4 research outputs found

    Cervical Cancer Health Literacy Among Female Librarians in Imo State, Nigeria

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    Abstract Purpose: to assess the cervical cancer knowledge of female librarians in Imo State. The assessment was in terms of the risk factors; signs and symptoms, screening and control. Design: It was a descriptive survey of female librarians in Nigeria. Findings: Female librarians have very poor knowledge of cervical cancer health in all its ramifications. And up-take was abysmally low (5%). Urgent intervention is needed to raise their awareness. Originality/Value: It is the first survey of librarians’ cervical cancer health literacy in Nigeria. Data collected provides good bases for intervention and policy. Keywords: Librarians, cervical cancer, health literacy, cervical cancer literacy, health information, female librarians. Paper Type: Original research article

    Educators’ Perception of Accreditation Processes in University-based Library and Information Science Schools in South-East, Nigeria

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    The purpose of the study is to examine educators’ perception of accreditation processes in university-based library and information science schools in south-east, Nigeria. The survey research design was adopted. The sample size comprises 38 library and information science educators working in the selected university-based library schools in South-east, Nigeria. The questionnaire was used for data collection. The generated data were analyzed using mean rating. Inadequacy of funds, shortage of qualified personnel, poorly equipped laboratory, shortage of teaching staff at the professorial cadre, lack of well equipped practical laboratory and non-participation of LRCN in accreditation process affect the accreditation of university-based library schools in the south-east zone. The paper concludes that state of accreditation process in university-based library schools is worrisome. There is a dire need to restructure the accreditation processes of university-based library schools and bring various stakeholders in librarianship into the streamline. Adequate funding of library schools, involvement of LRCN in accreditation of library schools, recruitment of qualified lecturers and engaging in exchange/collaboration programme were recommended

    Cervical Cancer Health Literacy Among Female Librarians in Imo State, Nigeria

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    Abstract Purpose: to assess the cervical cancer knowledge of female librarians in Imo State. The assessment was in terms of the risk factors; signs and symptoms, screening and control. Design: It was a descriptive survey of female librarians in Nigeria. Findings: Female librarians have very poor knowledge of cervical cancer health in all its ramifications. And up-take was abysmally low (5%). Urgent intervention is needed to raise their awareness. Originality/Value: It is the first survey of librarians’ cervical cancer health literacy in Nigeria. Data collected provides good bases for intervention and policy. Keywords: Librarians, cervical cancer, health literacy, cervical cancer literacy, health information, female librarians. Paper Type: Original research article

    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a sine qua-non for improved services in public library in Nigeria: challenges and prospects

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    This paper looked into the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as sine qua-non for improved services in public library in Nigeria: challenges and prospects. Questionnaire was used for the data collection. Out of ninety (90) copies of questionnaire distributed to all the library staff at Imo State Public Library , seventy-two (72) were used for the study and eight (8) copies were discarded for various reasons. Frequency and percentages were used to analyse research question one while mean and standard deviation were used to analyze other research questions. Regression was also used to test the null hypothesis formulated at 0.05 levels significant. The result depicted a very strong relationship between strategies utilized and the challenges faced by the library as it shows 86.1% level of coefficient between the duo. Based on this, it therefore rejects the null hypothesis which states that challenges faced by the library does not significantly affect the strategies utilized in the library to achieve SDG. Again from the result it was discovered that 90% of the staff said that they have heard of SDG before but only 7 (10%) said that it has been achieved in their libraries. This  study therefore revealed the following as the reasons for non attainment of SDGs: lack of government support, lack of capacity building for staff, inadequate internet connectivity, lack of awareness on the services of the public library etc. Whereas the creation of massive campaign at various places in the town, full government support, provision of adequate funds and acquisition of all the necessary facilities with full internet connectivity have been identified as solutions for the actualization of the SDGs.Keywords: Development, Goals, Challenges, Prospects, Public, Library, Service