233 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Assortment Optimization

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    Assortment optimization refers to the problem of designing a slate of products to offer potential customers, such as stocking the shelves in a convenience store. The price of each product is fixed in advance, and a probabilistic choice function describes which product a customer will choose from any given subset. We introduce the combinatorial assortment problem, where each customer may select a bundle of products. We consider a model of consumer choice where the relative value of different bundles is described by a valuation function, while individual customers may differ in their absolute willingness to pay, and study the complexity of the resulting optimization problem. We show that any sub-polynomial approximation to the problem requires exponentially many demand queries when the valuation function is XOS, and that no FPTAS exists even for succinctly-representable submodular valuations. On the positive side, we show how to obtain constant approximations under a "well-priced" condition, where each product's price is sufficiently high. We also provide an exact algorithm for kk-additive valuations, and show how to extend our results to a learning setting where the seller must infer the customers' preferences from their purchasing behavior

    Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy are Associated with Differences in Maternal Serum Concentrations of Arachidonic Acid Metabolites

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    Background: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP), including gestational hypertension, chronic hypertension, and preeclampsia, are a significant cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States. Dysregulation of inflammation is thought to play a role in the development of HDP. Maternal diet has the potential to alter the risk of HDP by modulating inflammation. Arachidonic acid (AA) is a dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid which can be metabolized into both pro- and anti-inflammatory bioactive metabolites. Significance of Problem: HDP places women and their infants at risk for potentially severe pregnancy complications including placental abruption, embolism, end-organ failure, or death. Few treatments are currently available for HDP. Question: The objective of this study was to describe how maternal AA metabolites serum concentrations are associated with diagnosis of HDP. Experimental Design: Serum was collected from 121 pregnant women admitted to the labor and delivery unit at Nebraska Medical Center. Women were divided into normotensive or hypertensive groups based on definitions from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Concentrations of AA metabolites were measured using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Descriptive statistics were generated, and Mann-Whitney U tests were used to compare metabolite concentrations between groups. Results: Women with HDP had significant higher serum concentrations of PGF2α (p=0.02) and 15-HETE (p=0.04), two metabolites with known inflammatory and vasoconstrictive properties. Women with HDP had significantly lower serum concentrations of 8(9)-DiHET (p=0.04), 11(12)-DiHET (p=0.04), and 14(15)-DiHET (p=0.001), which are all associated with vasodilation. Unexpectantly, hypertensive mothers also had lower serum concentrations of 5-HETE (p=0.02), which is associated with vasoconstriction. Conclusion: Overall, our study reveals that mothers diagnosed with HDP had significantly higher serum concentrations of vasoconstrictive AA metabolites and significantly lower serum concentrations of vasodilating AA metabolites compared to normotensive mothers. Future directions include analyzing differences in maternal metabolite profile separately for mothers with chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension, and preeclampsia compared to normotensive mothers. Results from these analyses will guide nutritional recommendations for women at risk of developing HDP.https://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/chri_forum/1062/thumbnail.jp

    Modelling changes in the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus during pregnancy after kidney transplantation:A retrospective cohort study

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    Aims: Pregnancy after kidney transplantation is realistic but immunosuppressants should be continued to prevent rejection. Tacrolimus is safe during pregnancy and is routinely dosed based on whole-blood predose concentrations. However, maintaining these concentrations is complicated as physiological changes during pregnancy affect tacrolimus pharmacokinetics. The aim of this study was to describe tacrolimus pharmacokinetics throughout pregnancy and explain the changes by investigating covariates in a population pharmacokinetic model. Methods: Data of pregnant women using a twice-daily tacrolimus formulation following kidney transplantation were retrospectively collected from 6 months before conception, throughout gestation and up to 6 months postpartum. Pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using nonlinear mixed effects modelling. Demographic, clinical and genetic parameters were evaluated as covariates. The final model was evaluated using goodness-of-fit plots, visual predictive checks and a bootstrap analysis. Results: A total of 260 whole-blood tacrolimus predose concentrations from 14 pregnant kidney transplant recipients were included. Clearance increased during pregnancy from 34.5 to 41.7 L/h, by 15, 19 and 21% in the first, second and third trimester, respectively, compared to prior to pregnancy. This indicates a required increase in the tacrolimus dose by the same percentage to maintain the prepregnancy concentration. Haematocrit and gestational age were negatively correlated with tacrolimus clearance (P ≤ 0.01), explaining 18% of interindividual and 85% of interoccasion variability in oral clearance.Conclusions: Tacrolimus clearance increases during pregnancy, resulting in decreased exposure to tacrolimus, which is explained by gestational age and haematocrit. To maintain prepregnancy target whole-blood tacrolimus predose concentrations during pregnancy, increasing the dose is required.</p

    Effects of S1 Cleavage on the Structure, Surface Export, and Signaling Activity of Human Notch1 and Notch2

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    Notch receptors are normally cleaved during maturation by a furin-like protease at an extracellular site termed S1, creating a heterodimer of non-covalently associated subunits. The S1 site lies within a key negative regulatory region (NRR) of the receptor, which contains three highly conserved Lin12/Notch repeats and a heterodimerization domain (HD) that interact to prevent premature signaling in the absence of ligands. Because the role of S1 cleavage in Notch signaling remains unresolved, we investigated the effect of S1 cleavage on the structure, surface trafficking and ligand-mediated activation of human Notch1 and Notch2, as well as on ligand-independent activation of Notch1 by mutations found in human leukemia.The X-ray structure of the Notch1 NRR after furin cleavage shows little change when compared with that of an engineered Notch1 NRR lacking the S1-cleavage loop. Likewise, NMR studies of the Notch2 HD domain show that the loop containing the S1 site can be removed or cleaved without causing a substantial change in its structure. However, Notch1 and Notch2 receptors engineered to resist S1 cleavage exhibit unexpected differences in surface delivery and signaling competence: S1-resistant Notch1 receptors exhibit decreased, but detectable, surface expression and ligand-mediated receptor activation, whereas S1-resistant Notch2 receptors are fully competent for cell surface delivery and for activation by ligands. Variable dependence on S1 cleavage also extends to T-ALL-associated NRR mutations, as common class 1 mutations display variable decrements in ligand-independent activation when introduced into furin-resistant receptors, whereas a class 2 mutation exhibits increased signaling activity.S1 cleavage has distinct effects on the surface expression of Notch1 and Notch2, but is not generally required for physiologic or pathophysiologic activation of Notch proteins. These findings are consistent with models for receptor activation in which ligand-binding or T-ALL-associated mutations lead to conformational changes of the NRR that permit metalloprotease cleavage

    Palaeozoic-Recent geological development and uplift of the Amanos Mountains (S Turkey) in the critically located northwesternmost corner of the Arabian continent

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    <p>We have carried out a several-year-long study of the Amanos Mountains, on the basis of which we present new sedimentary and structural evidence, which we combine with existing data, to produce the first comprehensive synthesis in the regional geological setting. The ca. N-S-trending Amanos Mountains are located at the northwesternmost edge of the Arabian plate, near the intersection of the African and Eurasian plates. Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments accumulated on the north-Gondwana margin during the Palaeozoic. Triassic rift-related sedimentation was followed by platform carbonate deposition during Jurassic-Cretaceous. Late Cretaceous was characterised by platform collapse and southward emplacement of melanges and a supra-subduction zone ophiolite. Latest Cretaceous transgressive shallow-water carbonates gave way to deeper-water deposits during Palaeocene-Eocene. Eocene southward compression, reflecting initial collision, resulted in open folding, reverse faulting and duplexing. Fluvial, lagoonal and shallow-marine carbonates accumulated during Late Oligocene(?)-Early Miocene, associated with basaltic magmatism. Intensifying collision during Mid-Miocene initiated a foreland basin that then infilled with deep-water siliciclastic gravity flows. Late Miocene-Early Pliocene compression created mountain-sized folds and thrusts, verging E in the north but SE in the south. The resulting surface uplift triggered deposition of huge alluvial outwash fans in the west. Smaller alluvial fans formed along both mountain flanks during the Pleistocene after major surface uplift ended. Pliocene-Pleistocene alluvium was tilted towards the mountain front in the west. Strike-slip/transtension along the East Anatolian Transform Fault and localised sub-horizontal Quaternary basaltic volcanism in the region reflect regional transtension during Late Pliocene-Pleistocene (<4 Ma).</p

    Comparison of Effects of Ivabradine versus Carvedilol in Murine Model with the Coxsackievirus B3-Induced Viral Myocarditis

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    BACKGROUND: Elevated heart rate is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity. The selective I(f) current inhibitor ivabradine reduces heart rate without affecting cardiac contractility, and has been shown to be cardioprotective in the failing heart. Ivabradine also exerts some of its beneficial effects by decreasing cardiac proinflammatory cytokines and inhibiting peroxidants and collagen accumulation in atherosclerosis or congestive heart failure. However, the effects of ivabradine in the setting of acute viral myocarditis and on the cytokines, oxidative stress and cardiomyocyte apoptosis have not been investigated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The study was designed to compare the effects of ivabradine and carvedilol in acute viral myocarditis. In a coxsackievirus B3 murine myocarditis model (Balb/c), effects of ivabradine and carvedilol (a nonselective β-adrenoceptor antagonist) on myocardial histopathological changes, cardiac function, plasma noradrenaline, cytokine levels, cardiomyocyte apoptosis, malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase contents were studied. Both ivabradine and carvedilol similarly and significantly reduced heart rate, attenuated myocardial lesions and improved the impairment of left ventricular function. In addition, ivabradine treatment as well as carvedilol treatment showed significant effects on altered myocardial cytokines with a decrease in the amount of plasma noradrenaline. The increased myocardial MCP-1, IL-6, and TNF-α. in the infected mice was significantly attenuated in the ivabradine treatment group. Only carvedilol had significant anti-oxidative and anti-apoptoic effects in coxsackievirus B3-infected mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results show that the protective effects of heart rate reduction with ivabradine and carvedilol observed in the acute phase of coxsackievirus B3 murine myocarditis may be due not only to the heart rate reduction itself but also to the downregulation of inflammatory cytokines

    Validated spectrophotometric methods for determination of Alendronate sodium in tablets through nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alendronate (ALD) is a member of the bisphosphonate family which is used for the treatment of osteoporosis, bone metastasis, Paget's disease, hypocalcaemia associated with malignancy and other conditions that feature bone fragility. ALD is a non-chromophoric compound so its determination by conventional spectrophotometric methods is not possible. So two derivatization reactions were proposed for determination of ALD through the reaction with 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl) and 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) as chromogenic derivatizing reagents.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three simple and sensitive spectrophotometric methods are described for the determination of ALD. Method I is based on the reaction of ALD with NBD-Cl. Method II involved heat-catalyzed derivatization of ALD with DNFB, while, Method III is based on micellar-catalyzed reaction of the studied drug with DNFB at room temperature. The reactions products were measured at 472, 378 and 374 nm, for methods I, II and III, respectively. Beer's law was obeyed over the concentration ranges of 1.0-20.0, 4.0-40.0 and 1.5-30.0 μg/mL with lower limits of detection of 0.09, 1.06 and 0.06 μg/mL for Methods I, II and III, respectively. The proposed methods were applied for quantitation of the studied drug in its pure form with mean percentage recoveries of 100.47 ± 1.12, 100.17 ± 1.21 and 99.23 ± 1.26 for Methods I, II and III, respectively. Moreover the proposed methods were successfully applied for determination of ALD in different tablets. Proposals of the reactions pathways have been postulated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The proposed spectrophotometric methods provided sensitive, specific and inexpensive analytical procedures for determination of the non-chromophoric drug alendronate either per se or in its tablet dosage forms without interference from common excipients.</p> <p>Graphical abstract</p> <p><display-formula><graphic file="1752-153X-6-25-i3.gif"/></display-formula></p

    Increased cardiovascular risk in rats with primary renal dysfunction; mediating role for vascular endothelial function

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    Primary chronic kidney disease is associated with high cardiovascular risk. However, the exact mechanisms behind this cardiorenal interaction remain unclear. We investigated the interaction between heart and kidneys in novel animal model for cardiorenal interaction. Normal Wistar rats and Munich Wistar Fromter rats, spontaneously developing renal dysfunction, were subjected to experimental myocardial infarction to induce cardiac dysfunction (CD) and combined cardiorenal dysfunction (CRD), respectively (N = 5–10). Twelve weeks later, cardiac- and renal parameters were evaluated. Cardiac, but not renal dysfunction was exaggerated in CRD. Accelerated cardiac dysfunction in CRD was indicated by decreased cardiac output (CD 109 ± 10 vs. CRD 79 ± 8 ml/min), diastolic dysfunction (E/e′) (CD 26 ± 2 vs. CRD 50 ± 5) and left ventricular overload (LVEDP CD 10.8 ± 2.8 vs. CRD 21.6 ± 1.7 mmHg). Congestion in CRD was confirmed by increased lung and atrial weights, as well as exaggerated right ventricular hypertrophy. Absence of accelerated renal dysfunction, measured by increased proteinuria, was supported by absence of additional focal glomerulosclerosis or further decline of renal blood flow in CRD. Only advanced peripheral endothelial dysfunction, as found in CRD, appeared to correlate with both renal and cardiac dysfunction parameters. Thus, proteinuric rats with myocardial infarction showed accelerated cardiac but not renal dysfunction. As parameters mimic the cardiorenal syndrome, these rats may provide a clinically relevant model to study increased cardiovascular risk due to renal dysfunction. Peripheral endothelial dysfunction was the only parameter that correlated with both renal and cardiac dysfunction, which may indicate a mediating role in cardiorenal interaction