3,105 research outputs found

    Influence of management practices on quality and biodiversity of tomatoes in Germany

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    Four old and endangered tomato cultivars were cultivated under greenhouse conditions with different levels of organic N-fertilisation and harvest at different maturity stages in order to develop a conclusive concept to preserve the diversity of old, endangered and multicolour cultivars. First results of several physio-chemical and sensory parameters were analysed to describe product quality. In order to assess consumer acceptance, 550 consumers were interviewed. The individual attributes of the cultivars, which differ in size, shape, colour, taste and health-related, beneficial physio-chemicals, are promoted by optimal harvest time. A combination of these cultivars distributed in regional markets is considered as a suitable concept for saving these endangered cultivars

    Harmonic oscillator model for current- and field-driven magnetic vortices

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    In experiments the distinction between spin-torque and Oersted-field driven magnetization dynamics is still an open problem. Here, the gyroscopic motion of current- and field-driven magnetic vortices in small thin-film elements is investigated by analytical calculations and by numerical simulations. It is found that for small harmonic excitations the vortex core performs an elliptical rotation around its equilibrium position. The global phase of the rotation and the ratio between the semi-axes are determined by the frequency and the amplitude of the Oersted field and the spin torque

    Current-Driven Domain-Wall Dynamics in Curved Ferromagnetic Nanowires

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    The current-induced motion of a domain wall in a semicircle nanowire with applied Zeeman field is investigated. Starting from a micromagnetic model we derive an analytical solution which characterizes the domain-wall motion as a harmonic oscillation. This solution relates the micromagnetic material parameters with the dynamical characteristics of a harmonic oscillator, i.e., domain-wall mass, resonance frequency, damping constant, and force acting on the wall. For wires with strong curvature the dipole moment of the wall as well as its geometry influence the eigenmodes of the oscillator. Based on these results we suggest experiments for the determination of material parameters which otherwise are difficult to access. Numerical calculations confirm our analytical solution and show its limitations

    Seasonal variation in carbon sources of mesograzers and small predators in an eelgrass community: stable isotope and fatty acid analyses

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    We assessed the seasonal change in trophic interactions at the mesograzer and small predator level in a temperate eelgrass system. This was done through stable isotope (Ī“13C and Ī“15N) and fatty acid analyses of eelgrass Zostera marina, attached epiphytes, sand microflora, the red alga Delesseria sanguinea, and the 4 most common mesograzer and predator species. Sampling took place monthly in the western part of the Baltic Sea during a whole year (April 2002 to February 2003). The trophic importance of microalgae was corroborated in all studied species. Red algae were consumed to a lesser extent and eelgrass was of minor importance. The degree of dependence on the main carbon sources was species-specific and varied with time. The small gastropod, Rissoa membranacea, mostly grazed epiphytes (73% on average), whereas the fractions of epiphytes and sand microflora showed a more balanced pattern in the other mesograzer species. Stable carbon data and fatty acid composition strongly suggested that epiphytic algae were the primary source of organic matter for mesograzers in late spring and autumn. In summer, sand microflora were of greater importance as carbon sources, except for the amphipod Gammarus oceanicus for which red algae was the most important. Stable nitrogen values indicated that the degree of carnivory was size-dependent in both omnivorous crustacean species studied; larger individuals generally occupied a higher trophic position than did smaller ones. Furthermore, the isopod Idotea baltica was more herbivorous in summer than in the other seasons. Our results confirm the importance of species-specific and temporal variability for the effect of mesograzers in eelgrass systems. The significance of mesograzers as determinants of food-web structure via the reduction of epiphytes is further corroborated by our study, and the observed high plasticity of mesograzers concerning food sources may promote the stability of eelgrass food webs despite strong seasonal variations in the biomass of primary producers

    Wie wirkt sich die Anwendung von klassischem Tape und Kinesiotape auf die StabilitƤt des Fussgelenks aus?

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    Entwicklung regionaler Vermarktungsstrategien gefƤhrdeter Tomatensorten in NRW, Deutschland

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    Four old and endangered tomato cultivars were cultivated in a greenhouse under organic conditions. With an average yield between 10 to 12 kg m-2, these old cultivars can compete with those tomato cultivars currently dominating the organic market. New marketing strategies were developed, tested in focus groups and offered on the re-gional market in organic shops and in a staff canteen. Both a coloured tomato basket and a mixed tomato fruit salad were positively evaluated by the consumers. Short distribution distances, preserving biodiversity and organic production were important preference factors for the consumers

    Health effects of dietary phospholipids

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    Beneficial effects of dietary phospholipids (PLs) have been mentioned since the early 1900's in relation to different illnesses and symptoms, e.g. coronary heart disease, inflammation or cancer. This article gives a summary of the most common therapeutic uses of dietary PLs to provide an overview of their approved and proposed benefits; and to identify further investigational needs
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