231 research outputs found

    The Varieties of Instantiation

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    Working with the assumption that properties depend for their instantiation on substances, I argue against a unitary analysis of instantiation. On the standard view, a property is instantiated just in case there is a substance that serves as the bearer of the property. But this view cannot make sense of how properties that are mind-dependent depend for their instantiation on minds. I consider two classes of properties that philosophers often take to be mind-dependent: sensible qualities like color and bodily sensations like itches. Given that the mind is never itself literally red or itchy, we cannot explain the instantiation of these qualities as a matter of their having a mental bearer. Appealing to insights from Berkeley, I defend a view on which a property can be instantiated not in virtue of having a bearer—mental or material—but rather in virtue of being the object of a conscious act of perception. In the second half of the paper, I suggest that the best account of sensible qualities and bodily sensations ultimately makes use of both varieties of instantiation

    Mind-Dependence in Berkeley and the Problem of Perception

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    ABSTRACT On the traditional picture, accidents must inhere in substances in order to exist. Berkeley famously argues that a particular class of accidents—the sensible qualities—are mere ideas—entities that depend for their existence on minds. To defend this view, Berkeley provides us with an elegant alternative to the traditional framework: sensible qualities depend on a mind, not in virtue of inhering in it, but in virtue of being perceived by it. This metaphysical insight, once correctly understood, gives us the resources to solve a central problem that still plagues the philosophy of perception—the problem of how, given the power of the mind to create phenomenally rich experiences, ordinary perception can nonetheless be said to acquaint us with the mind-independent world

    Stress Analysis in Crankshaft Through FEM

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    The crankshaft is the important part component of an engine. The main purpose of the crankshaft in automobile is to transform reciprocating linear motion to rotary motion. This thesis present the result of stress analysis done on a crankshaft of a single acting Four Stroke Diesel Engine using Solid Work, ANSYS and FEMAP Software. The three dimension model of crankshaft are develop in Solid work software and analysis in solid work first and after that import in ANSYS and FEMAP for stress analysis. The static analysis is done and is verified by simulation in finite element analysis software Solid work, ANSYS and FEMAP .A calculation method is used to validate the model. Finite element analysis is performed to obtain the variation of stress magnitude at critical locations

    Tools for Genetic Purity Testing of Horticultural Crops—A Review

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    Authors: Abhishek Katagi, Ravishankar M. Patil and Prashant Paramagoudar The primary objective of plant breeding is to develop superior varieties. Varietal purity is one of the main quality requirements of the seed offered for sale as well as for commercial multiplication. Hence seed identity and varietal genetic purity testing is essential component of modern and effective agricultural production system. Several laboratory and field methods are used to determine the cultivar trueness and genetic purity of the seed offering genuine quality seed to the farmers for commercial cultivation. Farmers cannot distinguish the real hybrid seeds from false ones neither the poor quality ones. Hence judicious, sensible application of chemical and molecular tools for rapid genetic purity testing is of much concern for quality seeds to meet our country's food security. Published in : HortFlora Research Spectrum, 3 (2) : 108-113 (June 2014). This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Detection of non-tuberculous mycobacteria from sputum samples

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    NTM infections are an emerging global public health problem, especially in developing world. NTM and MTBC were proven to be responsible for various lungs, soft and skin tissues, and disseminated infections. Microscopy of AFB is rapid; however it does not discriminate between MTBC and NTM. Biochemical tests are time taking and interpretation of results may be difficult. The  GenoType®  Mycobacterium  CM/AS  assay  is reliable and rapid detection method in species of mycobacteria, which can  give  patients  with the onset  of  early targeted therapy. In present study, 189 patients detect by sputum sampling from total 3320 patients. Keywords: NTM, Sputum, Diagnosis, Clinical, Lucknow

    Comparative analysis of different identification techniques for detection of mycobacterial species in clinical samples

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    Out of 906 cultures isolates, 263 (29.0%) were confirmed as NTM and 724 (71.0%) were identified as Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. The diversity of NTM species was high and predominated by Mycobacterium abscessus (31.3%) followed by M. fortuitum (22%), M. intracellulare (13.6%), M. chelonae (9.1%), however, M. abscessus and M. fortuitum were the predominant species in both types of clinical isolates. Men (60.4%) and older patients aged greater than 55 years were the predominated risk group for NTM infection. Additionally, three HIV/AIDS cases (1.1%), as well as thirty five cases were found to be type two diabetes mellitus infected with non-tuberculous bacteria. Keywords: NTM, Technique, BacT/Alert, Biochemical Test, Tuberculosis

    Knockdown of the survival motor neuron (Smn) protein in zebrafish causes defects in motor axon outgrowth and pathfinding

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a loss of α motoneurons in the spinal cord. SMA is caused by low levels of the ubiquitously expressed survival motor neuron (Smn) protein. As it is unclear how low levels of Smn specifically affect motoneurons, we have modeled SMA in zebrafish, a vertebrate model organism with well-characterized motoneuron development. Using antisense morpholinos to reduce Smn levels throughout the entire embryo, we found motor axon–specific pathfinding defects. Reduction of Smn in individual motoneurons revealed that smn is acting cell autonomously. These results show for the first time, in vivo, that Smn functions in motor axon development and suggest that these early developmental defects may lead to subsequent motoneuron loss

    Nondifferentiable multiobjective programming problem under strongly K-Gf-pseudoinvexity assumptions

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    [EN] In this paper we consider the introduction of the concept of (strongly) K-G(f)-pseudoinvex functions which enable to study a pair of nondifferentiable K-G- Mond-Weir type symmetric multiobjective programming model under such assumptions.Dubey, R.; Mishra, LN.; Sánchez Ruiz, LM.; Sarwe, DU. (2020). Nondifferentiable multiobjective programming problem under strongly K-Gf-pseudoinvexity assumptions. Mathematics. 8(5):1-11. https://doi.org/10.3390/math8050738S11185Antczak, T. (2007). New optimality conditions and duality results of type in differentiable mathematical programming. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 66(7), 1617-1632. doi:10.1016/j.na.2006.02.013Antczak, T. (2008). On G-invex multiobjective programming. Part I. Optimality. Journal of Global Optimization, 43(1), 97-109. doi:10.1007/s10898-008-9299-5Ferrara, M., & Viorica-Stefanescu, M. (2008). Optimality conditions and duality in multiobjective programming with invexity. YUJOR, 18(2), 153-165. doi:10.2298/yjor0802153fChen, X. (2004). Higher-order symmetric duality in nondifferentiable multiobjective programming problems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 290(2), 423-435. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2003.10.004Long, X. (2013). Sufficiency and duality for nonsmooth multiobjective programming problems involving generalized univex functions. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 26(6), 1002-1018. doi:10.1007/s11424-013-1089-6Dubey, R., Mishra, L. N., & Sánchez Ruiz, L. M. (2019). Nondifferentiable G-Mond–Weir Type Multiobjective Symmetric Fractional Problem and Their Duality Theorems under Generalized Assumptions. Symmetry, 11(11), 1348. doi:10.3390/sym11111348Pitea, A., & Postolache, M. (2011). Duality theorems for a new class of multitime multiobjective variational problems. Journal of Global Optimization, 54(1), 47-58. doi:10.1007/s10898-011-9740-zPitea, A., & Antczak, T. (2014). Proper efficiency and duality for a new class of nonconvex multitime multiobjective variational problems. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014(1). doi:10.1186/1029-242x-2014-333Dubey, R., Deepmala, & Narayan Mishra, V. (2020). Higher-order symmetric duality in nondifferentiable multiobjective fractional programming problem over cone contraints. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 8(1), 187-205. doi:10.19139/soic-2310-5070-60


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    Agroforestry has the double benefit of making grain and wood from bushes alongside crop advent from a solitary actual property parcel. It is beneficial to broaden teak, crease, sesame, and eucalyptus for wood, lumber for apparatuses, crease, bamboo and teak, bamboo for paper and mash, and karanj for biofuel. Manure bushes are for land recovery, soil wellbeing, and food security; herbal product bushes for sustenance and pay; feed bushes that in addition broaden smallholder domesticated animals’ advent; lumber and gasoline wooden bushes for secure residence and energy; healing bushes to war infection, especially in which there’s no drug store; and bushes that produce gums, tars, or plastic items. Ranchers having substantial land maintenance commonly take in this path of motion of tree planting. Significant tree species for block planting are poplar, eucalyptus, and deck. This vegetable offers a top-notch wellspring of high-protein dairy farm animal grain. The range is separated from the leaves, blossoms, bark, seeds, and so on from palas blossoms to orange, from one purple to any other, from one blue to any other, and so forth getting colors. If you are taking a gander on the historic backdrop of horticultural ranger carrier in India, we are those with the maximum profile of rehearsing rural ranger carrier. This assists with saving the dampness withinside the dust for pretty a while. So, we ought to make use of strategies like ranger carrier, and natural product cultivation. Raising animals at the homestead, cows, bison, goats, and hens bring fulfilment to the ranch. The agroforestry framework has the selection to study munching with the aid of using the reception of feed tree species with suitable grasses. Safeguarding systems and streets from floating snow, funding price range in domesticated animals’ advent with the aid of using lessening wind chills, safeguarding crops, giving untamed existence territory, disposing of climatic carbon dioxide and handing over oxygen, lowering breeze pace, and as a consequence proscribing breeze disintegration and particulate depend withinside the air, diminishing commotion contamination, and moderating heady fragrance from focused domesticated animals’ activities

    Machine Learning Security

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