23 research outputs found


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    This contains the Matlab m-files necessary to generate Fig. 3 of the main article


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    This contains the Matlab m-files necessary to generate Figs. C4 and C5 of the online supplement

    Model and Scanning algorithm

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    Mathematica code to find combinations of size-dependent mortality and size-independent mortality where F(sM) has three zero

    Appendix A. An evaluation of several moment closures for the dynamical system in Eqs. 4 and 5 (including the one given as Eq. 6).

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    An evaluation of several moment closures for the dynamical system in Eqs. 4 and 5 (including the one given as Eq. 6)

    Average payoff as a function of the parameters of the cost and benefit functions, spatial structure, and update rules.

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    <p>Each individual panel shows the average payoff of Mutualist A and Mutualist B, calculated as the arithmetic mean of their payoffs over the last generations, out of the total of generations, and averaged over five replicate model runs. The three parameters of the benefit and cost functions are varied as follows: and along the axes and between the upper () and lower () eight panels. The black line on white background indicates the threshold, below which no investments can evolve. Results for well-mixed populations are shown in the eight panels on the left, while results for spatially structured populations are shown in the eight panels on the right. Odd and even columns correspond to synchronous and asynchronous updating, respectively. Rows show results for a constant mutational standard deviation (first and third rows) and a constant mutational coefficient of variation (second and fourth rows). Other parameters: , , and .</p