113 research outputs found

    Analisa Kedip Tegangan Akibat Gangguan Hubung Singkat pada Saluran Distribusi 20 kV di Penyulang Sragen 1

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    PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Sragen is an electricity company that handles about 20 kV power supply and distribution in Sragen region. The company gets supplies from one of the 150/20 kV transformers, 60 MVA that is on Sragen Substation. Power distribution networks sometimes experience interference, one of them due to short circuit current. Short circuit interruptions in the distribution channel occur with a very short time causing a nominal drop down voltage called a voltage flicker. The usual short-circuit current in the distribution channel is a phase-to-phase, phase to phase, and triple phase short circuit. In order to know the value of blinking voltage due to short circuit current flows required analysis and calculation of short circuit current noise value which is then done blinking voltage analysis at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the repeater length. Analysis and calculation of the blinking voltage is done in SRAGEN 1 repeater which is one of the repeater in Sragen Substation. The voltage flicking value and the percentage of the normal voltage at the moment of short-circuit ground to 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% respectively are 285,931∠ 0,2803 ° V (2.476%); 745,425∠0,662 ° V (6.455%); 1451,735∠1,165 ° V (12.57%); and 2635,795∠1,985 ° V (22.82%). The voltage sags and the percentage of the normal voltage at the moment of phase to phase phase short circuit at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% respectively are 2662,367∠-0,0047 ° V (13,31%) ; 2139,58∠-0,0026 ° V (10.69%); 1523,63∠-0,00264 ° V (7.6%); and 664,04∠-0,00363 ° V (3,32%). The voltage sags value and the percentage of the normal voltage at the time of short-circuit three-phase interference at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% respectively are 1039.37∠16.104 ° V (5.196%); 2415,65∠15,91 ° V (12,078%); 4091,04∠-15,41 ° V (20,455%); and 6579,2∠-14,55 ° V (32,896%)

    Perkiraan Beban Jaringan Distribusi Di Wonogiri Tahun 2014-2018 Menggunakan Metode Regresi Dengan Perbandingan Antara Aplikasi Matlab Dan Microsoft Excel

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    Pertumbuhan penduduk dapat mempengaruhi permintaan kebutuhan energi listrik dalam masyarakat, apalagi jaman semakin maju dengan bermunculnya teknologi canggih yang mendukung kinerja masyarakat dalam beraktivitas. Disamping itu semakin berkembangnya suatu daerah juga semakin menambah penggunaan energi listrik tersebut. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi listrik seluruh pelanggan, dapat dilakukan peramalan kebutuhan energi listrik yang akan datang dengan bantuan data sebelumnya agar dalam penyediaan energi listrik untuk pelanggan lebih effisien sebelum benar-benar terjadi. Data yang perlu diketahui dalam peramalan kebutuhan energi listrik di PT. PLN (PERSERO) Unit Pelayanan dan Jaringan Wonogiri adalah jumlah pelanggan, daya terpasang, energi terjual dan data kependudukan daerah Wonogiri. Dalam peramalan, metode yang digunakan adalah metode gabungan yaitu peramalan dengan menggabungkan antara metode analitis, kecenderungan dan ekonometri dengan menggunakan pendekatan sektoral rumah tangga, bisnis, umum, dan industri dengan analisa regresi dengan bantuan Program MATLAB dan Program Excel. Hasil peramalan di daerah Unit Pelayanan dan Jaringan Wonogiri dari data yang diperoleh mulai tahun 2009 sampai 2013 dapat diketahui bahwa pada tahun 2014 sampai tahun 2018 tiap tahunnya mengalami kenaikan permintaan. Hasil peramalan pada tahun 2018 menggunakan program MATLAB jumlah pelanggan ± 132.368, daya tersambung ± 106.124.421 VA, energi terjual ± 13.611.724 KWh, mengunakan program Excel jumlah pelanggan ±132.368, daya tersambung ± 106.200.741 VA, energi terjual ± 13.611.760 KWh

    Pengaruh Bank Kapasitor Terhadap Keluaran Generator Induksi 1 Fasa Kecepatan Rendah

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    Electrical energy has an important role in improving the quality of life and economic growth in Indonesia. With the increase of population in Indonesia, resulting in the increasing needs of electricity supply. One of the main equipment to be considered in the planning of power generation systems that induction generators used to convert mechanical energy / swivel into electrical energy. The output of the induction generator is strongly influenced by the value of the capacitor bank size. In this study tested the effect of the size of the capacitors are arranged in parallel to the output of low-speed induction generator which includes the value of the voltage, current and frequency. The study begins by installing an induction motor as prime movers coupled with low speed induction generator. After it is installed on the output capacitor bank of the induction generator. Bank of capacitors composed of a number of measuring 4 μF capacitor and 8μF. The number of capacitors in the capacitor bank alone there are 8 pieces that accompanied the switch. Further mounted resistive load such as incandescent lamps 5 Watt, 10 Watt and 15 Watt. Then testing a low speed induction generator in the rotating speed is 730 RPM and 750 RPM. Once it is done measuring the output of low-speed induction generator is voltage, current and frequency. The data was then analyzed. Results of the study showed a low speed induction generator greater the size of the capacitor to the induction generator, the greater the voltage. After reaching a peak voltage value of the voltage will drop and then the voltage rises again, this is due to the characteristics of an induction generator. The same thing happened in the current, while the value of a random frequency. The greater the load, the greater the smaller the value of current and voltage, while the value of random frequency. The larger the capacitor, the lower the rotational speed of the induction generator. At resistive load obtained frequency 49.8 Hz ideal lies in the size of 44 μF capacitor bank in the load 5 Watt and 48 μF capacitor bank size at 10 Watt load with a speed of 750 RPM. For a voltage of 130 Volt biggest lies in the size of 44 μF capacitor bank with a speed of 750 RPM load 5 Watt. While most 0141 Ampere flows lies in the size of 48 μF capacitor bank with a speed of 730 RPM load 15 Watt. Keywords: induction generator, low speed, capacitor banks, voltage, current, frequency

    Analisis Rugi-Rugi Daya Pada Saluran Transmisi Tegangan Tinggi 150 kV Dari Gardu Induk Wonogiri Sampai Gardu Induk Wonosari

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    The growth of the population that has a modern life such as today leads to an increase in electrical energy needs. PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) is the provider that provides electrical energy. Providers that provide electrical energy, have levels in the distribution of electric power, among others, power plants, the level of electrical transmission and the level of electricity distribution. When the process of distributing electricity to the consumer has various problems including power losses in the transmission line. Transmission lines caused by power losses need to be taken into account, as they may cause power loss during power supply discharges. This analysis is conducted to find out the power losses in high voltage line 150 kV from Wonogiri substation to Wonosari main substation. The research method used by collecting data. Data collection is done every day at 10.00 GMT +7 and 19.00 GMT+7 continuously for one month by recording the voltage and current. This transmission line uses a TACSR 410 mm2. The results of this study, obtained the highest power losses on October 24 during the day at 0.181516 MW and night power losses of 0.263164 MW. On average per day the highest power losses occur on 24 October with losses of 0.22234 MW. The lowest power losses on 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 October with losses of 0.051106 MW and night-time losses occurred on 17 October with losses of 0.049812 MW. The average day-to-day low-loss power loss occurs on October 21 with 0.025553 MW losses. Loss of Energy during October 2017 amounted to 68.887836 MWh with material loss incurred by PT. PLN (Persero) amounting to Rp 78,877,949.86

    Perancangan Instalasi Listrik Gedung Polda Manokwari Papua Barat

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    Polda Manokwari Papua Barat building is the public service office. Basically, public services related to the broad aspect of life. In the life of the state, the government has the functions to provide the public services which are required the public needed, from regulations services and other services. In order to meet the needs of the people in education, health, utilities, and other. The construction of this building related to the demand of electrical power especially for lighting installation, AC (Air Conditioner), water pump, and the lift to provide the comfortable of building customers. This installation is used for the importance of public service, so it is necessary to get a good installation design that appropriate with the reliable calculation, economical and safety operation. The good installation would help to creat the sense of comfortable, safe and quiet for the building customers. The goal of Installation design as is purpose to produce an electricity installation plan for the Polda Manokwari Papua Barat building using AutoCAD program and to determine the points of lamps by using DIALux application, to knows the total electrical energy, to determine the conductor size and main protection device, and bill of quantity. The results from this design showed the total apparent power (S) needed 718188,118 VA / 718,19 kVA with main protection device MCCB (Moulded Case Circuit Breaker) 3 phase for 1250 A and two main conductor NYFGbY 4 x 300 mm2. The bill of quantity design for electricity installation need Rp.4.413.007.555,-. Keywords: Electricity Installation, Main safety, DIALux, AutoCAD, RAB

    Analisa Susut Energi Penggunaan Penghantar Tacsr Pada Jaringan Transmisi Tegangan Tinggi 150 kV Pada Gardu Induk Palur – Solobaru Dengan Etap 12.6

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    Transmission of electrical energy from the plant to the transmission of the substations, as well as when transmitting to the distribution, there will be differences in voltage, current and power. Likewise on the transmission channel substation one with the other substations will surely happen the loss of energy or loss of energy (Losses). The loss of energy in an electric must always exist, this is due to the content of prisoners in the conductor used. The goal to be done is to calculate how much loss or power is wasted for the process of transmitting electrical energy in GI channel Palur to GI Solobaru for one month. The method used is to first conduct a survey on the location, looking for the required data such as current, voltage, power, resistance, and channel length on a 150kV transmission line. The retrieval of the data is obtained from the existing control panel on GI Palur. Data collection is done at 10:00 and 19:00 WIB for one month. Using tariff mean method hence researcher can know how much loss of electric power which is in responsibility by PLN. This transmission line type of carrier used is TACSR 480 with resistance of 0.0610 Ω / km. The largest energy losses that occur during the day are 0.06267757 MW, and the lowest energy shrinkage is 0.02113167 MW. The energy shrinkage peak that occurs at night is 0.06748401 MW, otherwise the lowest energy shrinkage occurs of 0.02876255 MW. The total energy losses occurring in January were 39.6857523 MWh, resulting in financial losses incurred by PT.PLN of Rp45,960,863.45

    Thermovisi Dalam Melihat Hot Point Pada Gardu Induk 150 kV Palur

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    Thermovision is an instrument for visualizing and detecting the temperature on an object in the catch and in the show to a display with infrared technology. to find out the temperature of the heat on the connection and the conductor, in order to get the value of the temperature difference between the temperature of the conductor against the connection, so it can detect the State of the switchyard on equipment under normal circumstances or not normal, as well as discussing methods the measurement value of emissivity emissivity value for gaining an accurate and well, that States that the value of the temperature measurement accuracy and has a good persision. The temperature is hot (hot point) at carrier substation equipment (switchyard), is a parameter on the monitor and in the analysis of changes at any time. It is closely related to the protection and the reliability of existing systems in the switchyard. The method in use i.e. searching for references to research, gather research data on the location, analysis and mathematical calculations. Temperature measurement results in the connection clamps take 20 sample temperature to emissivity value calculation to get the value of test method precision and accuracy using the method vaildasi. The results of the calculation of the temperature difference between the clamps towards the conductor in may 33 dial in good condition, 3 connection in condition when maintenance and inspection 1 connection in planning improvements to the condition of the test method emisitivy, get the value of precision 0.4% and 99.84% accuracy so that the method of calculation of the test in the test can be used

    Desain Alat Penyiram Bawang Merah menggunakan Motor DC dengan Energi Terbarukan

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    Supporting equipment in agriculture increasingly more advanced with the sophisticated technology and is very useful to help the farmers to facilitate his work. One application of technological advancements that namely in agriculture onion that adopt advanced technology in the process of watering the onion itself. This has to be one of the factors the creation tool of the onion plant watering using the latest teknoligi in order to facilitate the farmers and is considered more efficient than using the traditional watering. The methods used in this study i.e., design a tool watering plants of onion based DC motor that uses renewable energy as its primary source. Currently the majority of watering tool the onion still using bucket and rely heavily on manpower as its main source. Fossil fuels are increasingly depleting its availability make the switch community towards alternative energy sources by utilizing solar energy with the help of solar panels-capacity 120 wattpeak. Accumulator with a capacity of 12 V and a current of 5 A boost chopper in to 36 V, so the sprinklers this DC motor based on the supply voltage of 12 V and a minimum of the maximum voltage of 36 V DC motor which would make the spins quickly. The result of the process of research tool watering watering can this onion onion with a maximum. When potensio played on the State of the 0% then the resulting voltage 11.1 V with power of 67.5 watts, whereas if potensio played on the State of 100% of the maximum voltage value obtained 35.5 V with 63.1 power Watts

    Analisis Keandalan Sistem Jaringan Distribusi Di Gardu Induk Bringin Penyulang Brg-2 Pt. Pln (Persero) Ul Salatiga Dengan Metode Section Technique

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    Electrical energy has been become a very important requirement for people in this day, therefore continuity in the distribution of electrical energy is absolutely necessary. A power distribution network system can be said to be reliable if the interruption and outages that occurred within one year lower than the figures specified reliability index. One of the ways used to calculate the reliability index of the electricity distribution network is the method section technique. Reliability index which will be calculated is SAIFI, SAIDI, and CAIDI. In this research, calculation of reliability index in the distribution network BRG-2 feeder. BRG-2 feeder is one the feeders in Bringin substations who are in the working area of PT. PLN (Persero). After calculation, the reliability index of the BRG-2 feeder be obtained that SAIFI 8.65454469 failure/year, SAIDI 26.11252417 hour/year and CAIDI CAIDI 3.01720369 hour/year. To determine the index has been calculated included the category of reliable or not, than need to be compared with standard issued by PT. PLN (Persero) in SPLN 68-2 : 1986 that the SAIFI was 3.2 failure/year and SAIDI 21 hour/year. It can be seen that BRG-2 feeder distribution networknot reliable because the value of SAIFI and SAIDI exceed the standards set

    Perancangan Generator Induksi 1 Fasa Kecepatan Rendah

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    Induction generator be an alternative option for power generation small power applications in a remote area location. If the induction generator to be applied to a generating system in a remote location, it will be found the fact that the power potential prime movers are used to rotate the generator is not constant. At the micro hydro power plants often found water discharge varies due to the influence of the season. On the other hand, the daily burden to be borne by the generating system is also not constant. These conditions will have a major impact on the voltage and frequency of the power plant. Therefore, it is necessary to do some research to create a prototype of a low-speed induction generator which can generate a voltage and frequency in a small flow of water and different although for implementation in remote areas. Research conducted on the rotational speed of the generator which dikopelkan with an electric motor as the driving switch mounted capacitor bank controller, further testing without the burden of the induction generator excitation 28 μF capacitor with a rotational speed between 770 to 795 RPM and with a 40 μF capacitor excitation with velocity rotate between 700 to 735 RPM. After that, by installing a resistive load measuring 5 Watt to 28 μF capacitor excitation and measuring 5-15 Watt resistive load to 40 μF capacitor excitation on electric installation simple. After testing resumed measure the output of the voltage, frequency and current, then the data is analyzed. Results of research on low-speed generator induksi1 phase with the excitation capacitor 28 μF with resistive load measuring 5 Watt with rotational speed between 793 to 801 RPM obtained a voltage of 71 to 114 volts and a frequency of 52.8 to 53.4 Hz. Subsequent research by the excitation capacitor of 40 μF with rotational speed between 705 to 735 RPM with resistive load measuring 5 Watt obtained a voltage of 84 to 116 volts and a frequency of 48.2 to 49.7 Hz. Furthermore resistive load measuring 10 Watt obtained a voltage of 87 to 105 volts and a frequency of 49.4 to 50.6 Hz. Recent research resistive load measuring 15 Watt obtained a voltage of 77 to 90 volts and a frequency of 50.7 to 51.6 Hz
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