187 research outputs found

    Proposal of a Groove Cavitator on a Supercavitation Propeller

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    A supercavitation propeller (SCP) that has high efficiency under supercavitating condition is expected as one of the most suitable propulsors for a high-speed vessel. To design a SCP with higher efficiency, a thinner cavity is recommended. However, less supercavitation sometimes occur contrary to the designer's expectation, thus the thrust becomes less than the design value and the efficiency becomes lower. In order to obtain the predicted thrust and high efficiency, it is necessary to let stable cavitation occur from the leading edge as predicted by theory. The authors propose a new cavitator that stimulates cavitation by a thin groove near the leading edge on the backside surface. Through the present comparative tests between propellers with and without the cavitator, it was clarified that the proposed cavitator is effective in stimulating and stabilizing a supercavity, and that it increases the propeller efficiency


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    Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Pierce membagi semiotika menjadi tiga elemen utama atau yang disebut sebagai segitiga makna atau triangle meaning antara lain: a) Tanda merupakan sesuatu yang berbentuk secara fisik yang dapat kita serap oleh panca indera manusia. b) Acuan tanda (objek) adalah konteks sosial yang dijadikan referensi sebuah tanda atau sesuatu yang ditunjuk oleh tanda. c) Pengguna tanda (interpretant) merupakan suatu konsep pemikiran yang menggunakan tanda serta menurunkan tanda ke suatu makna tertentu, segitiga makna tersebut dapat menggambarkan makna yang ada di dalam logo tersebut. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif yaitu metode deskriptif yang tepat digunakan untuk paradigma konstruktivism


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    Pro dan Kontra menerpa Gubernur Banten Wahidin Halim (WH) setelah mengumumkan 2 (dua) warga Provinsi Banten terkonfirmasi positif Corona Virus Disease (Covid)-19. Pengumuman diunggah di media sosial Instagram dan tersebar baik di media massa ataupun aplikasi chating. Dengan metode purposive random sampling melalui sebaran google form. Kami melakukan penelitian tentang efek tayangan video penjelasan kasus Corona di Banten terhadap khalayak yang berdomisili di Kota Tangerang. Dari data ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebaran video pernyataan  Gubernur Banten Wahidin Halim tentang kasus di Provinsi Banten berefek besar terhadap efek kognitif afektif dan dan perilaku responden.  Hal ini terlihat dari rata-rata jawaban tingkat persetujuan responden yang tinggi pada efek kognitif (M= 2,30 - 3,30) afektif (M= 2,50 - 3,02) dan perilaku (M= 2,30 - 2,76). Kata kunci: Efek tayangan, Corona, Bante


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    Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) merupakan Lembaga pemerintah yang bergerak dibidang jasa, salah satu tugas dan fungsi KPAI yaitu menerima pengaduan dari masyarakat yang berhubungan dengan hak anak serta menyediakan mediasi untuk para pihak yang ingin melakukan penyelesaian kasus melalui bantuan dari para mediator yang ada di KPAI. Melakukan mediasi membutuhkan strategi yang baik sehingga dapat mencapai kesepakatan bersama. Dengan menganalisis masalah peneliti menggunakan teori interaksi simbolik yang dikemukakan oleh Mead dan strategi komunikasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara,observasi serta dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa strategi komunikasi yang di lakukan oleh mediator saat pandemi meliputi 5 tahapan : (1) Penelitian; mediator dalam melakukan tahap penelitian dengan mempelajari kasus tersebut (2) Perencanaan; mediator mengetahui latar belakang dari kedua belah pihak sangat diperlukan agar para mediator bisa menyesuaikan, selain itu juga mencari tahu sifat kedua belah pihak dari pelapor maupun terlapor (3) Pelaksanaan; melakukan pelaksanaan melalui zoom meeting (4) Evaluasi; menurut informan 1 dan 2 melakukan pemanggilan ulang tetapi itu dilakukan dengan divisi monef, menurut informan 3 dan 4 tidak ada evaluasi yang dilakukan mediator (5) Pelaporan; pelaporan tidak dilakukan oleh mediator melainkan divisi monef

    Eye-tracking analysis of the educational effect of refutation text in reading science texts: Case of celestial movements and seasonal changes

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    Refutation text is focusing on learner’s naive concept in order to refute it and forming scientific concept. It has been reported that reading refutation text is more effective than reading expository text in changing naive concepts of learners. According to Broughton et al. (2010), those who read refutation text spent less time reading than those who read expository text and made fewer errors on the post-test. This may suggest the cognitive efficiency in reading refutation text. In previous studies, the educational effects of using expository text or refutation text were examined by comparing the percentage of correct answers to pre-test, post-test etc., to verify the effects. It has already been reported how learners' gaze allocation to sentences differs between expository text and refutation text (Ariasi et al., 2017). However, so far, few eye-tracking researches have been conducted. In this study, we used an eye-tracking device to conduct a qualitative investigation on how the eye movements and time differed between the group who read the refutation text and the group who read the expository text. The target of the survey is about 20 Japanese undergraduate and graduate students, and the survey period is scheduled for June to August 2022. As for the research questions, we created refutation text and expository text on the subjects of celestial movements and seasonal changes, referring to the research questions of previous research by Broughton et al. (2010). The survey method is as follows. (1) A paper-based pre-test was conducted. (2) Measure eye movements of subjects who read survey questions presented on a monitor. At this time, one group was shown only the refutation text, and the other group was shown only the expository text. In addition, to both groups, another same scientific text was displayed on the monitor in order to measure the personal reading speed. (3) A paper-based post-test was conducted. (4) After the measurement, we conducted a semi-structured interview, including to see which part of the sentences the learner paid attention to, and recorded the audio. At present, as a reproduction of the results of previous research, the group that read the refutation text spent less time reading the text, and when comparing the rate of increase in scores between the pre-test and the post-test, the group that read the refutation text had a tendency for the score to increase significantly. The analysis of the data obtained by eye tracking will be presented at the conference. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP21K02890. REFERENCES Broughton, S. H., Sinatra, G. M., & Reynolds, R. E. (2010). The nature of the refutation text effect: An investigation of attention allocation. The Journal of Educational Research, 103(6), 407–423. Ariasi, N., Hyönä, J., Kaakinen, J. K., & Mason, L. (2017). An eye‐movement analysis of the refutation effect in reading science text. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 33, 202-221. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.1215


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan  siswa bermain bola polly dalam melakukan service atas dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Drill dan Bermain  pada siswa kelas V  SD Negeri  Megamendung Kecamatan Serangpanjang Kabupaten Subang semester genap tahun pelajaran 2017/2018. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 11 orang siswa yang heterogen. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus sertiap siklus terdiri dari 3 pertemuan , pada 2 pertemuan awal pembelajaran tentang pembahaasan materi pelajaran, sedangkan pertemuan ke 3 dilaksanakan tes formatif. Rata- rata hasil tes .   pada siklus 1 dapat dipaparkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan nilai rata-rata peserta didik menjadi 66,36 dengan prosentase ketuntasan 55,45%. Nilai tersebut belum mencapai indikator  utama penelitian yaitu minimal 68% ketuntasan belajar.dan siklus II nilai rata-rata peserta didik sudah mencapai 83,63. Dengan nilai terendah 60. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Drill dan Bermain dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri Megamendung Kecamatan Serangpanjang Kabupaten Subang semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2017/2018 pada materi bermain bola polly dalam melakukan service atas

    Komunikasi Interpersonal PT. Grab dalam Peralihan Kendaraan Konvensional ke Kendaraan Listrik

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    Transportation services have a very important role in human life, where transportation services are used to facilitate their daily activities. With the presence of the latest innovations in the field of transportation, one example of the latest advances in the transportation industry is the presence of a company that provides application-based online transportation services, namely Grab. Now Grab is formalizing the new look of its electric vehicle called Grab Electric. The transition of conventional vehicles to electric vehicles carried out by Grab can have a positive impact on the use of electric vehicles, namely helping to reduce carbon gas emissions. So in this case the author wants to know the interpersonal communication process at Grab to its partners. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods based on case studies at PT Grab with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. The theory used by researchers is the theory of Social Exchange or social exchange developed by Thibaut and Kelly. The results of this study indicate that the use of electric vehicles by driver partners has a positive impact due to lower operating costs. &nbsp


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    The purpose of this study is to explain how the stigma of an unidentified body is shown in the film. This research uses constructivism paradigm with Christian Metz's semiotic theory to be able to analyze language in film. The results of this study indicate that there is a stigma given to an unidentified body which is shown through dialogue between characters. The forms of stigma shown in this film are separation and discrimination. Semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic analysis in this film shows that stigma marks are displayed through character dialogue which contains the meaning conveyed, a series of character stigma signs are also displayed through character attributes and how to take pictures, then the context of the sitgma sign dialogue that appears is the social context. , the context of shared knowledge, and the psychological context