6 research outputs found

    Characterization of the acetylation of cyclooxygenase-isozymes and targeted lipidomics of eicosanoids in serum and colon cancer cells by the new aspirin formulation IP1867B versus aspirin in vitro

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    Background: Aspirin(acetylsalicylic acid, ASA) is recommended for the secondary prevention of atherothrombotic events and has shown anticancer effects. The current enteric-coated drug formulation may reduce aspirin bioavailability. Liquid formulations could improve aspirin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. IP1867B is a liquid-aspirin formulation that combines three ingredients, ASA/triacetin/saccharin.Methods: ASA and IP1867B(L-ASA) were assessed in human serum(obtained by allowing to clot human whole blood at 37 °C for 1h), washed platelets, and colonic adenocarcinoma HCA7 cells on eicosanoid generation and COX-isozyme acetylation at Serine529 and 516 by LC-MS/MS.Results: In serum, ASA and L-ASA acted by selectively affecting COX-1-derived eicosanoids, including thromboxane(TX)B2. L-ASA was more potent in inhibiting serum TXB2, a known biomarker of aspirin antiplatelet effect, than ASA. However, ASA and L-ASA were equipotent to acetylate COX-1 in washed platelets and COX-2 in HCA7 cells. In HCA7 cells, ASA and L-ASA acted by inhibiting prostaglandin(PG)E2(the most abundant prostanoid) and TXB2 biosynthesis. In the presence of a high arachidonic acid concentration(100 μM), 15R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid(HETE) was generated at baseline by cancer cell COX-2 and was only slightly enhanced by supratherapeutic concentrations of ASA(1 mM). In whole blood and HCA7 cells treated with ASA or L-ASA, 15-epi-lipoxin(LX)A4 were undetectable.Conclusion: IP1867B was more potent in affecting serum TXB2 generation than ASA. The relevance of this finding deserves evaluation in vivo in humans. In cancer cells, ASA and IP1867B acted by inhibiting PGE2 and TXB2 generation via the acetylation of COX-2. ASA and IP867B at clinically relevant concentrations did not substantially induce the biosynthesis of 15R-HETE and 15-epi-LXA4

    Neuropharmacological effects of phoneutria nigriventer venom on astrocytes

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    Bites from genus Phoneutria (Ctenidae, Araneomorpha) are the second most frequent source of spider accidents in Southeast Brazil. Severe envenoming from Phoneutria nigriventer produces vision disturbance, tremor and convulsion, suggesting that the CNS is involved; however, the mechanisms by which P. nigriventer venom (PNV) affects the CNS remain poorly understood. The present study aimed to investigate whether PNV directly impairs astrocytes. Cultured astrocytes were exposed to PNV, and intracellular Ca2+ release and signaling were measured (Fura-2/AM), Na+/K+-ATPase and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) involvement were investigated, actin filaments were stained (Alexa (TM) 488-conjugated phalloidin probe), the G-actin/F-actin ratio was determined, and the expression level of connexin 43 (Cx43) was assessed. Incubation in Ca2+-free buffer did not change the Ca2+ responses. However, pre-incubation in thapsigargin/caffeine completely abolished these responses, suggesting that PNV-evoked Ca2+ transients were from intracellular Ca2+ stores. Pretreatment with a Na+/K+-ATPase antagonist (ouabain) or a TLR4 antagonist (LPS-RS) decreased or increased the Ca2+-evoked transients, respectively. Astrocytes showed altered actin filament structure after PNV exposure. PNV treatment increased the expression levels of Na+/K+-ATPase and Cx43 but decreased those of TLR4. The present results suggest that PNV directly affects astrocytes. Na+/K+-ATPase may thus represent a more specific drug target for controlling the neurotoxicity of PNV961323CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP305099/2011-6; 486142/2012-42012/19245-0; 2011/08005-6Edit Jacobson's Foundation in Gothenburg, Sweden; Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden; AFA Insurance, Stockholm, Swede

    Optimizing aspirin dose for colorectal cancer patients through deep phenotyping using novel biomarkers of drug action

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    Background: Low-dose aspirin’s mechanism of action for preventing colorectal cancer (CRC) is still debated, and the optimal dose remains uncertain. We aimed to optimize the aspirin dose for cancer prevention in CRC patients through deep phenotyping using innovative biomarkers for aspirin’s action.Methods: We conducted a Phase II, open-label clinical trial in 34 CRC patients of both sexes randomized to receive enteric-coated aspirin 100 mg/d, 100 mg/BID, or 300 mg/d for 3 ± 1 weeks. Biomarkers were evaluated in blood, urine, and colorectal biopsies at baseline and after dosing with aspirin. Novel biomarkers of aspirin action were assessed in platelets and colorectal tissues using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to quantify the extent of cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2 acetylation at Serine 529 and Serine 516, respectively.Results: All aspirin doses caused comparable % acetylation of platelet COX-1 at Serine 529 associated with similar profound inhibition of platelet-dependent thromboxane (TX)A2 generation ex vivo (serum TXB2) and in vivo (urinary TXM). TXB2 was significantly reduced in CRC tissue by aspirin 300 mg/d and 100 mg/BID, associated with comparable % acetylation of COX-1. Differently, 100 mg/day showed a lower % acetylation of COX-1 in CRC tissue and no significant reduction of TXB2. Prostaglandin (PG)E2 biosynthesis in colorectal tumors and in vivo (urinary PGEM) remained unaffected by any dose of aspirin associated with the variable and low extent of COX-2 acetylation at Serine 516 in tumor tissue. Increased expression of tumor-promoting genes like VIM (vimentin) and TWIST1 (Twist Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) vs. baseline was detected with 100 mg/d of aspirin but not with the other two higher doses.Conclusion: In CRC patients, aspirin 300 mg/d or 100 mg/BID had comparable antiplatelet effects to aspirin 100 mg/d, indicating similar inhibition of the platelet’s contribution to cancer. However, aspirin 300 mg/d and 100 mg/BID can have additional anticancer effects by inhibiting cancerous tissue’s TXA2 biosynthesis associated with a restraining impact on tumor-promoting gene expression. EUDRACT number: 2018-002101-65.Clinical Trial Registration:ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT03957902

    Sildenafil (Viagra®) prevents and restores LPS-induced inflammation in astrocytes

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    Astrocytes are effectively involved in the pathophysiological processes in the central nervous system (CNS) and may contribute to or protect against development of inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Sildenafil is a potent and selective phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitor, which induces cyclic GMP accumulation. However, the mechanisms of actions on glial cells are not clear. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the role of sildenafil in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated astrocytes. The cytoskeleton integrity and Ca2+ waves were assessed as indicators of inflammatory state. Two main groups were done: (A) one prevention and (B) one restoration. Each of these groups: A1: control; A2: LPS for 24h; A3: sildenafil 1 or 10 mu M for 4h and then sildenafil 1 or 10 mu M + LPS for 24 h. B1: control; B2: LPS for 24 h; B3: LPS for 24 h and then LPS + sildenafil 1 or 10 mu M for 24 h. Cytoskeleton integrity was analyzed through GFAP immunolabeling and actin labeling with an Alexa 488-conjugated phalloidin probe. Calcium responses were assessed through a Ca2+-sensitive fluorophore Fura-2/AM. The results show that both preventive and restorative treatments with sildenafil (in both concentrations) reduced the Ca2+ responses in intensity and induced a more organized actin fiber pattern, compared to LPS treated cells. This work demonstrated for the first time that astrocytes are a key part of the sildenafil protective effects in the CNS6305965CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES305 099/2011-699999.005966/2014-0

    DataSheet1_Characterization of the acetylation of cyclooxygenase-isozymes and targeted lipidomics of eicosanoids in serum and colon cancer cells by the new aspirin formulation IP1867B versus aspirin in vitro.docx

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    Background: Aspirin(acetylsalicylic acid, ASA) is recommended for the secondary prevention of atherothrombotic events and has shown anticancer effects. The current enteric-coated drug formulation may reduce aspirin bioavailability. Liquid formulations could improve aspirin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. IP1867B is a liquid-aspirin formulation that combines three ingredients, ASA/triacetin/saccharin.Methods: ASA and IP1867B(L-ASA) were assessed in human serum(obtained by allowing to clot human whole blood at 37 °C for 1h), washed platelets, and colonic adenocarcinoma HCA7 cells on eicosanoid generation and COX-isozyme acetylation at Serine529 and 516 by LC-MS/MS.Results: In serum, ASA and L-ASA acted by selectively affecting COX-1-derived eicosanoids, including thromboxane(TX)B2. L-ASA was more potent in inhibiting serum TXB2, a known biomarker of aspirin antiplatelet effect, than ASA. However, ASA and L-ASA were equipotent to acetylate COX-1 in washed platelets and COX-2 in HCA7 cells. In HCA7 cells, ASA and L-ASA acted by inhibiting prostaglandin(PG)E2(the most abundant prostanoid) and TXB2 biosynthesis. In the presence of a high arachidonic acid concentration(100 μM), 15R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid(HETE) was generated at baseline by cancer cell COX-2 and was only slightly enhanced by supratherapeutic concentrations of ASA(1 mM). In whole blood and HCA7 cells treated with ASA or L-ASA, 15-epi-lipoxin(LX)A4 were undetectable.Conclusion: IP1867B was more potent in affecting serum TXB2 generation than ASA. The relevance of this finding deserves evaluation in vivo in humans. In cancer cells, ASA and IP1867B acted by inhibiting PGE2 and TXB2 generation via the acetylation of COX-2. ASA and IP867B at clinically relevant concentrations did not substantially induce the biosynthesis of 15R-HETE and 15-epi-LXA4.</p

    Table1_Optimizing aspirin dose for colorectal cancer patients through deep phenotyping using novel biomarkers of drug action.pdf

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    Background: Low-dose aspirin’s mechanism of action for preventing colorectal cancer (CRC) is still debated, and the optimal dose remains uncertain. We aimed to optimize the aspirin dose for cancer prevention in CRC patients through deep phenotyping using innovative biomarkers for aspirin’s action.Methods: We conducted a Phase II, open-label clinical trial in 34 CRC patients of both sexes randomized to receive enteric-coated aspirin 100 mg/d, 100 mg/BID, or 300 mg/d for 3 ± 1 weeks. Biomarkers were evaluated in blood, urine, and colorectal biopsies at baseline and after dosing with aspirin. Novel biomarkers of aspirin action were assessed in platelets and colorectal tissues using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to quantify the extent of cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2 acetylation at Serine 529 and Serine 516, respectively.Results: All aspirin doses caused comparable % acetylation of platelet COX-1 at Serine 529 associated with similar profound inhibition of platelet-dependent thromboxane (TX)A2 generation ex vivo (serum TXB2) and in vivo (urinary TXM). TXB2 was significantly reduced in CRC tissue by aspirin 300 mg/d and 100 mg/BID, associated with comparable % acetylation of COX-1. Differently, 100 mg/day showed a lower % acetylation of COX-1 in CRC tissue and no significant reduction of TXB2. Prostaglandin (PG)E2 biosynthesis in colorectal tumors and in vivo (urinary PGEM) remained unaffected by any dose of aspirin associated with the variable and low extent of COX-2 acetylation at Serine 516 in tumor tissue. Increased expression of tumor-promoting genes like VIM (vimentin) and TWIST1 (Twist Family BHLH Transcription Factor 1) vs. baseline was detected with 100 mg/d of aspirin but not with the other two higher doses.Conclusion: In CRC patients, aspirin 300 mg/d or 100 mg/BID had comparable antiplatelet effects to aspirin 100 mg/d, indicating similar inhibition of the platelet’s contribution to cancer. However, aspirin 300 mg/d and 100 mg/BID can have additional anticancer effects by inhibiting cancerous tissue’s TXA2 biosynthesis associated with a restraining impact on tumor-promoting gene expression. EUDRACT number: 2018-002101-65.Clinical Trial Registration:ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT03957902.</p