42 research outputs found

    Discovery and Prevalence of Divergent RNA Viruses in European Field Voles and Rabbits

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    The advent of unbiased metagenomic virus discovery has revolutionized studies of virus biodiversity and evolution. Despite this, our knowledge of the virosphere, including in mammalian species, remains limited. We used unbiased metagenomic sequencing to identify RNA viruses in European field voles and rabbits. Accordingly, we identified a number of novel RNA viruses including astrovirus, rotavirus A, picorna-like virus and a morbilli-like paramyxovirus. In addition, we identified a sobemovirus and a novel luteovirus that likely originated from the rabbit diet. These newly discovered viruses were often divergent from those previously described. The novel astrovirus was most closely related to a virus sampled from the rodent-eating European roller bird (Coracias garrulous). PCR screening revealed that the novel morbilli-like paramyxovirus in the UK field vole had a prevalence of approximately 4%, and shared common ancestry with other rodent morbilli-like viruses sampled globally. Two novel rotavirus A sequences were detected in a UK field vole and a French rabbit, the latter with a prevalence of 5%. Finally, a highly divergent picorna-like virus found in the gut of the French rabbit virus was only ~35% similar to an arilivirus at the amino acid level, suggesting the presence of a novel viral genus within the Picornaviridae

    High-throughput screening of tick-borne pathogens in Europe

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    Due to increased travel, climatic, and environmental changes, the incidence of tick-borne disease in both humans and animals is increasing throughout Europe. Therefore, extended surveillance tools are desirable. To accurately screen tick-borne pathogens (TBPs), a large scale epidemiological study was conducted on 7050 Ixodes ricinus nymphs collected from France, Denmark, and the Netherlands using a powerful new high-throughput approach. This advanced methodology permitted the simultaneous detection of 25 bacterial, and 12 parasitic species (including; Borrelia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Rickettsia, Bartonella, Candidatus Neoehrlichia, Coxiella, Francisella, Babesia, and Theileria genus) across 94 samples. We successfully determined the prevalence of expected (Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Rickettsia helvetica, Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis, Babesia divergens, Babesia venatorum), unexpected (Borrelia miyamotoi), and rare (Bartonella henselae) pathogens in the three European countries. Moreover we detected Borrelia spielmanii, Borrelia miyamotoi, Babesia divergens, and Babesia venatorum for the first time in Danish ticks. This surveillance method represents a major improvement in epidemiological studies, able to facilitate comprehensive testing of TBPs, and which can also be customized to monitor emerging diseases

    Shared common ancestry of rodent alphacoronaviruses sampled globally

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    The recent discovery of novel alphacoronaviruses (alpha-CoVs) in European and Asian rodents revealed that rodent coronaviruses (CoVs) sampled worldwide formed a discrete phylogenetic group within this genus. To determine the evolutionary history of rodent CoVs in more detail, particularly the relative frequencies of virus-host co-divergence and cross-species transmission, we recovered longer fragments of CoV genomes from previously discovered European rodent alpha-CoVs using a combination of PCR and high-throughput sequencing. Accordingly, the full genome sequence was retrieved from the UK rat coronavirus, along with partial genome sequences from the UK field vole and Poland-resident bank vole CoVs, and a short conserved ORF1b fragment from the French rabbit CoV. Genome and phylogenetic analysis showed that despite their diverse geographic origins, all rodent alpha-CoVs formed a single monophyletic group and shared similar features such as the same gene constellations, a recombinant beta-CoV spike gene, and similar core transcriptional regulatory sequences (TRS). These data suggest that all rodent alpha CoVs sampled so far originate from a single common ancestor, and that there has likely been a long-term association between alpha CoVs and rodents. Despite this likely antiquity, the phylogenetic pattern of the alpha-CoVs was also suggestive of relatively frequent host-jumping among the different rodent species

    Using the genetics of Echinococcus multilocularis to trace the history of expansion from an endemic area.

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    International audience: Alveolar echinococcosis, caused by the cestode Echinococcus multilocularis, is the most serious parasitic disease for humans in Europe, with a sylvatic life cycle generally between small rodents and red foxes. General expansion of the range of E. multilocularis has been observed across Europe over the last 15years. In France, a westward spread of the known endemic areas of the parasite was described recently. For genotyping, the microsatellite EmsB was used to trace expansion in five French areas. A total of 22 EmsB profiles were identified, with five similar to those previously described in other parts of Europe. An imbalance of genetic diversity was observed between the five areas which also revealed their interconnection with the presence of common profiles, notably the two main profiles both present in all regions except one in the North. These two findings are similar to those described at the European level, highlighting transmission of the parasite by a mainland-island system. A spatio-temporal scenario of the expansion of E. multilocularis can be proposed with spread from the French historical focus in eastern France to the Lorraine, the Champagne-Ardenne and finally the North, while simultaneously another expansion has occurred from the historical focus into the West. The colonization by the parasite into the West and North areas from the historical focus was probably due to the migration of foxes several decades ago. Recent detection of the parasite in new endemic "départements" may be due to more active research rather than a recent spread of the parasite. Regarding the numerous data obtained by the different EmsB analyses, principally across Europe, centralization of all the profiles described in a public databank appears necessary in order to obtain a precise understanding of transmission of the parasite from one country to another

    Droplet digital PCR as a sensitive tool to assess exposure pressure from Echinococcus multilocularis in intermediate hosts

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    A key element to understanding parasite epidemiology is assessing their prevalence in the respective wild reservoir hosts. The tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis circulates between canid species (definite hosts) and small mammals (mostly rodents; intermediate hosts). Prevalence rates of Echinococcus multilocularis in the intermediate host are most exclusively determined through macroscopic examination of the liver generally followed by molecular or histological diagnostic for parasite species confirmation. The overall objective of the study was to investigate the suitability of Real-Time PCR and Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) analysis as tool to detect exposure pressure (frequency of infection events) from E. multilocularis in intermediate hosts even in the absence of macroscopic lesions in the liver. One hundred six small mammals (meadow voles and deer mice) were trapped followed by post-mortem examination including macroscopic evaluation of the liver to detect lesions indicative of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis but also by sampling a piece of liver in absence of lesion to submit it to molecular assay. Macroscopic lesions were present in the livers of two samples. Including the latter two samples, five samples yielded a positive result following Real-Time PCR, whereas 16 samples displayed three or more positive droplets upon ddPCR and were considered positive. Whether these additional cases without macroscopic lesions would have become infectious during the lifespan of the rodent or were abortive or early infections is unclear, but these data suggest levels of exposure of intermediate hosts to the parasite is much higher than assumed