42 research outputs found

    L’insediamento a bifacciali di Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Molise, Italia)

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    La monografia rappresenta un compendio di lavori specialistici sul sito paleolitico di Guado San Nicola a Monteroduni (Molise, Italia), oggetto di ricerche sistematiche ed indagini interdisciplinari inaugurate nell’area a partire dal 2000 dall'Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Il sito, ascrivibile al MIS 10/11, costituisce un tassello importante nell’ambito della ricostruzione del quadro del popolamento umano della penisola italiana e dell’intero bacino del Mediterraneo, alla luce delle considerazioni crono-stratigrafiche, della ricchezza della documentazione e della presenza di elementi innovativi dal punto di vista culturale quali la padronanza del metodo Levallois e l’uso di percussori in palchi di cervo

    Futurismo, cultura e politica

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    Nell’ambito della mostra “Futurismo e Futurismi”, curata da Palazzo Grassi a Venezia nel 1986, la Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli organizzò a Venezia, il 15 e 16 maggio 1986, il convegno “Futurismo, Cultura e Politica”, volto ad esplorare la dimensione politica e meta-politica del movimento e della cultura futurista, in Italia ed all’estero. Il volume raccoglie i saggi nati dalle relazioni presentate in quella occasione.- Indice #5- Introduzione di Renzo De Felice #9- Parte Prima. Gli aspetti generali del rapporto tra futurismo, cultura e politica #13- Futurismo e culture politiche in Europa: una prospettiva globale, George L. Mosse #15- Il ruolo di Marinetti nella costruzione del futurismo, Luciano De Maria #35- Il futurismo nel dibattito intellettuale italiano dalle origini al 1920, Alberto Asor Rosa #51- Futurismo e sinistra politica, Umberto Carpi #69- Macchine e rarimerletti. Alcune fonti del futurismo nell’ideologia e nella letteratura, Roberto Tessari #81- Parte Seconda. L’esperienza politica del futurismo italiano #105- II futurismo e la politica. Dal nazionalismo modernista al fascismo (1909-1920), Emilio Gentile #107- Futurismo e fascismo, Niccolò Zapponi #163- Settimelli e Carli dal futurismo al fascismo, Paolo Buchignani #179- Bottai: da intellettuale futurista a leader fascista, Giordano Bruno Guerri #223- La politica culturale del fascismo, le avanguardie e il problema del futurismo, Enrico Crispolti #249- Parte Terza. Futurismo, cultura e politica fuori d’Italia #287- Futurismo e culture politiche in Francia, Pasquale A. Jannini #289- Futurismo e rivoluzione conservatrice in Germania, Ferruccio Masini #307- Il futurismo italiano e l’avanguardia ungherese, Gianpiero Cavaglià #323- I contatti politico-culturali tra futuristi italiani e Russia, Cesare G. De Michelis #355- Il secondo futurismo russo: la dimensione politica, Halina Stephan #385- Futurismo, ultraismo e culture politiche nell’area ispanica, Jaime Brihuega #411- Futurismo, vorticismo e “mondomoderno”, William C. Wees #443- Interventi #459- Arti liberali e diritto dell’individuo in F. T. Marinetti, Leonardo Clerici #461- Futurismo e dibattito politico, Emilio R. Papa #483- Spettacolo politico e “18 BL”, Marco Verdone #48

    Impact of land subsidence due to residual gas production on surficial infrastructures: The Dosso degli Angeli field study (Ravenna, Northern Italy)

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    The Dosso degli Angeli reservoir is located along the coast of the Adriatic Sea, approximately 20 km north of Ravenna, Italy, in the nearby of the Comacchio Lagoons. The field was discovered in 1968 and the production started in 1971. The production strongly decreased from 1998 to 2004 and suspended in 2004. In 2012 Eni, the oil company managing the reservoir, has planned to complete the exploitation of the residual reserves over the period from 2013 to 2023. An elasto-plastic FE model provided by Eni was used to measure the expected residual land subsidence, whose maximum value will amount to 2.8 cm. In this work the environmental impact assessment of the expected land subsidence has been quantified on the lowlying coastland above the reservoir. Initially, the subsidence map has been used to quantify the displacement gradient ξ in correspondence of sensitive structures (bridges, pumping stations, lagoon embankments, historical buildings, power plants and a power lines) in order to assess the possible damages. Because the maximum ξ value amount to 1 ×10−5, i.e. 1 mm over 100 m, no damage is expected to the structures. Moreover, hydrological (HEC-HMS) and hydraulic (HEC-RAS) models have been used to evaluate the possible effects of the land subsidence on the efficiency of the main drainage networks used to keep dry the area, which is mainly located below the mean sea level. The results have shown a negligible loss of efficiency of the drainage system. The study allows concluding that land subsidence due to the residual gas production from the Dosso degli Angeli reservoir will not affects the environment, hydraulic safety, and infrastructures of the Comacchio Lagoons and the lowlying coastland surrounding this precious natural environment

    Relationship between particle density and soil bulk chemical composition

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    Purpose: An analytical database containing XRF chemical analyses and real density measurements of unconsolidated sediments of the Padania Plain (Northern Italy) has been used to understand the relationship that exists between the soil particle density (ρs) and their bulk chemical composition. Materials and methods: Using a linear regression, we built an equation able to link the particle density with the soil elemental composition. Results and discussion: Positive correlations were found between ρs and SiO2, MgO, CaO and Na2O and negative correlations with K2O, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and LOI, reflecting the presence in the soils of quartz and feldspars/mineral clays respectively. Conclusions: Our equation is very useful because it helps to know the density properties of a soil when it is not possible to measure ρs with a pycnometer. On the other hand, by knowing the ρs, it is possible to have a quite precise knowledge about the chemistry of the studied soilsThis work has been financially supported by EC LIFE+ funding ZeoLIFE project (LIFE+10 ENV/IT/000321).Peer reviewe

    The use of particle density in sedimentary provenance studies: the superficial sediment of Po Plain (Italy) case study

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    In recent years, several approaches for the identification of the provenance of the sediments have been developed. In particular, geochemical, petrographic and mineralogical analyses were applied to the sediments of the Po Plain in order to discriminate the alluvial sediments of the Po River from those coming from Apennine rivers. In this work, we propose an innovative technique based on the measurement of density for the study of the Po Plain alluvial sediments. This study is based on the determination of major and trace elements, particle density and mineralogical composition of 53 superficial sediments. All the data were processed using multivariate statistics. The comparison between density, geochemistry, and granulometry of the Po River and Reno River (the most important Apennine river) samples shows how the densities strictly depend on the chemical-mineralogical composition and grain size of the sediments and, consequently, on the type of hydrographic basin of their respective river. On this basis it can be discriminated the provenance of two different types of alluvial sediments with sufficient precision, determining the density of the unconsolidated alluvial material

    Relationship between particle density and soil bulk chemical composition

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    Purpose An analytical database containing XRF chemical analyses and real density measurements of unconsolidated sediments of the Padania Plain (Northern Italy) has been used to understand the relationship that exists between the soil particle density (ρs) and their bulk chemical composition. Materials and methods Using a linear regression, we built an equation able to link the particle density with the soil elemental composition. Results and discussion Positive correlations were found between ρs and SiO2, MgO, CaO and Na2O and negative correlationswith K2O, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and LOI, reflecting the presence in the soils of quartz and feldspars/mineral clays respectively. Conclusions Our equation is very useful because it helps to know the density properties of a soil when it is not possible to measure ρs with a pycnometer. On the other hand, by knowing the ρs, it is possible to have a quite precise knowledge about the chemistry of the studied soils

    Improved gravitational grain size separation method

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    A low energy method for grain size separation in heterogeneous sediments without using chemicals and in thermostatic condition, was tested in order to preserve unchanged the physical and chemical properties of the porous medium. The method consisted of wet sieving, to divide the sandy fraction from the fine fraction (<63 mu m), and of wet gravitational separation to divide the clayey from the silty fraction. Deionised water was used as dispersive phase for sequential gravitational separation of silt and clay. Stokes' law was applied to calculate the settling time for the silty fraction in order to siphon out the resulting supernatant containing the clay particles. The procedure was systematically tested and proved to be highly reproducible and the degree of purity was 90% for silt and 95% for clay. This method can be conveniently applied in many studies on contaminant fate and partitioning between liquid and solid phases, where physical and chemical integrity of each granulometric fraction is a prerequisite

    Heavy Metals Backgrounds in Sediments From the Sacca di Goro (NE, Italy)

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    A textural and geochemical characterization of sediments from the Sacca di Goro lagoon floor has been performed in order to evaluate the present day granulometric distribution and the geochemical budget with respect to literature values. 10 samples have been collected along a WE transect crosscutting the whole Sacca di Goro lagoon in order to explore the maximum lithological variability and to identify geochemical trends. Results show that the present day superficial sediment are coarser in grain size with respect to those studied in the past, in turn implying lower concentrations of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTE). PTE enrichments miming those observed 20 years ago are recorded only locally, in connection with parallel increase of fine fraction and organic matter. Traces of Cu, V and Pb have been also found in the shells of farmed Manila clam (Ruditapes Philippinarum) collected within the sediment samples, suggesting PTE bioavailability and accumulation. The comparison of the results with literature data highlights that PTE contents of the Sacca di Goro lagoon deserve more frequent and systematic monitoring both for the high hydrodynamicity of this environment and for the high anthropogenic impact. The analysis of metals in Manila clam shells has a twofold purpose because it represents a further biomarker of the ecosystem, and also provide a geochemical fingerprint of the local shellfish production that could help the traceability in the market, and discrimination from shellfish produced in other area that are not properly controlled from the sanitary point of view