fish culture, so it is necessary to periodically measure the water quality in Lake Tutud in order to improve and enhance the quality of the water before it is used for culture efforts. Referring to the current economic conditions of the community around Lake Tutud of Tombatu 3 Village include community leaders and the fish farmers are also public observers who are interested in this program, through the Program Implementation of science and technology for the Community (IbM) of PNBP UNSRAT given counseling, training and mentoring such as water quality management technology. The methods used in the implementation of science and technology program are education, training, discussion and mentoring. Materials used were proper method of producing fish seeds, the stages of the production process, the use immunostimulatory in fish feed for fish disease management, maintain and improve water quality. With the Community Service Program through the application of science and technology, it is expected that there will be a transferred in science and technology in water quality management of Tutud lake so hopefully their business development, creation of business opportunity, income generation and welfare of the people in this Tombatu 3 village. The results revealed that the implementation of this community service activity in the form of the application of science and technology are: lecture activities, training, discussion and question and answer, including the lake water quality measurements that have been going well with good response of the fish farmers indicated by the presence of participants as much as 80%, show that a). increased production of tilapia fish farmers through water quality management can be implemented, b). tilapia fish farming is feasible and can provide profit if done properly, so it can be an alternative in an effort to help the reduction of unemployment and poverty. Interaction with the community on this community service activity, it is found that there were many people who still do not understand much about the overall material included engineering, water quality management and proper fish feed and feeding method. One of the barriers was the language, so it is necessary for the lectures and trainers to use the local language. It can be recommended in the future to keep on doing this kind of community service considering the inherent of the knowledge and application of water quality management is still a new thing and has a business prospective opportunities in the Tombatu 3 village

    A Study on Biological Parameters of Aquaculture Area in Bahoi Village Northern Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui parameter biologi dan mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis plankton serta menganalisis kepadatan dan keanekaragaman plankton di lokasi budidaya Desa Bahoi. Sampel plankton diambil sejak bulan Juli sampai September 2018. Pengambilan sampel plankton dengan planktonnet selama tiga bulan pada dua stasiun yang telah ditentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis plankton terbanyak yang ada di perairan Desa Bahoi adalah fitoplankton kelas Bacillariophyceae dengan (63 genera) sedangkan untuk jenis zooplankton didominasi oleh genus acartia sp kelas Crustaceae. Kepadatan tertinggi plankton terdapat pada stasiun 2 (di luar area budidaya) 3,18 ind/l, kepadatan yang terrendah terdapat pada stasiun 2 dengan waktu pengambilan pagi hari sebesar 1,64 ind/l. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman (H\u27) yaitu 2.5-2.9, menunjukkan bahwa perairan Desa Bahoi termasuk dalam kategori kesuburan sedang dan keanekaragaman jenis plankton yang sedang. Kondisi kualitas air pada saat penelitian secara keseluruhan dapat dikatakan baik dan plankton dapat bertumbuh dan berkembang

    Application of probiotic bacteria isolated from catfish (Clarias batrachus) intestine to enhance growth performance and resistance of carp (Cyprinus carpio) against Aeromonas hydrophila

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    The objective of research was to isolate probiotic bacteria from catfish intestine and to examine its effects on the growth and resistance of carp against Aeromonas hydrophila.  The probiotic isolated from intestine was grown on MRS agar.  Fish used in this research was juvenile of carp with an average weight of 5.5 g obtained from Freshwater Aquaculture Board at Tatelu Village, North Sulawesi Province.  Before running the experiment, the juveniles were adapted for one weeks in 15 glass aquaria at a density of 15 individuals each.  After acclimatization, the fish were fed diet supplemented with probiotic at different concentrations namely 1x109 , 1x108 , 1x107,  1x106 cfu/mL for three weeks. The fish were fed two times a dayat 08.00 am and 17.00 pm with a dose of 5% of body weight per day. At the end of feeding, the fish were challenged with A. hydrophila.  Data collected included average growth rate, absolute growth, feed efficiency, and food conversion ratio.  Research results found that the addition of probiotic into feed was  able to increase growth and feed efficiency and reduce food conversion ratio as well (p<0.01). The best growth, feed efficiency and food conversion ratio were obtained in fish fed diet added with probiotic bacteria at 1x108 cfu/mL.  The highest survival rate was also observed in fish probiotic diet containing 1x108 cfu/mL.  As conclusion, probiotic bacteria isolated from catfish intestine was potential to improve growth, feed efficiency, reduce food conversion ratio and increase resistance of fish against bacterial pathogen.Keywords: probiotic, carp, Aeromonas hydrophila, feed efficiency, food conversion ratioABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi bakteri probiotik dari usus ikan lele dan menguji pengaruh pemberian probiotik dari usus ikan lele terhadap pertumbuhan dan resistensi ikan mas terhadap infeksi Aeromonas hydrophilla. Sumber probiotik diisolasi dari usus ikan lele menggunakan media MRS (de Man Rogosa Sharpe) dan bakteri Aeromonas hydrophilla ditumbuhkan pada media TSA (Tryptic Soy Agar). ikan uji diambil dari Balai Budidaya Air Tawar Tatelu , Provinsi Sulawesi Utara . ikan diaklimatisasi selama seminggu dalam 15 akuarium dengan kepadatan 15 ekor/akuarium dan berat awal rata-rata 5,5 g. Setelah diaklimatisasi ikan diberi pakan yang ditambahkan bakteri probiotik sebagai perlakuan dengan konsentrasi berbeda yaitu 1x109 , 1x108 , 1x107,  1x106 cfu/mL selama empat minggu sebanyak 5% /berat tubuh/hari dengan frekuensi pemberian pakan dua kali sehari yaitu jam 08.00 pagi dan jam 17.00 sore. Setelah diberi perlakuan maka diuji tantang dengan bakteri Aeromonas hydrophilla.  Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari laju pertumbuhan harian, pertumbuhan mutlak, efesiensi pakan, konversi pakan dan uji tantang terhadap bakteri patogen. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa penambahan bakteri probiotik dalam pakan mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan, efesiensi pakan dan menurunkan konversi pakan (p<0.01). Pertumbuhan, efesiensi pakan dan konversi pakan yang terbaik dicapai pada ikan yang diberi pakan dengan penambahan bakteri probiotik 1x108 cfu/mL.  Kelangsungan hidup ikan mas yang diuji tantang dengan bakteri patogen yang paling tinggi dicapai pada ikan yang diberi pakan 1x108 cfu/mL. Sebagai kesimpulan bahwa bakteri probiotik yang diisolasi dari usus ikan lele berpotensi meningkatkan pertumbuhan, efesiensi pakan, menurunkan konversi pakan serta meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh pada ikan mas.Kata Kunci : Probiotik, Ikan Mas, Aeromonas hydrophilla, Pertumbuhan, Efesiensi Pakan, Konversi Paka


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    Spons are primitive living settled animals that are filter feeder. These animals are commonly found in tropical and sub-tropical waters, ranging from the intertidal zone to the subtidal. The aim of this study is to know the diversity of species and the content of bioactive sponges. Sponge data collection: ecological index, species composition and density of sponge as well as knowledge of the study of bioactive sponge using the library study of the research carried out and using the scientific articles of the last 10 years, from 2013 to 2023. The study used the transec belt method that has been modified. From the use of the method, 17 Families were obtained, 48 individuals at a depth of 7 m and 118 individuals at 14 m. Based on the results of this study showed that the index of diversity obtained from the analysis results belonged to the average in 7 m and 14 m. Distribution patterns obtained from data analysis results obtain the distribution pattern at a depth of 7 m grouping 5 families, uniform 5 families and random 1 family. At a depth of 14 m, the most spread pattern is the uniform spread of 10 families, and the spread model groups 4 families. The index of diversity obtained from the results of data analysis is high (stable). The composition of the species obtained from the results of the analysis showed the highest species of the clionaidae family and the lowest sponge species composition is 7 m depth is 0%, the lower species in 14m depths is 11.86%. The highest value of spongy density at a depth of 7 meters is 2.44 ind/m² and the lowest is 0.15 ind/m², whereas at depths of 14 meters with the highest values are 3.16 ind/m² and lower is 0.08 ind/m² and a library study of the bioactive content received 27 articles related to the family obtaining at the research site and in teluk manado.Keywords: Diversity, Sponge, Kinamang Beach, Bioactive ContentABSTRAKSpons merupakan hewan primitif yang hidup menetap yang bersifat filter feeder (menyaring). Hewan ini sangat umum dijumpai di perairan tropis dan sub tropis, sebarannya mulai dari zona intertidal hingga zona subtidal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis dan kandungan bioaktif spons. Pengambilan data spons : indeks ekologi, komposisi jenis dan kepadatan spons serta mengetahui kajian mengenai bioaktif spons dengan menggunakan studi pustaka dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan dan menggunakan artikel ilmiah 10 tahun terakhir tahun 2013 sampai 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode belt transek yang telah dimodifikasi. Dari pengunaan metode tersebut diperoleh 17 Famili, 48 individu pada kedalaman 7 m dan 118 individu pada kedalaman 14 m. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa indeks keanekaragaman yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis tergolong sedang pada kedalam 7 m dan 14 m. Pola Sebaran yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis data didapatkan pola sebaran pada kedalaman 7 m pola sebaran mengelompok 5 famili, pola sebaran seragam 5 famili,dan pola sebaran acak 1 famili. Sedangkan pada kedalaman 14 m pola sebaran terbanyak yaitu, pola sebaran seragam 10 famili, dan pola sebaran mengelompok 4 famili. Indeks keseragaman yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis data yaitu tergolong tinggi (stabil). Komposisi jenis yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis menunjukkan jenis spons tertinggi yaitu dari famili clionaidae dan komposisi jenis spons terendah kedalaman 7 m yaitu 0%, jenis spons terendah pada kedalaman 14 m yaitu 11,86 %. Nilai kepadatan spons tertinggi pada kedalaman 7 m yaitu 2,44 ind/m² dan terendah yaitu 0,15 ind/m², sedangkan pada kedalaman 14 meter dengan nilai tertinggi yaitu 3,16 ind/m² dan terendah yaitu 0,08 ind/m² dan studi pustaka mengenai kandungan bioaktif yang didapatkan 27 artikel yang berkaitan dengan famili yang didapatkan di lokasi penelitian dan di teluk manado.Kata Kunci: Keanekaragaman, Spons, Pantai Kinamang, Kandungan Bioakti

    Distribution and Diversity of Ascidian in Manado Bay, North Sulawesi

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution and the diversity of ascidians in Manado Bay including species composition, density, diversity, and dominance. This study used the quadrat transect method. This study found differences in the number of ascidian species with water depth, 11 species of 5 families at 15 M depth, and 8 species of 3 families at 7 M depth. The diversity index ranged from 0.868 to 1.844 at 15 M depth and 0.965 to 1.864 at 7 M depth, the evenness index was 0.533 – 0.839 at 15 M depth and 0.600 – 0.897 at 7 M depth, the dominance index was 0.254 – 0.745 at 15 M depth and 0.254 – 0.708 at 7 M depth. Ascidian in Manado Bay had two distribution patterns, a uniform distribution pattern and a clustered distribution pattern. Environmental parameters had a water temperature of 27 oC – 31 oC, the salinity of 30 0/00 – 32 0/00, the brightness of 12 m – 14 m, and pH of 8 – 10.*Keywords: Ascidian; diversity; ecological index; distribution patternAbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi dan keanekaragaman jenis ascidia di perairan Teluk Manado meliputi: komposisi jenis, kepadatan individu, keanekaragaman, dan dominansi. Serta mengetahui pola distribusi ascidia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode transek kuadran. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan perbedaan jumlah spesies ascidia menurut kedalaman, 11 spesies dari 5 family pada 15 M dan 8 spesies dari 3 famili pada kedalaman 7 m. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman ascidia di kedalaman 15 m = 0.868 – 1.844 dan 7 m = 0.965 - 1.864, indeks keseragaman 15 m = 0.533 – 0.839 dan 7 m = 0.600 – 0.897, indeks Dominasi15 m = 0.254 – 0.745 dan 7 m = 0.254 – 0.708. Ascdia di perairan Teluk Manado memiliki dua pola distribusi yaitu pola distribusi seragam dan pola distribusi mengelopok. Parameter lingkungan memiliki suhu air 27 oC – 31 oC, salinitas 30 0/00 – 32 0/00, kecerahan 12 m – 14 m, dan pH 8 – 10.*Kata kunci : Ascidia; keanekaragaman; indeks ekologi; pola distribus

    Isolation and amplification of 16S rRNA gen of Associated Microbial isolates in Red Algae Kappaphycus alvarezii from Belang, Southeast Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi

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    This study aims to obtain isolates and amplify the associative bacterial 16SrRNA gene in K. alvarezii algae. The K. alvarezii algae was collected from seaweed cultivation area in Belang, Southeast Minahasa, North Sulawesi. Associative bacteria were sampled from K. alvarezii algae, grown in Nutrient Agar and separated based on their morphological characteristics.  Each isolates were extracted their DNA genome and.the16S rRNA gene of each isolate was amplified using PCR.  Eight associative bacterial from K. alvarezii algae were successfully isolated based on morphological characteristics which were dominated by round shape, smooth edges, convex elevation, and white color of the isolates. The results of genomic DNA extraction from each of these isolates were successfully used as templates to amplify the 16s rRNA gene.Key word: Bacteria, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Taxsonomy, 16S rRNAABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat dan mengamplifikasi gen 16SrRNA bakteri asosiatif pada alga K. alvarezii. Metode penelitian diawali dengan pengambilan sampel alga K. alvarezii di lokasi pembudidayaan rumput laut di desa Belang, Minahasa Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara. Selanjutnya, bakteri asosiatif pada alga K. alvarezii tersebut ditumbuhkan dalam media Nutrient Agar, isolat yang tumbuh kemudian dipisahkan berdasarkan karakteristik morfologinya. dan gen 16S rRNA masing-masing isolat diamplifikasi menggunakn PCR.  Delapan isolat bakteri asosiatif pada alga K. alvarezii berhasil diisolasi dengan karakteristik morfologi berbeda yang didominasi dengan bentuk round, tepian smooth, elevasi convex, dan warna putih. Hasil ekstraksi DNA genom dari masing-masing isolat tersebut berhasil digunakan sebagai template untuk mengamplifikasi gen 16s rRNA.Kata Kunci: Bakteri, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Taksonomi, 16S rRN

    Development Strategy Of Hygienic Fish Marketing In Samudera Fishing Port of Bitung

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    Hygienic Fish Marketing (HFM) is one of the functional facilities at the fishing port provided to facilitate the marketing of fishery products. The right development strategies of HFM must take into account the potential, opportunities, constraints, and problems.  The objectives of this research are (1) to determine the condition of utilization percentage analysis of fish resources landed at HFM and to analyze the level of facility utilization at HFM, and (2) to arrange strategies and recommendations for the development of HFM at PPS Bitung. The research method used to analyze catch prediction data for the next 10 years was arithmetic analysis. Analysis of utilization percentage was used to find out the level of facility utilization at HFM.  Analysis of the development strategy of HFM at PPS Bitung used SWOT matrix analysis and QSPM analysis.  The projection of fish catch landed over the next 10 years will increase by 24.77% per year, which is predicted to be 83,549.40 tons in 2029.  The level of facility utilization is categorized as good with a value of 71.22%, that utilization level of HFM runs optimally.  Based on the analysis using the SWOT matrix and QSPM analysis, it was found that the priority strategies are the main choices in the development of HFM at PPS Bitung which increase the operational capacity of loading docks and port ponds.Keywords: TPI hygienic, Development Strategy, Internal, and External FactorAbstrakTPI Higienis merupakan salah satu fasilitas fungsional di pelabuhan perikanan yang disediakan untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan pemasaran hasil perikanan.  Strategi pengembangan TPI Higienis yang tepat harus memperhitungkan potensi, peluang, kendala, dan permasalahan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) mengetahui kondisi sumberdaya ikan yang didaratkan di TPI Higienis dan menganalisa tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas di TPI Higienis dan (2) menyusun strategi dan rekomendasi pengembangan TPI Higienis PPS Bitung.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menganalisa data prediksi hasil tangkapan selama 10 tahun kedepan adalah analisa aritmatik. Untuk mengetahui tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas TPI Higienis, digunakan analisis persentasi pemanfaatan. Analisa strategi pengembangan TPI Higienis PPS Bitung menggunakan analisa matriks SWOT dan analisa QSPM. Proyeksi hasil tangkapan yang didaratkan selama 10 tahun kedepan mengalami kenaikan sebesar 24,77% pertahun sehingga pada tahun 2029 produksi diprediksi sebesar 83.549,40 ton. Tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas masuk dalam kategori baik dengan nilai 71,22% sehingga tingkat pemanfaatan TPI Higienis berjalan optimal. Berdasarkan hasil analisa menggunakan matrik SWOT dan analisa QSPM didapatkan prioritas strategi yang menjadi pilihan utama dalam strategi pengembangan TPI Higienis di PPS Bitung yakni meningkatkan kapasitas operasional dermaga bongkar dan kolam pelabuhan.Kata kunci: TPI Higienis, Strategi Pengembangan, Faktor Internal dan Eksterna

    Polychaeta Communities in Subtidal Zone Soft Substrate of Manado Bay, North Sulawesi

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    This study aims to analyze the structure of the Polychaeta community on the soft substrate of the subtidal zone in Manado Bay. Samples were taken by grab at 3 stations namely ST1 located at a depth of 8 m with black mud substrate; ST2 is located at a depth of 26 m with blackish sand substrate, and ST3 are located at a depth of 18 m with blackish sand as a substrate. From the three sampling stations, 27 species of 253 Polychaeta individuals were identified. Station 1, which is located near the mouth of the Bailang River, has high individual abundance but low species diversity. Station 2, which is located near the Megamas area, has moderate individual abundance but high species richness. Station 3, which is located around the Faculty of Medicine, Unsrat Malalayang, has low individual abundance but high species richness. Substrate types and anthropogenic disturbances such as enrichment of organic matter are thought to be determinants of individual abundance, composition, and species richness of Polychaeta in Manado Bay.Keywords: Polychaeta; biodiversity; soft substrate; Manado BayAbstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur komunitas Polychaeta pada substrat lunak zona subtidal di Teluk Manado. Sampel diambil dengan grab pada 3 stasiun yakni ST1 terletak pada kedalaman 8 m dengan substrat lumpur berwarna hitam; ST2 terletak pada kedalaman 26 m dengan substrat pasir berwarna kehitaman; dan ST3 terletak pada kedalaman 18 m dengan substrat pasir berwarna kehitaman. Dari tiga stasiun sampling tersebut berhasil diidentifikasi 27 spesies dari 253 individu Polychaeta. Stasiun 1 yang terletak dekat muara Sungai Bailang memiliki kelimpahan individu tinggi tetapi keanekaragaman spesies rendah. Stasiun 2 yang terletak dekat kawasan Megamas memiliki kelimpahan individu sedang tetapi kekayaan spesies tinggi. Stasiun 3 yang terletak di sekitar pemukiman belakang Fakultas Kedokteran Unsrat Malalayang memiliki kelimpahan individu rendah tetapi kekayaan spesies tinggi. Jenis substrat dan gangguan antropogenik seperti pengayaan bahan organik diduga merupakan faktor penentu kelimpahan individu, komposisi dan kekayaan spesies Polychaeta di Teluk Manado. Kata Kunci: Polychaeta; keanekaragaman hayati; substrat lunak; Teluk Manad

    Isolation and Amplification of 16S RRNA Gen of Associated Microbial Isolates in Red Algae Kappaphycus Alvarezii From Belang, Southeast Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat dan mengamplifikasi gen 16SrRNA bakteri asosiatif pada alga K. alvarezii. Metode penelitian diawali dengan pengambilan sampel alga K. alvarezii di lokasi pembudidayaan rumput laut di desa Belang, Minahasa Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara. Selanjutnya, bakteri asosiatif pada alga K. alvarezii tersebut ditumbuhkan dalam media Nutrient Agar, isolat yang tumbuh kemudian dipisahkan berdasarkan karakteristik morfologinya. dan gen 16S rRNA masing-masing isolat diamplifikasi menggunakn PCR. Delapan isolat bakteri asosiatif pada alga K. alvarezii berhasil diisolasi dengan karakteristik morfologi berbeda yang didominasi dengan bentuk round, tepian smooth, elevasi convex, dan warna putih. Hasil ekstraksi DNA genom dari masing-masing isolat tersebut berhasil digunakan sebagai template untuk mengamplifikasi gen 16s rRNA