186 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity in threatened plant species Alnus nitida (Spach.) Endel

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    Alnus nitida (Spach) Endl. is an ethnobotanically important threatened plant species. The genetic diversity among the 50 different genotypes of Alnus nitida was carried out using sodium dodecyl sulfate poly acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) characterization. A considerable amount of genetic diversity (90%) was observed among the genotypes of A. nitida. The protein characterization was carried out on 12% gel electrophoresis. A total of 10 protein bands were detected in A. nitida genotypes. SDS-PAGE procedure is a useful method for the investigation of both genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship. Especially, B-5 was monomorphic in A. nitida genotypes and was considered as species specific. All other bands/loci were polymorphic. These polymorphic bands displayed 12, 16, 72, 88, 2, 44, 84, 54 and 12 percent variation respectively. In the present examination, the high intra-specific diversity was observed representing SDS-PAGE is a powerful tool for determining the genetically diverse germplasms in A. nitida. The results obtained by this study could be helpful in the identification and selection of desired genotypes of Alnus nitida for conservation programmes in future. Today, there is still a need to assess genetic variation and protect genetic resources, especially of wild species for prospective benefits in plant conservation programmes

    Olanzapine induced biochemical and histopathological changes after its chronic administration in rats

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    AbstractObjective: Olanzapine is a second generation antipsychotic acting mainly as a dopamine D2 and serotonine 5-HT2 receptors antagonist prescribed in the treatment of schizophrenia and various other psychiatric illnesses. Even though olanzapine is widely used in psychiatry, its effects on the architecture of pancreas, liver and kidneys are little known. The histology of pancreas especially has never been studied. For these reasons, the current study was designed to elucidate the toxic effects of chronic administration of olanzapine on pancreas, liver and kidneys and the enzymes released by these tissues in an escalating dose manner. Methods: Fourteen male rats were divided into two groups equally, the olanzapine group and the controls. Olanzapine was administered in a dose of 5mg/kg/d for the first eight weeks, 10mg/kg/d for next four weeks and 15mg/kg/d through the last two week period of 14weeks experiment. The controls received acidified saline only. Both the groups received restricted diet (20g/12h). The body weight and level of random blood sugar (RBS) were measured on a weekly basis. The levels of lipase, amylase, alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) were determined terminally. At the end of the experiment, the tissues were dissected out for histopathological evaluation. Results: Significant loss in body weight, change in the level of random blood sugar (∗∗P<0.05, ∗∗∗P<0.001) and significant rise in amylase and lipase levels (∗P<0.05, ∗∗∗P<0.001) were observed. However, the same treatment has shown no significant change in the levels of alanine and aspartate transaminases (P>0.05). The pancreas has shown derangement of beta cells and fibrotic growth. A mild to moderate focal increase in glomerular cellularity, cellular proliferation and glomerular capsules with negligible basement membranes were observed in the kidneys. No changes were observed in the architecture of the liver. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that the incidence of adverse effects associated with olanzapine could be prevented/alleviated/delayed by allowing restricted diet

    The Impact of Children on Parental Purchasing Behavior

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    Children have a major influence on their parents' purchases of similar products. Children are a dominant market for marketers to consider when making strategy choices since they are part of a family unit. This market is active in three ways: first, it is a large market in and of itself; second, it is a key influencer in facilitating purchasing decisions; and third, it is a possible future market. The focus of this research is on children's second position. They become the focal point of family expectations, and parents are more receptive to their recommendations when making purchases. This research study explains the effect of children on parental purchase behavior in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi using a survey as a data collection method. Parents are among the participants in this research. The relationship between parental purchase behavior (PPB) and age of child (AOC), importance of child (IOC), product category (PC), communication pattern (CP), and family orientation is revealed by multiple regression analysis (FO). The age of the child (AOC), family orientation (FO), and Product Category (PC) are the three most significant factors that affect parental buying behavior. The paper concludes that children have a major influence on their parents' decisions

    Studies towards the synthesis of (±)-reserpine: Photocyclization mediated a novel and efficient synthesis of 11,18-dimethoxy-(20α)-18,19-didehydro-yohimban-17-one

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    A short, highly efficient synthesis of advanced intermediates to reserpine 1 has been developed starting from enamide 8. The enamide underwent photocyclization reaction using high pressure mercury lamp to afford the lactam 9 in excellent yield. Then lactam was reduced to the required amine 10, which upon acidic hydrolysis gave the nonconjugate ketone product 11, followed by reaction with sodium hydroxide resulted the desired conjugate ketone 12. Epoxidation, and then ring opening of the epoxide 13 with methanol yielded the desired product 14, which is key intermediate to the total synthesis of (±)-reserpine

    Abdul Aziz Khan

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    Objective:&nbsp;&nbsp;Pituitary lesions cause morbidity and mortality in all age groups due to their hormonal hypersecretion, its mass effects, and post-surgery complications. The present study determined the frequency of functional and non-functional pituitary adenomas. Materials &amp; Methods:&nbsp;&nbsp;The study included patients (n = 114) presenting with functional and non-functional pituitary adenoma. Pituitary adenomas were diagnosed based on MRI brain with contrast and the size of the tumor was noted a tumor having a size of 10 mm or more was labeled as macro adenoma and a tumor having a size less than 10 mm was labeled as microadenoma. Pituitary adenomas were stratified among age, gender, duration of symptoms, types of adenomas, types of functional adenoma, and type of the tumor on a size basis. Results:&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of the patients had TSH- secreting adenoma (21.9%). 52.6% were found with microadenoma and 47.4% had macro adenoma. Patients with functional adenoma were 30.7% and with non-functional adenoma 32.5% were male while patients with functional adenoma were 26.3% and with non-functional adenoma 10.5%were female (p = 0.018). Patients with functional adenoma (43.9%) and non-functional adenoma (8.8%) were found to have microadenoma, whereas patients with functional adenoma (13.2%) and non-functional adenoma (34.2%) were found to have macroadenoma (p = 0.000). Patients with functional adenoma having a duration of symptoms below 1 year were 11 (9.6%), 1 to 3 years were 25 (21.9%), 17 (14.9%) were 4 to 6 years, and 12 (10.5%) above 6 years duration of symptoms. Conclusion:&nbsp;&nbsp;Patients with pituitary adenomas should be diagnosed early to receive successful therapy

    Uloga prijeoperacijskog karcinoembrijskog antigena u recidiviranju resektabilnog kolorektalnog karcinoma

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    In colorectal carcinoma, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a recommended marker for surveillance after curative resection. The aim of the present study was to determine the association of preoperative CEA with recurrence of colorectal carcinoma in our population. The study included 55 patients with all operable stages of colorectal adenocarcinoma treated during the 2012-2014 period, evaluated retrospectively and followed-up for recurrence for 2 years. Data on the baseline (preoperative) CEA levels were retrieved from patient files. On data analysis, SPSS 16.0 was used. In patients with normal preoperative CEA, the rate of recurrence was significantly low (p=0.008) and the likelihood of no recurrence 1.55-fold greater as compared to patients with raised initial CEA levels (p=0.028). In patients with raised preoperative CEA, the risk of recurrence was 5.26-fold greater as compared to those with normal CEA levels (p=0.028). A significant weak positive correlation (rs=0.297) was found between raised CEA and recurrence. A highly significant (p=0.002) moderate positive correlation was recorded in patients aged <50 and moderate positive correlation of borderline significance in males (rs=0.324, p=0.058). Sensitivity was 94.4% and specificity 32.4% in predicting recurrence. Accordingly, preoperative elevated CEA showed a significant weak positive correlation with recurrence while normal preoperative CEA moderately decreased the likelihood of recurrence.U kolorektalnom karcinomu preporuča se karcinoembrijski antigen (CEA) kao biljeg u praćenju bolesnika nakon resekcije karcinoma. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi udruženost prijeoperacijske razine CEA s recidiviranjem kolorektalnog karcinoma u našoj populaciji. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 55 bolesnika sa svim operabilnim stadijima kolorektalnog adenokarcinoma liječenih u razdoblju od 2012. do 2014. godine. Bolesnici su retrospektivno procijenjeni i praćeni zbog recidiva tijekom dvije godine. Podaci o bazalnim (prijeoperacijskim) razinama CEA preuzeti su iz medicinske dokumentacije bolesnika. Analiza podataka provedena je pomoću SPSS 16.0. Kod bolesnika s normalnom prijeoperacijskom razinom CEA stopa recidiva bila je značajno niža (p=0,008), a vjerojatnost izostanka recidiva 1,55 puta veća u usporedbi s bolesnicima s povišenim početnim razinama CEA (p=0,028). Kod bolesnika s povišenim prijeoperacijskim razinama CEA rizik od recidiva bio je 5,26 puta veći u usporedbi s onim u bolesnika s normalnim razinama CEA (p=0,028). Značajna slabo pozitivna korelacija (rs=0,297) utvrđena je između povišene razine CEA i recidiva. Visoko značajna (p=0,002) umjereno pozitivna korelacija zabilježena je u bolesnika mlađih od 50 godina te umjereno pozitivna korelacija granične značajnosti kod muškaraca (rs=0,324, p=0,058). Utvrđena je osjetljivost od 94,4% i specifičnost od 32,4% u predviđanju recidiva. Dakle, povišena prijeopearcijska razina CEA pokazala je značajnu slabo pozitivnu korelaciju s recidivima, dok je normalna prijeoperacijska razina CEA umjereno snizila vjerojatnost recidiva

    Electrospun PVA/CuONPs/Bitter Gourd Nanofibers with Improved Cytocompatibility and Antibacterial Properties: Application as Antibacterial Wound Dressing

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    Antibacterial and cyto-compatible tricomponent composite electrospun nanofibers comprised of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), copper II oxide nanoparticles (CuONPs), and Momordica charantia (bitter gourd, MC) extract were examined for their potential application as an effective wound dressing. Metallic nanoparticles have a wide range of applications in biomedical engineering because of their excellent antibacterial properties; however, metallic NPs have some toxic effects as well. The green synthesis of nanoparticles is undergoing development with the goal of avoiding toxicity. The aim of adding Momordica charantia extract was to reduce the toxic effects of copper oxide nanoparticles as well as to impart antioxidant properties to electrospun nanofibers. Weight ratios of PVA and MC extract were kept constant while the concentration of copper oxide was optimized to obtain good antibacterial properties with reduced toxicity. Samples were characterized for their morphological properties, chemical interactions, crystalline structures, elemental analyses, antibacterial activity, cell adhesion, and toxicity. All samples were found to have uniform morphology without any bead formation, while an increase in diameters was observed as the CuO concentration was increased in nanofibers. All samples exhibited antibacterial properties; however, the sample with CuO concentration of 0.6% exhibited better antibacterial activity. It was also observed that nanofibrous mats exhibited excellent cytocompatibility with fibroblast (NIH3T3) cells. The mechanical properties of nanofibers were slightly improved due to the addition of nanoparticles. By considering the excellent results of nanofibrous mats, they can therefore be recommended for wound dressing applications