29 research outputs found

    Deep neck infection, management and predictors of poor prognosis

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    This study reviews our experience with deep neck space infections (phlegmons) requiring surgical intervention. The aim of the study was to identify predisposing and aggravating factors of the disease and recognize the possible factors that can lead to life-threatening complications, and slow down the healing process, or be predictors of poor disease outcome. Our retrospective study comprised 71 patients with neck phlegmons, who were treated at the ENT Clinic, during 2000-2022. The study included the etiology, predisposing factors, causative microbiological organisms, and the clinical outcomes associated with the mortality. During the investigated time, 71 patients with deep neck infections were noted. The range of age of the patients was 14-81 years, and the study population included 45 males (63.3%). Staphylococcus aureus was the most commonly isolated bacteria. Death was noted in 13 patients (18.3%). Timely diagnosis together with aggressive surgical treatment and appropriate antibacterial therapy were the key to success in the treatment of the patients with deep neck infections. The factors associated with poor prognosis in our patients included tonsillar disease, diabetes mellitus, mediastinitis, age above 65 years

    Entrepreneurship education as a factor of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition for starting a new business

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    One of the central issues for entrepreneurship researchers is how and why some people are able to identify and use entrepreneurial opportunity and start a business, while others are not. Research has shown that factors conditioning entrepreneurial opportunity recognition may include: creativity, work experience, social networking of entrepreneurs, prior knowledge on the market, customers’ needs and the ways to satisfy them, intuition and ability to foresee or cognitive factors. This paper presents the research into the relation between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, that was not a subject of interest of theoretical discussions and research of previous researchers

    The role of organizational innovation in achieving and maintaining company’s business excellence

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    The dynamics of the contemporary environment with all its characteristics has greatly encouraged further research of the impact of innovation on the company’s performance due to the paradigm that defines an innovation as means to enhance the competitiveness of enterprise. Thanks to the efforts of scientists, corporate managers and owners of capital can now choose from a variety of management tools to measure the innovation and success of the enterprise. In this paper, the methodology of Croatian Innovation Score (in Croatian: Hvatski Kvocijent Inovativnosti - HKI) is applied to assess the condition and the activities undertaken in order to build innovation capacity, and an assessment of the perception of innovation at the enterprise level, whereas the methodology of BEX index (Business Excellence Index) was used to measure business excellence of an enterprise. Applying the methodology on a sample of large manufacturing companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the composite innovation indices and business excellence indices were first calculated. The standard multiple regression has been applied to explain the relationship between innovation and business excellence of an enterprise. The results obtained in this research are encouraging and stimulating for the managers of the studied companies to strengthen the innovation capacity in order to advance on the business excellence ranking scale

    Analyze of higher harmonic six pulse rectifier transformer connection YgY

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    Nelinearni potrošači injektiraju više harmonijske komponente struje u sistem koje, protjecanjem kroz sistem, uzrokuje distorziju napona napajanja. Elementi energetske elektronike, zbog svojih nelinearnih karakteristika, narušavaju sinusni valni oblik napona i struje. Cilj rada je analiza uzroka i posljedice nastanka viših harmonijskih komponenti kao i način njihovog eliminiranja. U radu je izvršena analiza viših harmonika šestopulsnog ispravljača, koji se napaja preko transformatora sprege YgY. Analiza je izvedena na osnovu simulacije u programskom paketu MATLAB/PSB. Snimljeni su valni oblici struja i napona na primarnoj i sekundarnoj strani transformatora kao i harmonijski sadržaji struja na primarnoj i sekundarnoj strani transformatora s proračunom indikatora distorzije valnog oblika struje-THDI.Nonlinear appliances inject higher harmonic components of the current into the system, which by the flow through the system have distortion of the voltage while power feeding. The elements of the power electronics due to its nonlinear characteristics disturb the sinus wave shape of the voltage and the current. The aim of this work is the analysis of the samples and the consequences of the appearance of higher harmonic components as well as the methods of their elimination. The analysis of the higher harmonic six pulse rectifier, which gets its power through connection of the transformer YgY, is also conducted. The analysis is derived on the basis of simulation in programme package MALTAB/PSB. Wave shape of the current and voltage are recorded on the primary and secondary side of the transformer and their harmonic content of the current on the primary and secondary side of the transformer including the results of the distortion indicator of the current wave shape-THDI

    Analyze of higher harmonic six pulse rectifier transformer connection YgY

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    Nelinearni potrošači injektiraju više harmonijske komponente struje u sistem koje, protjecanjem kroz sistem, uzrokuje distorziju napona napajanja. Elementi energetske elektronike, zbog svojih nelinearnih karakteristika, narušavaju sinusni valni oblik napona i struje. Cilj rada je analiza uzroka i posljedice nastanka viših harmonijskih komponenti kao i način njihovog eliminiranja. U radu je izvršena analiza viših harmonika šestopulsnog ispravljača, koji se napaja preko transformatora sprege YgY. Analiza je izvedena na osnovu simulacije u programskom paketu MATLAB/PSB. Snimljeni su valni oblici struja i napona na primarnoj i sekundarnoj strani transformatora kao i harmonijski sadržaji struja na primarnoj i sekundarnoj strani transformatora s proračunom indikatora distorzije valnog oblika struje-THDI.Nonlinear appliances inject higher harmonic components of the current into the system, which by the flow through the system have distortion of the voltage while power feeding. The elements of the power electronics due to its nonlinear characteristics disturb the sinus wave shape of the voltage and the current. The aim of this work is the analysis of the samples and the consequences of the appearance of higher harmonic components as well as the methods of their elimination. The analysis of the higher harmonic six pulse rectifier, which gets its power through connection of the transformer YgY, is also conducted. The analysis is derived on the basis of simulation in programme package MALTAB/PSB. Wave shape of the current and voltage are recorded on the primary and secondary side of the transformer and their harmonic content of the current on the primary and secondary side of the transformer including the results of the distortion indicator of the current wave shape-THDI

    The role of organizational innovation in achieving and maintaining company’s business excellence

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    The dynamics of the contemporary environment with all its characteristics has greatly encouraged further research of the impact of innovation on the company’s performance due to the paradigm that defines an innovation as means to enhance the competitiveness of enterprise. Thanks to the efforts of scientists, corporate managers and owners of capital can now choose from a variety of management tools to measure the innovation and success of the enterprise. In this paper, the methodology of Croatian Innovation Score (in Croatian: Hvatski Kvocijent Inovativnosti - HKI) is applied to assess the condition and the activities undertaken in order to build innovation capacity, and an assessment of the perception of innovation at the enterprise level, whereas the methodology of BEX index (Business Excellence Index) was used to measure business excellence of an enterprise. Applying the methodology on a sample of large manufacturing companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the composite innovation indices and business excellence indices were first calculated. The standard multiple regression has been applied to explain the relationship between innovation and business excellence of an enterprise. The results obtained in this research are encouraging and stimulating for the managers of the studied companies to strengthen the innovation capacity in order to advance on the business excellence ranking scale


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    Pretpostavka da kompetencije menadžera predstavljaju jednu od najznačajnijihdeterminanti koje utječu kako na rast, tako i na životni ciklus malih i srednjihpreduzeća, bila je polazna osnova za provođenje ovog istraživanja. Dakle, ovajrad se fokusira na utvrđivanje utjecaja kompetencija top menadžera na životniciklus malih i srednjih preduzeća. Kako bismo utvrdili stvarni utjecajkompetencija top menadžera na životni ciklus preduzeća, odabran jestratificirani uzorak od 200 malih i srednjih preduzeća u Federaciji BiH. Nakonodabira indikatora rasta malih i srednjih preduzeća, identificirano je 15 malih isrednjih preduzeća koja su, u posmatranom periodu od tri godine, zabilježilastatistički značajan rast. Primjenom Adižesove metodologije za identificiranjekompetencija menadžera, i nakon analize rezultata istraživanja, utvrđeno je dakompetencije menadžera ne determiniraju statistički značajno na životni ciklusmalih i srednjih preduzeća u Federaciji BiH


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    Na osnovu pokazatelja makroekonomskog ambijenta, međunarodnih izvještaja ianalize strategija razvoja relevantnih za poslovanje i razvoj male privrede uFederaciji BiH ocijenili smo stanje male privrede i ukazali na perspektivenjenog razvoja u budućnosti. Predmet istraživanja su subjekti male privrede,poslovni ambijent koji pogoduje rastu broja poslovnih subjekata male privrede injihov značaj za zapošljavanje. Istraživanje smo usmjerili na identifikacijuključne barijere razvoja male privrede Federacije BiH, a provedeno je analizomvelikog broja relevantnih sekundarnih izvora podataka. Upotrebom znanstvenihmetoda analize, sinteze, deskripcije, komparacije i zaključivanja uspješno smoidentifikovali glavnu barijeru razvoja male privrede, a to je nedovoljno izgrađenregulatorni i neizgrađen institucionalni okvir za razvoj poduzetništva i maleprivrede u Federaciji BiH. Prijedlog načina uspostave, identifikovanje ključnihinstitucija i njihova međusobna povezanost shematski predstavljena u raduujedno je njegovo najvažnije postignuće


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    U savremenim velikim preduzećima zaposlenici sve više izražavaju svoju inovativnost,kreativnost, proaktivnost i sklonost riziku. Zahvaljujući tome, zaposlenici uzpomoć znanja i vještina razvijaju nove proizvode i usluge, stvaraju nove poslovnemogućnosti koje direktno utječu na konkurentsku prednost preduzeća. Za takvu vrstuvelikih preduzeća može se reći da kontinuirano rade na stvaranju inovacija. Većinavelikih preduzeća Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine i dalje posluje po ustaljenim pravilimakarakterističnim za doba industrijske ekonomije gdje su im glavni pokazateljiposlovanja prodane količine u tonama, porast prodaje u postocima, udjeli na tržištui slično. Kvalitativni pokazatelji poput zadovoljstva zaposlenika, učinkovitosti procesai mogućnosti unapređenja za njih ne predstavljaju prioritet. Takvo ponašanjekarakteristično je za menadžment tih preduzeća, koji je prezaposlen tekućim poslovanjemi pri tome zanemaruje ulogu i potrebu usavršavanja i razvijanja ljudskog kapitalakoji je osnova za stvaranje inovacija u tim preduzećima. Rezultati istraživanjau ovom radu pokazaju da ljudski kapital itekako utječe na razvoj inovacija u velikimpreduzećima FBiH