15 research outputs found
The continuous casting technology of the aluminum rod assigned for the wire for electrical purposes
Abstract. New technologies of the production of the aluminium charge assigned for drawing, including the tests on the process of continuous casting (CC). This type of technology, which includes the casting of copper and zinc, is widely spread in the world (trademarks: Upcast, Rautomead and Vertic). Yet, there is a lack of experience in the production and reproduction of the cast wires made of aluminium and its alloys assigned for electrical purposes. That is why the authors of the work aimed at investigating the casting process of the aluminium wires obtained with the technology of continuous casting. Introduction The tendency for replacing copper products with aluminium ones, present in the cable industry in the recent years, is mainly connected with the high cost of copper and, in the case of the motor industry, with the aim at lowering the mass of the vehicle. The group of new applications of aluminium wires includes flexible wires class 5 and 6, used as motor cables and enameled conductors for engine winding. This type of new applications require the wires with the diameters up to 0,2 mm [1]. This means the need for the search of new materials with the aluminium basis, characterizing in high deformability in the drawing process, with a simultaneous retaining of the required final mechanical and electrical properties of the wires. The basic practical limitation for the cable industry is -the possible to acquire -border diameter of the wires made from the traditionally applied aluminium, which is produced in the line of continuous casting and rolling (CCR), and also the aluminium's natural tendency for recovery, which makes difficult the process of crystallization and creates the risk of a diversification of the properties of the wire rod during the annealing recrystallizing into the temper O [2]. That is why there is a justifiable need for tests on the production technologies of the material assigned for deep drawing. The concept of a new production method for a charge material assigned for the drawing process, presented in this work, aims at the development of a technology of continuous casting of aluminium wires with the required diameter, and next its direct drawing into wires assigned for the electrical purposes. In our assumptions, the casting technology for aluminium wires refers to the continuous casting process for copper and its alloys, developed by Upcast and Rautomead, as well as for zinc, in the Vertic technology. The article presents the results of the laboratory tests on the process of reproduction of the cast aluminium wires class EN AW 1370, produced in the laboratory line of continuous casting, located at the Non-Ferrous Metal Department of the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Kraków
Silumins (i.e., alloys where the main alloy additive is silicon) are the largest casting aluminum alloy group. Materials of this kind are characterized by high strength properties, high corrosion resistance, and low density, which make it possible to use them for construction purposes. A new group of developed properties typical for casting silumins are electrical and thermal conductivity. Thermal and electrical conductivity can be optimized by the suitable selection of chemical composition of the alloy, in the process of precipitation hardening, or by means of a combination of both. The present paper includes test results of the strength and electrical properties of AlSiMg casting aluminum alloys. The alloys that were subject to testing were AlSi5Mg1, AlSi7Mg1, and AlSi11Mg1. Heat treatment included homogenization at a temperature of 535°C over a time periodof 8 h, quenched, and artificial aging. The strength tests involved a Brinell hardness measurement as well as an electrical properties test involving electrical conductivity measurement tests
Dobór materiału i opracowanie konstrukcji wysokotemperaturowych przewodów elektroenergetycznych ze stopów AlZr praca doktorska /
Tyt. z ekranu tytułowego.Praca doktorska. Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków), 2010.Zawiera bibliogr.Dostępna także w wersji drukowanej.Tryb dostępu: Internet.Analiza literaturowa stanu zagadnienia, charakterystyka systemu elektroenergetycznego, rozwój sieci elektroenergetycznych w Polsce, bezpieczeństwo systemu przesyłowego, przewody napowietrzne w polskich liniach elektroenergetycznych, przewody tradycyjne, stopowe jednorodne, z odpornych cieplnie stopów aluminium, odporne cieplnie stopy AlZr, przewody HTLS, idea, własności, zastosowania, projektowanie stopów przewodowych na bazie aluminium, przewodność elektryczna aluminium, jego stopów, analiza układu podwójnego AlZr, naprężeniowo-temperaturowy model pracy przewodów HTLS, koncepcja budowy, model przewodu, wpływ fizycznych, geometrycznych cech przęsła oraz warunków montażu, eksploatacji przewodów na temperaturę załamania, koncepcja, program, metodyka badań eksperymentalnych, parametryzacji długoczasowej odporności cieplnej przewodowych stopów aluminium, definicja odporności cieplnej, metodyka parametryzacji odporności cieplnej drutów, badania nad drutami z miedzi, jej stopów, podejście Beersa, współautorów, Goruba, Wolfa, Kovala, Matsudy, Harveya, Morgana dla przypadku 0 < W ≤ 15%, 0 < W ≤ Wa, analiza zmian wytrzymałości na rozciąganie przewodowych stopów AlMgSi, opracowanie własnej metodyki parametryzacji odporności cieplnej, weryfikacja opracowanej metodyki parametryzacji odporności cieplnej, dobór materiału, opracowanie konstrukcji wysokotemperaturowych przewodów elektroenergetycznych ze stopów AlZr, badania materiałowe, opracowanie składu chemicznego przewodowych stopów AlZr, technologia wytwarzania walcówki, badania laboratoryjne wpływu starzenia sztucznego na własności walcówki, charakteryzacja własności walcówek, drutów uzyskanych w warunkach przemysłowych, własności mechaniczne walcówek w stanie H23, technologiczne krzywe umocnienia badanych materiałów, odporność cieplna, testy jednogodzinne, krzywe mięknięcia, mikrostruktura drutów po testach jednogodzinnego wygrzewania, odporność cieplna, testy długoczasowe, stop AlZr0,02, walcówka w stanie H14, stop AlZr0,22, walcówka w stanie H16, stop AlZr0,22, walcówka w stanie H23, stop AlZr0,26, walcówka w stanie H23, opracowanie nowych konstrukcji przewodów HTLS, analiza wybranych konstrukcji przewodów stalowo-aluminiowych, przewód 236-AL1/40-ST1A, 357-AL1/46-ST1A, 520-AL1/67-ST1A, charakteryzacja materiałów przewodowych, rdzeniowych, metodyka obliczeń parametrów przewodów HTLS, własności, budowa opracowanych zamienników przewodów stalowo-aluminiowych, wysokotemperaturowe zamienniki przewodu 236-AL1/40-ST1A, 357-AL1/46-ST1A, 520-AL1/467-ST1A, charakterystyki naprężenie/zwis - temperatura, naprężenie montażowe 30% RTS przewodów HTLS, wariant 1, 2, analiza wyników obliczeń, obciążalność prądowa przewodów wg IEEE 738-1993, metodyka obliczeń, charakterystyki prądowe, stratność przesył
The continuous casting technology of the aluminum rod assigned for the wire for electrical purposes
Abstract. New technologies of the production of the aluminium charge assigned for drawing, including the tests on the process of continuous casting (CC). This type of technology, which includes the casting of copper and zinc, is widely spread in the world (trademarks: Upcast, Rautomead and Vertic). Yet, there is a lack of experience in the production and reproduction of the cast wires made of aluminium and its alloys assigned for electrical purposes. That is why the authors of the work aimed at investigating the casting process of the aluminium wires obtained with the technology of continuous casting. Introduction The tendency for replacing copper products with aluminium ones, present in the cable industry in the recent years, is mainly connected with the high cost of copper and, in the case of the motor industry, with the aim at lowering the mass of the vehicle. The group of new applications of aluminium wires includes flexible wires class 5 and 6, used as motor cables and enameled conductors for engine winding. This type of new applications require the wires with the diameters up to 0,2 mm [1]. This means the need for the search of new materials with the aluminium basis, characterizing in high deformability in the drawing process, with a simultaneous retaining of the required final mechanical and electrical properties of the wires. The basic practical limitation for the cable industry is -the possible to acquire -border diameter of the wires made from the traditionally applied aluminium, which is produced in the line of continuous casting and rolling (CCR), and also the aluminium's natural tendency for recovery, which makes difficult the process of crystallization and creates the risk of a diversification of the properties of the wire rod during the annealing recrystallizing into the temper O [2]. That is why there is a justifiable need for tests on the production technologies of the material assigned for deep drawing. The concept of a new production method for a charge material assigned for the drawing process, presented in this work, aims at the development of a technology of continuous casting of aluminium wires with the required diameter, and next its direct drawing into wires assigned for the electrical purposes. In our assumptions, the casting technology for aluminium wires refers to the continuous casting process for copper and its alloys, developed by Upcast and Rautomead, as well as for zinc, in the Vertic technology. The article presents the results of the laboratory tests on the process of reproduction of the cast aluminium wires class EN AW 1370, produced in the laboratory line of continuous casting, located at the Non-Ferrous Metal Department of the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Kraków
Minimally invasive techniques used for treatment of urolithiasis in children
The paediatric population is a special group among patients with urolithiasis. Within the past 25 years, the prevalence of this disease in the paediatric population has increased from 6% to 10%. The causes of this higher prevalence are not entirely clear but may be associated with various factors, such as: inappropriate eating habits, inappropriate diet, particularly rich in salt and animal protein, insufficient fluid intake, obesity, hypertension, pollution, faster pace of living as well as uncontrolled intake of multivitamin preparations and dietary supplements. The mean age of a paediatric patient with urolithiasis is 7–8 years. The aim of this publication is to present minimally invasive techniques used for treatment of urolithiasis in the paediatric population. Due to a high risk of disease recurrence, the selection of a treatment method that enables removal of calculi in the least invasive and the most effective way is vital in this group of patients. The choice of management depends on various factors, such as: location, size and composition of calculi, patient’s age, anatomical conditions, the degree of urinary outflow obstruction and recurring urinary tract infections. Surgical methods of urolithiasis treatment are identical in adults and in children. Minimally invasive techniques include extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL), ureterorenoscopic lithotripsy (URSL; ureterolithotripsy) and retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS). Owing to the technical advancement, minimally invasive techniques are effective in children and help evacuate calculi fully, even with a single procedure. It must be remembered, however, that they should be performed by experienced urologists in highly specialised and well-equipped centres.Populacja pediatryczna stanowi szczególną grupę pacjentów z kamicą układu moczowego. W ciągu ostatnich 25 lat częstość występowania tej choroby w populacji pediatrycznej wzrosła z 6% do 10%. Przyczyny zwiększonej zachorowalności nie są do końca wyjaśnione, ale na wzrost częstości kamicy moczowej mogą mieć wpływ różne czynniki: nieprawidłowe nawyki żywieniowe, niewłaściwa dieta, zwłaszcza z dużą zawartością soli i pokarmów bogatych w białko zwierzęce, niedostateczna podaż płynów, otyłość, nadciśnienie tętnicze, zanieczyszczenie środowiska, przyspieszenie tempa życia, niekontrolowana podaż preparatów wielowitaminowych i suplementów. Przeciętny wiek pacjenta pediatrycznego z kamicą wynosi około 7–8 lat. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie technik małoinwazyjnych w leczeniu kamicy układu moczowego w populacji pediatrycznej. Ze względu na wysokie ryzyko nawrotu choroby w tej grupie zasadnicze znaczenie ma wybór takiej metody leczenia, która umożliwiłaby usunięcie złogów w sposób jak najmniej inwazyjny i jednocześnie skuteczny. Wybór odpowiedniego sposobu postępowania zależy od wielu czynników, takich jak: lokalizacja, wielkość i skład złogu, wiek pacjenta, warunki anatomiczne, stopień utrudnienia spływu moczu, nawracające zakażenia układu moczowego. Procedury chirurgicznego leczenia kamicy u dzieci są takie same jak u dorosłych. Wśród technik małoinwazyjnych należy wymienić litotrypsję pozaustrojową (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, ESWL), nefrolitotrypsję przezskórną (percutaneous nephrolithotomy, PCNL), litotrypsję ureterorenoskopową (ureterolithotripsy, URSL) i wsteczną chirurgię śródnerkową (retrograde intrarenal surgery, RIRS). Metody małoinwazyjnego leczenia kamicy u dzieci dzięki zaawansowanemu rozwojowi techniki są efektywne i umożliwiają całkowitą ewakuację złogów już podczas pierwszej procedury. Należy jednak pamiętać, że powinny być wykonywane przez doświadczonych urologów, w wysokospecjalistycznych i dobrze wyposażonych ośrodkach
TCP Parameters Monitoring of Robotic Stations
The impulse for writing the paper is the observation of the works related to the implementation of robotization of processes such as machining, glue application, welding and painting. The abovementioned processes, in addition to the correct implementation of the trajectory, require the definition of various parameters (e.g., speed) in the robot’s software. In the trajectories where the reconfiguration of the robot arms is observed, there are significant errors in the implementation of the defined speed. Robotic technology suppliers, in the event of speed disturbances, manually increase the defined speed value or experimentally select other parameters. It is a cumbersome process, and the lack of information about the process parameters makes it time-consuming and inaccurate. In this paper, one representative process is selected, namely machining performed with various tools by ABB robots. In order for the robotic process to be controlled, it is necessary to compare the defined path with the speed profile. Then, the speed parameters can be controlled and corrected. The approach proposed in the paper allows for improving the quality of implemented robotic processes. It presents the available IT tools for station monitoring and how to use them. The advantages of the proposed solutions and their limitations are shown in the examples of implementation of robotic stations in the industry
TCP Parameters Monitoring of Robotic Stations
The impulse for writing the paper is the observation of the works related to the implementation of robotization of processes such as machining, glue application, welding and painting. The abovementioned processes, in addition to the correct implementation of the trajectory, require the definition of various parameters (e.g., speed) in the robot’s software. In the trajectories where the reconfiguration of the robot arms is observed, there are significant errors in the implementation of the defined speed. Robotic technology suppliers, in the event of speed disturbances, manually increase the defined speed value or experimentally select other parameters. It is a cumbersome process, and the lack of information about the process parameters makes it time-consuming and inaccurate. In this paper, one representative process is selected, namely machining performed with various tools by ABB robots. In order for the robotic process to be controlled, it is necessary to compare the defined path with the speed profile. Then, the speed parameters can be controlled and corrected. The approach proposed in the paper allows for improving the quality of implemented robotic processes. It presents the available IT tools for station monitoring and how to use them. The advantages of the proposed solutions and their limitations are shown in the examples of implementation of robotic stations in the industry
Application of a 3D Scanner in Robotic Measurement of Aviation Components
The aviation industry is associated with high precision and accuracy standards of the manufactured components, and thus the need to ensure precise quality control. Measurement processes, depending on the manufactured components, take place before, during and after the processing stage. Optical scanners can be used for these measurements, the measurement results of which can be displayed on the operator panel or used to prepare a report. The innovative approach is to measure, compare the results with a pattern, send the deviations to a neural decision-making system, select the forces and send the results to a robot controller for adaptive machining. The presented proprietary solution includes a data acquisition system, a neural decision-making system and a robot that carries out the machining process via force control. The proposed solution was verified on aviation components. During the process parameter optimization stage for the diffuser and ADT gearbox, the points describing the change in width of the chamfer being performed and the blade thickness in the control sections were approximated