68 research outputs found

    Cohen-Macaulayness and computation of Newton graded toric rings

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    Let HH be a positive semigroup in Zd\mathbb{Z}^d generated by AA, and let K[H]K[H] be the associated semigroup ring over a field KK. We investigate heredity of the Cohen-Macaulay property from K[H]K[H] to both its AA-Newton graded ring and to its face rings. We show by example that neither one inherits in general the Cohen-Macaulay property. On the positive side we show that for every HH there exist generating sets AA for which the Newton graduation preserves Cohen-Macaulayness. This gives an elementary proof for an important vanishing result on AA-hypergeometric Euler-Koszul homology. As a tool for our investigations we develop an algorithm to compute algorithmically the Newton filtration on a toric ring.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Irregularity of hypergeometric systems via slopes along coordinate subspaces

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    We study the irregularity sheaves attached to the AA-hypergeometric DD-module MA(β)M_A(\beta) introduced by Gel'fand et al., where A∈Zd×nA\in\mathbb{Z}^{d\times n} is pointed of full rank and β∈Cd\beta\in\mathbb{C}^d. More precisely, we investigate the slopes of this module along coordinate subspaces. In the process we describe the associated graded ring to a positive semigroup ring for a filtration defined by an arbitrary weight vector LL on torus equivariant generators. To this end we introduce the (A,L)(A,L)-umbrella, a simplicial complex determined by AA and LL, and identify its facets with the components of the associated graded ring. We then establish a correspondence between the full (A,L)(A,L)-umbrella and the components of the LL-characteristic variety of MA(β)M_A(\beta). We compute in combinatorial terms the multiplicities of these components in the LL-characteristic cycle of the associated Euler-Koszul complex, identifying them with certain intersection multiplicities. We deduce from this that slopes of MA(β)M_A(\beta) are combinatorial, independent of β\beta, and in one-to-one correspondence with jumps of the (A,L)(A,L)-umbrella. This confirms a conjecture of Sturmfels and gives a converse of a theorem of Hotta: MA(β)M_A(\beta) is regular if and only if AA defines a projective variety.Comment: 44 pages, 3 figures, choose PS or PDF to see figures, new Lemma 2.8 fills gap in previous version of Lemma 2.12, error in previous version of Theorem 3.2 repaired by considering L-holonomic modules in Sections 3.2 and 4.

    Computing homomorphisms between holonomic D-modules

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    Let K be a subfield of the complex numbers, and let D be the Weyl algebra of K-linear differential operators on K[x_1,...,x_n]. If M and N are holonomic left D-modules we present an algorithm that computes explicit generators for the finite dimensional vector space hom_D(M,N). This enables us to answer algorithmically whether two given holonomic modules are isomorphic. More generally, our algorithm can be used to get explicit generators for ext^i_D(M,N) for any i.Comment: 30 pages, AMS-LaTex, uses verbatim,amsmath,latexsym,amssymb,amsbsy,diagram
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