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    Mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung kolesterol tinggi berisiko meningkatkan kadar kolesterol darah atau hiperkolesterolemia. Kenaikan kolesterol darah sangat berhubungan dengan terjadinya penyakit jantung. Hiperkolesterolemia biasanya terjadi pada orang gemuk atau lanjut usia tetapi tidak dapat menutup kemungkinan gangguan metabolisme ini dapat terjadi pada orang kurus bahkan usia muda.. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan gaya hidup dengan kadar kolesterol total pada penderita jantung koroner di Paviliun Kemuning RSUD Jombang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Cross-Sectional, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 31 responden dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, kuesioner dan selanjutnya ditabulasi dengan menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan di uji menggunakan uji Spearman dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gaya hidup dan kadar kolesterol total sebagian besar di kategori kurang dan tinggi masing-masing sebanyak 16 orang. Berdasarkan uji spearman didapatkan P = 0,001 (< 0,05) artinya terdapat hubungan antara gaya hidup dengan kadar kolesterol total. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah semakin baik gaya hidup semakin normal kadar kolesterol total. Dari hasil tersebut

    Perbandingan Pemberian Air Kelapa Dengan Jahe Merah Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester I Dalam Menurunkan Hiperemisis Gravidarum Di BPM Umiatin

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    ABSTRACT According to WHO, the incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum reaches 12.5% of all pregnancies in the world. Pregnancy check-up visits for pregnant women in Indonesia obtained data on mothers with hyperemesis gravidarum reaching 14.8% of all pregnancies. Nausea and vomiting occur in 60-80% of primigravida and 40-60% of multigravida. Management of nausea and vomiting can be done by non-pharmacological methods. Non-pharmacological therapies such as drinking boiled red ginger and coconut water. Red ginger contains zingiberol, zingiberena essential oil, curcumin, bisabilena, flandrena, gingerol, and vitamin A which can reduce nausea and vomiting. Coconut water also contains minerals, namely magnesium, potassium, and calcium. It turns out that drinking coconut water can relieve symptoms of nausea and vomiting. It is known that the comparison of giving coconut water with red ginger to pregnant women in the first trimester in reducing hyperemia gravidarum. Quasi experimental with a pretest protest design with a two experimental design. The samples in this study were all pregnant women in the first trimester at BPM Umiatin in January - February 2022 as many as 60 people, the sampling technique was total sampling. There is an effectiveness of giving coconut water and red ginger to pregnant women in the first trimester in reducing hyperemia gravidarum (p.value 0.000). After comparison between the groups of giving coconut water and red ginger decoction, it was concluded that both administrations were equally effective in reducing hyperemia gravidarum. Coconut water and red ginger decoction are both effective in reducing hyperemia gravidarum. Midwives are expected to provide counseling to pregnant women how to make red ginger stew and drink coconut water to reduce hyperemesis gravidarum. Keywords : Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Coconut Water, Red Ginger ABSTRAK Menurut WHO jumlah kejadian hiperemesis gravidarum mencapai 12,5% dari seluruh jumlah kehamilan di dunia. Kunjungan pemeriksaan kehamilan ibu hamil di Indonesia diperoleh data ibu dengan hiperemesis gravidarum mencapai 14,8% dari seluruh kehamilan. Mual dan muntah terjadi pada 60-80% primigravida dan 40-60% pada multigravida. Penatalaksanaan mual dan muntah dapat dilakukan dengan cara non farmakologi. Terapi nonfarmakologis seperti minum rebusan jahe merah dan air kelapa. Jahe merah mengandung zingiberol, minyak atsiri zingiberena, kurkumen, bisabilena, flandrena, gingerol, vitamin A yang bisa menurunkan mual muntah. Air kelapa juga memiliki kandungan mineral, yaitu magnesium, kalium, dan kalsium yang ternyata minum air kelapa dapat meredakan gejala mual muntah. Diketahui perbandingan pemberian air kelapa dengan jahe merah pada ibu hamil trimester I dalam menurunkan hiperemisis gravidarum. Quasi eksperimental dengan rancangan pretest protest with design two eksperiment. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil trimester I di BPM Umiatin pada bulan Januari - Februari 2022 sebanyak 60 orang, teknik pemgambilan sampel yaitu total sampling. Ada efektivitas pemberian air kelapa dan jahe merah pada ibu hamil trimester I dalam menurunkan hiperemisis gravidarum  (p.value 0,000). Perbandingan sesudah antara kelompok pemberian air kelapa dan rebusan jahe merah disimpulkan bahwa dari kedua pemberian sama-sama efektif dalam menurunkan hiperemisis gravidarum. Air kelapa dan rebusan jahe merah sama-sama efektif dalam menurunkan hiperemisis gravidarum. Diharapkan Bidan memberikan konseling kepada ibu hamil cara membuat rebusan jahe merah dan minum air kelapa untuk mengurangi hiperemesis gravidarum. Kata Kunci: Hiperemesis Gravidarum, Air Kelapa, Jahe Mera

    Development of a Multisensor-Based Non-Contact Anthropometric System for Early Stunting Detection

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    The stunting prevalence in Indonesia is still above the WHO minimum standard of 20%. An important aspect of early detection of stunting is to monitor the nutritional status of children under five periodically. In daily practice, nutritional status is obtained through anthropometry. The main anthropometric parameters are body mass, height, and head circumference. This research entails the development of an integrated and non-contact anthropometric system for measuring body mass, height, and head circumference for children aged 12–60 months. This non-contact method can prevent the transmission of infectious diseases, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the development of a prototype, three types of sensors are used: load, proximity, and temperature sensor. In addition, a load cell sensor is used to measure body mass, an infrared sensor to measure height and head circumference, ultrasonic sensor to measure height. In addition, the anthropometric system developed is equipped with an MLX90614-DCI sensor to measure temperature, a thermal printer to print measurement results, and sound output. The results of the tests showed that this anthropometric system had an average error less than 5%. Therefore, it is suitable to measure the body mass, height, and head circumference of children under five


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    The research done supporting the manufacture of devices based on the method of EM geophysical survey in the form of fluxgate magnetic sensors, electric potential sensors, and interface unit injector flow. Fluxgate sensor element designed using a secondary coil (pick-up) double. The composition of fluxgate sensor element consists of two primary coils (excitation coil(4x40), two secondary coils (2x60). Primary coil will generate an internal magnetic field that serves as a reference magnetic field while the secondary coil serves to measure the external magnetic field (sensing) so that the sensitivity of fluxgate sensor is determined by the secondary coil design. Based on analysis of data obtained sensitivity 283.02 mV/mT, and can detect magnetic fields up to 3:53 nT. An electric potential sensor have a range of measurements obtained by sensor inputs 0-13 mV and produces a voltage output 0-5 volts. While the output of the IGBT which functions as a switch and have not be set using the interface unit can generate 50% duty cycle signal that is good enough, so it is still need for improvement in the unit interface circuit flow transmitter.   Telah dilakukan pembuatan alat dengan menggunakan metoda "EM survei geofisika" dalam bentuk sensor fluxgate, sensor potensial listrik, dan unit injector flow. Elemen sensor "fluxgate" dibentuk dengan menggunakan kumparan sekunder ganda. konfigurasi elemen sensor "fluxgate" terdiri dari variasi lilitan primer 4 x 40 dan lilitan sekunder 2 x 60. Kumparan primer akan membangkitkan sebuah medan magnet internal yang berfungsi sebagai medan magnet acuan ketika kumparan sekunder digunakan untuk mengukur medan magnet eksternal (mendeteksi) sehingga sensitivitas sensor fluxgate ditentukan dengan bentuk kumparan sekunder. Berdasarkan analisa data, diperoleh sensitivitas sebesar 283.02 mV/mT dan dapat mendeteksi medan magnet hingga 3:53 nT. Sebuah sensor potensial listrik memiliki rentang pengukuran  yang diperoleh dari masukkan sensor sebesar 0-13 mV dan menghasilkan tegangan keluaran 0-5 volt. Ketika keluaran dari IGBT yang berfungsi sebagai saklar dan belum diatur menggunakan  unit antarmuka, dapat menghasilkan 50% siklus sinyal yang cukup baik, sehingga masih diperlukan perbaikan pada unit interface circuit flow transmitter


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Posing Tipe Pre-Solution Posing terhadap hasil belajar Fisika siswa SMA dan karakter yang bisa dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen, populasi yang dipakai adalah seluruh peserta siswa di SMA Labschool Jakarta, dengan sampel dua kelas yang berasal dari kelas IX SMA Labschool Jakarta satu kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas lainnya sebagai kelas kontrol. Melalui model pembelajaran ini juga dapat dikembangkan karakter siswa meliputi berfikir kreatif, kritis dan logis bekerja dengan teliti, jujur dan berperilaku santun serta keterampilan social seperti bekerja sama dan saling menghargai. Kesimpulannya adalah adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Posing tipe Pre-Solution Posing terhadap hasil belajar Fisika siswa, dimana kelas yang diajar dengan model Problem Posing tipe Pre-Solution Posing lebih besar dari pada kelas yang tidak diajar dengan model Problem Posing tipe Pre-Solution.The research was aimed to find out the effect of learning model of Problem Posing, Pre-Solution Posing Type, on the outcome of Physics Learning and the potentially developed characters of senior high school students. This research was conducted by using experimental quasi method. Research population were all students of Labschool Senior High School Jakarta. The samples were two classes taken from IX grade of Labschool Senior High School. One class was treated as the experimental class and the other as the control. The potentially developed characters of students taught by applying this learning type were creative, critical and logical thinking, thorough, honest, and courteous. It was concluded that there was an effect of learning model of Problem Posing, Pre-Solution Posing Type, on the outcome of Physics Learning. The class taught by applying learning model of Problem Posing, Pre-solution type, gained better mark of Physics subjec