155 research outputs found

    Automized Assessment for Professional Skills – A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Avenues

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    Globalization, technological progress, and demographic trends in-creasingly influence our labor markets. With changing labor markets and increas-ing digitalization, new competencies of workers are needed to meet demands. However, as a first step to developing these new skills, knowledge about the ex-isting skills and their status quo is necessary. Here, automated skill assessment offers a crucial added value, as it can create a reliable and objective database. Based on a systematic investigation, our analysis shows, in four different areas, how skills and competencies in the automated assessment are (1) defined, (2) included as an element of analysis, (3) methodically recorded and processed, (4) which data source is used. In doing so, we offer insights into existing approaches to automated assessment of professional skills. In doing so, we contribute to a better understanding of the design of automated skill assessment methods and provide perspectives on future research directions

    Die UN-Generalversammlung

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    Analyse des Bio-Geflügelmarktes

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    Bislang ist der Markt für Produkte aus Öko-Geflügelfleisch eine Nische, bietet aber das Potential, den heutigen Verbraucherwünschen nach tiergerecht produzierten, nachhaltigen und gesunden Produkten entgegenzukommen. Im Teilprojekt 5 des BÖLN-Projektes „Analyse des Bio-Geflügelmarktes“ wurden Verbraucher nach Konsumgewohnheiten, Produktpräferenzen, Einstellungen zu Lebensmitteln, zur Tierhaltung, zu Öko-Geflügelfleisch, zu Medien und zu Preisen befragt. Darüber hinaus wurde ihre Mehrzahlungsbereitschaft für Öko-Geflügel erfasst. Daraus können Hemmnisse und Chancen zur Weiterentwicklung des Öko-Geflügelsektors abgeleitet werden. Die zwei wichtigsten Hemmnisse für das weitere Wachstum sind die Produktverfügbarkeit und die hohen Preisaufschläge. Verbraucher wünschen sich eine größere Produktvielfalt in mehr Verkaufsstellen. Konkrete Produktwünsche beziehen sich größtenteils auf Produkte der Geflügelgattung Huhn. Als konkrete Wünsche wurden vorrangig frische Teilstücke, Wurst und Aufschnitt, aber auch Tiefkühl- und Convenience-Produkte angegeben. Darüber hinaus sollte die Verfügbarkeit dadurch verbessert werden, dass Öko-Geflügelfleischprodukte in allen Geschäftstypen, die Verbraucher regelmäßig aufsuchen, angeboten werden. Dazu gehört der Bioladen ebenso wie der Supermarkt, der Discounter oder der Metzger. Die Ausweitung des Angebots in verschiedenen Geschäftstypen bietet auch die Chance, das Hemmnis des höheren Preises zu minimieren. Discounter und Supermärkte bieten Öko-Geflügelfleischprodukte zum Teil preisgünstiger an als bspw. Bioläden. Darüber hinaus sprechen die unterschiedlichen Geschäftstypen verschiedene Zielgruppen an. Durch eine Ausweitung des Angebots in allen Geschäftstypen wird ein größtmöglicher Anteil der Verbraucher, die grundsätzlich Interesse an und eine Mehrzahlungsbereitschaft für Öko-Geflügelfleisch haben, erreicht. In der vorliegenden Studie haben knapp 80% der Befragten angegeben, dass sie bereit sind, für Öko-Geflügel einen Mehrpreis zu bezahlen. Die durchschnittliche Mehrzahlungsbereitschaft liegt zwar „nur“ bei 106% bezogen auf das konventionelle Vergleichsprodukt, allerdings sind etwa 45% der Befragten bereit, einen 2,5-mal so hohen Preis und mehr zu zahlen, was z. T. den am Markt gängigen Preisaufschlägen entspricht

    Clinical Presentation and Causes of Non-traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: An Observational Study in Emergency Patients

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    Introduction: Diagnosing non-traumatic spinal cord injury (NTSCI) is often challenging. However, clear discrimination from non-spinal pathologies, e.g., "myelopathy-mimics" (MMs), is critical in preventing long-term disability and death. In this retrospective study we (1) investigated causes of NTSCI, (2) identified clinical markers associated with NTSCI and (3) discuss implications for NTSCI management. Methods: Our sample consisted of 5.913 consecutive neurological and neurosurgical patients who were treated in our emergency department during a one-year period. Patients with a new or worsened bilateral sensorimotor deficit were defined as possible NTSCI. We then compared clinical and imaging findings and allocated patients into NTSCIs and MMs. Results: Of ninety-three included cases, thirty-six (38.7%) were diagnosed with NTSCI. Fifty-two patients (55.9%) were classified as MMs. In five patients (5.4%) the underlying pathology remained unclear. Predominant causes of NTSCI were spinal metastases (33.3%), inflammatory disorders (22.2%) and degenerative pathologies (19.4%). 58.6% of NTSCI patients required emergency treatment. Presence of a sensory level (p = <0.001) and sphincter dysfunction (p = 0.02) were the only significant discriminators between NTSCI and MMs. Conclusion: In our study, one-third of patients presenting with a new bilateral sensorimotor deficit had NTSCI. Of these, the majority required emergency treatment. Since there is a significant clinical overlap with non-spinal disorders, a standardized diagnostic work-up including routine spinal MRI is recommended for NTSCI management, rather than an approach that is mainly based on clinical findings

    Braucht Deutschland einen Kapazitätsmarkt für Kraftwerke? Eine Analyse des deutschen Marktes für Stromerzeugung

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    Im Zuge der von der Energiewende wird zunehmend die Frage diskutiert, wie bei einem forcierten Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien und der dadurch zunehmenden Fluktuation der Stromerzeugung die Versorgungssicherheit gewährleistet werden kann. Zur Diskussion steht die Einführung von Kapazitätsmechanismen zur Ergänzung oder sogar als vollständiger Ersatz klassischer Energy-Only-Märkte. Weil fraglich ist, ob Energy-Only-Märkte langfristig Versorgungssicherheit garantieren können, sollen Kapazitätsmechanismen sicherstellen, dass es zu ausreichenden Investitionen in den Kraftwerkspark kommt. Auch wenn es bisher keinen stichhaltigen Beleg dafür gibt, dass das derzeitige deutsche Marktsystem den Anforderungen an die Versorgungssicherheit nicht gerecht werden kann, verändert sich durch den massiven Ausbau fluktuierender erneuerbarer Energien die Profitabilität von Investitionen in konventionelle Kraftwerke. Wir stellen deshalb ein mögliches Kapazitätsmarktmodell für Deutschland vor, weisen aber zugleich darauf hin, dass ein derartiges System kurzfristig weder notwendig ist noch für Deutschland isoliert eingeführt werden sollte. Ein umfassender Kapazitätsmarkt kann, wenn überhaupt, bei zusammenwachsenden Märkten nur auf europäischer Ebene sinnvoll implementiert werden. Für die Übergangsperiode sollte daher das bestehende Marktsystem gegebenenfalls um eine Kaltreserve für Notfälle ergänzt werden. -- The fundamental change of energy policy in Germany has lead to a discussion how security of electricity supply will be affected by the heavily subsidised expansion of electricity generation from renewable energies, as electricity generation from renewable energies is much more fluctuating and, therefore, less reliable than conventional electricity generation plants. The key question is whether capacity mechanisms are needed to complement or even to substitute classical energy-only-markets. As it is not clear whether energy-onl-markets can guarantee the long-term security of supply, capacity mechanisms are considered to guarantee sufficient investment into generation capacity. Even though there is no solid evidence that the current market system is failing to provide sufficient investment incentives, the expansion of renewable energies changes the profitability of conventional generation plants. Therefore, we discuss a possible capacity market model for Germany, but we also stress that a capacity market should not be introduced in the short term nor should a capacity market be implemented in Germany in isolation. Instead, the need for a capacity market needs to be discussed at a European level as energy markets are increasingly integrated. For the transition period, extensions to the current system such as a cold reserve for emergency cases may be more easily implemented.

    Wound Healing Process After Thermomechanical Skin Ablation

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    Background and Objectives: Energy-based devices have been widely applied for skin ablation. A novel ablation technique based on thermomechanical principles (Tixel©) has been recently developed. The aim of this study was to examine the wound-healing process and clinical aspects after thermomechanical skin ablation. Study Design/Materials and Methods: Six female participants were treated with Tixel© on healthy skin of the dorsal side of the right forearm in a single session with a 600 µm protrusion and 12 milliseconds pulse. The treated area was examined with confocal laser scanning microscopy on day 1, 2, 7, and 14 after treatment. Clinical symptoms were evaluated at the same time-points. Results: All patients developed erythema and mild edema on the treated areas, which completely disappeared within 14 days. No post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or scarring was observed. Thermomechanical skin ablation resulted in the formation of homogeneous micro-ablation zones. Two weeks after ablation, the honeycomb patterns of the epidermis in all examined layers was thoroughly restored. Thus, wound-healing was completed. Conclusions: Wound healing after thermomechanical skin ablation is much faster compared with other fractionated ablation methods. Treatment intervals of 2–4 weeks could be recommended

    Vaccination prevented short-term memory loss, but deteriorated long-term spatial memory in Alzheimer's disease mice, independent of amyloid-β pathology

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    Background: Soluble oligomeric amyloid-β (Aβ), rather than Aβ plaques, seems to be the culprit in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Accordingly, a new concept vaccine of small cyclic peptide conjugates, selectively targeting oligomeric Aβ, has been developed.Objective: Study the therapeutic potential of this new vaccine in a mouse model for AD.Methods: J20 mice, overexpressing human amyloid precursor protein, were validated for an AD-like phenotype. Then, J20 mice were vaccinated at 2, 3, and 4 months of age and AD phenotype was evaluated at 6, 9, and 12 months of age; or at 9, 10, and 11 months with evaluation at 12 months. Effects on Aβ pathology were studied by plaque load (immunohistochemistry; 6E10) and antibody titers against Aβ (ELISA). AD behavioral phenotype was evaluated by performance in a battery of cognitive tests.Results: J20 mice displayed age-related Aβ plaque development and an AD-like behavioral phenotype. A consistent antibody response to the cyclic peptides was, however, not extended to Aβ, leaving plaque load unaffected. Nevertheless, immunization at young ages prevented working- and short-term spatial memory loss, but deteriorated long-term spatial learning and memory, at 12 months of age. Immunization at later ages did not affect any measured parameter.Conclusion: J20 mice provide a relevant model for AD to study potential anti-Aβ treatment. Early vaccination prevented short-term memory loss at later ages, but deteriorated long-term spatial memory, however without affecting Aβ pathology. Later vaccination had no effects, but optimal timing may require further investigation.</p