63 research outputs found

    Survival prediction in high-grade gliomas using CT perfusion imaging.

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    Patients with high-grade gliomas usually have heterogeneous response to surgery and chemoirradiation. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate serial changes in tumor volume and perfusion imaging parameters and (2) to determine the value of these data in predicting overall survival (OS). Twenty-nine patients with World Health Organization grades III and IV gliomas underwent magnetic resonance (MR) and computed tomography (CT) perfusion examinations before surgery, and 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after radiotherapy. Serial measurements of tumor volumes and perfusion parameters were evaluated by receiver operating characteristic analysis, Cox proportional hazards regression, and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis to determine their values in predicting OS. Higher trends in blood flow (BF), blood volume (BV), and permeability-surface area product in the contrast-enhancing lesions (CEL) and the non-enhancing lesions (NEL) were found in patients with OS \u3c 18 months compared to those with OS ≥ 18 months, and these values were significant at selected time points (P \u3c 0.05). Only CT perfusion parameters yielded sensitivities and specificities of ≥70 % in predicting 18 and 24 months OS. Pre-surgery BF in the NEL and BV in the CEL and NEL 3 months after radiotherapy had sensitivities and specificities \u3e80 % in predicting 24 months OS in patients with grade IV gliomas. Our study indicated that CT perfusion parameters were predictive of survival and could be useful in assessing early response and in selecting adjuvant treatment to prolong survival if verified in a larger cohort of patients

    Basement membrane components are key players in specialized extracellular matrices

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    More than three decades ago, basement membranes (BMs) were described as membrane-like structures capable of isolating a cell from and connecting a cell to its environment. Since this time, it has been revealed that BMs are specialized extracellular matrices (sECMs) with unique components that support important functions including differentiation, proliferation, migration, and chemotaxis of cells during development. The composition of these sECM is as unique as the tissues to which they are localized, opening the possibility that such matrices can fulfill distinct functions. Changes in BM composition play significant roles in facilitating the development of various diseases. Furthermore, tissues have to provide sECM for their stem cells during development and for their adult life. Here, we briefly review the latest research on these unique sECM and their components with a special emphasis on embryonic and adult stem cells and their niches

    Saltwater intrusion in the unconfined coastal aquifer of Cervia (Italy)

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    The coastal freatic aquifer of the Cervia city is polluted by salt water. Protection of fresh groundwater resources in this area is complicated by the presence of multiple stakeholders and by the fragmentation of the authorities responsible for land planning. This study is aimed to understand the causes of the problem and to propose ideas for an integrated and sustainable water resourse management in the city area. The data collected were organized in a Geographic Information System and included water table depth, temperature and electric conductivity. The monitoring network is composed of \u201clarge\u201d diameter private wells, wells located in the bathing establishments, piezometers and measurement points in the drainage canals, in the salt work inflow canal (Canale del Pino) and in the Cervia harbour canal. A field monitoring campaign over a period of 1 year allowed the construction of water table maps as well as 3D temperature and salinity distribution representations. A new topographic survey in the urban area has been necessary to acquire accurate elevation data. Many of the new elevation data resulted below sea level or in its close proximity. Consequently, most of the aquifer does not have a hydraulic head able to contrast the intrusion of the salt wedge at its base (Ghyben-Herzberg principle). Water table maps correlate very well to the salinity data distribution that show an aquifer almost completely invaded by salt water with bubbles of surface fresh water almost completely confined to elevated areas located near the coast. The causes of slat water intrusion in the aquifer, identified in our study, are the following ordered from most important to less important: direct contamination from water bodies open to sea (canals), subsidence, drainage of farmland, groundwater winning from wells along the shoreline (bathing establishments) and, last, groundwater winning from private wells inland. On the basis of these results we propose a mitigation plan that includes the lining of the Canale del Pino and of the Cervia harbour, and a different management plan for the floodgates on the canals. We also propose to provide shoreline establishments with freshwater from the municipality aqueduct or from the Emilia-Romagna irrigation canal in a way to stop direct tapping from the aquifer


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    Nell'ambito dello studio dell'intrusione d'acqua salata nell'acquifero freatico costiero del Comune di Cervia, la creazione di una carta delle isofreatiche è stata particolarmente difficile a causa della mancanza di una topografia del territorio dettagliata e aggiornata e d'informazioni omogenee e recenti relativamente alla profondità della falda. Le uniche informazioni disponibili si riferiscono al rilievo topografico del 1978 e a dati freatimetrici relativi al 1994, troppo vecchi se si considera che l'area investigata si colloca in una zona con forti tassi di subsidenza (maggiore di 2 mm/anno) e caratterizzata da enormi trasformazioni indotte sia dalle opere di bonifica sia dall'enorme sviluppo urbanistico e turistico. Un nuovo rilievo topografico di dettaglio e il monitoraggio della falda su base GIS, hanno permesso di creare una carta delle isofreatiche aggiornata e precisa, da cui identificare e localizzare la presenza di acqua salata nell'acquifero superficiale. L'importanza della precisione topografica è stigmatizzata dal fatto che la profondità della superficie di separazione fra acque dolci e salate, secondo la legge di Ghyben-Herzberg, è circa 40 volte l'altezza del livello freatico sopra il livello del mare. Una errore di pochi centimetri nella stima di quest'altezza si traduce in un errore 40 volte superiore nella localizzazione della superficie di separazione. Molte delle quote topografiche nel nuovo rilievo si sono rilevate sotto il livello del mare o in prossimità di esso e le quote freatiche sono raramente, se non nelle zone dunari e nei mesi invernali, sopra il livello del mare. I nuovi rilievi sono consistenti con i dati di conducibilità elettrica che mostrano un acquifero prevalentemente salato.During the characterization of the Salt-water intrusion in the freatic aquifer of Cervia, we had many problems in reconstructing the water table maps, because of the lack of an updated topography of the territory The only available information refer to the topographical survey of 1978 and to water table depths data going back to 1994, too old considering that the investigated area is placed in a strong subsidence region (larger than 2 mm/year). A new detailed topographical survey and aquifer monitoring, integrated within a GIS, allowed to construct new precise and updated water table maps that characterize the actual condition of salt water intrusion in the aquifer. The importance of topographical precision stems from the fact that the salt water – fresh water interface depth, as stated by the Ghyben-Herzberg relationship, is approximately 40 times the height of water table above sea level. An error of a few centimeters in estimating this height translates in an error 40 times larger in estimating the saltwater/freshwater interface depth. Most of the topography in this area is now placed below sea level or in its proximity and the freatic level is very rarely above it. The new water table maps are consistent with the electric conductivity data that show an aquifer almost completely salt

    The Influence of Climate Change on the Water Budget in the Regional Park of the Po River Delta (Italy).

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    An end-of-the month water balance model called Watbal was used to calculate the components of the hydrologic water budget for several sites of the Regional Park of the Po River Delta (Italy). A sandy soil covered with Pine trees, served as an analogue for the Pinewoods of San Vitale (Ravenna) and the Pinewoods of Cervia, a clay rich soil covered with Swamp Reed served as an analogue for Punte Alberete (Ravenna), and a clay-rich soil with corn simulated agricultural land near Cervia. Both long term measured monthly average temperature and precipitation values served as input as well as three other climate scenarios with increased average temperatures and/or precipitation, to simulate climatic changes in the near future. The modeling results show that the effect of a change in temperature is much more dramatic than a change in precipitation: the increase in evapotranspiration due to average air temperature increase by two degrees, is not compensated by an increase of 2.5 % of the average accumulative monthly precipitation. This effect is more pronounced on clay rich soils than on sandy soils. Clay will release more moisture in warmer times while the soil moisture in sand is very low during the warmest months also now, and cannot decrease much further. The predicted loss of freshwater due to increased evapotranspiration would have a large effect on the water supply for irrigation and drinking water and would alter many of the habitats posing a danger for existing plant and animal communities