32 research outputs found

    Exponential Functors, R-Matrices and Twists

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    In this paper we show that each polynomial exponential functor on complex finite-dimensional inner product spaces is defined up to equivalence of monoidal functors by an involutive solution to the Yang-Baxter equation (an involutive RR-matrix), which determines an extremal character on S∞S_{\infty}. These characters are classified by Thoma parameters, and Thoma parameters resulting from polynomial exponential functors are of a special kind. Moreover, we show that each RR-matrix with Thoma parameters of this kind yield a corresponding polynomial exponential functor. In the second part of the paper we use these functors to construct a higher twist over SU(n)SU(n) for a localisation of KK-theory that generalises the one given by the basic gerbe. We compute the indecomposable part of the rational characteristic classes of these twists in terms of the Thoma parameters of their RR-matrices.Comment: 40 pages (fixed a mistake in Sec. 3.2, which does not affect the main result of the paper, Lemma 3.3 has been isolated and moved to an appendix, this agrees (up to minor layout changes) with the version accepted for publication

    A noncommutative model for higher twisted K-Theory

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    We develop a operator algebraic model for twisted KK-theory, which includes the most general twistings as a generalized cohomology theory (i.e. all those classified by the unit spectrum bgl1(KU)bgl_1(KU)). Our model is based on strongly self-absorbing Cβˆ—C^*-algebras. We compare it with the known homotopy theoretic descriptions in the literature, which either use parametrized stable homotopy theory or ∞\infty-categories. We derive a similar comparison of analytic twisted KK-homology with its topological counterpart based on generalized Thom spectra. Our model also works for twisted versions of localizations of the KK-theory spectrum, like KU[1/n]KU[1/n] or KUQKU_{\mathbb{Q}}.Comment: 28 page

    A Dixmier-Douady Theory for strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras II: the Brauer group

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    We have previously shown that the isomorphism classes of orientable locally trivial fields of Cβˆ—C^*-algebras over a compact metrizable space XX with fiber DβŠ—KD\otimes \mathbb{K}, where DD is a strongly self-absorbing Cβˆ—C^*-algebra, form an abelian group under the operation of tensor product. Moreover this group is isomorphic to the first group EΛ‰D1(X)\bar{E}^1_D(X) of the (reduced) generalized cohomology theory associated to the unit spectrum of topological K-theory with coefficients in DD. Here we show that all the torsion elements of the group EΛ‰D1(X)\bar{E}^1_D(X) arise from locally trivial fields with fiber DβŠ—Mn(C)D \otimes M_n(\mathbb{C}), nβ‰₯1n\geq 1, for all known examples of strongly self-absorbing Cβˆ—C^*-algebras DD. Moreover the Brauer group generated by locally trivial fields with fiber DβŠ—Mn(C)D\otimes M_n(\mathbb{C}), nβ‰₯1n\geq 1 is isomorphic to Tor(EΛ‰D1(X)){\rm Tor}(\bar{E}^1_D(X)).Comment: 14 pages, this version agrees with the one that will be published in the Journal of Noncommutative Geometr

    Crossed module actions on continuous trace Cβˆ—C^*-algebras

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    We lift an action of a torus Tn\mathbb{T}^n on the spectrum of a continuous trace algebra to an action of a certain crossed module of Lie groups that is an extension of Rn\mathbb{R}^n. We compute equivariant Brauer and Picard groups for this crossed module and describe the obstruction to the existence of an action of Rn\mathbb{R}^n in our framework.Comment: 27 pages, added background material about T-Duality, added references, extended section about non-associative C*-algebra

    A Dixmier-Douady theory for strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras

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    We show that the Dixmier-Douady theory of continuous field Cβˆ—C^*-algebras with compact operators K\mathbb{K} as fibers extends significantly to a more general theory of fields with fibers AβŠ—KA\otimes \mathbb{K} where AA is a strongly self-absorbing C*-algebra. The classification of the corresponding locally trivial fields involves a generalized cohomology theory which is computable via the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence. An important feature of the general theory is the appearance of characteristic classes in higher dimensions. We also give a necessary and sufficient KK-theoretical condition for local triviality of these continuous fields over spaces of finite covering dimension.Comment: 26p, this version agrees with the one published in J. Reine Angew. Math. except for a minor correction and an extension of Corollary 4.8, both of which were done after publicatio

    Quasi-multipliers of Hilbert and Banach C*-bimodules

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    Quasi-multipliers for a Hilbert C*-bimodule V were introduced by Brown, Mingo and Shen 1994 as a certain subset of the Banach bidual module V**. We give another (equivalent) definition of quasi-multipliers for Hilbert C*-bimodules using the centralizer approach and then show that quasi-multipliers are, in fact, universal (maximal) objects of a certain category. We also introduce quasi-multipliers for bimodules in Kasparov's sense and even for Banach bimodules over C*-algebras, provided these C*-algebras act non-degenerately. A topological picture of quasi-multipliers via the quasi-strict topology is given. Finally, we describe quasi-multipliers in two main situations: for the standard Hilbert bimodule l_2(A) and for bimodules of sections of Hilbert C*-bimodule bundles over locally compact spaces.Comment: 19 pages v2: to appear in Math. Scand., small glitches in one example and with formulation of definition correcte

    Connective C*-algebras

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    Connectivity is a homotopy invariant property of separable C*-algebras which has three notable consequences: absence of nontrivial projections, quasidiagonality and a more geometric realisation of KK-theory for nuclear C*-algebras using asymptotic morphisms. The purpose of this paper is to further explore the class of connective C*-algebras. We give new characterisations of connectivity for exact and for nuclear separable C*-algebras and show that an extension of connective separable nuclear C*-algebras is connective. We establish connectivity or lack of connectivity for C*-algebras associated to certain classes of groups: virtually abelian groups, linear connected nilpotent Lie groups and linear connected semisimple Lie groups