237 research outputs found

    Correlation length of the 1D Hubbard Model at half-filling : equal-time one-particle Green's function

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    The asymptotics of the equal-time one-particle Green's function for the half-filled one-dimensional Hubbard model is studied at finite temperature. We calculate its correlation length by evaluating the largest and the second largest eigenvalues of the Quantum Transfer Matrix (QTM). In order to allow for the genuinely fermionic nature of the one-particle Green's function, we employ the fermionic formulation of the QTM based on the fermionic R-operator of the Hubbard model. The purely imaginary value of the second largest eigenvalue reflects the k_F (= pi/2) oscillations of the one-particle Green's function at half-filling. By solving numerically the Bethe Ansatz equations with Trotter numbers up to N=10240, we obtain accurate data for the correlation length at finite temperatures down into the very low temperature region. The correlation length remains finite even at T=0 due to the existence of the charge gap. Our numerical data confirm Stafford and Millis' conjecture regarding an analytic expression for the correlation length at T=0.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Fermionic R-operator approach for the small-polaron model with open boundary condition

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    Exact integrability and algebraic Bethe ansatz of the small-polaron model with the open boundary condition are discussed in the framework of the quantum inverse scattering method (QISM). We employ a new approach where the fermionic R-operator which consists of fermion operators is a key object. It satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation and the reflection equation with its corresponding K-operator. Two kinds of 'super-transposition' for the fermion operators are defined and the dual reflection equation is obtained. These equations prove the integrability and the Bethe ansatz equation which agrees with the one obtained from the graded Yang-Baxter equation and the graded reflection equations.Comment: 10 page

    Fermionic R-Operator and Algebraic Structure of 1D Hubbard Model: Its application to quantum transfer matrix

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    The algebraic structure of the 1D Hubbard model is studied by means of the fermionic R-operator approach. This approach treats the fermion models directly in the framework of the quantum inverse scattering method. Compared with the graded approach, this approach has several advantages. First, the global properties of the Hamiltonian are naturally reflected in the algebraic properties of the fermionic R-operator. We want to note that this operator is a local operator acting on fermion Fock spaces. In particular, SO(4) symmetry and the invariance under the partial particle hole transformation are discussed. Second, we can construct a genuinely fermionic quantum transfer transfer matrix (QTM) in terms of the fermionic R-operator. Using the algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the Hubbard model, we diagonalize the fermionic QTM and discuss its properties.Comment: 22 pages, no figure

    Solution of the quantum inverse problem

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    We derive a formula that expresses the local spin and field operators of fundamental graded models in terms of the elements of the monodromy matrix. This formula is a quantum analogue of the classical inverse scattering transform. It applies to fundamental spin chains, such as the XYZ chain, and to a number of important exactly solvable models of strongly correlated electrons, such as the supersymmetric t-J model or the the EKS model.Comment: 37 pages, AMS-Latex, AMS-Font

    Commuting quantum transfer matrix approach to intrinsic Fermion system: Correlation length of a spinless Fermion model

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    The quantum transfer matrix (QTM) approach to integrable lattice Fermion systems is presented. As a simple case we treat the spinless Fermion model with repulsive interaction in critical regime. We derive a set of non-linear integral equations which characterize the free energy and the correlation length of for arbitrary particle density at any finite temperatures. The correlation length is determined by solving the integral equations numerically. Especially in low temperature limit this result agrees with the prediction from conformal field theory (CFT) with high accuracy.Comment: 17 page

    Madelung Fluid Model for The Most Likely Wave Function of a Single Free Particle in Two Dimensional Space with a Given Average Energy

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    We consider spatially two dimensional Madelung fluid whose irrotational motion reduces into the Schr\"odinger equation for a single free particle. In this respect, we regard the former as a direct generalization of the latter, allowing a rotational quantum flow. We then ask for the most likely wave function possessing a given average energy by maximizing the Shannon information entropy over the quantum probability density. We show that there exists a class of solutions in which the wave function is self-trapped, rotationally symmetric, spatially localized with finite support, and spinning around its center, yet stationary. The stationarity comes from the balance between the attractive quantum force field of a trapping quantum potential generated by quantum probability density and the repulsive centrifugal force of a rotating velocity vector field. We further show that there is a limiting case where the wave function is non-spinning and yet still stationary. This special state turns out to be the lowest stationary state of the ordinary Schr\"odinger equation for a particle in a cylindrical tube classical potential.Comment: 19 page

    The Schr\"oder functional equation and its relation to the invariant measures of chaotic maps

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    The aim of this paper is to show that the invariant measure for a class of one dimensional chaotic maps, T(x)T(x), is an extended solution of the Schr\"oder functional equation, q(T(x))=λq(x)q(T(x))=\lambda q(x), induced by them. Hence, we give an unified treatment of a collection of exactly solved examples worked out in the current literature. In particular, we show that these examples belongs to a class of functions introduced by Mira, (see text). Moreover, as a new example, we compute the invariant densities for a class of rational maps having the Weierstrass \wp functions as an invariant one. Also, we study the relation between that equation and the well known Frobenius-Perron and Koopman's operators.Comment: 9 page

    Exact solutions to chaotic and stochastic systems

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    We investigate functions that are exact solutions to chaotic dynamical systems. A generalization of these functions can produce truly random numbers. For the first time, we present solutions to random maps. This allows us to check, analytically, some recent results about the complexity of random dynamical systems. We confirm the result that a negative Lyapunov exponent does not imply predictability in random systems. We test the effectiveness of forecasting methods in distinguishing between chaotic and random time-series. Using the explicit random functions, we can give explicit analytical formulas for the output signal in some systems with stochastic resonance. We study the influence of chaos on the stochastic resonance. We show, theoretically, the existence of a new type of solitonic stochastic resonance, where the shape of the kink is crucial. Using our models we can predict specific patterns in the output signal of stochastic resonance systems.Comment: 31 pages, 18 figures (.eps). To appear in Chaos, March 200

    The group law on the tropical Hesse pencil

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    We show that the addition of points on the tropical Hesse curve can be realized via the intersection with a tropical line. Then the addition formula for the tropical Hesse curve is reduced from those for the level-three theta functions through the ultradiscretization procedure. A tropical analogue of the Hessian group, the group of linear automorphisms acting on the Hesse pencil, is also investigated; it is shown that the dihedral group of degree three is the group of linear automorphisms acting on the tropical Hesse pencil.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Special Issue of the Journal Mathematics and Computers in Simulation on "Nonlinear Waves: Computation and Theory

    Ladder operator for the one-dimensional Hubbard model

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    The one-dimensional Hubbard model is integrable in the sense that it has an infinite family of conserved currents. We explicitly construct a ladder operator which can be used to iteratively generate all of the conserved current operators. This construction is different from that used for Lorentz invariant systems such as the Heisenberg model. The Hubbard model is not Lorentz invariant, due to the separation of spin and charge excitations. The ladder operator is obtained by a very general formalism which is applicable to any model that can be derived from a solution of the Yang-Baxter equation.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, revtex; final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let