1,147 research outputs found

    Understanding the spatial pattern of urban crime: a developing country's perspective

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    Much of the published spatial analysis research of crime to date has been focused on Euro-American cities. This paper attempts to provide an insight on how we can better understand the spatial pattern of crime in a typical developing country’s setting. Data were obtained through extensive field mapping, a block environmental inventory (BEI) and a crime victimization survey to generate a GIS-database of the study area. Grid thematic maps (GTM) for different crime types were produced for visual analysis, which suggests, as observed in many Euro-American studies, crime clusters geographically

    Canonical Group Quantization of Noncommutative Graphene with Symmetric and Landau Dual Magnetic Fields

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    The canonical group quantization approach has been used to study noncommutative graphene in the presence of dual magnetic fields. The canonical group for the phase space R2×R2\mathbb{R}^2\times \mathbb{R}^2 with both symmetric and Landau dual gauges is shown to be equivalent to H2⋊R\mathtt{H}^2\rtimes \mathbb{R}. The representations of both symmetric and Landau dual gauges lead to similar canonical commutation relations, and we observe that the energy spectrum is corrected by both dual magnetic fields, yielding the same result.Comment: 9 pages, submitted to Journal of Physical Studie

    Preliminary Phytochemical Screening, Elemental and Proximate Composition of Two Varieties of Cyperus esculentus (Tiger Nut)

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    The study aimed at phytochemical screening, elemental and proximate composition of two varieties of Cyperus esculentus (tiger nut) big yellow and small brown nuts using standard methods. The phytochemicals tested for were alkaloid, saponin, tannin, glycoside, flavonoid, steroid and resin. All the aforementioned phytochemicals with the exception of resin were present in the two varieties. The elements tested for were Na, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, K and Fe. The result shows big yellow variety had higher Na, K, and Ca with mean values 70.8 mg/Kg, 3694.43 mg/Kg and 372.2 mg/Kg respectively. Both samples had equal Fe, Zn and Mn contents of 21.0 mg/Kg, 8.3 mg/Kg and 1.67 mg/Kg respectively. Small brown variety had higher Mg content (308.3 mg/Kg). The proximate analysis show brown yellow variety had higher ash, crude protein and crude fiber contents with values of 1.85%, 2.75% and 9.25% respectively. While small brown variety had higher moisture and fatty acid contents of 4.25 % and 15.2% respectively. Considering the potential nutritive and health benefits of the underutilized tiger nuts, it is suggested that utilization of tiger nut products (such as biscuits, flour and milk etc.) should be encouraged so as to ameliorate the problem of protein-calorie malnutrition in children, since it is rich in nutritional contents.Keywords: Cyperus esculentus, elemental, phytochemical, proximate, tiger nu

    Penerapan Metode Eksperimen untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA Kelas V

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    ; issue in this study is an effort to improve the learners' learning activities using an experimental method to study Natural Sciences class V. The purpose of this research is to improve students' learning activities using an experimental method to study Natural Sciences class V. Form of research used was a survey ( survey studies ) with the type of classroom action research ( Classroom Action Research ) . The study subjects were students of class V of 25 students . This study was conducted with two stages of the cycle . In the first cycle of learning activities of students there has been before. It can be seen from the results of observations peningatan cycle I to cycle II , the physical activity of students increased from 45 % in the first cycle to 57 % in the second cycle , the first cycle of mental activity 40 % 52 % womanly , emotional activity in the first cycle 52 % to 67 % in the second cycle . From the results of the implementation of the action research cycle I and cycle II , it can be concluded that the application of the experimental method can increase the activity of students in learning science class V

    Csms Implementation and Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Contractor Safety Performance in PT Vale Indonesia

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    Safety of life and work (safety) is the main value that must be owned by every company, not least PT Vale Indonesia (PTVI) as a nickel mining and processing company operating in Sorowako, South Sulawesi. This study aims to examine the implementation and effectiveness of CSMS, including the factors that affect the safety performance of contractors at PT Vale Indonesia in Sorowako. This study was conducted by analyzing the significance and correlation between CSMS implementation and its effectiveness as well as the influencing factors: culture and behavior, work conditions, resources, communication and training. The analytical tool used is Chi Square and Kendall's Tau with primary data obtained from the questionnaire survey to the parties related to CSMS that are contractors and stakeholders in PT Vale Indonesia and secondary data in the form of data safety record in EHS department of PT Vale Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the CSMS program in PT Vale Indonesia has been implemented well and sufficiently, so the effects of the program have been in accordance with its objectives and lead to targets determined on the quantity side, but in terms of quality needs to be improved further by increasing fulfillment of CSMS implementation and significant influencing factors are: improvement of training, communication and culture and safety behavior

    Pendekatan Pembelajaran Kontekstual untuk Kecakapan Menulis Pantun pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

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    Issues raised in this research is the application of contextual learning approach to writing rhymes prowess in Class VII SMP 6 Ketapang. Contexstual learning approach is the concept of learning that helps teachers link between the material being taught to real world situations students and encourage students to make connections between the knowledge he has with the application in their lives. With this concept, the learning outcomes expected to be more meaningful for students. This study is a qualitative descriptive study aimed to determine the application of contextual learning approach for poem writing skills in Grade VII SMP 6 Ketapang. The subjects were students and teachers Indonesian Junior High School seventh grade 6 Ketapang Engineering Data collection in this study using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Analysis of the data in this study using the qualitative data analysis procedures of data reduction, data display and conclusion / verification. The results based on the general formulation of the problem that the application of contextual learning approach to writing prowess poem in class VII SMP 6 Ketapang is good. Planning learning with contextual approach prepared by an excellent teacher

    Pengaruh Perendaman dan Perebusan terhadap Kandungan Protein, Gula, Total Fenolik dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Kerandang (Canavalia Virosa)

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    Kerandang (Canavalia virosa) tergolong tanaman legum dan menghasilkan biji, tumbuh menjalar di lahan pasir pantaiDaerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, khususnya di Kabupaten Bantul dan Kulon Progo dengan luas lahan sekitar 3.500 ha.Tanaman kerandang merupakan sumber protein nabati, mengandung senyawa fenolik dan memiliki aktivitas antioksidan.Penelitian tentang aktivitas antioksidan biji kerandang belum dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuipengaruh perendaman dan perebusan terhadap Perubahan kandungan protein, gula, total fenolik dan aktivitas antioksidanbiji kerandang. Perendaman dilakukan pada 0, 12, dan 24 jam dengan rasio biji kerandang dan air sebesar 1:6 (b/v).Perlakuan perendaman ini dikombinasikan dengan perebusan biji pada suhu didih air (80 – 90 ºC) selama 0, 10, dan20 menit. Perbandingan biji kerandang dan air untuk perebusan adalah 1:5 (b/v). Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputikadar protein, jenis gula, total fenolik dan aktivitas antioksidan. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan AcakLengkap dengan ulangan dua kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar protein biji kerandang menurun denganperlakuan perendaman dan perebusan. Biji kerandang mengandung oligosakarida tahan cerna (raÞ nosa) yang cukuptinggi. Kandungan total fenolik biji kerandang segar sebesar 7,42 g GAE/100 g biji kerandang. Perlakuan perendamandan perebusan menyebabkan kandungan total fenolik menurun sampai dengan 74,93 %. Aktivitas antioksidan bijikerandang dinyatakan sebagai Radical Scavenging Activity sebesar 10,22 %. Pada perendaman selama 12 dan 24 jamterjadi penurunan aktivitas antioksidan

    Proximate composition, functional, and sensory properties of kadal (fermented grain flour) produced from whole and decorticated maize and pearl millet grains

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    Kadals are normally prepared from fermented cereal grains and the kadal flours are usually transformed into stiff dough called tuwo and consumed as staple food in many West African countries. Pearl millet (Mi) and maize (Mz) grains were decorticated and each of them was divided into four portions. The first portion was unfermented and the other portions were soaked in water separately for 48h (K2), for 72h (K3) and 96h (K4). Four portions each of whole maize and millet were subjected to the same soaking time, respectively. At the expiration of soaking time, each portion was washed, thoroughly rinsed, sun dried, milled and sieved to produce kadal flours. The unfermented whole and decorticated millet and maize flours served as the experimental controls. The functional properties and proximate compositions of twenty samples were evaluated using standard procedures and the organoleptic properties of the tuwo (kadal dough) prepared from them were evaluated without soup, and with okro soup. Results revealed significant variations (p<0.05) existed in the functional properties and proximate composition of kadal flours as well as the sensory attributes of the tuwo. Wettability of the kadal flours improved with soaking time, water absorption capacities decreased with fermentation time, as well as bulk densities though marginally. Dispersibility of the kadal flours were generally high (70.50-77%) and no significant difference was observed. Ash, protein and fat contents of the whole grain kadal flours were higher than that of decorticated, and there was slight decrease in these nutrients with soaking time. Again, moisture and carbohydrate were lower in whole grain kadal flours than in decorticated counterparts. On sensory attributes of the various tuwo produced, colour improved with soaking time more in the decorticated millet kadals. Decorticated millet had greater desirable flavor, which was not significantly different from that of whole millet kadals. Texture of 4th day kadal tuwo was better, with whole millet kadal tuwo rated better than that of the decorticated, unlike the texture of maize kadal tuwo. Control tuwo in general had poorer flavour, colour, texture and taste. The overall acceptability of the kadal tuwo was generally higher than the control. Millet kadal tuwo progressively improved with soaking time. The bottom line was that nutritional values were sacrificed to the improvement of sensory properties of the prepared kadal flours
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