677 research outputs found

    Independence and Accountability of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Committees

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    The democratic accountability of policymaking institutions which are autonomous within delegated mandates has not received as much attention as their independence. We analyze in a theoretical model the effects of accountability in the form of possible overriding of economic policy decisions by the government under different degrees of independence of expert committees conducting monetary and fiscal policy. The equilibrium outcomes of such alternative institution-design frameworks are compared according to key macroeconomic performance criteria. Our results stress the trade-off between anchoring inflation expectations on target and output stabilization that is not solved with accountability. --Independence,accountability,monetary policy,fiscal policy,expert committees,institution design

    Independence and Accountability of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Committees

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    The democratic accountability of policymaking institutions which are autonomous within delegated mandates has not received as much attention as their independence. We analyze in a theoretical model the effects of accountability inthe form of possible overriding of economic policy decisions by the government under different degrees of independence of expert committees conducting monetary and fiscal policy. The equilibrium outcomes of such alternative institution-design frameworks are compared according to key macroeconomic performance criteria. Our results stress the trade-off between anchoring inflation expectations on target and output stabilization that is not solved with accountability.independence, accountability, monetary policy, fiscal policy, expert committees, institution design

    Computational Studies on the Evolution of Metabolism

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    Living organisms throughout evolution have developed desired properties, such as the ability of maintaining functionality despite changes in the environment or their inner structure, the formation of functional modules, from metabolic pathways to organs, and most essentially the capacity to adapt and evolve in a process called natural selection. It can be observed in the metabolic networks of modern organisms that many key pathways such as the citric acid cycle, glycolysis, or the biosynthesis of most amino acids are common to all of them. Understanding the evolutionary mechanisms behind this development of complex biological systems is an intriguing and important task of current research in biology as well as artificial life. Several competing hypotheses for the formation of metabolic pathways and the mecha- nisms that shape metabolic networks have been discussed in the literature, each of which finds support from comparative analysis of extant genomes. However, while being powerful tools for the investigation of metabolic evolution, these traditional methods do not allow to look back in evolution far enough to the time when metabolism had to emerge and evolve to the form we can observe today. To this end, simulation studies have been introduced to discover the principles of metabolic evolution and the sources for the emergence of metabolism prop- erties. These approaches differ considerably in the realism and explicitness of the underlying models. A difficult trade-off between realism and computational feasibility has to be made and further modeling decisions on many scales have to be taken into account, requiring the combination of knowledge from different fields such as chemistry, physics, biology and last but not least also computer science. In this thesis, a novel computational model for the in silico evolution of early metabolism is introduced. It comprises all the components on different scales to resemble a situation of evolving metabolic protocells in an RNA-world. Therefore, the model contains a minimal RNA-based genetics and an evolving metabolism of catalytic ribozymes that manipulate a rich underlying chemistry. To allow the metabolic organization to escape from the confines of the chemical space set by the initial conditions of the simulation and in general an open- ended evolution, an evolvable sequence-to-function map is used. At the heart of the metabolic subsystem is a graph-based artificial chemistry equipped with a built-in thermodynamics. The generation of the metabolic reaction network is realized as a rule-based stochastic simulation. The necessary reaction rates are calculated from the chemical graphs of the reactants on the fly. The selection procedure among the population of protocells is based on the optimal metabolic yield of the protocells, which is computed using flux balance analysis. The introduced computational model allows for profound investigations of the evolution of early metabolism and the underlying evolutionary mechanisms. One application in this thesis is the study of the formation of metabolic pathways. Therefore, four established hypothe- ses, namely the backwards evolution, forward evolution, patchwork evolution and the shell hypothesis, are discussed within the realms of this in silico evolution study. The metabolic pathways of the networks, evolved in various simulation runs, are determined and analyzed in terms of their evolutionary direction. The simulation results suggest that the seemingly mutually exclusive hypotheses may well be compatible when considering that different pro- cesses dominate different phases in the evolution of a metabolic system. Further, it is found that forward evolution shapes the metabolic network in the very early steps of evolution. In later and more complex stages, enzyme recruitment supersedes forward evolution, keeping a core set of pathways from the early phase. Backward evolution can only be observed under conditions of steady environmental change. Additionally, evolutionary history of enzymes and metabolites were studied on the network level as well as for single instances, showing a great variety of evolutionary mechanisms at work. The second major focus of the in silico evolutionary study is the emergence of complex system properties, such as robustness and modularity. To this end several techniques to analyze the metabolic systems were used. The measures for complex properties stem from the fields of graph theory, steady state analysis and neutral network theory. Some are used in general network analysis and others were developed specifically for the purpose introduced in this work. To discover potential sources for the emergence of system properties, three different evolutionary scenarios were tested and compared. The first two scenarios are the same as for the first part of the investigation, one scenario of evolution under static conditions and one incorporating a steady change in the set of ”food” molecules. A third scenario was added that also simulates a static evolution but with an increased mutation rate and regular events of horizontal gene transfer between protocells of the population. The comparison of all three scenarios with real world metabolic networks shows a significant similarity in structure and properties. Among the three scenarios, the two static evolutions yield the most robust metabolic networks, however, the networks evolved under environmental change exhibit their own strategy to a robustness more suited to their conditions. As expected from theory, horizontal gene transfer and changes in the environment seem to produce higher degrees of modularity in metabolism. Both scenarios develop rather different kinds of modularity, while horizontal gene transfer provides for more isolated modules, the modules of the second scenario are far more interconnected

    Computational Studies on the Evolution of Metabolism

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    Living organisms throughout evolution have developed desired properties, such as the ability of maintaining functionality despite changes in the environment or their inner structure, the formation of functional modules, from metabolic pathways to organs, and most essentially the capacity to adapt and evolve in a process called natural selection. It can be observed in the metabolic networks of modern organisms that many key pathways such as the citric acid cycle, glycolysis, or the biosynthesis of most amino acids are common to all of them. Understanding the evolutionary mechanisms behind this development of complex biological systems is an intriguing and important task of current research in biology as well as artificial life. Several competing hypotheses for the formation of metabolic pathways and the mecha- nisms that shape metabolic networks have been discussed in the literature, each of which finds support from comparative analysis of extant genomes. However, while being powerful tools for the investigation of metabolic evolution, these traditional methods do not allow to look back in evolution far enough to the time when metabolism had to emerge and evolve to the form we can observe today. To this end, simulation studies have been introduced to discover the principles of metabolic evolution and the sources for the emergence of metabolism prop- erties. These approaches differ considerably in the realism and explicitness of the underlying models. A difficult trade-off between realism and computational feasibility has to be made and further modeling decisions on many scales have to be taken into account, requiring the combination of knowledge from different fields such as chemistry, physics, biology and last but not least also computer science. In this thesis, a novel computational model for the in silico evolution of early metabolism is introduced. It comprises all the components on different scales to resemble a situation of evolving metabolic protocells in an RNA-world. Therefore, the model contains a minimal RNA-based genetics and an evolving metabolism of catalytic ribozymes that manipulate a rich underlying chemistry. To allow the metabolic organization to escape from the confines of the chemical space set by the initial conditions of the simulation and in general an open- ended evolution, an evolvable sequence-to-function map is used. At the heart of the metabolic subsystem is a graph-based artificial chemistry equipped with a built-in thermodynamics. The generation of the metabolic reaction network is realized as a rule-based stochastic simulation. The necessary reaction rates are calculated from the chemical graphs of the reactants on the fly. The selection procedure among the population of protocells is based on the optimal metabolic yield of the protocells, which is computed using flux balance analysis. The introduced computational model allows for profound investigations of the evolution of early metabolism and the underlying evolutionary mechanisms. One application in this thesis is the study of the formation of metabolic pathways. Therefore, four established hypothe- ses, namely the backwards evolution, forward evolution, patchwork evolution and the shell hypothesis, are discussed within the realms of this in silico evolution study. The metabolic pathways of the networks, evolved in various simulation runs, are determined and analyzed in terms of their evolutionary direction. The simulation results suggest that the seemingly mutually exclusive hypotheses may well be compatible when considering that different pro- cesses dominate different phases in the evolution of a metabolic system. Further, it is found that forward evolution shapes the metabolic network in the very early steps of evolution. In later and more complex stages, enzyme recruitment supersedes forward evolution, keeping a core set of pathways from the early phase. Backward evolution can only be observed under conditions of steady environmental change. Additionally, evolutionary history of enzymes and metabolites were studied on the network level as well as for single instances, showing a great variety of evolutionary mechanisms at work. The second major focus of the in silico evolutionary study is the emergence of complex system properties, such as robustness and modularity. To this end several techniques to analyze the metabolic systems were used. The measures for complex properties stem from the fields of graph theory, steady state analysis and neutral network theory. Some are used in general network analysis and others were developed specifically for the purpose introduced in this work. To discover potential sources for the emergence of system properties, three different evolutionary scenarios were tested and compared. The first two scenarios are the same as for the first part of the investigation, one scenario of evolution under static conditions and one incorporating a steady change in the set of ”food” molecules. A third scenario was added that also simulates a static evolution but with an increased mutation rate and regular events of horizontal gene transfer between protocells of the population. The comparison of all three scenarios with real world metabolic networks shows a significant similarity in structure and properties. Among the three scenarios, the two static evolutions yield the most robust metabolic networks, however, the networks evolved under environmental change exhibit their own strategy to a robustness more suited to their conditions. As expected from theory, horizontal gene transfer and changes in the environment seem to produce higher degrees of modularity in metabolism. Both scenarios develop rather different kinds of modularity, while horizontal gene transfer provides for more isolated modules, the modules of the second scenario are far more interconnected

    Independence and Accountability of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Committees

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    The democratic accountability of policymaking institutions which are autonomous within delegated mandates has not received as much attention as their independence. We analyze in a theoretical model the effects of accountability in the form of possible overriding of economic policy decisions by the government under different degrees of independence of expert committees conducting monetary and fiscal policy. The equilibrium outcomes of such alternative institution-design frameworks are compared according to key macroeconomic performance criteria. Our results stress the trade-off between anchoring inflation expectations on target and output stabilization that is not solved with accountability

    A Sequence-to-Function Map for Ribozyme-catalyzed Metabolisms

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    We introduce a novel genotype-phenotype mapping based on the relation between RNA sequence and its secondary structure for the use in evolutionary studies. Various extensive studies concerning RNA folding in the context of neutral theory yielded insights about properties of the structure space and the mapping itself. We intend to get a better understanding of some of these properties and especially of the evolution of RNA-molecules as well as their effect on the evolution of the entire molecular system. We investigate the constitution of the neutral network and compare our mapping with other artificial approaches using cellular automatons, random boolean networks and others also based on RNA folding. We yield the highest extent, connectivity and evolvability of the underlying neutral network. Further, we successfully apply the mapping in an existing model for the evolution of a ribozyme-catalyzed metabolism

    k-PathA: k-shortest Path Algorithm

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    One important aspect of computational systems biology includes the identification and analysis of functional response networks within large biochemical networks. These functional response networks represent the response of a biological system under a particular experimental condition which can be used to pinpoint critical biological processes. For this purpose, we have developed a novel algorithm to calculate response networks as scored/weighted sub-graphs spanned by k-shortest simple (loop free) paths. The k-shortest simple path algorithm is based on a forward/backward chaining approach synchronized between pairs of processors. The algorithm scales linear with the number of processors used. The algorithm implementation is using a Linux cluster platform, MPI lam and mpiJava messaging as well as the Java language for the application. The algorithm is performed on a hybrid human network consisting of 45,041 nodes and 438,567 interactions together with gene expression information obtained from human cell-lines infected by influenza virus. Its response networks show the early innate immune response and virus triggered processes within human epithelial cells. Especially under the imminent threat of a pandemic caused by novel influenza strains, such as the current H1N1 strain, these analyses are crucial for a comprehensive understanding of molecular processes during early phases of infection. Such a systems level understanding may aid in the identification of therapeutic markers and in drug development for diagnosis and finally prevention of a potentially dangerous disease

    Simulation tools for particle-based reaction-diffusion dynamics in continuous space

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    Particle-based reaction-diffusion algorithms facilitate the modeling of the diffusional motion of individual molecules and the reactions between them in cellular environments. A physically realistic model, depending on the system at hand and the questions asked, would require different levels of modeling detail such as particle diffusion, geometrical confinement, particle volume exclusion or particle-particle interaction potentials. Higher levels of detail usually correspond to increased number of parameters and higher computational cost. Certain systems however, require these investments to be modeled adequately. Here we present a review on the current field of particle-based reaction-diffusion software packages operating on continuous space. Four nested levels of modeling detail are identified that capture incrementing amount of detail. Their applicability to different biological questions is discussed, arching from straight diffusion simulations to sophisticated and expensive models that bridge towards coarse grained molecular dynamics

    A real options approach for valuating intertemporal interdependencies within a value-based IT portfolio management - A risk-return perspective

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    Value-based IT portfolio management requires the consideration of intertemporal interdependencies that may exist among IT projects. Therefore, several papers suggest adopting the real options approach in order to include intertemporal interdependencies within the valuation of IT projects. However, this paper shows that the standard Black-Scholes model, which is often used for valuating real options, is not appropriate to correctly account for project-specific private risks due to its restrictive assumptions. Since this can have major impacts on the value of IT projects, we develop an approach – based on the Black-Scholes model – to consider private risks properly within project valuation. A comparison of the results of the standard Black-Scholes model used today and our approach finally reveals that the neglect of private risks results in a systematic underestimation of both risk and return of IT projects, which may lead to wrong investment decisions