2,060 research outputs found

    Equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the fixed scale approach

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    We study the equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD with nonperturbatively improved Wilson quarks coupled with the RG-improved Iwasaki glue. We apply the TT-integration method to nonperturbatively calculate the equation of state by the fixed-scale approach. With the fixed-scale approach, we can purely vary the temperature on a line of constant physics without changing the system size and renormalization constants. Unlike the conventional fixed-NtN_t approach, it is easy to keep scaling violations small at low temperature in the fixed scale approach. We study 2+1 flavor QCD at light quark mass corresponding to mπ/mρ0.63m_\pi/m_\rho \simeq 0.63, while the strange quark mass is chosen around the physical point. Although the light quark masses are heavier than the physical values yet, our equation of state is roughly consistent with recent results with highly improved staggered quarks at large NtN_t.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, v2: Table I and Figure 3 are corrected, reference updated. Main discussions and conclusions are unchanged, v3: version to appear in PRD, v4: reference adde

    Fixed scale approach to the equation of state on the lattice

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    We propose a fixed scale approach to calculate the equation of state (EOS) in lattice QCD. In this approach, the temperature T is varied by Nt at fixed lattice spacings. This enables us to reduce T=0 simulations which are required to provide basic data in finite temperature studies but are quite expensive in the conventional fixed-Nt approach. Since the conventional integral method to obtain the pressure is inapplicable at fixed scale, we introduce a new method, "T-integration method", to calculate pressure non-perturbatively. We test the fixed scale approach armed with the T-integral method in quenched QCD on isotropic and anisotropic lattices. Our method is found to be powerful to obtain reliable results for the equation of state, especially at intermediate and low temperatures. Reduction of the computational cost of T=0 simulations is indispensable to study EOS in QCD with dynamical quarks. The status of our study in Nf=2+1 QCD with improved Wilson quarks is also reported.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures - To appear in the conference proceedings for Quark Matter 2009, March 30 - April 4, Knoxville, Tennessee. Fonts in the figures magnifie

    Application of fixed scale approach to static quark free energies in quenched and 2+1 flavor lattice QCD with improved Wilson quark action

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    Free energies between static quarks and Debye screening masses in the quark-gluon plasma are studied on the basis of Polyakov-line correlations in lattice simulations of 2+1 flavors QCD with the renormalization-group improved gluon action and the O(a)O(a)-improved Wilson quark action. We perform simulations at mPS/mV=0.63m_{\rm PS}/m_{\rm V} = 0.63 (0.74) for light (strange) flavors with lattice sizes of 323×Nt32^3 \times N_t with Nt=4N_t=4--12. We adopt the fixed-scale approach, where temperature can be varied without changing the spatial volume and renormalization factor. We find that, at short distance, the free energies of static quarks in color-singlet channel converge to the static-quark potential evaluated from the Wilson-loop at zero-temperature, in accordance with the expected insensitivity of short distance physics to the temperature. At long distance, the free energies of static quarks approach to twice the single-quark free energies, implying that the interaction between static quarks is fully screened. The screening properties can be well described by the screened Coulomb form with appropriate Casimir factor at high temperature. We also discuss a limitation of the fixed-scale approach at high temperature.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure