5 research outputs found

    Pediatric Urolithiasis in Croatia

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    A retrospective review was performed of the records of 148 Croatian children with urolithiasis treated between 1989 and 2003. The study evaluated age, gender, family history, clinical symptoms, location of stone, laboratory findings, stone composition, mode of treatment and compared our results with data from higher and lower socio-economic countries. The mean age of our patients was 9.38 years (10 months to 18 years). Thirty-seven children (25%) were less than 5 years (group 1), 44 (29.7%) were between 5 and 10 years (group 2) and 67 (45.3%) were older than 10 years of age (group 3). There were 60 girls and 88 boys with overall male to female ratio of 1.47. Abdominal pain (83%) and haematuria (59.5%) were the main symptoms in the groups 2 and 3. Urinary tract infection was predominant symptom in the group 1 (62.1%). Calculi were located in the kidney in 90 children (60.8%), in the ureter in 39 (26.4%), in the bladder in 8 (5.4%). Urinary tract anomalies with or without infection were associate with a greater frequency of urolithiasis in the youngest age group and hypercalciuria was predominant cause in children over 5. Stone analysis was performed in 80 children. Predominant constituent of stones was calcium oxalate (48.7%), followed by struvite (25%), calcium phosphate (13.7%), cystine (10%) and uric acid (1.2%). Calcium oxalate stones were most common in all age groups. Struvite stones were most prevalent in the children younger than 5 years of age. Most patients (33.1%) underwent surgery for removal of their calculi. In 31.8% of children stones were passed spontaneously and the highest spontaneous passage rate was in the group 3 (37.3%). Stone composition, location and etiology in Croatian children are similar to those in developed Western countries

    Smjernice za reanimaciju Europskog vijeća za reanimatologiju 2015. godine [European resuscitation council guidelines for resuscitation 2015]

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    Adult basic life support and automated external defibrillation – Interactions between the emergency medical dispatcher, the bystander who provides CPR and the timely deployment of an AED is critical. All CPR providers should perform chest compressions, those who are trained and able should combine chest compressions and rescue breaths in the ratio 30:2. Defibrillation within 3–5 min of collapse can produce survival rates as high as 50–70%. Adult advanced life support – Continued emphasis on minimally interrupted high-quality chest compressions, paused briefly only to enable specific interventions, including interruptions for less than 5 s to attempt defibrillation. Use of self-adhesive pads for defibrillation. Waveform capnography to confirm and continually monitor tracheal tube placement, quality of CPR and to provide an early indication of return of spontaneous circulation. Cardiac arrest in special circumstances – Special causes: hypoxia; hypo-/hyperkalemia, and other electrolyte disorders; hypo-/hyperthermia; hypovolemia; tension pneumothorax; tamponade; thrombosis; toxins. Special environments are specialised healthcare facilities, commercial airplanes or air ambulances, field of play, outside environment or the scene of a mass casualty incident. Special patients are those with severe comorbidities and with specific physiological conditions. Post resuscitation care is new to the ERC Guidelines. Targeted temperature management remains, now aiming at 36°C instead of the previously recommended 32 – 34°C. Pediatric life support – For chest compressions, the lower sternum should be depressed by at least one third the anterior-posterior diameter of the chest (4 cm for the infant and 5 cm for the child). For cardioversion of a supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), the initial dose has been revised to 1 J kg–1. Resuscitation and support of transition of babies at birth – For uncompromised babies, a delay in cord clamping of at least one minute from the complete delivery of the infant, is now recommended for term and preterm babies. Tracheal intubation should not be routine in the presence of meconium and should only be performed for suspected tracheal obstruction. Ventilatory support of term infants should start with air. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) – Pre-hospital recording of a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) is recommended in patients with suspected ST segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI). Patients with acute chest pain with presumed ACS do not need supplemental oxygen unless they present with signs of hypoxia, dyspnea, or heart failure. In geographic regions where PCI facilities exist and are available, direct triage and transport for PCI is preferred to pre-hospital fibrinolysis for STEMI. First aid is included for the first time in the 2015 ERC Guidelines. Principles of education in resuscitation – Directive CPR feedback devices are useful for improving compression rate, depth, release, and hand position. Whilst optimal intervals for retraining are not known, frequent ‘low dose’ retraining may be beneficial. Training in non-technical skills is an essential adjunct to technical skills. The ethics of resuscitation and end-of-life decisions – Ethical principles in the context of patient-centered health care: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence; justice and equal access. The need for harmonisation in legislation, jurisdiction, terminology and practice still remains within Europe

    European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015.

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    Osnovno održavanje života odraslih i automatska vanjska defibrilacija – Ključna je interakcija između dispečera hitne medicinske pomoći (HMP), laika koji pruža kardiopulmonalnu reanimaciju (KPR) i pravodobne uporabe automatskoga vanjskog defibrilatora (AVD). Svi pružatelji KPR-a trebaju provoditi kompresije prsnog koša, oni koji su uvježbani i sposobni trebaju kombinirati kompresije prsnog koša s umjetnim disanjem, u omjeru 30 : 2. Defibrilacija u roku od 3 do 5 minuta od kolapsa može rezultirati visokim preživljavanjem od 50 do 70%. Napredno održavanje života odraslih – Kontinuirani naglasak na minimalne prekide kompresija prsnog koša visoke kvalitete koje se prekidaju kratko samo da bi se omogućili specifični postupci, što uključuje i prekid na manje od 5 sekunda pri pokušaju defibrilacije. Uporaba samoljepljivih elektroda za defibrilaciju. Valna kapnografija kako bi se potvrdio i kontinuirano monitorirao položaj endotrahealnog tubusa, kvaliteta KPR-a i omogućio rani nagovještaj povratka spontane cirkulacije. Kardijalni arest u posebnim okolno stima – Posebni uzroci: hipoksija, hipo/hiperkaliemija i ostali elektrolitski poremećaji, hipo/hipertermija, hipovolemija, tenzijski pneumotoraks, kardijalna tamponada, tromboza, toksini. Posebno okružje jesu specijalizirani dijelovi bolnice, komercijalni avioni ili letjelice zračnoga medicinskog prijevoza, igrališta, vanjsko okružje ili poprište masovne nesreće. Posebni su bolesnici oni s teškim komorbiditetom i posebnim fiziološkim stanjima. Postreanimacijska skrb novi je odjeljak u smjernicama ERC-a. I dalje se preporučuje ciljana kontrola temperature, sada nastojeći postići 36°C, za razliku od prethodno preporučena 32–34°C. Osnovno održavanje života djece – Za kompresije prsnog koša donji dio prsne kosti trebalo bi potisnuti barem trećinu antero-posteriornog promjera (4 cm u dojenčeta i 5 cm u djeteta). Za kardioverziju supraventrikularne tahikardije (SVT) početna je doza revidirana do 1 J/kg. Reanimacija i potpora prilagodbi novorođenčeta nakon rođenja – Kod novorođenčadi koja nije ugrožena odgođeno stezanje (klemanje) pupkovine barem jednu minutu od kompletnog porođaja djeteta sad se preporučuje kod terminske novorođenčadi i nedonoščadi. U slučaju mekonijske plodne vode ne treba raditi rutinsku trahealnu intubaciju, nego samo pri sumnji na opstrukciju dišnoga puta. Ventilacijsku potporu kod terminske novorođenčadi treba započeti zrakom. Akutni koronarni sindromi (AKS) – Izvanbolničko snimanje 12-kanalnog EKG-a preporučuje se kod pacijenata sa suspektnim infarktom miokarda sa ST-elevacijom (STEMI). Bolesnici s akutnom boli u prsištu kod kojih se pretpostavlja da imaju AKS ne trebaju dodatni kisik osim ako ne pokazuju znakove hipoksije, dispneje ili kardijalne dekompenzacije. U geografskim regijama gdje postoje i dostupne su ustanove koje provode perkutanu koronarnu intervenciju (PCI) direktna trijaža i transport na PCI preferiraju se s obzirom na izvanbolničku fi brinolizu za STEMI. Prva pomoć – po prvi put uključena u smjernice ERC-a 2015. godine. Principi edukacije u reanimatologiji – Uređaji s povratnom spregom o KPR-u korisni su za poboljšanje brzine, dubine i otpuštanja kompresije te položaj ruku. Dok optimalni intervali ponovnog obučavanja nisu poznati, češće obnavljanje u manjem opsegu moglo bi biti korisno. Trening netehničkih vještina esencijalni je dodatak tehničkim vještinama. Etika u reanimatologiji i odluke o kraju života – Etički principi u kontekstu zdravstvene zaštite usmjerene k bolesniku: autonomija, dobrobit i neškodljivost ; pravednost i jednaka dostupnost KPR-a. Još prisutna potreba za usklađivanjem u zakonodavstvu, ovlasti, terminologiji i praksi u Europi


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    Osnovno održavanje života odraslih i automatska vanjska defibrilacija – Ključna je interakcija između dispečera hitne medicinske pomoći (HMP), laika koji pruža kardiopulmonalnu reanimaciju (KPR) i pravodobne uporabe automat­skoga vanjskog defibrilatora (AVD). Svi pružatelji KPR-a trebaju provoditi kompresije prsnog koša, oni koji su uvježbani i sposobni trebaju kombinirati kompresije prsnog koša s umjetnim disanjem, u omjeru 30 : 2. Defibrilacija u roku od 3 do 5 minuta od kolapsa može rezulti­rati visokim preživljavanjem od 50 do 70%. Napredno održavanje života odraslih – Kontinuirani naglasak na minimalne prekide kompresija prsnog koša visoke kvalitete koje se prekidaju kratko samo da bi se omogućili specifični postupci, što uključuje i prekid na manje od 5 sekunda pri pokušaju defibrilacije. Uporaba ­samoljepljivih elektroda za defibrilaciju. ­Valna kapnografija kako bi se potvrdio i kontinuirano monitorirao položaj endotrahealnog tubusa, kvaliteta KPR-a i omogućio rani nagovještaj povratka spontane cirkulacije. Kardijalni arest u posebnim okolno­stima – Posebni uzroci: hipoksija, hipo/hiperkaliemija i ostali elektrolitski poremećaji, hipo/hipertermija, hipovo­lemija, tenzijski pneumotoraks, kardijalna tamponada, tromboza, toksini. Posebno okružje jesu specijalizirani dijelovi ­bolnice, komercijalni avioni ili letjelice zračnoga medicinskog prijevoza, igrališta, vanjsko okružje ili poprište masovne nesreće. Posebni su bolesnici oni s teškim komorbiditetom i posebnim fiziološkim stanjima. Postreanimacijska skrb novi je odjeljak u smjernicama ERC-a. I dalje se preporučuje ciljana kontrola temperature, sada nastojeći postići 36°C, za razliku od ­prethodno preporučena 32–34°C. Osnovno održavanje života djece – Za kompresije prsnog koša donji dio prsne kosti trebalo bi potisnuti barem trećinu antero-posteriornog promjera (4 cm u dojenčeta i 5 cm u djeteta). Za kardioverziju supraventrikularne tahikardije (SVT) početna je doza revidirana do 1 J/kg. Reanimacija i potpora prilagodbi novorođenčeta nakon rođenja – Kod novorođenčadi koja nije ugrožena odgođeno stezanje (klemanje) pupkovine barem jednu minutu od kompletnog porođaja djeteta sad se preporučuje kod terminske novorođenčadi i nedonoščadi. U slučaju mekonijske plodne vode ne treba raditi rutinsku tra­healnu intubaciju, nego samo pri sumnji na opstrukciju dišnoga puta. Ventilacijsku potporu kod terminske novorođenčadi treba započeti zrakom. Akutni koronarni sindromi (AKS) – Izvanbolničko snimanje 12-ka­nalnog EKG-a preporučuje se kod pacijenata sa suspektnim infarktom miokarda sa ST-elevacijom (STEMI). Bolesnici s akutnom boli u prsištu kod kojih se pretpostavlja da imaju AKS ne trebaju dodatni kisik osim ako ne pokazuju znakove hipoksije, dispneje ili kardijalne dekompenzacije. U geografskim regijama gdje postoje i dostupne su ustanove koje provode perkutanu koronarnu intervenciju (PCI) direktna trijaža i transport na PCI preferiraju se s obzirom na izvanbolničku ­fibrinolizu za STEMI. Prva pomoć – po prvi put uključena u smjernice ERC-a 2015. godine. Principi edukacije u reanimatologiji – Uređaji s povratnom spregom o KPR-u korisni su za poboljšanje brzine, dubine i otpuštanja kompresije te položaj ruku. Dok optimalni intervali ponovnog obučavanja nisu poznati, češće obnavljanje u manjem opsegu moglo bi biti korisno. Trening netehničkih vještina esencijalni je dodatak tehničkim vještinama. Etika u reanimatologiji i odluke o kraju života – Etički principi u kontekstu zdravstvene zaštite usmjerene k bolesniku: autonomija, dobrobit i neškodljivost; pravednost i jednaka dostupnost KPR-a. Još prisutna potreba za usklađivanjem u zakonodavstvu, ovlasti, terminologiji i praksi u Europi.Adult basic life support and automated external defibrillation – Interactions between the emergency medical dispatcher, the bystander who provides CPR and the timely deployment of an AED is critical. All CPR providers should perform chest compressions, those who are trained and able should combine chest compressions and rescue breaths in the ratio 30:2. Defibrillation within 3–5 min of collapse can produce survival rates as high as 50–70%. Adult advanced life support – Continued emphasis on minimally interrupted high-quality chest compressions, paused briefly only to enable specific interventions, including interruptions for less than 5 s to attempt defibrillation. Use of self-adhesive pads for defibrillation. Waveform capnography to confirm and continually monitor tracheal tube placement, quality of CPR and to provide an early indication of return of spontaneous circulation. Cardiac arrest in special circumstances – Special causes: hypoxia; hypo-/hyperkalemia, and other electrolyte disorders; hypo-/hyperthermia; hypovolemia; tension pneumothorax; tamponade; thrombosis; toxins. Special environments are specialised healthcare facilities, commercial airplanes or air ambulances, field of play, outside environment or the scene of a mass casualty incident. Special patients are those with severe comorbidities and with specific physiological conditions. Post resuscitation care is new to the ERC Guidelines. Targeted temperature management remains, now aiming at 36°C instead of the previously recommended 32 – 34°C. Pediatric life support – For chest compressions, the lower sternum should be depressed by at least one third the anterior-posterior diameter of the chest (4 cm for the infant and 5 cm for the child). For cardioversion of a supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), the initial dose has been revised to 1 J kg–1. Resuscitation and support of transition of babies at birth – For uncompromised babies, a delay in cord clamping of at least one minute from the complete delivery of the infant, is now recommended for term and preterm babies. Tracheal intubation should not be routine in the presence of meconium and should only be performed for suspected tracheal obstruction. Ventilatory support of term infants should start with air. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) – Pre-hospital recording of a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) is recommended in patients with suspected ST segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI). Patients with acute chest pain with presumed ACS do not need supplemental oxygen unless they present with signs of hypoxia, dyspnea, or heart failure. In geographic regions where PCI facilities exist and are available, direct triage and transport for PCI is preferred to pre-hospital fibrinolysis for STEMI. First aid is included for the first time in the 2015 ERC Guidelines. Principles of education in resuscitation – Directive CPR feedback devices are useful for improving compression rate, depth, release, and hand position. Whilst optimal intervals for retraining are not known, frequent ‘low dose’ retraining may be beneficial. Training in non-technical skills is an essential adjunct to technical skills. The ethics of resuscitation and end-of-life decisions – Ethical principles in the context of patient-centered health care: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence; justice and equal access. The need for harmonisation in legislation, jurisdiction, terminology and practice still remains within Europ

    To ventilate or not to ventilate during bystander CPR — A EuReCa TWO analysis

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    Background: Survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is still low. For every minute without resuscitation the likelihood of survival decreases. One critical step is initiation of immediate, high quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The aim of this subgroup analysis of data collected for the European Registry of Cardiac Arrest Study number 2 (EuReCa TWO) was to investigate the association between OHCA survival and two types of bystander CPR namely: chest compression only CPR (CConly) and CPR with chest compressions and ventilations (FullCPR). Method: In this subgroup analysis of EuReCa TWO, all patients who received bystander CPR were included. Outcomes were return of spontaneous circulation and survival to 30-days or hospital discharge. A multilevel binary logistic regression analysis with survival as the dependent variable was performed. Results: A total of 5884 patients were included in the analysis, varying between countries from 21 to 1444. Survival was 320 (8%) in the CConly group and 174 (13%) in the FullCPR group. After adjustment for age, sex, location, rhythm, cause, time to scene, witnessed collapse and country, patients who received FullCPR had a significantly higher survival rate when compared to those who received CConly (adjusted odds ration 1.46, 95% confidence interval 1.17–1.83). Conclusion: In this analysis, FullCPR was associated with higher survival compared to CConly. Guidelines should continue to emphasise the importance of compressions and ventilations during resuscitation for patients who suffer OHCA and CPR courses should continue to teach both