46 research outputs found

    Cell Transplantation Therapies to Reverse Type 1 Diabetes: A review

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    Stem cell technology is demonstrating promising advancements in cure of diseases due its differentiation ability. Type 1 diabetes is mainly caused by autoimmune β cells destruction. In this review, we focus on treatment procedures of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) with numerous stem cells (SCs) i.e hPSCs, MSCs, hESCs, BMSCs, AFSCs, HSCs and islet cells (that are not stem cells but they are approved worldwide and are being successfully used to permanently reverse T1D). A brief overview of this disease along with the advancements in treatment of T1D with stem cells is discussed. Biomaterial encapsulation to avoid immune rejection and improved immunomodulation and immune tolerance via drugs /bioengineering techniques makes the outcomes of SC therapies more efficient and productive, hence, proving to be another future milestone of completely reversing type 1 diabetes especially in those patients who got clinically diagnosed at an early stage and then received prompt treatment of either restoration of already available β cells functionality or transplantation of purified and functional SCs differentiated insulin producing cells to normalize the glycemic control and homeostasis


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    The primary objective of this study was to explore the inter-connections among mindfulness, cognitive flexibility, and intellectual humility in adult’s population. Additionally, the research aimed to investigate the mediating role of mindfulness in this association between cognitive flexibility and intellectual humility with different demographic differences (age, gender, and culture). Sample of 800 students selected from Hazara University, Mansehra (HU), and the University of AJK. The study employed a convenient sampling method. The results indicated a significant association between the study as well as demographics differences exists among study variables. In conclusion, this study contributes to our understanding of the connections between mindfulness, cognitive flexibility, and intellectual humility in a student context. The findings suggest that cultivating mindfulness may enhance cognitive flexibility and intellectual humility, with demographic factors playing a role in shaping these psychological attributes. This study has practical implications for enhanced academic performance, effective stress management, improved decision-making, life-long learning, personal well-being, critical thinking skills, adaptability in changing environments and positive interpersonal relationships

    Near-Fixed Point Results via Ƶ-Contractions in Metric Interval and Normed Interval Spaces

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    In this paper, using α—admissibility and the concept of simulation functions, some near-fixed point results in the setting of metric interval and normed interval spaces are established. The results have been proved using Z-contractions.This work was funded by the Basque Government with the grant number IT207-19

    The J-Curve between Pakistan and the SAARC Region: Empirical Evidence from Aggregated and Commodity Level Trade Flows

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    The present study attempts to investigate the J-curve phenomena at aggregate level as well as at commodity level between Pakistan and the SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) region by utilizing the trade data of 87 industries. For testing the J-curve phenomena, we rely on traditional definition (the negative coefficients at shorter lags should be followed by positive coefficients at higher lags) as well the latest definitions (short run deterioration followed by long run improvement). As far the aggregate level industries are concerned, we do not find the evidence of J-curve when we rely on traditional definition but we do find evidence of J-curve at aggregate level when we rely on latest definition of J-curve. Likewise, in case of industry level estimates, the J curve phenomena were confirmed in 13 industries considering the traditional definition. While using the new definition, the J curve has been confirmed in 14 industries. We suggest that depreciation is less effective to improve Pakistan’s trade balance as the trade shares of the industries showing J curve is very low

    Uloga prijeoperacijskog karcinoembrijskog antigena u recidiviranju resektabilnog kolorektalnog karcinoma

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    In colorectal carcinoma, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a recommended marker for surveillance after curative resection. The aim of the present study was to determine the association of preoperative CEA with recurrence of colorectal carcinoma in our population. The study included 55 patients with all operable stages of colorectal adenocarcinoma treated during the 2012-2014 period, evaluated retrospectively and followed-up for recurrence for 2 years. Data on the baseline (preoperative) CEA levels were retrieved from patient files. On data analysis, SPSS 16.0 was used. In patients with normal preoperative CEA, the rate of recurrence was significantly low (p=0.008) and the likelihood of no recurrence 1.55-fold greater as compared to patients with raised initial CEA levels (p=0.028). In patients with raised preoperative CEA, the risk of recurrence was 5.26-fold greater as compared to those with normal CEA levels (p=0.028). A significant weak positive correlation (rs=0.297) was found between raised CEA and recurrence. A highly significant (p=0.002) moderate positive correlation was recorded in patients aged <50 and moderate positive correlation of borderline significance in males (rs=0.324, p=0.058). Sensitivity was 94.4% and specificity 32.4% in predicting recurrence. Accordingly, preoperative elevated CEA showed a significant weak positive correlation with recurrence while normal preoperative CEA moderately decreased the likelihood of recurrence.U kolorektalnom karcinomu preporuča se karcinoembrijski antigen (CEA) kao biljeg u praćenju bolesnika nakon resekcije karcinoma. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi udruženost prijeoperacijske razine CEA s recidiviranjem kolorektalnog karcinoma u našoj populaciji. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 55 bolesnika sa svim operabilnim stadijima kolorektalnog adenokarcinoma liječenih u razdoblju od 2012. do 2014. godine. Bolesnici su retrospektivno procijenjeni i praćeni zbog recidiva tijekom dvije godine. Podaci o bazalnim (prijeoperacijskim) razinama CEA preuzeti su iz medicinske dokumentacije bolesnika. Analiza podataka provedena je pomoću SPSS 16.0. Kod bolesnika s normalnom prijeoperacijskom razinom CEA stopa recidiva bila je značajno niža (p=0,008), a vjerojatnost izostanka recidiva 1,55 puta veća u usporedbi s bolesnicima s povišenim početnim razinama CEA (p=0,028). Kod bolesnika s povišenim prijeoperacijskim razinama CEA rizik od recidiva bio je 5,26 puta veći u usporedbi s onim u bolesnika s normalnim razinama CEA (p=0,028). Značajna slabo pozitivna korelacija (rs=0,297) utvrđena je između povišene razine CEA i recidiva. Visoko značajna (p=0,002) umjereno pozitivna korelacija zabilježena je u bolesnika mlađih od 50 godina te umjereno pozitivna korelacija granične značajnosti kod muškaraca (rs=0,324, p=0,058). Utvrđena je osjetljivost od 94,4% i specifičnost od 32,4% u predviđanju recidiva. Dakle, povišena prijeopearcijska razina CEA pokazala je značajnu slabo pozitivnu korelaciju s recidivima, dok je normalna prijeoperacijska razina CEA umjereno snizila vjerojatnost recidiva

    Fabrication Challenges in Synthesizing Porous Ceramic Membrane to Effective Flue Gas Treatment

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    Global warming is a serious concern worldwide, while there are many contributors to rise the temperature of earth. One major source to it, is air pollution. It is of utmost importance to apply the necessary remedial actions to address the contaminants in outdoor and indoor environment. In this research a step is taken to treat flue gases, for which membrane technology is introduced. A porous ceramic membrane is synthesized from calcined porous alumina (Al2O3) and activated washed fly ash. Some other additives like starch (C6H10O5) n, binder solution along with ethyl silicate (C8H2O4Si) and a deflocculating agent carbonic acid (H2CO3), are employed. Alongside it, some of the issues are discussed which are faced during fabrication of porous ceramic membrane i.e., crakes in membrane sample, non-active reactants issue, un-even rise or fall during de-moisturization or sintering steps. Further, the membrane sample is characterized through different test including:  Further, the membrane sample is characterized through different test including thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and DTG, which shown a satisfactory results, as there is negligible percentage weight loss after 750°C. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) for fly ash portrayal and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis for structure assessing are conducted, which described that the fabricated membrane has a crystalline structure as like ceramic. Archimedes Principal technique is used to determine bulk density, and porosity of the membrane sample, the values are 4.484 g/cm3, and 62.5% respectively. Average pore size of 7.6 µm is find out through optical microscopy test, similarly mechanical strength is found to be 2.7 MPa. Furthermore, a pilot scale visual permeability test is performed for flue gases treatment of combusting fuel containing tyre and coal powder. The results show the compatibility of the fabricated porous ceramic membrane to be utilized for treatment of flue gases

    Green Production and Structural Evaluation of Maize Starch–Fatty Acid Complexes Through High Speed Homogenization

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    © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. The current study describes the production of maize starch–fatty acid complexes through high speed homogenization, a novel field of research, without heat or any chemical treatment. The starch–fatty acid complexes were produced with three different fatty acids, i.e. stearic acid (T1), palmitic acid (T2) and lauric acid (T3). The complexes were analyzed through various techniques. The results reveal that the complexing index (CI), swelling power (SP) and solubility (S) for T1 were significantly higher compared to T2 and T3. In X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies, relatively lower crystalline (V-type pattern) structures were obtained for the samples T1–T3, where T2 showed the highest crystallinity amongst all. Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectra showed characteristic bands i.e., OH, C=O, C–O and long-chain CH2 functionalities thus confirming the overall incorporation of acids into glycoside moieties. The Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed sub-crystalline matrix structures with fewer or no spherulites indicating the overall incorporation of acids in starch. The samples showed relatively low thermal stability in the thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) in the range of 180 to 280 °C. These results suggest that high speed homogenization had the potential for the development of green and biocompatible maize starch–fatty acid complexes

    In vitro inhibitory activities of selected Australian medicinal plant extracts against protein glycation, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and digestive enzymes linked to type II diabetes

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Background There is a need to develop potential new therapies for the management of diabetes and hypertension. Australian medicinal plants collected from the Kuuku I’yu (Northern Kaanju) homelands, Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia were investigated to determine their therapeutic potential. Extracts were tested for inhibition of protein glycation and key enzymes relevant to the management of hyperglycaemia and hypertension. The inhibitory activities were further correlated with the antioxidant activities. Methods Extracts of five selected plant species were investigated: Petalostigma pubescens, Petalostigma banksii, Memecylon pauciflorum, Millettia pinnata and Grewia mesomischa. Enzyme inhibitory activity of the plant extracts was assessed against α-amylase, α-glucosidase and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). Antiglycation activity was determined using glucose-induced protein glycation models and formation of protein-bound fluorescent advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs). Antioxidant activity was determined by measuring the scavenging effect of plant extracts against 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) and using the ferric reducing anti-oxidant potential assay (FRAP). Total phenolic and flavonoid contents were also determined. Results Extracts of the leaves of Petalostigma banksii and P. pubescens showed the strongest inhibition of α-amylase with IC50 values of 166.50 ± 5.50 μg/mL and 160.20 ± 27.92 μg/mL, respectively. The P. pubescens leaf extract was also the strongest inhibitor of α-glucosidase with an IC50 of 167.83 ± 23.82 μg/mL. Testing for the antiglycation potential of the extracts, measured as inhibition of formation of protein-bound fluorescent AGEs, showed that P. banksii root and fruit extracts had IC50 values of 34.49 ± 4.31 μg/mL and 47.72 ± 1.65 μg/mL, respectively, which were significantly lower (p < 0.05) than other extracts. The inhibitory effect on α-amylase, α-glucosidase and the antiglycation potential of the extracts did not correlate with the total phenolic, total flavonoid, FRAP or DPPH. For ACE inhibition, IC50 values ranged between 266.27 ± 6.91 to 695.17 ± 15.38 μg/mL. Conclusions The tested Australian medicinal plant extracts inhibit glucose-induced fluorescent AGEs, α-amylase, α-glucosidase and ACE with extracts of Petalostigma species showing the most promising activity. These medicinal plants could potentially be further developed as therapeutic agents in the treatment of hyperglycaemia and hypertension

    Performance Evaluation of Procurement Department in a Cement Industry

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    Procurement practices aim at ensuring that organizations get value for money when committing their expenditure. This involves the firm meeting its strategic objectives by purchasing the required goods and services from the right suppliers in an efficient manner. The company under this research is one of the cement industries of Pakistan with the annual dispatch of 45 million tons of cement. For this research Interviews were conducted, data were collected from a software used Sap, collected data were filtered and desired information was retained for research work and were analysed and gaps were identified in the process followed,  and also future recommendations for the remedy of these gaps were made. Departmental and parts wise analysis were done which were further subdivide for proper analysis and results. The research objective of this study was to evaluate the procurement process followed by the organization and identify gaps. The research was done for the fiscal year 2017-18. Collected data were presented in the form of tables, charts and graphs