39 research outputs found

    The practice of technological deception in videoconferencing systems for distance learning and ways to counter it

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    This article raises the problem of high-tech deception using video conferencing means during distance learning, which is of increased relevance due to the digitalization of the educational process, with the growth of digital literacy of young people. The article presents some methods of fraud, including a relatively new technology that is very popular: Deepfake. The article details two popular tools for replacing faces, each of which provides step-by-step instructions on how to create, configure and apply in life. The organizational methods that are presented will help teachers detect even the most disguised forgery, including future voice spoofing, and stop any attempt at deception. At the end of the article, the system is described with the help of the technologies that used to combat deepfakes, and an assessment of the danger of existing tools is given. The objectives of this article are to raise public interest in the problem of face substitution and high-tech deception in general, to create grounds for discussing the need to switch to a remote format of events, to broaden the horizons of the reader and provide him with an area for further work and research


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    Minimally invasive surgical procedures represent an extensive group of techniques that complement the arsenal of treating physicians to help patients. One of the directions are intravascular operations. Endovascular embolization of the prostate arteries is a competitive form of treatment for prostate adenoma in patients with contraindications to an open surgical manual. It is known, that prostate adenoma more often affects age-related men who have a variety of concomitant diseases. Such patients are not shown transurethral resection of the gland due to the severity of their condition. Therefore, to help these patients develop alternative methods of treatment. The article reviews the world data on the effectiveness of endovascular operations in patients with symptoms of the lower urinary tract.Минимально инвазивные хирургические вмешательства представляют обширную группу методик, дополняющих арсенал лечащих врачей для помощи пациентам. Одним из направлений являются внутрисосудитые операции. Эндоваскулярная эмболизация артерий простаты является альтернативным рентгенохирургическим методом лечения доброкачественной гиперплазии предстательной железы у пациентов с противопоказаниями к другим хирургическим пособиям. Известно, что аденома простаты чаще поражает возрастных мужчин, имеющих множество сопутствующих заболеваний. Таким пациентам не показана трансуретральная резекция железы в связи с тяжестью их состояния. Поэтому для помощи этим больным разрабатываются альтернативные способы лечения. В статье приведен обзор мировых данных об эффективности эндоваскулярных операций у пациентов с симптомами нижних мочевых путей

    Structural phase transformations in tin-fullerite films

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    X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, electron probe x-ray spectrum microanalysis, and Auger-electron spectroscopy were used to study the variations in the structure and elemental and phase compositions of tin-fullerite films stored in air. A new phase SnxC60, tin whiskers, and fullerite “flowers and petals” were found to form under internal compressive stresses

    Prospects for the development of LMS MAI and Microsoft Teams platforms after the end of quarantine

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    Distance learning has had a huge impact on the educational process of universities and schools. The main platform through which the e-learning process at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI) is carried out is LMS MAI Moodle. It should be noted that on the basis of this platform, a website with courses lms.mai.ru was created. The second in popularity and frequency of use is Microsoft Teams platform (MT). It is worth noting that thanks to the platforms for distance learning, the educational process was not only not disrupted or stopped, but was also supplemented with such advantages as autonomy and flexibility in acquiring knowledge. In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, on March 17, 2020, MAI completely switched to distance learning. At the moment, the epidemiological situation in Russia is improving and universities are again conducting face-to-face classroom studies. But what was happening with two platforms mentioned above after the end of the quarantine? Students and teachers of MAI say that the use of platforms has decreased, but classes are still held in this format. We discussed the prospects for further use of MT and LMS MAI in this article

    Influence of performance criteria on the selection of electric traction equipment and a temperature control system for a battery-powered vehicle with an electric traction drive

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    The paper deals with the main aspects of the selection of electric traction equipment and a temperature control system for the traction battery of a wheeled vehicle. We propose a computational and analytical method for determining the operating parameters of the main systems of a battery-powered vehicle with an electric traction drive. The cycles of motion of various complexity were considered and analyzed. Based on the analysis, an equivalent loading cycle was obtained. We also took a statistical sample of such basic parameters of the studied vehicle as current consumption, torque, and speed of the electric traction motor (ETM). The paper presents the main relationships between the studied vehicle parameters and the motion cycle. During the calculations, the main operation features in each of the studied systems were distinguished. Besides, we offer recommendations on the selection of electric traction equipment taking into account the technical requirements and basic operating conditions of vehicles. © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved