33 research outputs found

    Brachinini Bonelli 1810

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    Tribe Brachinini Bonelli, 1810 <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Mandibular scrobe multisetose or unisetose. Labial palps with terminal segment wedge-shaped, subcylindrical or globose-attenuate. Gular sutures divergent posteriorly. Pro-coxal cavities uniperforate or biperforate; propleural suture present or absent; upper spur of protibia present or absent and external; Male protarsal ventral adhesive vestiture segments composed of two parallel rows of modified setae; mesepimeron wide, but not approaching mesocoxa. Head and pronotum mostly reddish yellow to reddish brown. Protibia with one apical and one subapical spur, conjunct mesocoxa. Metepimeron lobed. Elytra color variable from bluish to black with pale maculae, truncate, costate, sometime striae not prominent. Abdomen with seven sterna in female and eight sterna in male, normally visible. Crepitating chambers openings near the middle of anterior side of modified ninth tergum in both male and female (Erwin 1970).</p> <p> Three genera have been recorded from northern Pakistan, <i>Brachinus</i> Weber, 1801; <i>Mastax</i> Fischer von Waldheim, 1828 and <i>Pheropsophus</i> Solier, 1833.</p>Published as part of <i>Ullah, Mishkat, Naeem, Muhammad, Mahmood, Khalid & Rafi, Muhammad Ather, 2017, Faunistic studies of the tribe Brachinini (Carabidae: Coleoptera) from northern Pakistan, pp. 173-184 in Zootaxa 4232 (2)</i> on page 174, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4232.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/292888">http://zenodo.org/record/292888</a&gt

    Addition to the knowledge of Tribe Chlaeniini Brullé, 1834 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Pakistan

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    Ullah, Mishkat, Naeem, Muhammad, Mahmood, Khalid, Garner, Beulah (2022): Addition to the knowledge of Tribe Chlaeniini Brullé, 1834 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Pakistan. Zootaxa 5115 (4): 451-486, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5115.4.

    Pheropsophus (Stenaptinus) hilaris subsp. sobrinus Dejean 1826

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    <i>Pheropsophus (Stenaptinus) hilaris sobrinus</i> (Dejean, 1826) <p>Figure 3 (b)</p> <p> <i>Pheropsophus desbordesi</i> Maindron 1899: 16 (Hrdličlka 2003; Lorenz 2016; Anichtchenko 2016)</p> <p> <b>Material examined</b>. Punjab, Rawalpindi, Ayub Park, 3 ♀ & 6 ♂, 20.iii.2015, Mishkat (PMNH). Chakwal, Dhok Taalian, 1 ♀ & 1 ♂, 08.vi.2009. Asad Ali (NIM).</p> <p> <b>Measurements.</b> Male (n=6): TL= 14.06 mm, HW= 2.80 mm, PL= 2.76 mm, PW= 3.10 mm, EL= 8.20 mm, EW= 2.72 mm. Ratios PL/PW= 0.89, HW/PW= 0.90 and EL/EW= 3.21.</p> <p>Female (n=6): TL= 15.2 mm, HW= 3.05 mm, PL= 2.8 mm, PW= 3.2 mm, EL= 9.1 mm, EW= 2.7 mm. Ratios PL/PW= 0.87, HW/PW= 0.93 and EL/EW= 3.2</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Head and pronotum yellow to reddish brown, pronotum sometimes with black colored boarder at base and apex. Elytra black, median transverse band yellow and rounded towards suture. Elytra apex with yellow band. Elytral epipleura yellow from mid to apex. Shape and size of median elytral band vary. Legs completely yellow.</p> <p> <b>Comments.</b> <i>P. (S.) hilaris sobrinus</i> is similar to <i>P. (S.) africanus</i> (Dejean 1825) except for its lighter color (yellowish brown), smaller in size and elytral epipleura pale with fine tubercles, but almost always without visible setae. <i>P. (S.) africanus</i> possesses black elytral epipleura with more or less distinctive seta-bearing tubercles; <i>P. hilaris hilaris</i> is characterised by pale epipleura with fine tubercles, whereas, <i>P. hilaris sobrinus</i> has more or less yellow epipleura. Both subspecies show the epipleura with fine tubercles but always without setae (Felix et al. 2012).</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> The specimens of this species were collected from Rawalpindi, Chakwal and Peshawar. Previously, it was reported from India (Andrewes 1930), Poonch Azad Jummu Kashmir (Rahim et al. 2013), Nepal, Sri Lanka, Taiwan (Anichtchenko 2016) and Yemen (Felix et al. 2012).</p>Published as part of <i>Ullah, Mishkat, Naeem, Muhammad, Mahmood, Khalid & Rafi, Muhammad Ather, 2017, Faunistic studies of the tribe Brachinini (Carabidae: Coleoptera) from northern Pakistan, pp. 173-184 in Zootaxa 4232 (2)</i> on pages 180-182, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4232.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/292888">http://zenodo.org/record/292888</a&gt

    FIGURES 1–8 in Additions to the knowledge of the Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) of Pakistan

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    FIGURES 1–8. Smicromyrmilla margalla sp. nov., male, paratype. 1. Forewing; 2. Hindwing; 3. Mesosoma and metasomal segments 1–2, lateral view; 4. Mesosoma and metasomal tergum 1, dorsal view; 5. Genitalia, lateral view; 6, Volsella and gonostilus, ventral view; 7, Sternum 6, ventral view; 8, Sterna 7–8, ventral view

    Mastax pakistana Jedlika 1963

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    <i>Mastax pakistana</i> Jedlika, 1963 <p>Figure 2 (c)</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Islamabad Capital Territory, Islamabad, Quaid-e-Azam University, Rumli, 1 ♀, 21.iii.2015, Mishkat (PMNH). Azad Jummu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Hattiyan Dupata, 1 ♀, 25.iv.2016, Mishkat (PMNH).</p> <p> <b>Measurements.</b> Female (n=2): TL= 3.7 mm, HW= 0.8 mm, PL= 0.7 mm, PW= 0.8 mm, EL= 2.3 mm, EW= 0.9 mm. Ratios PL/PW= 0.87, HW/PW= 1 and EL/EW= 2.55</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Head, antennal segments IV and V, palpi, pronotum and legs yellowish brown. Terminal segments of the antenna brown. Head width same as pronotum width. Elytra matt black, a fairly large humeral band, one round spot next to the side edge near the center and a quadrangular spot near apex before bright reddish yellow elytral apex. Legs light yellowish brown.</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> This species was reported from Rawalpindi (Jedlička 1963). During our current study it has been collected from Islamabad area after a hiatus of more than 50 years.</p> <p> <b>Comments.</b> The species resembles to <i>M. florida</i> Andrewes, 1924 in that the humeral band is very narrow and uneven, the tarsus, knees and underside are dark, the antenna only has I–II segments yellow red and the head is densely punctuate. Elytra are similar to those of <i>M. moesta</i> Schmidt –Goebel, 1846, but the apical rounded white mark near suture area is divided into two separate marks; head and pronotum are black, legs brownish-yellow; knees are blackish, while ventral side of the body is dark brown (Jedlička 1963).</p>Published as part of <i>Ullah, Mishkat, Naeem, Muhammad, Mahmood, Khalid & Rafi, Muhammad Ather, 2017, Faunistic studies of the tribe Brachinini (Carabidae: Coleoptera) from northern Pakistan, pp. 173-184 in Zootaxa 4232 (2)</i> on page 179, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4232.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/292888">http://zenodo.org/record/292888</a&gt

    Brachinus (Aploa) pictus Hope 1833

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    <i>Brachinus (Aploa) pictus</i> Hope, 1833 <p>Figure 2 (a)</p> <p> <i>Brachinus figratus</i> Chaudoir, 1852: 41 (Anichtchenko 2016; Lorenz 2016)</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Punjab, Mianwali, Nummal Lake, 1 ♀ & 1 ♂, 09.iii.2007, M. Abbas; Attock, Akhori, 11 ♀ & 4 ♂, 29.iii.2014; Attock, Humak, 1♀ & 1♂, 29.iii.2014; Chakwal, Katas, 1 ♂, 30.v.2014, Mishkat (PMNH).</p> <p> <b>Measurements:</b> Male (n=5): TL= 10.55 mm, HW= 2.17 mm, PL= 1.73 mm, PW= 2.32 mm, EL= 6.50 mm, EW= 2.62 mm. Ratios PL/PW= 0.74, HW/PW= 0.93 and EL/EW= 2.48</p> <p>Female (n=5): TL= 10.97 mm, HW= 2.18 mm, PL= 1.89 mm, PW= 2.33 mm, EL= 6.82 mm, EW= 2.73 mm. Ratios PL/PW= 0.81, HW/PW= 0.93 and EL/EW= 2.49</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Body mostly yellow, antennal segments V to XI brownish. Elytra length 2.48 times of its maximum width, with black marks near the scutellum along the suture upto 2/5 of elytra length, two rounded sub-humeral spots narrowly extended to the shoulders and a sub-apical transverse band with three posterior spots merged to form a continuous sinuated band.</p> <p> <b>Comments.</b> This species closely resembles <i>B. (A.) nobilis</i> Dejean, 1931 in color details: both species are yellowish, but the outer subhumeral spot extends to the humeral region in <i>B. (A.) pictus</i>, which is never the case in <i>B. (A.) nobilis</i>.</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> The species was collected in Attock and Mianwali regions. All of the earlier records of this species originated from India (Maharashtra; West Bengal), Iran, Sri Lanka and Thailand (Anichtchenko 2016; Lorenz 2016).</p>Published as part of <i>Ullah, Mishkat, Naeem, Muhammad, Mahmood, Khalid & Rafi, Muhammad Ather, 2017, Faunistic studies of the tribe Brachinini (Carabidae: Coleoptera) from northern Pakistan, pp. 173-184 in Zootaxa 4232 (2)</i> on page 176, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4232.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/292888">http://zenodo.org/record/292888</a&gt

    Pheropsophus Solier 1833

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    Genus <i>Pheropsophus</i> Solier, 1833 <p> In northern Pakistan, this genus is represented by the subgenus <i>Stenaptinus</i> Maindron, 1906.</p>Published as part of <i>Ullah, Mishkat, Naeem, Muhammad, Mahmood, Khalid & Rafi, Muhammad Ather, 2017, Faunistic studies of the tribe Brachinini (Carabidae: Coleoptera) from northern Pakistan, pp. 173-184 in Zootaxa 4232 (2)</i> on page 179, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4232.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/292888">http://zenodo.org/record/292888</a&gt

    Pheropsophus (Stenaptinus) lissoderus Chaudoir 1850

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    <i>Pheropsophus (Stenaptinus) lissoderus</i> Chaudoir, 1850 <p>Figure 3 (d)</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Islamabad Capital Territory, Islamabad, Faisal Mosque, Trail No. 6, 1 ♀ & 1 ♂, 13.iv.2014; Islamabad, Quaid-i-Azam University, Village Rumli, 1 ♀ & 1 ♂, 21.iii.2015, Mishkat (PMNH). Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Butgram, 1 ♀, 24.vii.1988, L. A. Abro (PMNH). Azad Jummu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Hattiyan Dupata, 2 ♀, 25.iv.2016; Neelum Valley, Kahori, 1 ♂, 25.iv.2016 Mishkat (PMNH).</p> <p> <b>Measurements.</b> Male (n=3): TL= 15.97 mm, HW= 2.95 mm, PL= 3.02 mm, PW= 3.18 mm, EL= 9.62 mm, EW= 3.04 mm. Ratios PL/PW= 0.94, HW/PW= 0.92 and EL/EW= 3.04</p> <p>Female (n=5): TL= 15.74 mm, HW= 2.80 mm, PL= 2.90 mm, PW= 2.98 mm, EL= 9.30 mm, EW= 2.88 mm. Ratios PL/PW= 0.97, HW/PW= 0.93 and EL/EW= 3.22</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Head reddish brown, antenna yellowish brown. Pronotum reddish brown, square shaped, impunctate and smooth. Pronotum lateral bead black. Elytra black, humeral mark yellow, median transverse band yellow more angular at edges slightly dilated at eighth elytral interval. Elytral epipleura black. Apical elytral band yellow. Legs yellow, femora apical ends (knees) black.</p> <p> <b>Comments.</b> This species shows the same coloration of head, pronotum and elytra than <i>P. (S.) catoirei</i>. Differences include pronotum smooth, impunctate and square shaped in <i>P. (S.) lissoderus</i>. Elytorn humeral mark large and longitudinal, median transverse band strongly serrated at edges, apical transverse band yellow from interval 2-7 in <i>P. (S.) lissoderus</i>. Legs yellow with black knees while entirely yellow in <i>P. catoirei</i>.</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> This species was collected from Islamabad and Butgram. Previously, it was recorded from Bhutan, China (Xizang, Tibet) and India (Anichtchenko 2016).</p>Published as part of <i>Ullah, Mishkat, Naeem, Muhammad, Mahmood, Khalid & Rafi, Muhammad Ather, 2017, Faunistic studies of the tribe Brachinini (Carabidae: Coleoptera) from northern Pakistan, pp. 173-184 in Zootaxa 4232 (2)</i> on pages 182-183, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4232.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/292888">http://zenodo.org/record/292888</a&gt

    Pheropsophus (Stenaptinus) catoirei Dejean 1825

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    <i>Pheropsophus (Stenaptinus) catoirei</i> (Dejean, 1825) <p> <i>Pheropsophus kabulensis</i> Jedlicka, 1964 [unav.] (Anichtchenko 2016; Lorenz 2016)</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Islamabad Capital Territory, Islamabad, 1 ♀, 17.x.1981, 1 ♀, 01.xi.1981, 5 ♂, 24.xi.1982, 2 ♂, 13.iii.1983, 1 ♀, 16.iii.1984, Anonymous, 1 ♀, 22.vi.1987, L.A. Abro, 1 ♀, 10.ix.2013, Fida; Islamabad, G-9/2 Graveyard, 1♀, 05.iv.2014, Mishkat; Islamabad, PMNH (pitfall traps), 3 ♀, 10.iv.2014, 1 ♀, 11.iv.2014, 2 ♀, 12.iv.2014, 3♀, 14.iv.2014, 3 ♀ &1 ♂, 15.iv.2014, 1 ♀ &1 ♂, 16.iv.2014, 2 ♀, 18.iv.2014, 1 ♀, 20.iv.2014, 3 ♀ & 3 ♂, 21.iv.2014, 2 ♀, 23.iv.2014, 2 ♀ & 1 ♂, 25.iv.2014, 4 ♀ & 1♂, 29.iv.2014, Mishkat; Islamabad, NARC (pitfall traps), 26 ♀ &28 ♂, 28.iv.2014, 9 ♀ & 5 ♂, 30.iv.2014, 6 ♀ & 2 ♂, 02.v.2014; Islamabad, Quaid-i-Azam University, Village Rumli, 1 ♀ & 4 ♂, 21.iii.2015 Mishkat (PMNH). Islamabad, NARC, 1 ♂, 23.vi.2006, Falak Naz; Islamabad, 1 ♂, 22.ii.2007, Anjam (NIM). Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Dir, 1 ♀, 22.vii.1987, Dr. Afzal; Swat, Miandam, 1 ♂, 07.viii.1989, L.A. Abro, 2 ♂, 31.viii.2015, Mishkat; Swat, Mingora, Fizagut, 2 ♀, 31-viii-2015, Mishkat; Swat, Marghuzar, 2 ♀ & 2 ♂, 01.ix.2015, Mishkat; Swat, Manglore, 10 ♀ & 9 ♂, 02.ix.2015, Mishkat; Chitral, Khanis-Fir, 2 ♀, 23.viii.2015, Mishkat; Chitral, Buni, 9 ♀ & 5 ♂, 24.viii.2015, Mishkat; Chitral, Mastuj, 3 ♂, 24.viii.2015, Mishkat; Chitral, Barir Valley, 2 ♂, 25.viii.2015, Mishkat; Chitral, Barir Valley, Guru village, 4 ♂, 25.viii.2015, Mishkat; Chitral, Shishi, Tar Shishikoh, 2 ♀ & 4 ♂, 26.viii.2015, Mishkat; Chitral, Ashtromshishkoh, 1 ♀, 26.viii.2015, Mishkat (PMNH); Chitral, Chashma, 2 ♀, 20.vi.2012, Dr. Ather Rafi; Mansehra, Tarnain, 1 ♂, 25.iv.2014, Sidra Khursheed, 1 ♂, 16.v.2014, Nadia Shah (NIM). Punjab, Khushab, Uchali Lake, 1 ♀, 3-7. viii.2007, M. Abbas; Layyah, Chak No. 127, 1 ♂, 05.viii.2010, Adnan Bodhla; Attock, Akhori, 1 ♀ & 1♂, 29.v.2014; Choa Sadian Shah, Rakhoch, 1 ♀, 31.v.2014; Rawalpindi, Ayub Park, 4 ♀ & 2 ♂, 20.iii.2015, Mishkat (PMNH). Rawalpindi, 1 ♂, 23.viii.2006, Asad; Chakwal, Dhok Taalian Dam, 3 ♀ & 2 ♂, 08.vi.2009 Asad Ali (NIM). Gilgit-Baltistan, Ghizer, Gahkuch, 1 ♀ & 1 ♂, 05.ix.2014, Mishkat (PMNH). Chilas (Light trap), 1 ♀, 07.vi.2007, Anonymous; Dassu, (10 km ahead), 2 ♀, 08.vi.2007, Amjad, 1 ♂, 08.vi.2007, Amir Sultan, 1 ♀, 08.vi.2007, A. Zia (NIM). Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Rawalakot, date unknown, Afshan (NIM); Muzaffarabad, Hattiyan Dupata, 2 ♀ & 4 ♂, 25.iv.2016, Mishkat; Kahori, Neelum Valley, 4 ♂, 25.iv.2016, Mishkat (PMNH).</p> <p> <b>Measurements.</b> Male (n=15): TL= 14.36 mm, HW= 2.74 mm, PL= 2.89 mm, PW= 3.04 mm, EL= 8.39 mm, EW= 2.68 mm. Ratios PL/PW= 0.95, HW/PW= 0.90 and EL/EW= 3.13</p> <p>Female (n=15): TL= 15.82 mm, HW= 2.97 mm, PL= 3.13 mm, PW= 3.32mm, EL= 9.22 mm, EW= 2.87 mm. Ratios PL/PW= 0.94, HW/PW= 0.89 and EL/EW= 3.21</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Head and pronotum completely reddish brown. Head posterior part and pronotum with few scattered punctures. Elytra black, humeral mark yellow and rounded, median transverse band round near elytral suture and narrow towards epipleuron. Epipleuron black except where median transverse band touches. Apical band more or less uniform from 1st to 8th elytral striae. Legs yellow with tarsus reddish brown.</p> <p> <b>Comments.</b> <i>P. (S.) catoirei</i> is quite similar to <i>P. (S.) lissoderus</i> Chaudoir, 1850 with respect to coloration of head, antenna, pronotum, elytra and ventral side of body, and differs from this last species in having head and pronotum smooth, pronotal bead black, elytra median transverse band with serrated margins and elytral epipleuron completely black, apical end of femur black.</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> This species is widely distributed in northern Pakistan from Layyah to Ghizer. Previously, it was reported from Gilgit (Mandl 1964), Afghanistan, Bhutan, India and Nepal (Anichtchenko 2016).</p>Published as part of <i>Ullah, Mishkat, Naeem, Muhammad, Mahmood, Khalid & Rafi, Muhammad Ather, 2017, Faunistic studies of the tribe Brachinini (Carabidae: Coleoptera) from northern Pakistan, pp. 173-184 in Zootaxa 4232 (2)</i> on pages 179-180, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4232.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/292888">http://zenodo.org/record/292888</a&gt

    Brachinus (Brachinus) ejaculans Fischer Von Waldheim 1828

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    <i>Brachinus (Brachinus) ejaculans</i> Fischer Von Waldheim, 1828 <p> <i>Brachinus graecus</i> Dejean, 1831: 430; <i>Brachinus costulatus</i> Motschulsky, 1844: 68; <i>Brachinus dubius</i> Ballion, 1871: 324; <i>Brachinus kosak</i> Iljin, 1923: 139; <i>Brachinus turcomanus</i> Iljin, 1923 (Anichtchenko 2016; Lorenz 2016)</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Gilgit-Baltistan, Gulapur, 1 ♂, 05.vii.1989, Dr. M. Afzal; Punjab, Layyah, Chak No. 127, 1 ♂, 05.viii.2010, Adnan Bodhla (PMNH).</p> <p> <b>Measurements:</b> Male (n=2): TL= 10.3 mm, HW= 1.9 mm, PL= 1.7 mm (n=2), PW= 1.8 mm, EL= 6.4 mm, EW= 2.1 mm. Ratios PL/PW= 0.95, HW/PW= 1.02 and EL/EW= 2.99</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Head, antenna, thorax and legs mostly reddish brown. Head and thorax moderately punctuate covered with white setae. Elytra entirely black with bluish metallic tinge bearing white setae. Elytral striae shallow but evident. Elytra apical membrane terminal side with a row of long setae. Abdomen ventral blackish brown whereas thorax reddish brown.</p> <p> <b>Comments:</b> <i>B. (B.) ejaculans</i> resembles <i>B. (B.) crepitans</i> (Linneaus 1758) by having almost same body coloration. <i>B. (B.) crepitans</i> differs on the basis of antennomeres III–IV darkened, whole body covered with reddish brown setae, elytra apex with narrow membranous margin bearing coarser and longer setae. <i>B. (B.) ejaculans</i> shows antennae entirely reddish brown, body covered with white setae, elytra apex with longer membranous margin with a row of setae not longer than the width of apical membrane. This species is reported for the first time from Pakistan.</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> This species is widely distributed in Palearctic region from Central Asia to Western Europe (Anichtchenko 2016; Lorenz 2016).</p>Published as part of <i>Ullah, Mishkat, Naeem, Muhammad, Mahmood, Khalid & Rafi, Muhammad Ather, 2017, Faunistic studies of the tribe Brachinini (Carabidae: Coleoptera) from northern Pakistan, pp. 173-184 in Zootaxa 4232 (2)</i> on page 176, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4232.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/292888">http://zenodo.org/record/292888</a&gt