14 research outputs found

    Approaches of Russian oil companies to optimal capital structure

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    Oil companies play a vital role in Russian economy. Demand for hydrocarbon products will be increasing for the nearest decades simultaneously with the population growth and social needs. Change of raw-material orientation of Russian economy and the transition to the innovative way of the development do not exclude the development of oil industry in future. Moreover, society believes that this sector must bring the Russian economy on to the road of innovative development due to neo-industrialization. To achieve this, the government power as well as capital management of companies are required. To make their optimal capital structure, it is necessary to minimize the capital cost, decrease definite risks under existing limits, and maximize profitability. The capital structure analysis of Russian and foreign oil companies shows different approaches, reasons, as well as conditions and, consequently, equity capital and debt capital relationship and their cost, which demands the effective capital management strategy

    Development of engineering solutions for air drilling at Dulisminsk oilfield, Irkutsk oblast

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    The article presents the analysis of disastrous mud loss achieved during casing at Dulisminsk oil and gas condensate field (DOGCF) and comparative evaluation of geological structure of DOGCF and Naryksko-Ostashkinsk area of Kemerovo oblast, where the same problem was solved successfully. On the basis of the analysis, an engineering solution is proposed to prevent mud loss in the conditions of DOGCF

    Vertical section construction of wells at Kuyumbinsky oil field via percussive-rotary drilling with DTH hammer

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    The article presents the analysis of sequential use of mobile percussive-rotary drilling sets with DTH hammer and bottom-hole cleaning by foam mud in construction of vertical sections along with at Kuyumbinsky oil field. On the basis of the analysis, an engineering solution is proposed to prevent disastrous mud loss that is the key factor of efficiency in implementation of resource-saving technologies

    The diagram development for Computer Added Control and Monitoring system of drilling

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    The paper is concerned with the first stage of the extensive research aimed at developing design-automation system and well drilling process control. The proposed system is going to have some advantages over modern analogues, such as economic analysis at all levels, active engineering staff feedback, precedent-related principle for recommendations, etc. It will essentially reduce the risk of human errors and also optimize the well construction process from design to commissioning. The paper considers the results of the first design stage in a form of flow diagrams

    Modeling pellet impact drilling process

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    The paper describes pellet impact drilling which could be used to increase the drilling speed and the rate of penetration when drilling hard rocks. Pellet impact drilling implies rock destruction by metal pellets with high kinetic energy in the immediate vicinity of the earth formation encountered. The pellets are circulated in the bottom hole by a high velocity fluid jet, which is the principle component of the ejector pellet impact drill bit. The experiments conducted has allowed modeling the process of pellet impact drilling, which creates the scientific and methodological basis for engineering design of drilling operations under different geo-technical conditions

    Modeling pellet impact drilling process

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    The paper describes pellet impact drilling which could be used to increase the drilling speed and the rate of penetration when drilling hard rocks. Pellet impact drilling implies rock destruction by metal pellets with high kinetic energy in the immediate vicinity of the earth formation encountered. The pellets are circulated in the bottom hole by a high velocity fluid jet, which is the principle component of the ejector pellet impact drill bit. The experiments conducted has allowed modeling the process of pellet impact drilling, which creates the scientific and methodological basis for engineering design of drilling operations under different geo-technical conditions

    Impact of hydrocarbon drilling mud on mud motor elastomers at different temperatures

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    The paper describes the experimental research of hydrocarbon drilling mud impact on engineering parameters of mud motor elastomer samples. It is believed to be urgent due to an increase in using mud motors in oil and gas well construction now, and the issue of intense exploitation is currently topical. The test results of elastomer IRP- 1226 dependent on the temperature are shown in the paper. It is proved that the hydrocarbon drilling muds have a significant impact on wearing of mud motors elastomers under the condition of a temperature increase

    Methods of study in the characteristics of elastomers' samples of mud motors at modeling the conditions of their operation

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    The paper describes the development of the methods of experimental research on rubber elastomers parameters of mud motors at modeling the conditions of their operation. The specific features of mud motors operation as well as main aggressive agents affecting the state and parameters of elastomers, such as drilling mud type, ambient temperature, and mechanical action of the rotor on the plate of the stator are shown in the paper. Due to described agents, new methods of investigations and new units of experimental bed are developed

    Methods to ensure optimal off-bottom and drill bit distance under pellet impact drilling

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    The paper describes pellet impact drilling which could be used to increase the drilling speed and the rate of penetration when drilling hard rock for various purposes. Pellet impact drilling implies rock destruction by metal pellets with high kinetic energy in the immediate vicinity of the earth formation encountered. The pellets are circulated in the bottom hole by a high velocity fluid jet, which is the principle component of the ejector pellet impact drill bit. The paper presents the survey of methods ensuring an optimal off-bottom and a drill bit distance. The analysis of methods shows that the issue is topical and requires further research

    Arresting and supplying apparatus for increasing pellet impact drilling speed per run

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    The paper describes pellet impact drilling which might be used to increase the drilling rate and the penetration rate of hard and tough rock drilling. Pellet impact drilling implies rock destruction by metal pellets having high kinetic energy in the immediate vicinity of the earth formation encountered. The pellets are recirculated in the bottom of the bore hole by a high velocity fluid jet, which is the principle component of the ejector pellet impact drill bit. The arresting and supplying apparatus is supposed to increase speed per run in pellet impact drilling, as it not only replenishes the pellets but also supplies and then picks up the pellets from the bottom hole. The paper presents the design of the pellet-supplying component which ensures a portion of pellets supply to the bottom hole