2,487 research outputs found

    Equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the fixed scale approach

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    We study the equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD with nonperturbatively improved Wilson quarks coupled with the RG-improved Iwasaki glue. We apply the TT-integration method to nonperturbatively calculate the equation of state by the fixed-scale approach. With the fixed-scale approach, we can purely vary the temperature on a line of constant physics without changing the system size and renormalization constants. Unlike the conventional fixed-NtN_t approach, it is easy to keep scaling violations small at low temperature in the fixed scale approach. We study 2+1 flavor QCD at light quark mass corresponding to mπ/mρ0.63m_\pi/m_\rho \simeq 0.63, while the strange quark mass is chosen around the physical point. Although the light quark masses are heavier than the physical values yet, our equation of state is roughly consistent with recent results with highly improved staggered quarks at large NtN_t.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, v2: Table I and Figure 3 are corrected, reference updated. Main discussions and conclusions are unchanged, v3: version to appear in PRD, v4: reference adde

    Temporal meson correlators at finite temperature on quenched anisotropic lattice

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    We study charmonium correlators at finite temperature in quenched anisotropic lattice QCD. The smearing technique is applied to enhance the low energy part of the correlator. We use two analysis procedures: the maximum entropy method for extraction of the spectral function without assuming specific form, as an estimate of the shape of spectral function, and the χ2\chi^2 fit assuming typical forms as quantitative evaluation of the parameters associated to the forms. We find that at T0.9TcT\simeq 0.9T_c the ground state peak has almost the same mass as at T=0 and almost vanishing width. At T1.1TcT\simeq 1.1T_c, our result suggests that the correlator still has nontrivial peak structure at almost the same position as below TcT_c with finite width.Comment: Lattice 2002 Nonzero temperature 3page

    Variations in the Abundance Pattern of Extremely Metal-poor Stars and Nucleosynthesis in Population III Supernovae

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    We calculate nucleosynthesis in Population (Pop) III supernovae (SNe) and compare the yields with various abundance patterns of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars. We assume that the observed EMP stars are the second generation stars, which have the metal-abundance patterns of Pop III SNe. Previous theoretical yields of Pop III SNe cannot explain the trends in the abundance ratios among iron-peak elements (Mn, Co, Ni, Zn)/Fe as well as the large C/Fe ratio observed in certain EMP stars with [Fe/H] <~ -2.5. In the present paper, we show that if we introduce higher explosion energies and mixing-fallback in the core-collapse SN models of M ~ 20 - 130 Msun, the above abundance features of both typical and C-rich EMP stars can be much better explained. We suggest that the abundance patterns of the [Fe/H] ~ -2.5 stars correspond to supernova yields with normal explosion energies, while those of the carbon un-enhanced ([C/Fe] < 1) stars with [Fe/H] =~ -4 ~ - 3 correspond to high-energy supernova yields. The abundance patterns of the C-rich ([C/Fe]>~ 2) and low [Fe/H] (=~ -5 \~ -3.5) stars can be explained with the yields of faint SNe that eject little 56Ni as observed in SN1997D. In the supernova-induced star formation model, we can qualitatively explain why the EMP stars formed by the faint or energetic supernovae have lower [Fe/H] than the EMP stars formed by normal supernovae. We also examine how the abundance ratios among iron-peak elements depend on the electron mole fraction Ye, and conclude that a large explosion energy is still needed to realize the large Co/Fe and Zn/Fe ratios observed in typical EMP stars with [Fe/H] <~ -3.5.Comment: 33 pages, 17 figures, 7 tables, To appear in the Astrophysical Journal 2005, January 1

    Towards the QCD equation of state at the physical point using Wilson fermion

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    We study the (2+1)-flavor QCD at nonzero temperatures using nonperturbatively improved Wilson quarks of the physical masses by the fixed scale approach. We perform physical point simulations at finite temperatures with the coupling parameters which were adopted by the PACS-CS Collaboration in their studies using the reweighting technique. Zero temperature values are obtained on the PACS-CS configurations which are open to the public on the ILDG/JLDG. Finite temperature configurations are generated with the RHMC algorithm. The lattice sizes are 323×Nt32^3 \times N_t with Nt=14N_t=14, 13, \cdots, 4 which correspond to T160T \approx 160--550 MeV. We present results of some basic observables at these temperatures and the status of our calculation of the equation of state.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 14-18, 2015, Kobe, Japa

    Fixed scale approach to the equation of state on the lattice

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    We propose a fixed scale approach to calculate the equation of state (EOS) in lattice QCD. In this approach, the temperature T is varied by Nt at fixed lattice spacings. This enables us to reduce T=0 simulations which are required to provide basic data in finite temperature studies but are quite expensive in the conventional fixed-Nt approach. Since the conventional integral method to obtain the pressure is inapplicable at fixed scale, we introduce a new method, "T-integration method", to calculate pressure non-perturbatively. We test the fixed scale approach armed with the T-integral method in quenched QCD on isotropic and anisotropic lattices. Our method is found to be powerful to obtain reliable results for the equation of state, especially at intermediate and low temperatures. Reduction of the computational cost of T=0 simulations is indispensable to study EOS in QCD with dynamical quarks. The status of our study in Nf=2+1 QCD with improved Wilson quarks is also reported.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures - To appear in the conference proceedings for Quark Matter 2009, March 30 - April 4, Knoxville, Tennessee. Fonts in the figures magnifie

    Nucleosynthesis in Core-Collapse Supernovae and GRB--Metal-Poor Star Connection

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    We review the nucleosynthesis yields of core-collapse supernovae (SNe) for various stellar masses, explosion energies, and metallicities. Comparison with the abundance patterns of metal-poor stars provides excellent opportunities to test the explosion models and their nucleosynthesis. We show that the abundance patterns of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars, e.g., the excess of C, Co, Zn relative to Fe, are in better agreement with the yields of hyper-energetic explosions (Hypernovae, HNe) rather than normal supernovae. We note that the variation of the abundance patterns of EMP stars are related to the diversity of the Supernova-GRB connection. We summarize the diverse properties of (1) GRB-SNe, (2) Non-GRB HNe/SNe, (3) XRF-SN, and (4) Non-SN GRB. In particular, the Non-SN GRBs (dark hypernovae) have been predicted in order to explain the origin of C-rich EMP stars. We show that these variations and the connection can be modeled in a unified manner with the explosions induced by relativistic jets. Finally, we examine whether the most luminous supernova 2006gy can be consistently explained with the pair-instability supernova model.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. To appear in "Supernova 1987A: 20 Years After: Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters", eds. S. Immler, K. Weiler, & R. McCray (American Institute of Physics) (2007