7,654 research outputs found

    Instability of defensive alliances in the predator-prey model on complex networks

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    A model of six-species food web is studied in the viewpoint of spatial interaction structures. Each species has two predators and two preys, and it was previously known that the defensive alliances of three cyclically predating species self-organize in two-dimensions. The alliance-breaking transition occurs as either the mutation rate is increased or interaction topology is randomized in the scheme of the Watts-Strogatz model. In the former case of temporal disorder, via the finite-size scaling analysis the transition is clearly shown to belong to the two-dimensional Ising universality class. In contrast, the geometric or spatial randomness for the latter case yields a discontinuous phase transition. The mean-field limit of the model is analytically solved and then compared with numerical results. The dynamic universality and the temporally periodic behaviors are also discussed.Comment: 5 page

    Superconductivity-induced Phonon Renormalization on NaFe1−x_{1-x}Cox_{x}As

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    We report a study of the lattice dynamics in superconducting NaFeAs (Tc = 8 K) and doped NaFe0.97Co0.03As (Tc = 20 K) using Raman light scattering. Five of the six phonon modes expected from group theory are observed. In contrast with results obtained on iso-structural and iso-electronic LiFeAs, anomalous broadening of Eg(As) and A1g(Na) modes upon cooling is observed in both samples. In addition, in the Co-doped sample, a superconductivity-induced renormalization of the frequency and linewidth of the B1g(Fe) vibration is observed. This renormalization can not be understood within a single band and simple multi-band approaches. A theoretical model that includes the effects of SDW correlations along with sign-changing s-wave pairing state and interband scattering has been developed to explain the observed behavior of the B1g(Fe) mode.Comment: 10 pages; 6 figure

    Design Method for Developing a Product Recovery Management System based on Life Cycle Information

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    Due to concerns about environmental protection, product life cycle management for end-of-lift has received increasing attention in many industrial sectors. To support these functions, crucial issues have been studied to realize a product recovery management system. Until the present time most research has been concerned with decision making under the assumption that all the relevant and accurate information about a product is available by some means. However, these pieces of research ended in technological attempts because of the development complexity of implementation using ubiquitous computing devices such as identification chips and embedded systems to get data from products. An efficient development method is necessary in order to overcome this limitation. In this paper we overview a generic architecture based on ubiquitous computing technology. This is followed by how to develop such an innovative system by proposing a systematic approach called ubiquitous information engineering. To show the effectiveness of the architecture and approach a prototype for remanufacturing an industrial product has been developed. Through development of the proposed approach enough functions can be derived to collect information from a product. The study shows that major factors influencing development complexity are found and that information standards support network development in end-of-lift activities.None1111Ysciescopu

    Phonon arithmetic in a trapped ion system

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    Single-quantum level operations are important tools to manipulate a quantum state. Annihilation or creation of single particles translates a quantum state to another by adding or subtracting a particle, depending on how many are already in the given state. The operations are probabilistic and the success rate has yet been low in their experimental realization. Here we experimentally demonstrate (near) deterministic addition and subtraction of a bosonic particle, in particular a phonon of ionic motion in a harmonic potential. We realize the operations by coupling phonons to an auxiliary two-level system and applying transitionless adiabatic passage. We show handy repetition of the operations on various initial states and demonstrate by the reconstruction of the density matrices that the operations preserve coherences. We observe the transformation of a classical state to a highly non-classical one and a Gaussian state to a non-Gaussian one by applying a sequence of operations deterministically

    Towards a portable platform integrated with multi-spectral non-contact probes for delineating normal and breast cancer tissue based on near-infrared spectroscopy

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    Currently, the confirmation of diagnosis of breast cancer is made by microscopic examination of an ultra-thin slice of a needle biopsy specimen. This slice is conventionally formalin-fixed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and visually examined under a light microscope. This process is labor-intensive and requires highly skilled doctors (pathologists). In this paper, we report a novel tool based on near-infrared spectroscopy (Spectral-IRDx) which is a portable, non-contact, and cost-effective system and could provide a rapid and accurate diagnosis of cancer. The Spectral-IRDx tool performs absorption spectroscopy at near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths of 850 nm, 935 nm, and 1060 nm. We measure normalized detected voltage (Vdn) with the tool in 10 deparaffinized breast biopsy tissue samples, 5 of which were cancer (C) and 5 were normal (N) tissues. The difference in Vdn at 935 nm and 1060 nm between cancer and normal tissues is statistically significant with p-values of 0.0038 and 0.0022 respectively. Absorption contrast factor (N/C) of 1.303, 1.551, and 1.45 are observed for 850 nm, 935 nm, and 1060 nm respectively. The volume fraction contrast (N/C) of lipids and collagens are reported as 1.28 and 1.10 respectively. Higher absorption contrast factor (N/C) and volume fraction contrast (N/C) signifies higher concentration of lipids in normal tissues as compared to cancerous tissues, a basis for delineation. These preliminary results support the envisioned concept for non-invasive and non-carcinogenic NIR-based breast cancer diagnostic platform, which will be tested using a larger number of samples

    Raman Scattering Study of the Lattice Dynamics of Superconducting LiFeAs

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    We report an investigation of the lattice dynamical properties of LiFeAs using inelastic light scattering. Five out of the six expected phonon modes are observed. The temperature evolution of their frequencies and linewidths is in good agreement with an anharmonic-decay model. We find no evidence for substantial electron-phonon coupling, and no superconductivity-induced phonon anomalies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    SDN-based Active Content Networking

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    This paper proposes a Software Defined Networking (SDN)-based active content networking architecture for future media environments. The proposed architecture aims to provide customized delivery of various types of media content in order to satisfy various demands of users and service requirements. To this end, we have developed an active content processing model which provides in-network content processing through service objects that are integral parts of active content. The main benefits provided by the proposed model are high flexibility and creativity to meet the evolving future media environments

    Quantum state conversion by cross-Kerr interaction

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    A generalized Mach-Zehnder-type interferometer equipped with cross-Kerr elements is proposed to convert N-photon truncated single-mode quantum states into (N+1)-mode single-photon states, which are suitable for further state manipulation by means of beam splitter arrays and ON/OFF-detections, and vice versa. Applications to the realization of unitary and non-unitary transformations, quantum state reconstruction, and quantum telemanipulation are studied.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, using a4.st

    Assessment of functional and musculoskeletal problems, and barriers to obtaining physiotherapy services among the elderly in a rural community in Kano State, Nigeria

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    Functional and musculoskeletal problems are a major cause of disability among the elderly in the rural areas. Unfortunately, rehabilitation services are presently inadequate for this population in many parts of the world. This study evaluated the pattern of musculoskeletal disorders, functional status and barriers to obtaining physiotherapy services among the elderly in a rural community in Kano, Nigeria.This cross sectional survey was carried out using a Hausa translated version of the modified Older American Resource and Services (OARS) multidimensional functional assessment questionnaire and other instruments to assess the pattern of functional and musculoskeletal problems and barriers to obtaining physiotherapy services. The questionnaires were administered to 384 elderly consenting individuals (aged 60 years and above) who were recruited using cluster sampling. The data obtained was analysed using SPSS version 16.0.The results from this study revealed that the majority of the participants were females (59.9%). The prevalence of musculoskeletal problems was significant (47%), mostly affecting the lower extremity joints and the spine. Generally, the participants were mostly independent in carrying out activities of daily living (ADL), such as feeding (92.5%), grooming (85.7%), money management (84.9%) and management of medication (83.9%). The results also showed that a few of the participants were dependent in bathing (10.2%), walking (9.9%) and dressing (9.9%). Furthermore, the majority (61.9%) of the participants who reported musculoskeletal problems had good ADL performance capacity rating. Almost all the participants (98%) reported that they have never heard of physiotherapy. Lastly, those with musculoskeletal problems reported that they mainly utilized traditional medicine or home remedies and their health-seeking behaviour was mainly determined by affordability (41.8%).It was concluded that there is a high prevalence of musculoskeletal problems among the participants of this study. Nevertheless, their level of function remained optimal. The study also identified lack of awareness, unavailability, affordability and accessibility as the major barriers to obtaining physiotherapy services among the participants.Keywords: elderly, musculoskeletal disorders, knowledge, disability, rural community, physiotherap
