4 research outputs found

    Developing Computer Course Models Based on Learning Management System for Early Children Education Teachers

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    Course and training institutions as a nonformal education unit organized for people who need knowledge, skills, life skills, and attitudes for self-development, professional development, work, independent business, and/or continuing education to a higher level. Currently, the world is faced with the phenomenon of digital disruption, which is a situation shown by the movement of the industrial world or job competition that is no longer linear. In the field of courses and training, the current era of disruption has also led to online course and training services that can be accessed via the service provider’s web/page. These service providers are not in the form of educational units, but several experts in their fields have joined forces with several experts in information and communication technology to create courses and training services that can be accessed through electronic devices such as computers, laptops, and communication devices. One of the development of courses and training in the field of information and communication technology is based on learning management system (LMS)—a webbased application system that allows instructors and/or students to share material, submit, and return assignments, and communicate online. Results of research and development of computer-based course models and training that have been tested shows that the level of practicality of this model is very good according to the instructor, course, and training organizers. Results of course learning and computer-based training can improve the skills of early childhood education teachers in the office application computer course program. Keywords: non-formal education, courses and training, learning management system, early childhood education teacher

    Machine Learning Classifications of Multiple Organ Failures in a Malaysian Intensive Care Unit

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    Multiple organ failures are the main cause of mortality and morbidity in the intensive care unit (ICU). The progression of organ failures in the ICU is usually monitored using the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score. This study aims to perform the classification of multiple organ failures using machine learning algorithms based on SOFA score. Ninety-eight ICU patients’ data were obtained retrospectively from Universiti Malaya Medical Centre for analysis. Several machine learning algorithms which are decision tree, linear discriminant, naïve Bayes, support vector machines, k-nearest neighbor, AdaBoost, and random forest were used for the classification. The classifiers were trained on 80% of the patients with 10-fold cross-validations and assessed on 20% of patients using 34 variables in the ICU. The random forest algorithm was able to achieve 99.8% accuracy and 99.9% sensitivity in the training dataset. Meanwhile, the AdaBoost algorithm achieved 99.1% sensitivity in the testing dataset. This study demonstrates the performances of different machine learning algorithms in the classification of multiple organ failures. The feature selection shows respiratory rate and mean arterial pressure (MAP) as the most important variables using chi-square test while insulin and fraction of oxygenated hemoglobin are the most important predictors by the mutual information test

    Pelatihan Pengembangan Skill Penunjang kepada Pelaku Usaha Mikro di Desa Situ Udik Cibungbulang Bogor

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    Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) sangat berperan penting dalam membangkitkan perekonomian Indonesia. Peran dan fungsi usaha mikro ini harus tetap dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan untuk perkembangan perekonomian nasional. Berdasarkan hasil analisis di lapang, Usaha Mikro yang berada di Desa Situ Udik berjumlah sekitar 23 UMKM yang tergabung dalam forum di desa Situ Udik. Agar usaha UMKM tetap ada dan meningkat kinerjanya dari waktu ke waktu, maka diperlukan upaya dengan melakukan pendampingan yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan dan keterampilan penunjang. Namun, keterbatasan penguasaan teknologi menjadi kendala bagi pelaku Usaha Mikro di Desa Situ Udik, sehingga perlu dilakukan pelatihan dalam meningkatkan product values sehingga usaha yang ditawarkan menjadi lebih kreatif dan inovatif. Kegiatan pelatihan ini dilakukan secara offline oleh Tim PPKO Himasiter, Biro Pengabdian Masyarakat, Himpunan Mahasiswa Makanan dan Nutrisi Ternak pada bulan Juli-September 2022. Pembuatan logo, label, dan pengambilan gambar foto produk dilakukan dengan mempertahankan karakteristik dan nilai keunikan usaha. Kedepannya, diharapkan terdapat kegiatan serupa yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan pelaku usaha mikro terkait skill penunjang lainnya di Desa Situ Udik