78 research outputs found

    Kosten und Chancen der Migration

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    Die aktuelle Flüchtlingskrise stellt die Europäische Union vor eine enorme Herausforderung. Vor allem Deutschland erlebt zurzeit einen gewaltigen Zustrom von Menschen, die sich Sicherheit und eine wirtschaftliche Perspektive wünschen. Darunter befinden sich auch immer mehr Flüchtlinge: 2015 sind schätzungsweise eine Million Flüchtlinge nach Deutschland gekommen. Und der Flüchtlingsstrom hält nach wie vor an. Kann die Wirtschaft die Chancen der Zuwanderung nutzen? Was kostet die Integration? Diese Fragen diskutieren hier die Präsidenten der führenden Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute sowie weitere Migrationsexperten

    Prognosis of breast cancer molecular subtypes in routine clinical care: A large prospective cohort study

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    Background: In Germany, most breast cancer patients are treated in specialized breast cancer units (BCU), which are certified, and routinely monitored. Herein, we evaluate up-to-date oncological outcome of breast cancer (BC) molecular subtypes in routine clinical care of a specialized BCU. Methods: The study was a prospectively single-center cohort study of 4102 female cases with primary, unilateral, non-metastatic breast cancer treated between 01 January 2003 and 31 December 2012. The five routinely used molecular subtypes (Luminal A-like, Luminal B/HER2 negative-like, Luminal B/HER2 positive-like, HER2-type, Triple negative) were analyzed. The median follow-up time of the whole cohort was 55 months. We calculated estimates for local control rate (LCR), disease-free survival (DFS), distant disease-free survival (DDFS), overall survival (OS), and relative overall survival (ROS). Results: Luminal A-like tumors were the most frequent (44.7%) and showed the best outcome with LCR of 99.1% (95% CI 98.5; 99.7), OS of 95.1% (95% CI 93.7; 96.5), and ROS of 100.0% (95% CI 98.5; 101.5). Triple negative tumors (12.3%) presented the poorest outcome with LCR of 89.6% (95% CI 85.8; 93.4), OS of 78.5% (95% CI 73.8; 83.3), and ROS of 80.1% (95% CI 73.8; 83.2). Conclusions: Patients with a favorable subtype can expect an OS above 95% and an LCR of almost 100% over 5 years. On the other hand the outcome of patients with HER2 and Triple negative subtypes remains poor, thus necessitating more intensified research and care

    Growth modification of seeded calcite using carboxylic acids: Atomistic simulations

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    Molecular dynamics simulations were used to investigate possible explanations for experimentallyobserved differences in the growth modification of calcite particles by two organic additives, polyacrylicacid (PAA) and polyaspartic acid (p-ASP). The more rigid backbone of p-ASP was found to inhibit the formationof stable complexes with counter-ions in solution, resulting in a higher availability of p-ASP comparedto PAA for surface adsorption. Furthermore the presence of nitrogen on the p-ASP backbone yieldsfavorable electrostatic interactions with the surface, resulting in negative adsorption energies, in anupright (brush conformation). This leads to a more rapid binding and longer residence times at calcitesurfaces compared to PAA, which adsorbed in a flat (pancake) configuration with positive adsorptionenergies. The PAA adsorption occurring despite this positive energy difference can be attributed to thedisruption of the ordered water layer seen in the simulations and hence a significant entropic contribution to the adsorption free energy. These findings help explain the stronger inhibiting effect on calcite growth observed by p-ASP compared to PAA and can be used as guidelines in the design of additives leading to even more marked growth modifying effects

    Der Mediensport Olympia - ein globales Integrationsritual?

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    Die Olympischen Spiele wirken als ein Integrationsritus in einer sich globalisierenden Welt. Der Sport überwindet die Länder-, Kultur- und Rassengrenzen und vereint die Öffentlichkeit mithilfe der Medien. Diese inszenieren die Sportarten gemäß ihrer Wirkungslogik, und verändern somit den Sport selbst. Trotz Skandalen nimmt die Bedeutung der Spiele stetig zu, sie erreichen mit der Eröffnungsfeier das weltweit größte (Fernseh-)Publikum. Diese Feier ist ein globaler sakraler Ritus. Besonders das Fernsehen lässt alle um Ritus teilhaben. Der Sport als soziales Handeln vermittelt einen Glauben an Fortschritt durch Leistung, und die Zuschauer können mithilfe der Medien auch teilnehmen. In Zeiten des Wandels wird der Ritus wichtig für die Gemeinschaft.The Olympic Games appear to be a rite of integration in a world of increasing globalization. Sport overcomes national, cultural und racial boundaries, und unites the public with the help of the media. The media (re)produce the different sports according to the functional logic of their medial presentation und therefore change the sports itself: Economy has replaced morality as the highest precept. Despite certain scandals, the Games become more und more significant. The opening ceremony reaches the largest (TV-)audience worldwide. This ceremony is a global religious rite which could have never been accomplished without the media. It is especially television that enables everyone to be a part of the rite. Sport as social action educates a belief in Progress through achievement, and the audience can participate with the help of the media. In times of constant changes, this rite becomes highly important to the community

    Zur Lokalisierung der « homerischen » Becher

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    Sinn Ulrich. Zur Lokalisierung der « homerischen » Becher. In: La Thessalie. Actes de la Table-Ronde, 21-24 juillet 1975, Lyon. Lyon : Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux, 1979. pp. 139-141. (Collection de la Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen. Série archéologique, 6

    Ο Νέρωνας και οι Έρουλοι: δύο μοιραία γεγονότα στην ιστορία της Ολυμπίας;

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    Εικ.Στο κείμενο δίνονται περαιτέρω στοιχεία τόσο για την επίσκεψη του Νέρωνα στην Ολυμπία όσο και για την παρουσία των Ερούλων σε αυτόν το χώρο

    Zur Lokalisierung der « homerischen » Becher

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    Sinn Ulrich. Zur Lokalisierung der « homerischen » Becher. In: La Thessalie. Actes de la Table-Ronde, 21-24 juillet 1975, Lyon. Lyon : Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux, 1979. pp. 139-141. (Collection de la Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen. Série archéologique, 6

    The Sacred Herd of Artemis at Lusoi

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    The ancient town of Lusoi with its Artemis sanctuary was situated on the western slope of Mount Aroania about 40 kilometres from the Corinthian Gulf (Fig. I). The district was particularly hard hit in 240 B.C. when the Aitolians swarmed through the northern Peloponnesos, plundering as they went. After they had laid waste to Kynaitha their next goal was the town Kleitor. Interestingly enough the Aitolians did not take the direct route south to Kleitor, but instead chose the difficult route ove..

    The ,Sacred herd´ of Artemis at Lusoi

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    The ,Sacred herd´ of Artemis at Lusoi. - In: The iconography of Greek cult in the archaic and classical periods / ed. by Robin Hägg. - Athènes u.a. : Centre d´Etudes de la Religion Grecque Antique, 1992. - S. 177-187. - (Kernos : Supplément ; 1