8 research outputs found

    Effective Video Encoding in Lossless and Near-lossless Modes

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    Entropy coder for audio signals

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    In the paper an effective entropy coder designed for coding of prediction errors of audio signals is presented. The coder is implemented inside a greater structure which signal modeling part is a lossless coding backward adaptation algorithm consisting of cascaded OLS and NLMS sections is presented. The technique performance is compared to that of 4 other lossless codecs, including MPEG-4 ALS one, and it is shown that indeed, the new method is the best one. The entropy coder is an advanced context adaptive Golomb one followed by two context adaptive arithmetic coders

    Novel Ideas for Lossless Audio Coding

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    Novel ideas for lossless audio coding analyzed in the paper are linked with forward predictor adaptation, and concern optimization of predictors on the basis of zero-orderentropy and MMAE criterions, and context sound coding. Direct use of the former criterion is linked with exponential growth of optimization procedure, hence, a suboptimal algorithm having polynomial complexity is proposed. It is shown that on average the new types of predictors are better than those obtained by MMSE technique, while two- and three context systems are on average better than a single predictor one. It also appears that 7-bit PARCOR coefficients in the MPEG-4 ALS standard have insufficient precision for some predictor length, and that for very long frames coding results improve with the predictor rank practically in unlimited way

    A new efficient predictor blending lossless image coder

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    In the paper a highly efficient algorithm for lossless image coding is described. The algorithm is a predictor blending one, a sample estimate is computed as a weighted sum of estimates given by subpredictors, here 27 ones, hence the name Blend-2. Data compaction performance of Blend-27 is compared to that of numerous other lossless image coding algorithms, including the best currently existing ones. The compared methods are "classical" ones, as well as those based on Artificial Neural Networks. Performance of Blend-27 as a near-lossless coder is also evaluated. Its computational complexity is lower than that of majority of its direct competitors. The new algorithm appears to be currently the most efficient technique for lossless coding of natural images

    Wykorzystanie adaptacyjnego kodera arytmetycznego z prze艂膮czaniem kontekst贸w do bezstratnej kompresji obraz贸w

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s.117-118Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: W artykule zaprezentowano metod臋 bezstratnej kompresji obraz贸w. Przedstawiono klasyfikacj臋 wsp贸艂czesnych metod, a nast臋pnie scharakteryzowano podstawowe typy predykcyjnego kodowania. Zaproponowano efektywn膮 metod臋 mieszania predyktor贸w wraz z wykorzystaniem kontekstowej korekcji b艂臋du, jako efektywny spos贸b wst臋pnego modelowania obraz贸w. Opracowano te偶 wielokontekstowy, adaptacyjny koder arytmetyczny, kt贸ry poddano szczeg贸艂owej analizie. Po艂膮czenie obu propozycji zaowocowa艂o otrzymaniem wydajnej i szybkiej metody kompresji obraz贸w, kt贸r膮 mo偶na w 艂atwy spos贸b zaimplementowa膰 zar贸wno sprz臋towo, jak i programowo. S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: bezstratna kompresja obraz贸w, modelowanie predykcyjne, adaptacyjny koder arytmetyczny. ABSTRACT: A method of lossless image compression is described in this paper. A classification of contemporary methods is provided, and basic types of predictive coding are characterized. An effective method of blending predictors together with an application of a context error correction is proposed as an effective way for a first-stage image modeling. The developed, multi-context, adaptive arithmetic encoder is analyzed in details. The combination of the two proposals resulted in obtaining an effective and fast image compression method, which is easily implementable in both software and hardware. KEYWORDS: lossless image compression, predictive modeling, adaptive arithmetic encoder

    Lossless Image Coding Using Non-MMSE Algorithms to Calculate Linear Prediction Coefficients

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    This paper presents a lossless image compression method with a fast decoding time and flexible adjustment of coder parameters affecting its implementation complexity. A comparison of several approaches for computing non-MMSE prediction coefficients with different levels of complexity was made. The data modeling stage of the proposed codec was based on linear (calculated by the non-MMSE method) and non-linear (complemented by a context-dependent constant component removal block) predictions. Prediction error coding uses a two-stage compression: an adaptive Golomb code and a binary arithmetic code. The proposed solution results in 30% shorter decoding times and a lower bit average than competing solutions (by 7.9% relative to the popular JPEG-LS codec)

    A High Efficiency Multistage Coder for Lossless Audio Compression using OLS+ and CDCCR Method

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    In this paper, the improvement of the cascaded prediction method was presented. Three types of main predictor block with different levels of complexity were compared, including two complex prediction methods with backward adaptation, i.e., extension Active Level Classification Model (ALCM+) and extended Ordinary Least Square (OLS+). Our own approach to implementation of the effective context-dependent constant component removal block is also presented. Additionally, the improved adaptive arithmetic coder with short, medium and long-term adaptation was presented, and the experiment was carried out comparing the results with other known lossless audio coders against which our method obtained the best efficiency