131 research outputs found

    Dynamics and Thermodynamics of (2+1)-Dimensional Evolving Lorentzian Wormhole

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    In this paper we study the relationship between the Einstein field equations for the (2+1)-dimensional evolving wormhole and the first law of thermodynamics. It has been shown that the Einstein field equations can be rewritten as a similar form of the first law of thermodynamics at the dynamical trapping horizon (as proposed by Hayward) for the dynamical spacetime which describes intrinsic thermal properties associated with the trapping horizon. For a particular choice of the shape and potential functions we are able to express field equations as a similar form of first law of thermodynamics dE=TdS+WdAdE=-TdS+WdA at the trapping horizons. Here E=ρAE=\rho A, T=κ/2πT=-\kappa /2\pi , S=4πr~AS=4\pi \tilde{r}_{A}, W=(ρp)/2W=(\rho -p)/2%, and A=πr~A2A=\pi \tilde{r}_{A}^{2}, are the total matter energy, horizon temperature, wormhole entropy, work density and volume of the evolving wormhole respectively.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, paper presented at the 3rd Algerian Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysic


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    ABSTRACTThis study aimed to find out how the performance of the Office of Religious Affairs in Minimizing underage marriage in Parangloe District. This study used a qualitative research with the type was descriptive research. It described a problem about level of underage marriage in Parangloe District. The results of this study conducted at the KUA Parangloe District showed there were 4 cases of underage marriage in Parangloe District recorded, of which 2 cases occurred in 2019 and 2020. For the Religious Affairs Office of Parangloe District in an effort to overcome and reduce the level of marriage in Parangloe District. Underage marriages in Parangloe District could be carried out by organizing activities or focusing on discussing underage marriage and socialization of the Marriage Law which was regularly and well programmed and organized as well as it need to collaborate with various institutions or mass organizations, both private and public. government to work together to tackle this problem.Keywords: Employee Performance, Religious Affairs Office, Underage Marriage

    The Determinants of Capital Structure: A Comparative Study between Sharia and Non-Sharia Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)

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    Every company has a long-term goal to maximize the value of the company, which also means to maximize  the prosperity of its shareholders. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to determine the optimal capital structure. The optimal capital structure allows the company to bear the low average cost of the capital. Therefore, the decision of capital structure is one of the most important decisions.Go public manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange are divided into two groups; the sharia and non-sharia companies. Sharia companies, including the sharia manufacturing ones, have specific rule in the use of funds as the company capital. The rule states that the maximum use of usury-based debt is by 45%. At the same time, the theories about capital structure and research results support the use of debt as the main source of funds. This study used data obtained from the Indonesian Capital Market Directory and Summary of Company Performance for the period of 2011-2017. They were analyzed by using panel data for multiple regression analysis and difference tests. The results show significant differences between sharia and non-sharia manufacturing companies with a probability of 0,000. Moreover, almost all determinant factors such as Size, Tangibility, Profitability, and Gross Domestic Product have significant effects on Book Leverage as an indicator of Capital Structure for both groups of companies


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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pemahaman struktur  dan ciri kebahasaan terhadap kemampuan menulis teks anekdot siswa kelas x sma negeri 4 medan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Medan yang terdiri dari 14  kelas dengan jumlah 490 orang. Sampel yang diambil adalah 32 orang dari jumlah kelas yang telah ditentukan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Ex post facto.  Data pemahaman struktur, ciri kebahasaan, dan kemampuan menulis teks anekdot siswa dijaring dengan menggunakan objektif tes sebanyak 40 soal dan essay tes yang disusun berdasarkan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Sebelum dilakukan pengujian data terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji persyaratan analisis yaitu uji normalitas dan uji linieritas. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa  data berdistribusi normal. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan uji normalitas Lhitung   Ltabel pada taraf signifikan. Hasil uji normalitas untuk data pemahaman struktur (0.0968 0.1568 ) ciri kebahasaan (0.1193 0.1568) dan kemampuan menulis teks anekdot (0.1520 0.1568). Hasil korelasi antar variabel menunjukkan bahwa hubungan pemahaman struktur terhadap kemampuan menulis teks anekdot memiliki koefesien determinan korelasi ganda sebesar 69,39%, hubungan pemahaman ciri kebahasaan terhadap kemampuan menulis teks anekdot memiliki koefesien determinan korelasi ganda sebesar 22,37% dan hubungan pemahaman struktur, dan ciri kebahasaan terhadap kemampuan menulis teks anekdot memiliki koefesien determinan korelasi ganda sebesar 33,99%. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara hubungan pemahaman struktur, dan ciri kebahasaan terhadap kemampuan menulis teks anekdot oleh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4.Kata Kunci : Teks Anekdot, Struktur, Ciri Kebahasaan, dan Kemampuan                                MenulisAbstract. This study aims to determine the relationship between the understanding of structure and linguistic characteristics of the ability to write Anecdote texts in grade X senior high school students in 4 fields. The population of this study was all students of class X SMA 4 Medan  which consisted of 14 classes with a total of 490 people. The sample taken is 32 people from the number of classes that have been determined. The method used is the Ex post facto method. Data on understanding structure, linguistic characteristics, and the ability to write Anecdote texts of students are captured by using objective tests of 40 test questions and essays arranged based on the objectives to be achieved. Before testing the data, the test requirements for the analysis were carried out first, namely the normality test and linearity test. Based on the results of the analysis obtained that the data is normally distributed. After calculating the Lhitung normality test Ltabel at a significant level. The normality test results for understanding structure data (0.0968 0.1568) linguistic characteristics (0.1193 0.1568) and Anecdote text writing ability (0.1520 0.1568). The results of the correlation between variables indicate that the relationship between structural understanding of the ability to write Anecdote texts has a determinant of multiple correlation coefficients of 69.39%, the relationship of understanding linguistic characteristics to the ability to write Anecdote texts has a determinant of multiple correlation coefficients of 22.37% and relationship understanding structures, and linguistic characteristics of the ability to write Anecdote texts have a determinant of multiple correlation coefficients of 33.99%. So, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the relationship of understanding structure and linguistic characteristics to the ability to write Anecdote texts by class X students of SMA 4 Medan.Keywords: Anecdote Text, Structure, Language Characteristics, and Writing                   Abilit


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    In the title compound, C10H13N3O3, the 3,4-dimeth­oxy­benzyl­idene and hydrazinecarboxamide groups are oriented at a dihedral angle of 53.82 (6)° and an intra­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bond generates an S(5) ring motif. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds into sheets propagating in (-201), which feature R 1 2(5), R 2 2(8) and R 2 4(14) loops


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    The complete mol­ecule of the title compound, C19H34N2S, is generated by crystallographic twofold symmetry, with the C=S group lying on the rotation axis. A short C—H⋯S contact occurs in the mol­ecule. The five-membered ring is twisted and the cyclo­hexyl ring adopts a chair conformation. The dihedral angle between the mean plane of the five-membered ring and the basal plane of the cyclo­hexyl ring is 75.32 (13)°

    Transition of Civil Law to Public Law: Integration of Modern Punishment Theory in Criminal Apostasy

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    This paper aims to analyze the determination of death penalty in apostasy through modern criminal theories and human rights considerations. The approach is used to objectively view the purpose of death penalty on a criminal act in the context of religious freedom. This study is a conceptual study using the library research and descriptive-analytical  approach. Based on the analysis of punishment theories, it is found that the determination of the death penalty in apostasy takes a combined pattern of punishment theories: retributive, deterrence, and reformative theories. The combination of these theories leads to an integration, as it does not focus only on the retributive and deterrence aspects, but it also emphasizes on the reformative aspect, as a means of therapy for apostate criminals so they will not repeat the same acts. The integration of the theories seems perfect when accompanied by moral education that can provide “spiritual enlightenment”, so that criminals can be accepted back into the community. The integrity-morality theory or pulse-integrity theory is expected to neutralize the difference in views on the purpose of punishment in Islamic criminal law, which has long been considered not in line with the norms of human rights under the pretext of the sovereign system of the nation-state, where citizenship status is limited by territorial areas. The equality of rights, justice, morality, and individual accountability is a universal principle of the teachings of the Qur’an which inspire the conception of human rights norms by every citizen.AbstrakArtikel ini menganalisis penetapan hukuman mati dalam pidana murtad menggunakan pendekatan teori pemidanaan dan pertimbangan hak asasi manusia. Pendekatan ini digunakan untuk melihat secara objektif tujuan ditetapkan hukuman mati sebagai perbuatan pidana dalam konteks kebebasan beragama. Studi ini merupakan kajian konseptual, dianalisis menggunakan data kepustakaan melalui pendekatan deskriptif-analitis. Berdasarkan analisis teori pemidanan ditemukan bahwa penetapan hukuman mati dalam pidana murtad mengambil pola perpaduan teori pemidanaan; teori retributif,deterrence dan reformatif. Perpaduan ketiga teori melahirkan integritas, tidak terfokus pada aspek retributif  dan deterrence, tetapi lebih menekankan pada aspek reformatif, sebagai terapi pelaku kajahatan murtad agar tidak mengulangi perbuatan yang sama. Pengintegrasian ketiga teori ini terlihat sempurna manakala diiringi pendidikan moral yang dapat memberikan “pencerahan spiritual”, sehingga pelaku kejahatan dapat diterima kembali dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Teori integritas-moralitas atau teori integritas-plus diharapkan dapat menetralisir perbedaan pandangan tujuan pemidanaan Islam. Persamaan hak, keadilan, moralitas dan pertanggunjawaban individu merupakan prinsip universal ajaran al-Qur’an menjadi inspirasi lahirnya norma hak asasi manusia setiap warga negara