11 research outputs found

    Short Sea Shipping – an Opportunity for Development of the North Port of Split

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    The current state of the North Port, part of the Port of Split predetermined for the cargo turnover, shows modest rate traffic. The paper examines if there is a potential for the further development and modernization of the port by integrating the Short Sea Shipping (SSS) services. Analysis regarding the main principles of the SSS concept has been provided for the North Port in order to penetrate and exploit new markets and demands as well as the directions of the future growth, mainly by using intermodal transport services. This implies particularly the revitalization of the Una track and investments in “green” technologies with the purpose of lowering the external costs of transport and positioning on the market as a green port offering lower harbour fees and taxes. With the implementation of new technologies based on sustainable development, eco-friendly mechanization, and port equipment, the North Port could establish new markets positioned in the hinterland and gravitational background of the city of Split and achieve a higher cargo turnover, primarily in the container transport, but also in the other segments of the port business

    Environmental Impact of Underwater Noise

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    The description of sound as a form of energetic pollutant is very complex as is also its impact on aquatic life. Human activities causing continuous and implosive underwater noise, such as marine traffic, maintenance of ships, coastal tourism, marine research, military, offshore energy platforms, generation of ocean energies and construction operations are expected to increase. The paper analyses current approach to minimise the impact of underwater noise and limit its emissions, examines regulatory approach and discusses the possibilities to control this type of pollution in order to ensure the preservation of natural underwater soundscape. The timely implementation and further development of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive and its provisions related to underwater noise is of exceptional importance for the Adriatic Sea, which is facing increasing pressure from various industries generating underwater noise

    Bibliometric analysis of sustainable shipping in Web of Science database in 2020 and 2021

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    The word sustainable became more and more important in maritime affairs especially in shipping. It has strong impact on environmental, social and economic sector. Throughout the years the number of researches on sustainable shipping has increased and became often represented in scientific articles. Through the authors’ science mapping, it could be noticed that many papers on this topic were elaborated on and were given the systematic literature review for the period of ten years, precisely 2009-2019. In this paper, authors try to research how many articles with the term sustainable shipping had been published in the last two years. The term sustainable shipping was searched in keywords, publication titles and abstracts. The research resulted in 35 selected papers. The obtained scientific papers are categorized according to the following: Web of science Categories, Web of Science Index, Paper Document, Open Access, Research Area and Countries. The paper will try to give future research directions how to easily categorize hot research topics in the domain of the word sustainable or any other, which is of author’s interests.Peer Reviewe

    The Impact of Nautical Activities on the Environment—A Systematic Review of Research

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    As nautical tourism and recreational activities involving boats have become highly popular, research interest on various effects of nautical tourism is also increasing. This paper aims to analyze the main scientific contributions in the field of nautical tourism and its impact on the environment. The focus of the analysis is on the methods used to estimate and model recreational boating activities. Since nautical tourism plays a crucial role in the context of the growth and development of the economy, it is necessary to consider the environmental component of its development. The background objective of the paper is to provide a representation of environmental descriptors, i.e., to highlight in particular the environmental impact of nautical tourism. A search on the Web of Science Core Collection, touching on this topic, is composed of scientific papers published in the period 2010–2021. The papers examined are divided into five categories according to the impact of nautical tourism they study: Environmental, Economic, Social, Technical or Other. The results show that most papers were published in the area of environmental impacts of nautical tourism, with most papers examining invasive species, antifouling and impacts on species. The analysis showed that the negative impacts were mainly studied individually. Based on the analysis and evaluation of the scientific publications, a basic recommendation is given for the construction of a model to estimate recreational boating activities and its impact on the environment

    Overview of status and priorities for sustainable management of european seaports

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    In the past decade a strong commitment in terms of environmental protection and sustainable development in port sector is noted. In order to achieve and maintain the environmental performance of port it is necessary to establish guidelines and priorities. This paper presents status and priorities which are marked within the European port sector through ESPO`s Ecoports environmental reports for the period 2013-2018. The change of environmental priorities in the port sector over the years has been noticed and therefore potential reasons for priority changes are addressed in this paper. The general aim of set priorities is to provide information about the high priority environmental issues and thus set the framework for guidance and initiatives that influence the environmental performance of the port. The analysis indicates that most of European ports actively work to protect the environment and thus guarantee sustainable development. From 2016 to 2018 the top 3 priorities have been the same (air quality, noise and energy efficiency), while air quality has remained the number one priority of the European ports since 2013. It is interesting to highlight that climate change priority which has been introduced in 2017 has been rapidly climbing the ranks and went up by 3 places in 201

    Application of multi-criteria analysis for the introduction of green port management practices: an evaluation of energy efficient mobility in nautical ports

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    In Europe, at the end of the 20th century, the growth of marinas followed the rapid development of recreational marine activities. This trend has now slowed and today the creation of new marinas or the extension of existing marinas is less common, mainly due to the enforcement of protective environmental regulations. As the port sector is facing some major sustainability challenges, like tackling the pollution generated from port activities, the “green port”, or “green marina”, concept has now become a requirement. Both types of nautical ports, public ports and private marinas, share the same responsibility to achieve management standards. The term “green port” in practice describes the responsible behavior of all stakeholders in the port’s business, with a focus on the long-term vision towards the sustainable and climate-friendly development of the port’s infrastructure. This paper aims to confirm the adequacy of multi-criteria analysis (MCA) for the evaluation and introduction of energy efficient mobility options in nautical ports. Within the paper, a multi-criteria based model for energy-efficient mobility selection is presented. This model is tested on two Croatian private marinas and obtained results indicating the most suitable action for both. The output of the model showed that by far the best energy-efficient solution was the installation of electric charging stations (ECS) for cars. The presented model can assist decision-makers in port authorities and marina administrations in planning and finding the best scenario for the development of energy efficient systems and services

    The Port System in Addressing Sustainability Issues— A Systematic Review of Research

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the main scientific contributions in the field of sustainable seaports, with a particular focus on passenger seaports and passenger seaports’ commitment to sustainability. The focus of this analysis is on the methods used to improve and develop a sustainable seaport. A search of the Web of Science Core Collection that addresses this topic consists of scientific articles published from 2012 to 2022. The articles are divided into seven groups by research area (technical/technological, legal, organisational, economic, social, environmental, and other) and five groups by applied methodology (literature review, theoretical approach, qualitative approach/methods, quantitative approach/methods, and other). The results show that most of the papers were published in the field of the environmental impacts of a sustainable seaport and a sustainable passenger seaport. In addition, most papers used quantitative approach/methods

    Application of multi-criteria analysis for the introduction of green port management practices: an evaluation of energy efficient mobility in nautical ports

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    In Europe, at the end of the 20th century, the growth of marinas followed the rapid development of recreational marine activities. This trend has now slowed and today the creation of new marinas or the extension of existing marinas is less common, mainly due to the enforcement of protective environmental regulations. As the port sector is facing some major sustainability challenges, like tackling the pollution generated from port activities, the “green port”, or “green marina”, concept has now become a requirement. Both types of nautical ports, pub-lic ports and private marinas, share the same responsibility to achieve management standards. The term “green port” in practice describes the responsible behavior of all stakeholders in the port’s business, with a focus on the long-term vision towards the sustainable and climate-friendly development of the port’s infrastructure. This paper aims to confirm the adequacy of multi-criteria analysis (MCA) for the evaluation and introduction of energy efficient mobility options in nautical ports. Within the paper, a multi-criteria based model for energy-efficient mobility selection is presented. This model is tested on two Croatian private marinas and obtained results indicating the most suitable action for both. The output of the model showed that by far the best energy-efficient solution was the installation of electric charging stations (ECS) for cars. The presented model can assist decision-makers in port authorities and marina administrations in planning and finding the best scenario for the development of energy efficient systems and services

    Multicriteria Analysis of Alternative Marine Fuels in Sustainable Coastal Marine Traffic

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    Marine transportation is considered to be one of the most important aspects of global transportation services. Due to the increase in marine transportation, there are significant impacts on the marine environment. One of the possible measures for mitigation of the environmental impact could be switching to environmentally friendly fuel. However, the alternative fuel selection process is considered to be a problem due to various criteria to be considered and stakeholders that should be involved in the selection process. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the application of multicriteria analysis as a decision-support tool for the alternative marine fuel selection problem in coastal marine traffic. The suggested methodology takes into account environmental, technological, and economic aspects, and ensures the participation of different stakeholders in the selection process. The priority ranking of the alternatives is based on a combination of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). The implementation of this method considers the involvement of relevant stakeholders through evaluation of the criteria weights and performance of each alternative with respect to each criterion. The method is applied for the case study of Croatia, where the results demonstrated that the best alternative for all stakeholders is electric propulsion, even though there are differences in opinions and perceptions with respect to the objectives and criteria. The findings of this analysis, likely the first of this type in this area, can serve as a solid basis for strategic planning