Analyze of higher harmonic six pulse rectifier transformer connection YgY


Nelinearni potrošači injektiraju više harmonijske komponente struje u sistem koje, protjecanjem kroz sistem, uzrokuje distorziju napona napajanja. Elementi energetske elektronike, zbog svojih nelinearnih karakteristika, narušavaju sinusni valni oblik napona i struje. Cilj rada je analiza uzroka i posljedice nastanka viših harmonijskih komponenti kao i način njihovog eliminiranja. U radu je izvršena analiza viših harmonika šestopulsnog ispravljača, koji se napaja preko transformatora sprege YgY. Analiza je izvedena na osnovu simulacije u programskom paketu MATLAB/PSB. Snimljeni su valni oblici struja i napona na primarnoj i sekundarnoj strani transformatora kao i harmonijski sadržaji struja na primarnoj i sekundarnoj strani transformatora s proračunom indikatora distorzije valnog oblika struje-THDI.Nonlinear appliances inject higher harmonic components of the current into the system, which by the flow through the system have distortion of the voltage while power feeding. The elements of the power electronics due to its nonlinear characteristics disturb the sinus wave shape of the voltage and the current. The aim of this work is the analysis of the samples and the consequences of the appearance of higher harmonic components as well as the methods of their elimination. The analysis of the higher harmonic six pulse rectifier, which gets its power through connection of the transformer YgY, is also conducted. The analysis is derived on the basis of simulation in programme package MALTAB/PSB. Wave shape of the current and voltage are recorded on the primary and secondary side of the transformer and their harmonic content of the current on the primary and secondary side of the transformer including the results of the distortion indicator of the current wave shape-THDI

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